St. Agatha & St. Lucy

January 03, 2018 00:12:09
St. Agatha & St. Lucy
Veritas Caritas
St. Agatha & St. Lucy

Jan 03 2018 | 00:12:09


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Javier. And Presima in the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Today we'll take a quick look at two of the monitors that are involved every day in the Canon of the mass. Let's start with Saint Agatha. Saint Agatha was a native of Sicily. She's born to a wealthy and honorable family would consecrate her virginity to God at a young age. The fact that she was both beautiful and rich attracted the attention of one of the most powerful man in all Assistly Quincy Ana's Quincy Anna's found out that Cienega if was a Catholic. And at that time, the emperor Dacia said issued an edict to persecution against the Catholics. And so Quincy Deanna's figured that he used threats of punishment to force st. Agatha to become his wife and to get Richard in the process. So Quincy, Anna sent out an order to have st Agatha hall before in Kotania. Speaker 0 00:00:59 As soon as she was arrested, she prayed Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of all things, you see my art, you know, my dessert possess only the so I've consecrated myself entirely to preserve me. Dear Lord, from this tire enabled me to overcome the devil who lays snares for my soul. Once you arrived, she was hauled before Quincy honest, and he tried to sit here what he struck up. So he decided to be easy fear to overcome her modesty. If she spent a month living in a certain kind of a house with 70 more women, Oh, the month was a living hell for Saint Agatha. She received the grace to survive and to preserve preserver virtue, like place your confidence and God alone, and by constant prayer at the end of the month, Quincy and his commanded and Saint Agatha be brought before him again, he asked her why a woman upper social class was born both three and noble has allowed herself to be seduced into a life of slavery to Christ st. Speaker 0 00:02:02 Agatha responders. Absolutely no higher mobility, nor any more true freedom for any woman to be a slave of Jesus Christ. So Quincy Anna's yelled at her to sacrifice to the gods. Saint Agatha asked Quincy Anna's if he has a God are so great. Would he actually approve of his wife being a harlot like his guy's Venus, or would he himself like to be a perverted adult or like, is God Jupiter? It's a Quincy ass verbiage. He slapped and hauled off to prison. Next day, she was brought before him again. And he asked if she'd find herself to save her life and then st. Agatha. So I know that Christ is your life and your salvation Quincy Aniston, or that should be stretching on the rack and torture, which in her case meant scourging and tearing up her sides of these iron books and being burnt with tortures, uh, by a grace, God, Saint Agatha suffered all this with cheerfulness. Speaker 0 00:03:03 This provoked Quincy and it's the complete rage. So he ordered that her breasts be tortured and then cut off. And that was done with great cruelty in order to make sure she was dying quickly from the torture. You already she'd be thrown, uh, bleeding wounds now into a dungeon without any food or medical care. But that very night, that night, the past Saint Peter appeared to her. He comforter blessed her free from her pain, and he actually healed all her wounds and even restorative breaths. And after he left, the whole junction was, felt brilliant, heavenly light for the rest of the night. That's so terrified. The guards that they ran away now, the door of her dungeon was even left open so she could have easily escaped. So the other prisoners kept urging him, the fleet, the Saint Agatha reply that she didn't want to run away and lose the crown of glory, which had been prepared for heaven and is blind rage. Speaker 0 00:03:58 Quincy Annas was not the slightest bit moved by this miraculous healing of scenography. So for dear days later to he had her strip naked and then rolled over a bed of red, hot coals or mixed with jagged pieces of broken tile, like running, rolling over broken glass, basically, and then all these red hot coals. And so she patiently under that torture. And as she's being carried back to prison, she prayed Lord, my creator, who has preserved me from my infancy, giving me strength to overcome these torments and take me from the love of the world. Receive not my soul it's time that I should pass from this miserable life and enjoyment of that glory. And as she finished that prayer, she beat for her soul in peace. This is rod 82 51, a few decades later in the late two hundreds st. Lucia. She's another one of his saints involved in the Canon of the mass every day was born to a wealthy family and Syracuse Sicily. Speaker 0 00:05:00 Her father died when he was an infant when she was an infant, but her mother brought her up as a good Nevada Catholic as a young girl, she made a secret about Holly virginity, which by the way, no one should do. You should clear that with your confessor, don't make a secret file. Get your, you get permission. If you want to share and discuss those kinds of things. Anywhere in st. Louis see a garden to be of a marriageable age, her mother, who of course knew nothing of the ball, try to arrange a marriage between us st. Lucia and a young nobleman from a peg and fam st. Louis Lucy was absolutely serious about keeping her voted death. She keeps busy trying to Dodge this pesky young pig. And she came up with the idea of taking her mother who had been sick for some years on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint Agatha, to ask for it here at the same time, to find some way of escaping the unwanted attentions of this young Paik and normal. Speaker 0 00:05:53 So when they got to Kotania, they prosecuted themselves before the tomb of Saint Agatha, uh, Saint Lucy, I fell asleep there and st. Agatha appeared to her and said, Lucia, why do you ask for that for your mother's through minor session, which by your faith, you can obtain yourself. Vincent Agatha had told her that God would indeed cure mother and that as a reward for per serving her virginity, God would drink at Saint Lucy at the same glorious reward. And Syracuse as Agatha herself had received a 50 years earlier, Yucatan him. So sure enough, Saint Lucy, as mothers was cured, then she told her mother about her virginity, pastoral permission to give away all her inheritance to the poor. So in gratitude for the miraculous cure, her mother agreed. And she even decided to give away your own kids as well. When they got back to Syracuse, they sold their property and gave away the proceeds to the poor. Speaker 0 00:06:49 Knowing the pesky unpaid came around to say about finalizing the details of the marriage. And he saw what was going on. It dawned on him that he was totally out of the picture. And so he complained to st. Lucy as mother, but then he found out that's just a waste of time. So in a rage, he went off to the governor and accused a Saint Lucy of being a Christian. And at this time the persecution documentation is raging full blast. So she's hauled for the governor in order to sacrifice to idols st. Louis, he replied the sacrifice. Most of <inaudible> to God was a relief for the poor, what she was actually doing, and that she was indeed prepared to sacrifice even her life. If it needs to be the governor told st. Lucia that she ought to be the hamper as he did in st. Speaker 0 00:07:38 Louis a responded Dan Knight. I meditate upon the divine law. And if you're anxious to please the emperor, I'm anxious to please God. And that's why I've consecrated my virginity to him. And so the governor got angry and said, well, your impurity itself, st. Lucy responded, no your impurity. Since you're trying to corrupt Christian souls and tear them away from God, it's sort of a devil. And since you prefer the things, the world to the things of heaven, I'll shut your mouth with tortures, respond to the culture and say this. He responded the servants of God will never left word since the God, since God has promised, the Holy ghost will speak through them. The government asked and the Holy ghost is within you and st. Louis Sierra responded same cost as that. Those are the chastely and piously are the temples of the Holy ghost. Speaker 0 00:08:31 All right. Say the governor since if that's the case that those who live up here in pious life are temples of the Holy ghost. Then I'll sentence you to be placed in an empirical pious place, how Seville repute and that way the Holy ghost will leave you. Saint Lucia said when the will, as opposed to sin the body can't be stained, which means that your threats would just win for me, a double crown of impurity or a double crown. Your threats are who went on to be a double crown chastity at this. The government blew up in order that she had st. Louis CFPB immediately hauled off to Luminari, which is one of these immoral health places. And then after her suitable abuse, she then be killed. At that point. The guards had a real problem. They actually couldn't move her. They couldn't even budge this girl, no matter how hard they tried, she couldn't be moved. Speaker 0 00:09:27 And the governor is astonished. He said, what kind of witchcraft is this? And st. Lucia said, this isn't witchcraft with the power of God while you tire yourself out. Can't you see that on the temple board. So in his fear and confusion, the governor ordered that a great fire be kindled around her in order to burn her to death. But st. Lucy wasn't a bit impressed by this either. In fact, she was so unimpressed that she totally got her. Oh, pray to Lord Jesus. So the fire won't injure me. So the faithful witness, the power of God. And so the infidels will be put to shame and sure enough to claim gender. So the friends of the governor told her to be header before the people saw any more miracles after torture right there. And that's when they popped out her eyes. Uh, her neck was run up through with a sore, uh, today st. Speaker 0 00:10:18 Agatha's rocks are in Kotania, Sicily, they're in the shadow of Mount Etna. It's the most active volcano in Europe. She's credited with stopping a verdict. Many of its eruptions, she's also involved against diseases of the breast and outbreaks of fire. And she's one of the Patriots is of nurses, uh, among other things, eight or nine centuries ago, her uncropped body was cut into pieces by feet. And so relics which have been returned are now in several different Relic queries, despite the butchery, her arms, legs, and breasts, which are kept in a glass rock where you're still incorrupt, although somewhat dried and dark and after 17th centuries, uh, although the people of Sicily have repeatedly requested that she be returned. Saint Lucy's relics are no longer in Sicily for the past eight centuries. Her relics have been in Venice back in Syracuse. There's an, there's an inscription under empty tomb, Lucia bride of Christ. Speaker 0 00:11:14 The people await here. Now she's traditionally involved for eye disorders because of one of the torture she had your way say in our hearts, it says the versions who aspire to perfection are they beloved of Jesus Christ because they have consecrated in their bodies and their souls and seek nothingness. But to do his Holy will st. Agatha and st. Louis, your heavenly proves of how very highly our Lord values, that beautiful virtue of consecrated virginity, let us involve their intercession. That our community may be blessed with young women who are generous, responding to their vocations, brought to Christ who values virtue is highly as Saint Agatha and Saint Lucia, Saint <inaudible>, Saint Lucia. Pray for us. The name of the father, son, Holy spirit. Amen.

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