Coffee with Father 3 – St Dismas and Suffering

July 13, 2022 01:20:17
Coffee with Father 3 – St Dismas and Suffering
Veritas Caritas
Coffee with Father 3 – St Dismas and Suffering

Jul 13 2022 | 01:20:17


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 So, yes. Uh, again, you can, uh, you can record me and, uh, and that, that I can't give permission to, for these things to go out, but that's okay. And so, anyway, uh, yeah, it's kind of fun sitting around a kitchen table and talking about important things for a change we're coming up. We used to do a lot of visiting, but you know, I haven't done it in a lot of years with that sort of thing. So we've been talking, uh, I guess we were, uh, before we turned the recorder off, and then we were talking about, uh, humility and, uh, and submission to the order of things, cuz we've been talking about suffering and that we're in this condition, but uh, without going through all that, cuz we talked about that. There's a couple things I think any Christian can think about. And uh, first is, uh, if you look at Calvary, you have two thieves crucified with our Lord on either side of them and you have the good thief Saint Dismas and the bad thief, they have exactly, exactly the same punishment. They're both nailed to a cross, but one turns him into a Saint. Another goes to hell Speaker 0 00:01:18 And we should think about that. They both had to suffer. They're suffering exactly the same thing, but the case a Saint Dismas he's a Saint. Why are there two ends with the same suffering as soon as you think about it, it's obvious. It depends on what's in the person's heart. Are you gonna submit to what we've been talking about with humility? How are we gonna submit to God's Providence? Anytime we rebel against anything that, that we find painful, whether from other men or from things that were revealing against his Providence. So am I, is it correct? Say father, you're saying it's in God's Providence that these guys get nailed to cross. It sure is. St Dimus even explains it. He says, you know, he, because he gets on the case to the other ones saying, why are you reviving him? We deserve this he's this man's done nothing, but this is the punishment we deserve because he recognizes that. But there's something one should think about too. I think what if he hadn't been caught and crucified? Speaker 1 00:02:28 <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:02:31 What likely would've happened to that, man. It's a general rule that people kind of die as they live. Here's a thief, a guy that admits he deserves to be crucified. If he hadn't been caught, he would've probably died in a bad way. He wouldn't have come to know our Lord. Most likely. I mean, we're talking about what ifs, but it it's, it's, that's an important one to reflect on. He would've probably gone to hell. If he hadn't been crucified, God will use whatever it takes to get us to heaven. And that's the point of suffering right there. You can see it. God sent him that to be crucified cuz that's what Desus needed to become Saint Desmos. And there was no other way probably for that person Speaker 1 00:03:17 <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:03:18 And so it's actually the love of God that permitted to that to happen. And that sounds harsh, but that only sounds harsh if we're, if we don't look at eternity and don't look at what our sins are and don't look at who God is and don't look at who we are, which is the whole thing, we're going back to humility, but he was being humble. Right? Then we deserve this cuz he knew who he was and he knew he deserved it. Another guy's cussing one him out. Why don't you do this? Because other guys like all of us are when we're mad, when we're hurting, why are you? Why are you letting me suffer like this? God, God wanted the same thing for that thief too. God did not want the God desires. The salvation of all men it'd be her to deny it, but not all men are saved, but the people <affirmative>. But the people that take the suffering that God sends them. I mean, that's the whole point of it. I'm gonna say some other things, but I found a very fascinating little passage here. If I can find it again. And uh, Speaker 0 00:04:29 Right here, it's from Edward lean in a great book called why the cross there is throughout history, a melancholy sameness in the reactions of mankind signed for redemption to the Redeemer who would answer its appeal as it is Jesus Christ yesterday, yesterday and today in the same forever. So man looking for salvation is yesterday and today in the same forever, the one thing fallen man desires to know is how to live his life on earth. So as to be happy, this is the very thing that Jesus desires to let him know. And yet, as it was prophesied by seeming the red, the Redeemer ever remains assigned to be contradicted. The sick world like a patient in the digital delirium of fever is forever turning on its physician and submitting him to violence. Maltreatment is because the problem of happiness is so intimately bound up with the problem of pain. There's no purification of the soul without suffering through purification. The soul reaches that close intimacy with God and that vision of him, which make the soul happy. When men are told that the be attitude they seek is conditioned by suffering. They find the doctrine, a hard saying they'll have none of it and will continue to indulge the hope that they can reach the goal of human desire by another way away. Speaker 0 00:05:47 Cause everybody wants to be happy. That's why people do the things they do. Speaker 0 00:05:54 But in order to be happy, even, even the most fantastically wealthy people in the world, can't get what they want with all their wealth and power, but the saints get what they want, cuz they want what they get. And if you want what you get, then you get what you want, cuz you're you want what's best for you cuz God gives you what's best for you. St. Dismas got what was best for him, which is to be nailed on cross next to our Lord. That was the very best thing that God could ever give him. And he, he did give it to him and it made him Saint God wants to give us what is best. What makes it hard for us is because we're fallen and we have all these things. We talked about all that, but the huge damage we have from original sin, our own actual sin. Speaker 0 00:06:38 And we don't see it clearly. Like if God's permitting this, it must be for a reason. And I don't have to understand the reason, but I know it must be best from the point of view of God. That's why St. Maxim and Colby could be happy in Auschwitz. He was happy. It didn't mean he wasn't suffering, but they're not opposing each other. He's doing God's will. And this is easy. Like I've I mentioned this before, this act just, just happened a couple weeks ago. Uh, a gal that I'm very fond of. She calls me every year or so. And uh, and was talking to me about some spiritual things. Just kind of get me update on her family and just chatting away. And she was something about, uh, you know, I don't see how you can be happy when you're suffering. I said, oh, and you've had nine babies. Speaker 0 00:07:22 And she started laughing, you know? Cause I said, why I don't need to explain that to women. And, and, uh, that have had babies and she started laughing. She said, I guess you're right. I go, yeah, you were happy to have those babies and it cost you some suffering. I don't, you know, I, I may be a guy and a priest, but I'm not that dumb. And uh, and just remind yourself of those things St. Max and Colby was doing God's, Willy's happy in Auschwitz. You can be happy in Auschwitz. There's no obstacle to that. They can't bind our will. It doesn't mean you're not suffering. Look at the lives of the saints. If you read a decent life of the Saint, um, what's it full of crosses and contradictions and abuse and, and uh, and bad treatment and being accused of all kinds of things. Speaker 0 00:08:06 They didn't do an on and on and on and on and on. And that it's a certain sign that they're on the right path. Saint Saint, uh, Louis. Demont used to get worried if he, if the things weren't, if things were going well in his life, he'd say, oh, no, cross what cross, no cross what cross he'd start getting worried. He wasn't in the will of God, cuz he couldn't find the cross in his life and he'd actually sit there and get really distressed. Like I must not be doing what God wants me to do because he hasn't sent me a cross. Very, very clear examples from the saints. Um, and I wanna read you something else here. Well, no. Yeah. Well I will read this right here. Here's the words of our Lord. All Christians can agree on this. So I'm in chapter nine of St. Speaker 0 00:08:49 Luke's gospel verse 23 and he said to all, this is our Lord. I wanna read this. And he said to all, all, as in all, uh, that means everyone. This is God. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. So St. Luke has details. That's important. He said to all that, we have to take up if we wanna fall and we have to take up our cross daily, daily, not just when it's convenient and we'll leave it over here in the corner. He said to all, that's our Lord saying that to all, you know, cuz what people think and it's because of the fall. And then we've grown in America, in America. It's we've, it's, there's really an illusion at this in the time of history where we're, where we've been living, where everything is just soft and, and cheap or, or comfortable and tastes just right. Speaker 0 00:09:47 And, and 15 flavors of this and all that. So we've grown up in the most luxurious, soft lifestyle mankinds known, you know, as a group of people. So that's added to the problem for people to see this, that if they're suffering, there must be something wrong. There must be a pill for this or whatever. So people get the slightest little owie, they want a pill. They want some pain relief. They want this, that or the other thing, but suffering and happiness are not opposed to each other. And people know this at, you know, if it's a football game and they're playing or any game they're playing, if they just mold the other person down the other team down, it's not that challenging a game. It's not a great thing. As if it's really a challenging thing, they have to fight harder to win that thing. Speaker 0 00:10:29 You know, riding the rough stuff, anything they're doing, you know, they're goals. If they set goals and are just ridiculous little goals like, you know, you know, instead of really challenging goals, everybody knows there's a difference. They feel, they feel a happines when they accomplish something that's challenging. People know that they instinctively do. And so they know that suffering and happiness aren't opposed even in, at the level of sport, they know that. So, but in their minds, so to speak, they, they, they try to make a deal with God. This is super, super common. And it's not Americans. It's everybody. The Jews were guilty of this, but it's, it's a human condition. It's basically let's make a deal. You know, I, I want a religion where you make the demands on me that I'm willing to accept, but I'm gonna hold this part back. Whatever this part is, it depends on you. Speaker 0 00:11:22 Like this is me and that. So you see this like to, to, to, to narrow it down to Catholicism, it's not unusual to meet somebody where it's pretty clear. They have a vocation to a religious life or priesthood, but they don't really want to go do that. So they're gonna make a deal with God. I'll have one of my kids. Well, you know, excuse me, uh, that's not your place. So they'll like, they're gonna give a tithe of their children and that'll make up for me not doing this. It's actually not, not uncommon. They usually aren't very blunt about it and you have to figure it out as the priest. Um, but you realize that you're well, oh, that's, what's actually going on here. And then the poor kids torment it, you know, because they don't have a vocation and sometimes he'll made it from the kid himself and you go, what's going on? Speaker 0 00:12:05 You talk to him about his parents and go, I'm sorry, your parents aren't God vocations come from God. So the parents aren't raising the kid for God. They're raising the kid as, as a tithe. And uh, it's not unusual. I'm sorry. It's just not unusual. The kid is a tithe. Um, and so God, isn't asking us to do anything, which sounds really funny cuz I'm a priest and give you all these rules. God's asking us to be something, not to do something. And like when he says master, what must I do to find eternal life? He's asked that twice, once by a lawyer. And once by the young man, he says, wow, if you wish to be perfect, go sell all you have. And then come follow me. Be something the lawyer he says, well, what are you reading the law? What are the greatest commandments? Speaker 0 00:12:48 He doesn't answer directly. And they said, love the Lord, your God with your whole heart, mind, soul, and love your neighbors yourself. He says, good do this. In other words that you know, like do, but you be something, what are you supposed to be? You're supposed to be holy. You're supposed to be become like Christ y'all are women. So, you know, model, uh, you know, model our lady for women guys model Christ. But I mean, it's the same thing. Uh, it just a different emphasis. Uh, but, but, uh, it's because you know, a Catholic woman should give refractions of our lady in some way, capture that in some way, the more, the more she becomes who she's supposed to be, the more there's some sort of aspect of our lady that people will see in her. And the more a, a Catholic man is, is walking with our Lord. Speaker 0 00:13:37 The more there's some aspect, cuz we can't capture him all. There's some aspect, you know, and it's specified in a little different way. Way of priestly. Charity comes out different to pay on the priest, you know, uh, insofar as their, their walk and the walk. But uh, he's asking us to be something so, you know, and if we love him, then he says, if you love me, you'll keep my commandment. So it's the love that we're supposed to do. But to do that, we have to quit being in love, have this raptures love affair with ourselves that comes from original sin and, and, and be humble and see that that is God. And I'm not. That's what St. Francis at night he'd, he'd, he'd lay out at night thinking who is God and who is Francis he'd pray at night, who is God? And they'd think it's who is Francis go back and forth between everything and nothing basically. Speaker 0 00:14:20 And that way, and he's what a great Saint, but the temptation is to do tribute to God, for people that wanna have a relationship with him and not just completely strike God on their own, they'll do tribute. You know? So I'll give him tribute, I'll go to mass, I'll do the, I'll do the Novi. I'll put my money down. And then you gimme what I want. But you know, this part is mine, you know? And so they keep that part of their heart or that part of their life or that part of their behavior. And so they may be the pillar of the community at the mass. But if their heart isn't all in, then what was it all for? And, and we're we're believe me, that's what this big sifting out. It we're gonna get to the bottom of this, not by us, but I mean, God is, that's what this is. Speaker 0 00:15:02 This is a big, big sifting out. Do you love me more than these like asked St. Peter, he's asking each one of us and what is these will the golden calf with a shot, these different things. You know, all these different things are being proposed to us all the time. Do you love me more than these? And it's gonna get more and more interesting cuz we're living like in Roman times, you know, we're going, we're in this persecution and it just hasn't got completely bloody yet, but it will. Don't worry. They'll be there. So, so, uh, to go back then, everybody that knows much about the interior life knows that suffering and happiness are related. Absolutely because anybody has heard of the dark Knight. What do they think these are, you know, a carnival ride. Uh, so you have the dark night of, of, of, of the sense and the dark night of the soul, the spirit. Speaker 0 00:15:50 So you have one where it's purifying the senses and it's, uh, it's pain, it's terrible pain. And it might be the worst pain they have till they get to the next dark night <laugh>, which is way worse. And uh, but why, because God uses the cross to make us fit for heaven. That's the whole point of suffering if we see it correctly. So all these things, you know, that we talked about and, and, and led up to that's really what it's getting to the cross is to make us fit for heaven. Just like it did with St. Dismas all at once. That's what it's do. The cross it's adjusting, correcting, and getting rid of these things. We can look at it like that. It's making us fit for heaven. And the more, the more we pick up our cross and fall daily, uh, and the more we're conformed with our cross, which is our cross and it's custom made for each one of us, for the things we need, the more we become like our Lord, the more fit we become for heaven. Speaker 0 00:16:57 And the more our prayers are, you know, our can lift other people up the more our sufferings lift to other people up because we become more and more like Christ in that, in a certain sense at the judgment. And this is just a poetic way of looking at it. They're looking for the wounds, you know, you know, do you look like our Lord? And that's it, that's in a certain sense if these make sense. So those are the kind of things I think I wanna say about suffering like that. Now have other things related to that I do want to talk about. And I just have to look at some of the things I, to put some of the stuff that we're in into context, we go back and look at our Lord, but in order to do that, we'll put that into context. So after the fall, you know, Adam and Eve in the book of wisdom, it talks about centuries. Speaker 0 00:17:51 They do centuries of, of, uh, penance, cuz people did live a lot longer, especially before the flood. But even after the flood for a while, like Abraham, I think lived 200 years or something, but it's genetic decay over time. You just, now that we, we, you get more and more mess in your, in your genome. You can't live that long, but uh, some people can, uh, they're still alive. Like father, father, Enoch, and father Elijah are still alive. So Enoch must be roughly 5,000 years old, cuz he's always great grandpa and Elijah, it must be about two thou, 3000 years old. Give or take cuz he's uh, the prophet Elijah, they're both in paradise right now. And they're the two witnesses that, that go against the anti-Christ in the same way. Moses <inaudible> one against the Faroh, but we're getting to the end instead of the beginning. Speaker 0 00:18:46 So they, they fall and the whole world is, uh, wrapped in darkness. Really? You have this big mess and, and you know, uh, cane, religion, et cetera. And at the tower babble, that's the last world ruler, you have Nimrod ruling, every R ruling, everything, and God comes down, they're building the tower to get. So it'd be high enough that if it floods again, they could ride it out. You know, Josefa tells us this. I mean, that's pretty arrogant. Like God couldn't throw some more water in the thing, you know, but they, so they knew what they were up to. And uh, so he scattered the nations of men and scatters their languages. And uh, because Noah and I've mentioned this many times, it's very, very interesting that in two places in the ancient commentaries, the rabbis say that the reason for the flood was when men began writing marriage contracts, uh, for men to men and men to animals. Speaker 0 00:19:41 So, uh, so here we are again, anyway, uh, so I do wanna say that about Noah and you also say that Noah preached for a century and he's building this arc and everybody's laughing at him making fun of him. So talk about getting segregated, mocked and so forth. You know, you think being an, an anti-vax or an anti this or anti that it's nothing. No did that, you know, that's how his whole family got treated. And then when the flood came, they were, it, all those people knew and they even watched the animals get on board. And so by that time, it would've been very, very interesting, but then it's closed and there's nothing, you know, and here come the here, then it starts to rain and they go, oh, he was telling the truth, but it was too late. Couldn't get on board. And then they had to be inside listening to the screaming and yelling until the rain's drawn that off and off, they floated, you know, you think about that and then starting all over again. Speaker 0 00:20:39 Then we go to Nimrod then to Abraham, I could say a lot more what I've said elsewhere. And Abraham is called out at era, the CALD. So that's, that's Iraq. And he's called out of, uh, a polytheistic pagan society. God speaks to him and he has to leave. That's significant. Typically when God wants to do something with people, he has him leave their people. Why? Because it's so hard to be live with your people and be different that people end up falling into it. So it's very, very, very typical that God will pull 'em out and you can see that all over the place in the scriptures and in lives of saints and all that, they go somewhere else and people, you know, so off Abraham goes and he's gonna make a great people out of him and per the first thing that happens to him, you know, pretty cool, close. And it is, they get to be slaves for four centuries under Ferrell. Speaker 0 00:21:38 So God takes them down there and, uh, they, they become slaves and then he raises up Moses to lead him out. And we know the story, but it's, there's interesting things about cuz he's asking him to go out and uh, and so they do the different, uh, plagues, which are, are judgments on Egyptian gods. We can see that ex I think Exodus 10, 12, but I have to flip through the Bible, but he talks about the Jack God, but you know, like Nile, they worship the Nile and it turns into blood and they have this frog God, you know, and, and everything gets frogs and et cetera, et cetera. The son is one of their gods eldest son. And so they have all these different gods and there's judgements on, 'em all showing our God is bigger than your God. And our sources are greater, cuz for quite a while, jams and Jeffers, the two, the two magicians can keep up with them. Speaker 0 00:22:32 But then after a while they can't keep up anymore. You know, and cuz Moses would do something and then they do it and Moses to do something and they do it and Faroh Faroh uh, knows what's right. But he talks about him hard in his heart cuz this, he doesn't wanna know the truth. See one of the sins against the holy ghost is denying the known truth. If you deny the known truth, your mind was made to know the truth. It's one thing to deny truth that you don't know, it's not the known truth. Cuz then you just have an argument and you're just ignorant and we're all ignorant just on different subjects. That's not, that's not that big of a deal. That's what education is about and preaching and so forth is to try not to be ignorant, but it's a whole different thing when you know something's true and then you deny it. Speaker 0 00:23:16 So then you just poked out your eyes intellectually, so to speak. And we see this going on all over the place. This is why a lot of this stuff doesn't make sense. We're in this operation error, but we'll get to that. So that's feral and finally the judgment and they, they get a flee. Now that is super, super interesting. Cuz Exodus, you know, we could talk about this. I started writing a mission on it at one point in time. Cause I thought it'd be, and I ended up writing one on Fatma, but I've always thought a mission on exes would be so interesting cuz we're living it and we're gonna live it in a more explicit way coming up real soon. But uh, it's, it's such an important, there's so many important things in that whole, that whole epic drama cuz they lead 'em outta Egypt. Speaker 0 00:24:00 What are they gonna go do? They've gotta go off for sacrifice. Well, why are they, why are they gotta go sacrifice things like, you know, and what are they gonna sacrifice? You know, bulls and Rams and, and goats. Why is that? Well, what do you SPO? You know, uh, because those are gods in Egypt. So if you want and, and the Israelis may have been follow, you know, the Hebrew people have been fallen into eat that good old time, Egyptian religion, right? So we're gonna get outta there and we're gonna kill him. You know, like that way is they're gonna offer sacrifice. And he goes up on the mountain and, and God gives him the 10 commandments, et cetera. And what do these people do? I mean, what do they have a high priest? The high priest is also, there's what we call a pulp, but it's the same office. Speaker 0 00:24:45 Exactly. Because it's the one church God's church is one church it's segues from one thing into the other word, whether it's fulfilled from promise to fulfillment, but Erin, uh, builds this golden calf and then leads them in the worship of it. And uh, and down, down they come. And so he gets the Levis rise up and then they kill the idolators and so forth. And then God makes them the priest instead of the first born sons. And so all of a sudden you have this complicated thing where you have this priesthood there, that that's that's different and you have all these rules, gazillions of rules, zillions of rules. And the rules are really to separate the people off from all kinds of stuff because they have, you, you took basically took the boy outta Egypt to take Egypt out of the boy is their problem. Speaker 0 00:25:37 So, and, and so now we're gonna get it out of them by the discipline of all these rules that, that, that, that they put on. So all that Jewish rule stuff is a direct result of a golden calf and it's imposed on them, right? Then they have the manana they're being fed by manna from the desert. This is super interesting since we're all, I I've got something I read, I wrote a few years ago and uh, here in this Bible and I just pulled my stack of papers outta my Bible. Let me find it here, cuz we're all, this is just a commonary on the man. I got this idea from Steve wood, but I, you know, he can't take the blame for what I did with it, but I got the idea from it. But it says in chapter six of Exodus, the Lord says to Moses, I will reign bread from heaven for you. People should go out and gather days, portion every day on the sixth day when they prepare what they bring in it with these twice as much as they gather daily. So you have, uh, so on Fridays there's twice as much as, as the other days, cuz you're not, you're not gonna get you don't get everything on, on Saturday. Speaker 0 00:26:43 Well, so they, they, uh, it says it's like Cory Anderson. They gather an Omer every day on in two OMERS. What's an Omer. According to Oxford biblical studies, it's about 2.1 courts. So every day they get each Israeli act gets 2.1 quarts of manna except on Fridays where they get twice, twice as much. And, but it tasted like whatever they want, it tastes like kind of cuz God has really taken care of them, you know? And, and so, uh, and then so how many people leave in the Exodus? Well, numbers is called numbers cuz they numbered the people and you have the, the, the men from 20 years and upwards 6,600, 3,550 men. So that's the 20 year olds on up of men. So if you have that, so if you assumed only one woman for each adult men, and of course that's not how it worked, they could have way more, but if you just made an American family, so you have, uh, one woman and two kids, you get about two and a half million people. Speaker 0 00:27:49 So that's, it's gonna be more than that, but that's how many people. So we're doing a very, very conservative estimate. And uh, so we got that number of people and there's a lot of other things I could, uh, I could talk on that, but I'll just, uh, I'll just skip all that cuz I did that. So, um, you get two and a half million people and uh, and Sunday, Thursday, they get an Elmer man a day on Friday, they get two ER Saturday, no, no Mani falls. So I did the calculations in the terms of grain trucks. If you load each grain truck with 450 bushels of manna, then every day enough manna would fall to fill 365 grain trucks. Now they're about 20 foot long. So that whole line drive drove up. If you put a five foot space between the rear bumper of one truck and the front bumper of the next that line of grain trucks would be 1, 1, 3 quarters mile long and on Friday's three and a half miles long. No, no trucks on Saturday. So every week you have a one in three quarter mile, long truck line of grain trucks pulling up with 450 bushels, a man and each one of 'em and then on Friday, a three and a half mile long. And that goes on every day of the week, except Saturdays for 40 years. Speaker 0 00:29:06 That's how God is feeding them. It's just astronomical. I started to do the calculations on water, but I was trying to figure like what can we compare it to? Because I actually looked up desert requirements for sheep. I started doing all these calculations and peop you know, it's just astronomical. I can't, you know, one day I'm gonna actually sit down cuz it's hard to find enough stuff, but I looked up, you know, you kind of you on, on the internet to your eyes, cross looking this weird stuff up. I mean, we're a sheep, but I never thought, you know, who knows deserts. So you're looking like, what would it be in the what's the temperature you're going through all this stuff, you know? So you're on different sites and I will get that one of these days and then figure out what kind of equivalence, you know, to where a person can visualize it. Speaker 0 00:29:49 So I have not done that yet, but you think of it like when he hits water from that rock, cuz he would, and that rock would, uh, the, the watered GU shot and take care of him. You see the kind of water that, that, so just, but the man and you can do that one pretty easy, but you think of that many grain trucks and we can all picture, you know, if you're in town that, that it might not be quite so clear to people. But when you think of that many grain trucks, 365 of 'em, uh, you know, it it's just astronaut. So, and that it'd be way more than that. This is like the, the planned parented size families. So it's gonna be way more. So that's the minimum, that's a minimum of what the miracle look like. So that's an Exodus and what is that? Speaker 0 00:30:30 That all points towards the blessed sacrament. So in fact, this is Steve wood, its it's a great thing. And I, I used his talk, not with this, but in different ways. But uh, you, you can say to a Bible, Christian, if there's something greater than that, isn't actually going on in, in your services greater than the Moses miracle, then you've flipped everything on its head, cuz Moses is greater than our Lord, you know? But, and you can't cuz it goes from promised to film for lesser, the greater. So, you know, you gotta have the blessed sacrament. I mean John six is about the blessed sacrament. But anyway, that's why, when he does the bread miracles, he does two times multiplies, lows and fishes. So they knew he is. Moses has told him Genesis chapter eight or Deuteronomy chapter 18, that there was gonna be a prophet like on to him and to listen to him. Speaker 0 00:31:23 Well they know he's a prophet like on to him cuz he's doing these bread miracles. Okay, wait a minute. You know? So that, that's why I say, what is it that you do? You know, because what do you do then he starts talking about the blessed sacrament at that point in time, it's not symbolic. He's actually telling cuz the people understand that's where they go away. And he goes, they go, oh wait, sorry, you must be Catholics. I'm sorry, I'm completely wrong. You know, this is just symbolic. You know, he lets them go. Uh, but anyways, so you have, you have the bread miracles, you have the, the prototype bad priests. So I'm not talking about Aaron here cuz we just we'll come to that. Um, but, but you look at do Nathan corn and a beer on where they rebel against Aaron and Moses. Speaker 0 00:32:04 Like who are you speaking for God? So these are priests and they step back and they're gonna do their own thing. And then Moses prays, you know, and the earth opens up and they fall alive down into hell. And what's interesting is some of the sons of core didn't fall in there. And when you read it turns out they were held in the air when it opened up. That's why there's some Psalms from the sons of core and all that. So they didn't all fall cuz they didn't agree with the CISM of their father. So some of the family didn't fall in, but the whole earth opened up and they're tents and everything. And the ones that didn't agree were left and then it closed again and they went into hell. But I mean that's the prototype, bad rebelling, schismatic, critical priests that we see over and over and over and over and over and over. Speaker 0 00:32:46 So you have that right there, right from the very, you know, right there in Genesis, you have the high priest doing spectacularly, uh, you know, building idols and, and leading the people and the worship of 'em you have the prototype feminism, which is numbers five when Miriam that's Moses's sister, who are you to speak for? You know? And she, she goes out and said, bam, she gets struck with leprosy. And if Moses hadn't, hadn't prayed for her, she'd have been toast cuz so you have the feminist, uh, uprising, all these different things. They're all in the Exodus as they're going through there. What's super interesting is out of those 600, 3,550 men of the age, 20 and up that left Egypt with Moses there. And how many of them got to the promised land? Two Speaker 2 00:33:33 <affirmative> Speaker 0 00:33:35 Two Joshua and Caleb mm-hmm <affirmative> no one else cuz they all rebelled against God in various and sundry ways. Only two, even Moses and Aaron did get sit there cuz they disobedient, God told 'em to speak to the rock the next time. And, and, and the water would come out and instead he whacked on it with his, with his, uh, the stick a couple times and that God, God means what he says. You know, I said, I didn't tell you to whack on it. You already whacked on it. Uh, you don't need to. It's very symbolic in that the first time hitting him in the second time speaking, cuz the rock is Christ St. Paul tells this. So it's symbol of Christ. And so Christ is crucified. Once then after that you, when the, the priest speaks, then the blessed sacrament comes in. He can only be it's crucified once for all. Speaker 0 00:34:22 And then it's re presentation of it. So it's symbol of the holy sacrifice, the mass in that way, the priest nobody's nailing Christ to the cross again, you know, which is this weird accusation. People say, that's just ridiculous. Anyway. So the Exodus and they get there, but, and they're going through things. They, they have all the problems with BA bail, him trying to, trying to curse him. And he can't. So he tells the Kings, here's how you can take these guys out is, uh, basically you corrupt him with your, your women, uh, and uh, the pagan women. And that'll get him into this, this Catholic worship. So they did, and it was sexual perversions. I'm not gonna go into it when I was reading St. Jerma I was going well, I can see why this wasn't translated from Latin. And that's I was like, well, I didn't know the father's wrote like this because he's saying exactly what some of the stuff in there was about, you know, cuz St. Speaker 0 00:35:11 Jerome lived in the middle east and he'd seen statues of some of these like bail, alpha gore and stuff. And you're like, okay, wait a minute. You know, I don't. <laugh> like, whoa. So anyway, uh, so you have the same kind of things where they're, they're being, they corrupt and turn away and, and turn it sexual corruption and turn away from the true God into this. They're whining to go back to Egypt, they're whining for their gods cetera. So they're being disciplined. They have to keep killing Egyptian gods and eating them and they can't eat. They longing for the flesh plots of Egypt, that's pig. So they, they want to go back and eat the pig that the Egyptians eat. So that's why they can't eat pig. You know, they have all these, these punish, so you can see, God is making so to speak. Speaker 0 00:35:52 The punishment, fit the crime, to try to wean them off of this pagan type stuff. And it doesn't completely work. I mean, it's God, but we have free will. So it's completely, it's completely perfect for producing what they, what he wants, the results he wants, but then they don't get him. And then when our Lord does show up, so we're really jumping along. No, I wanna say something else. So you also have the, one of the, some of the rules are like the Jubilee year. So you have the, you have the sabbatical years and then the Jubilee. So sabbatical years, every seven years. And then the Jubilee is every seven, seven. So every 50th year it's a Jubilee, but in the Jubilee year, any slaves have to be freed. The land that you bought from people that that's theirs, it has to go back to 'em all debts have to be forgiven. Speaker 0 00:36:38 So it's to God did that to you. He forgives everything from you and you're gonna do it. So it reorders your society every 50 years, and then they weren't keeping the Jubilee. Okay. So they weren't despite all this. So think of all the stuff they've seen, you know, I, I skipped over cite cuz we all know this story, all these different things they've seen. And uh, with the law coming down, all that, oh, the most important, one of the things to think about in a different way. And then we'll come back to that. The Jubilee is of course, when they're backed up against the sea, there's no possible way to get away. Here comes Pharaoh. It's like all the modern tanks in the world rolling in and the chariots and these people are herd and sheep, their slaves with sheep and, and goats. And they're backed against the sea with their little kids. Speaker 0 00:37:23 And then all of a sudden before you know it, there's this unbelievable save and the Army's gone and the slaves are free. That's how God works. It's the last second in our, in the end, our lab May's Mac at heart will try. We have to keep that in mind and the times are going in too. But it's a good principle to keep in mind. Don't worry. God has a plan. The plan may be I'm gonna die, but guess what? That's gonna happen. Nobody gets outta this booger life. So I might as well, once I get it into my mind, I'm probably gonna die. You know, my life is gonna end with the death. Oh, okay. Once I've got that right, then I don't have to worry about it and God will take care of me. And if, if this is the time I'm supposed to die, well then I'm, I'll do the best I can. Speaker 0 00:38:00 I'll get the graces I need when I need to. Okay. Back to this. So when our Lord shows up and he, and he goes into the synagogue, you know, and he opens the scroll and reads and he's reading from Isaiah talking about the, the proclaim, the Jubilee or so he's proclaiming a Jubilee. And so he's coming to do that. You're like, what's going on here with our Lord. So he's come. And, and he does that. And what's the Jubilee. Again, the, the slaves are supposed to be free. Everything's supposed to come to a balance and they're like, oh wow. Speaker 0 00:38:32 He go, he gets baptized. And the Jordan and the holy ghost comes down on visibly as, as the dove and all that. And the Messiah means the anointed one. That's what Christ means. So he's an anointed by the holy ghost. Oh wow. This is our Messiah. Cuz the Kings, the priests and the prophets were Anno were anointed. I'm jumping over all the king just to get to our lawyer. They're all anointed and uh, all of a sudden, so he's the anointed one. Finally, we've got the Messiah cuz what are they wanting? Because they made the religion into something that it isn't, they're expecting God to do what they want and what they want is to get rid of this, these Romans and so forth. We've got these pagans over us, just like Faroh was over us. And we gotta get rid of these, this Caesar Faroh we want him out of our life and we get to be free and then we're gonna rule. Speaker 0 00:39:20 And so we're gonna have this great big kingdom, et cetera, et cetera. And what does our Lord do? He goes right out into the desert and he fights the one he came to free him from, which is the devil. Not at all expected, not with, you know, wait a minute because the devil is controlling everybody in that way. The Romans are under the same Pharaoh as we are. You know, the, the Jews are, you have this. And he goes out and that's what he does with the, in, in his time in the desert. And then he comes in and all these people that have been separated out from the community like lepers, they can't, they can't worship God. They can't go to the temple. They can't go to the synagogue. They can't have, uh, fellowship with other Jews and all that. He, he, he heals them and they were expecting chemo. Speaker 0 00:40:10 But wait a minute, he's heal. So they can have a relationship with God that wasn't possible before these unclean people cuz all of a uncleanness, there's an element, uh, in to understand the uncleanness. We talked about this a little bit yesterday, but with uncleanness, uh, this, uh, um, the world's fallen. So it's cursed, you know, thank you very much to Adam and all that. Well priests right now can bless it. And that releases it. You know? So we can, but what they did is they were very meticulous to clean. Keep, keep away from stuff that would spiritually contaminate. So that's all these cleanliness laws and all this, that other thing and not touch the dead and so forth. So it's a ritual uncleanness. But uh, when, when unclean things touch our Lord, he doesn't become unclean. They become cleaned. So this power is going out from him. Speaker 0 00:41:02 So that one with the bloody issue, the issue stops. He's not contaminated. She's healed these, he's raising people from the dead. He's releasing people from all these different bondages he's having he's, he's sitting down to meals with people that nobody should be seen with these people. You know, because he's talking about he's coming to, but he's releasing the slaves. He's bringing people outta slavery to Satan and bringing them to the Lord. So this is what he's doing. He and they, they understand what he's doing, but they don't like what he's doing. The leaders understand, many people understand right away, Nicodemus comes in the beginning. This is the beginning of St. John's gospel. He says, you know, it's chapter three. He's he's done the miracle at decans first public miracle. And he says, we know you' teacher sent from God. So he's from the San Hadron. Speaker 0 00:41:54 So they know for no one could do the thing. So they know he's been sent by God, but they don't want to hear it because they have their own, I we're paying tribute. We're gonna do this way. And God will approve of what we want to do. That's what we talked about earlier, which we have the same tendencies too. You know, I, I prayed the Novina father. He, God didn't answer it. He said, yeah, he did. He said, no, <laugh>, you know, he knows what's best. Uh, cuz God knows what's best for you. It does doesn't mean you don't keep praying the Novina but God is not somebody that we're gonna, you know, I don't know. It's not like going into, into a store and buying something. You know, I, I put my money down. I, I, you know, I want my product. It's like, that's you have the wrong idea. Speaker 0 00:42:34 The novena was important to pray, but you have that doesn't mean God's always gonna say yes cuz God knows what's best as we know, but what we need to be reminded of at times. So anyway, he's releasing people from all these things, it's getting more and more exasperating to. So when he comes to town, uh, on, on Palm Sunday and they're ho on of the king of David he's riding in, they actually know Phil it's Zacharia that he's riding on ass in the cult of an ass and they're laying to down Hosanna the king of David, cuz it's still not clear to everybody how his kingdom is gonna run. But during the course of the week, it becomes perfectly clear. So they weren't fickle. They didn't change from Sunday to a good Friday. What changed is that? They realized, oh, this isn't the Messiah we want because he comes in like on Monday he comes in and he sees the fig tree and the fig tree. Speaker 0 00:43:25 It says, it's not the season for fruit. And he looks at it and he curses it cuz it doesn't have any fruit after he looks for figs on it. Well, they all knew what that meant. He even told a parable it, but the fig tree is a symbol of Israel. And he, he talks about the guy coming three years to look for the figs and he doesn't find, you know, manure it. But if not cut it down. Well he curses it. And the thing shrivels up, he he's telling him you're y'all are in under judgment. You know, this is not, I'm not finding what we need. This isn't here. I've been coming. I've been doing these things. I'm jumping over a lot of this to go fairly fast through it. Cuz we, you could sit here all day talking about what he's doing and so on. Good Friday then, uh, you know, well they, of course the, the they've been wanting pot and scheming to get him for quite a while. Then when he raised Lazarus from the dead, they're so furious, you know, let's kill Lazarus, destroy the evidence. And uh, then unexpectedly for the, the leaders, he falls into their hands when Judas rolls over, there's another priest. Speaker 0 00:44:23 And so on. Good Friday in the trial, when they're, when they're yelling at 'em crucify him, this is not surprising. You're not who we want. You're not trying to get rid of these Romans. We want 'em out. We want, this is what we want. We want something like this. We see this all the time. It's easy. It's on any side of the church, but it's really easy to see what different movements in the church. Like let's just say the feminists, we want female priests, you know? So they wanna make a Jesus in their image or the homosexuals. They want this in their image or you know, or all this weird environmental stuff that all, all the way to the top and, and so forth. It's very, very, you know, and the tradies have the same problems in it in different ways, you know? Like what are you doing in here? Speaker 0 00:45:08 You know, you girl like you with blue hair and a tattoo. Well, gee, I mean, Mary Magne would be thrown out of a lot of parishes right now that they think they're so, you know, it's like, hello, hello. You know, there's a difference between not knowing how to dress and Hey sailor and anybody knows that. And I get it. If it's hay, sailer, if, if some girl's coming in there and you know, that's, that's a little bit different where people could legitimately say, no, we're not gonna have that here. But if she could be dressed exactly the same and it's not Hays sailer, she's just a modern girl that doesn't know and wants to know something about our Lord. Well, they throw her up. This is Phariseeism. So it's all over. You can find these same. There's nothing new under the sun. And so we're men and it's, it's the same kind of phenomenon all the time. Speaker 0 00:45:53 Uh, so anyway, that being said, uh, they, uh, they, they, they definitively reject him. The, the, they high appreciate said, oh, you're the Messiah at the trial and take off his garments and give it to him. I mean, the whole purpose of the church is to prepare for him. Well, here he is. Well here, he got it. We don't want him. And so they get him crucified. And uh, and, and pilot, you have this extraordinary phenomenon where you have the people from the true religion and the priests and leaders of the true religion rejecting their God before him. And you have this pagan who worships idols and devils trying to save him, he's too weak. And he doesn't do the right things. But talk about a weird symmetry, cuz you gotta keep reminding yourself. This is PA, this is the pagan that sees this is wrong. Speaker 0 00:46:41 You know, he doesn't do the right thing. I'm not excusing him, but it's the pagan and his wife, you know? So the Pagan's wife comes to try to stop things from happening, but the Jews, they want no part of it, you know? And, and, and the, in the leadership like that. And so then, and then they, we have no king, but Caesar, you know, you don't wish I crucify a king. We have no king of Caesar. Cause he's, he's doing it in a way. So that they'll reject, you know, but we have no king that's CES. Okay, wait a minute. So I thought, God was your king. I thought this was a theocracy. And you ran like that. And all of a sudden you picked a pagan God, because Caesar's also a God. They worship him. You know, that's offer incense to him and all that as a God. Speaker 0 00:47:25 So they just shifted gods. It was the apostasy of the, of the Jewish nation and its leaders. Right? Then we have no king, but seizure book and as blood be honest in our children. Well, you know, so you cursed, it's a curse. So you get that curse as well. But I mean, they reject, it's extraordinary. Now I want, I'm gonna offer some complete opinions. Uh, and that's what they are. And I wanna underline their, my opinions, but I, in the, in the, where are we in the passion of the church, I'd like to suggest right now that we're at that point where we have no, uh, king, but Caesar, we have no king, but Pfizer, you know, when our ladies talking about the HES of Russia will spread the, one of the principle religious eras of Russia in orthodoxy, it's called CISM where you have the, the, the ruler is the pulp. Speaker 0 00:48:21 So that Orthodox churches are national churches. And they line up with the leader. So under Stalin, the, the bishops and priests were KGB officers almost to a man, uh, their off their agents to the state cuz the state, if you reject the Pope, uh, you have to have somebody on top. You know, everybody has Sonia like the way it works with the Bible, Christians is, is their, their preachers, the Pope, some of the more organized dominations, it works like that. But you have to have somebody on top calling the shots because that that's, that's what holds you together. Is there. This is what we believe is what we stand for. And uh, so the orthodoxy is you have a government thing. That's the Pope. And all of a sudden we see this incredible phenomenon like last year, who would've thought that all the bishops would effectively excommunicate everybody and every American Bishop did, they won't excommunicate somebody that needs to be excommunicated like an Nancy Pelosi, but they excommunicated everybody including the daily for being Catholic because we have to lock everything down. Speaker 0 00:49:18 We'd never seen this stuff in the history of our church. I mean, this is a church full of martyrs. People have died for much, much less than this. So what we're seeing is a phenomenon very much like Henry the eighth or something, not in terms of turning, shutting off the, the, uh, access to the sacraments, so to speak, but like just all of a sudden government control of a religion, but it's voluntarily by the bishops. That's what I mean by the Henry of eighth. What you saw in England is the bishops. Well, not to a man, cuz he had St. John Fisher, but all the other bishops in the Catholic country of England went right along with whatever the government demanded, you know? And so one day everybody in your neighborhood was Catholic and that was your church right there. And that was your priest. And that was your Bishop and all that. Speaker 0 00:50:06 And then the next day, all those people are going to the same church. That's the same priest, same Bishop, but none of 'em are Catholic anymore. It's just like that. And, and we're in this, I, we're not quite to the not Catholic, but we see this extraordinary phenomenon of the era of Russia where the bishops are completely on board. So you even had states like Ohio, where, where churches were said to be necessary necessary, and they still had stuff closed down, Texas. It, it didn't matter. The bishops were gonna be on board way on it, more on board than anybody else. See, wait a minute, we have no king where's God in that, you know? So you have people dying with all seconds. You have, you have people dying without and not getting funerals from the Catholic church for pity's sake. They could be daily communicants, but they don't, they don't write a funeral. Speaker 0 00:50:58 I mean, who heard of this stuff before? And here we are, it's absolutely apocalyptic in strictly so-called. Cause this is also a, a prefiguring in a very clear way of when you know, the sacrifice will fail. That, that, that Daniel talks about, you know, when, and, and all that, all the fathers write about it is at the end of the world, the public sacrifice of the mass will, will not be available. It will be said in hidden places they talk about caves and corners and hidden places and all that, but publicly it'll disappear. What that's gonna look like. That's another speculation. Um, so I'm speculating. So we've gone from suffering to this, but that's all right. Uh, I'll, I'll offer a speculation on what that may look like is it may be a really mutilated, it, it, you'll probably still have priest saying something that's mass, but it won't, it might not be offered to God. Speaker 0 00:51:58 The father, it might be offered to the earth or something, uh, or you might have, you know, just put the plant on the altar. We don't know what, cause we've seen something extraordinary. That's a premonition of abomination and desolation two years ago with that patchy demon, uh, the Pope presiding over the thing in, in the Vatican gardens where, uh, where that then that witch, uh, did all that RA SHA shaking and rattling and all that. And, uh, and put that ring on his finger after she, uh, cursed it. And that symbolic of, of, of a marriage of mystical marriage between the person who has the ring and, and so called deity. So there's some kind of mystical marriage, like, like St. Teresa of Avala had the mystical marriage with our Lord, you know, and that's the top of the, uh, of when, of the spiritual life. Speaker 0 00:52:52 It, I think we saw a visible inversion there that's, you know, it, it, it's terrible to have to talk like this, but I mean, what did we see? And then, and then on the feast of the holy rosary, our lady of victories, they processed that thing into the, this, this idol into the St. Peters. And, and what's so interesting about this. The pulp did all that. And so you bring this eye in, this is the worst sin you would think. It's just say, oh, isn't that anthropologically interesting. This is first commandment. It's first. Cuz it's first that's God. And you've just insulted God. Like, and who's insulted God, the Pope, who's the only one that can make reparation the Pope. Can I make reparation? No, I have to try, but I can't because I don't have, I don't have that altitude. There's only one person in the world that can make reparation for this sin. And he's the one that did it. And so the Levis rose up, right? Huh? That's the difference if nuts, an Exodus who rose up individuals, maybe Bishop AIA, Schneider there's some but globally. What did you see? Crickets? So what is that <affirmative> so what does that tell us Speaker 0 00:54:07 That tells us that in some way, Christ isn't the point and the foundation of way, way, way, way too many Catholic it's extraordinary. Look, you know, if, if my mom was getting beaten up, you know, I wasn't raised to just think, oh look, mom's getting beaten up. You, you come flying over there. Well, what if they kill you? Well, okay, you got killed. That's our Lord. That's only my mom and I'm not making light of her, but that's our Lord. Nothing. The Cardinals. Why do they wear red? You can look that up. The bishops, nothing. So where's our Lord and all this. I mean, he's still our Lord. I don't mean that. But I mean terms of the hearts, we are seeing something we have never seen. We are seeing something we have never seen. And it's there for all with eyes to see. Now, if we're seeing something like that, why am I talking about this in the context of suffering? Because there's gonna be hell to pay. And I think there already is what happened right after that, no sooner they in throwing it. Then this flu starts going all over the world. Speaker 0 00:55:29 And at the same phenomenon you have this oligarchy that sees control. We haven't seen since Nimrod of one world government, and now we have one it's pretty invisible, but there's no explanation for all the countries in the world doing all the same stupid things. Unless there's some PE a group calling the shots, that's the only possible explanation. And it's spiritual. Why? Because the man that can, that keeps, that actually holds the keys has somehow released things, Speaker 0 00:56:01 Whatever barrier there is it's been released or taken down or whatever, whatever barrier there was to this kind of thing. Some cuz all these people have been trying to rise up and seize power. You look at just in this past century, people like Lennon and Stalin and Mount say to and Hitler. These people rising up in Napoleon in the century before. So there's this lust cuz the demons never change. And there's men that, that go along with this, there's this lust to dominate and power and get everybody in enslave. Everyone. It's nothing new in the history of the world. I mean we talk about Pharaoh and Exodus. There's all this lust to be the Pharaoh that, that it rises up. Cuz, and, but they've never been able since Nimrod, there's never been able to have the world, but when it happened, it happened right after the idolatry and the Vatican right after that. So whatever happened up there, somehow that barrier, whatever is remote cuz the Pope is the rock, but whatever he's been plug in has been unplugged. Speaker 0 00:57:09 So we have this oligarchy and you can see some of the faces of you guys, but we don't really know all of 'em cuz that's how Masonic type things work. Uh, we don't know all of 'em by any somebody might, but we don't. But in out of that oligarchy, ultimately there will issue just one ruler and that'll be the Pharaoh of the world and that's antichrist. And I don't think we're talking a long time from now years and years from now, cuz something like this will move fast. I don't, I'm not talking this week or something. You know, those things are hidden in the mystery of God, but we're not talking like, well, you know we got another 10 years to get rid. No we don't. They're genetically modifying mankind right now. Let's talk a little bit about the spiritual meaning of genetically modifying organisms. And then we'll go to men are, are obviously things like Monsanto. There's a, a huge financial, uh, benefit for a chemical company to control the food supply. Well it's bay now. But uh, but that, and also for all GARS cuz when you have the food, you, you got people, you know, as we know, we're all country people here, but uh, so you have that sort of thing, but even more foundationally, there's a spiritual reason the devil can't create. Speaker 0 00:58:40 But the closest thing you get to create is to kind of get his sort of own species that are, are not really, you know, they're not natural, it's unnatural. I mean that's, he's unnatural sex. He's in unnatural everything, you know, if it can be plastic instead of, instead of wood, you know, whatever it might be unnatural is better. Um, cuz that's devils because it's not made by God, you know, and directly, I mean obviously God holds it and being, you know, I don't, I'm not making all that anyway just to make it quick. So the genetically modified organisms, uh, he's got all this GMO food. So he is made, he's already got the anti garden of Eden prepared and now he's making the anti Eves and the anti atoms. So they can be in ready for the anti-Christ that's really what's going on. But the GMO people, you're going through a door, you can't go back out of, there's no cure for this shot in that sense. Even people that live through it, there's no cure, you've been genetically modified. Speaker 0 00:59:40 And so they're speaking out against this, right? Ha let's walk through some of those ideas. So I wrote this thing. I I'm, I was, I talked to a lot of people, but I wrote at the beginning of the year, I think it was, I can't remember anymore. Like the absolute, uh, it it's just the imorality of, uh, of these, of the shot. And so I, I put a number of arguments in there and each the re I did it in a certain way. So that any one of the arguments stands alone. So once you have the standalone argument, even if you didn't grant one of them, there's enough arguments that it stands alone. It's enough to condemn the shot morally cuz each one of 'em condemns it, but in different ways. So in the first case you have the whole, and it's good to see that people are finally saying stuff like this, but you have the whole thing. Speaker 0 01:00:29 You can't actually your body, you don't have dominion over your body. You can't allow yourself to be in an experiment like that. And he certainly can't give a shot like that or, you know, so you can't be like a nurse or a doctor that gives the jab because you can't do that to another human being. And we recognize this at Nuremberg, but also Helsinki Accords in 89, I think were last ones where they talk about this kind of stuff. You just can't do this kind of experimentation on people. Uh, so it's imoral so even in, in the secular world, we know that they'd say, well, I was just falling orders. Yeah. I know. That's why we're putting the rope around your neck right now. Instead of saying we're falling orders. They say we're falling the protocol, but it's the same thing. And in the third, right. Speaker 0 01:01:09 Which, uh, I'm sorry, I'm just gonna be blunt in the third Rike, which profession was the most highly, uh, represented in the party? It was, it was the physicians. They were, they huge percent of the physicians were party members. That's why you had the euthanasia and all that, all, all the stuff cooperating with Margaret Sanger and all that to get rid of all these useless eaters and, and get rid of the, the mentally retarded and so forth. It's, it's not really an antisemitic thing. The Jews were late, late in the game. They got sucked into the thing. That's not denying that, but that's not how it started at all. It started just like a, a, a planned parenthood thing. That's how it started. And, and they got sucked in later, but the SLS were sucked in early. So it man kind of was divided into categories. Speaker 0 01:01:57 You know, they were the overlords, uh, the S and so forth. And, and then you had sort of the, the middle class, and then you had the people that had to go and gypsies. The Jews were put in that category, as I say later on. Um, but the, the, uh, the mentally defective and so forth, all these all, and they started with those kind of people let's get rid of the people and the asylums and the, and uh, the, the, the homes for the mentally retarded and so forth. We'll just kill. 'em all, you know, so you had this sort of phenomenon. So you, you have this sort of thing, uh, right now, but so you can't do those. We knew this, we, we, we've known this. And how, how many times do we have to be reminded of this? You know, uh, so we can have all this propaganda about the shot and all that stuff goes out the window. Speaker 0 01:02:46 Um, so you can't do it. And I quoted, you can look up any moral manual, but in Henry Davis, the six edition, 1949, he talks about this, that you can't use people. He uses the word Corpus V, but it means it's GU pigs. So it's, it's immoral. And so you can't do that at that level. Immoral and, and it's, and I think I don't have the catechism, but I think it's paragraph 2295. I don't have a catechism, but, uh, in the new catechism, I wanna say paragraph 2295, it talks about this. So you might wanna suggest to people in church, they could open up their catechism, look at it, including the guys of the callers. They might wanna read it. Sometimes I I'm sound sarcastic, but I mean, sorry, I'm I, I'm not sorry for sound and sarcastic number two mutilation. I don't know when we don't talk about this, cuz they've completely dropped the ball on organ transplant be. Speaker 0 01:03:43 And the reason they've dropped the ball is because they've allowed themselves to think that brain death is death. Death means solely is the body brain dead people aren't dead at all. They're just hurt very badly hurt, but they're sitting there. They're they're wo if you, if you keep 'em ventilated and all that, their wounds will heal. They can breathe. You know, there's a brain, a woman that was declared dead who gave birth to kids six months later. Well, the next time you have a cow that dies and, and, and calves out six months later, I'd like to hear about it. You know? I mean, you know, she's out there on the Bon pile. Oh look, you know, we gotta go pull that calf. I mean it, but this and people could say that you can't anoint. The somebody's been dead for six months. You can't ano them. Speaker 0 01:04:24 I mean, hello, hello. But nobody's paying attention. So I don't know what's going on with that. So it's but this mutilation to change your genetic code to, to even potentially change your, your genome, like this is way more of a mutilation than anything Bruce Jenner's done. And what he's done is super mortally sinful, but it's only, you know, it's pretty superficial. You know, you, you pay somebody to, you know, to, to make you look like a woman, but you're still a man. You just have been mutilated. Uh, well, all of a sudden you it's the most profoundly listen, you're changing all your genetic information. Every your you genome and all, in's your genome in your cells. I mean, hello. So that, that loot Mone. So people sometimes do the guy won the Nobel prize. He's for fighting HIV. He's a virologist. He's like, just read what he has to say. Speaker 0 01:05:17 Sometimes people say it's not the science, but science is some big, you know, so first place you can't, uh, you can't give or take the shot second place. Some mutilation that you can't permit third place, it's using babies. You killed babies for it. I mean, do you really need a priest to sit here and tell you you can't murder babies and use it. So I got so tired of hearing about this. I wrote something called moral theology for four year olds. It goes like this father, Hey Johnny, you think we can kill a baby and chop it up and use the parts to keep us from getting sick. Johnny's four year old son crying. No daddy, no, don't talk like that, father. Hey Johnny, what if we have somebody else chop up the baby, then can we use the parts to keep up from getting sick little kid bawling by then? Stop it, daddy. What's wrong with you? Moral the story. Make the kid a Bishop. I wished it was funny, but a four year old can understand this. There is one really worthwhile thing that some bishops put together it's in crisis magazine. One place. I know it was published in English on December 12th, feast of our lady Guadalupe of 2020. And it's Cardinal. Pujas the different bishops of Kazakhstan, including Hanish Schneider and Bishop Joseph Strickland, a Tyler, Texas. So you had five bishops in the world that, uh, that, that got up there and, and said how it is. And they, they wrote about it. So that's really, really worthwhile, um, to do that. But the rest of 'em somehow have decided it's okay. Now Speaker 0 01:07:06 Fear, even grave fear does not remove your will. So everybody that is willing to take a jab where they know that there were fetal to babies, you know, that's fetal tissue, babies were used in the preparation of this is willing to participate in a human sacrifice and use it in some way to make them feel better in this case, to protect them from a flu. So the difference between us and the Aztecs is our priests where white lab coats and do these things, not on big temples in public, that's the difference. And the bishops are on board and I start with a poll. Speaker 0 01:08:12 So, and people say, how could it be the pop well that's who of it? How could Cafu be the high priest I'm safari? He was, how could anus be the high priest? I'm sorry. They were, you know, how could Aaron be the high priest? I'm sorry. He was, this is, it's just something we've seen it before in scripture, we just haven't seen, you know, like, oh, well, that's interesting. You know, here, here we are. So here we sit with this kind of incredible phenomenon and it's not being called out or when it is, it's being, you know, people are jumping to the wrong conclusions and jumping overboard and all that. Uh, you know, we have to ride this thing out. I, you know, we have to be faithful to our Lord and do what he wants. So we have this. So that's the third one. Speaker 0 01:08:54 So you have to go through 'em again, I'll get to another one here in sec. So you, you can't give or take the shot because that you can't allow that kind of human experimentation. You can't do that. Number two is you can't have that kind of mutilation. Number three, is, are you serious? You can't, you can't either. We're for either we're pro-life or, or not either we, we can we're for killing babies or we're not, there's not some middle ground. It's not like you can be half pregnant, you know, either pregnant or you're not either four baby killing or you're not you're four baby killing. If you're for taking a shot like this that's there's no, there's no middle ground. Well, I'm really scared. I'll lose my job. You're for baby killing. Speaker 0 01:09:37 I mean, there's no middle ground. And, uh, and then you have, uh, just say, if that was your kid, huh? If that was your sister, would you lose your job? If it was your kid, would you be willing to lose your job? Okay. You know, so, because we've lost the idea that that's my brother, that's my neighbor. We are, are in a pagan environment. And that's one of the roles of these distancing and masks and all that. It's instead it's to, to flip the thing from what remained of a Christian approach to like that stranger is my neighbor. That's somebody that I, you know, no, it's that stranger is dangerous to me. He might breathe on me. I might die. You know? Well, when, when hasn't that been true? I, I can tell you exactly when it wasn't true, right before the fall, ever since then, it's been true. Speaker 0 01:10:31 That guy might be dangerous. He might breathe on me. I might die, blah, blah, blah. You know, nothing's new like that. Um, so we go to that. So then, then you go from that to, uh, the last thing, which I think is the most important argument, LA, I I'll make one more at the end of this, but I think the most important argument I was reading Thomas melven now for years, I looked for this. He's a Dominican that lived in the 15 hundreds in the early 16 hundreds was super brainiac. He was the, uh, a secretary of Cardinal Baroni is a famous, uh, a famous church historian and so forth. And he wrote like the book, the Scholastic work on the antichrist and it's, and I've found it it's 1300 pages. You can get it. It's on Google books. So, so they scanned it. I have to say so finally, I can say something good about Google. Speaker 0 01:11:22 So I will there I'm done. But that being said, it's 1300 pages, um, of basically exhaustive research. He took like 20 years reading everything, the Greeks and Latins wrote about the antichrist. So he'll say something and just citation after citation. Well, I'm reading in a commentary head on one particular line in scripture, but I didn't notice the line. I was reading the commentary cuz go wait a minute. This is interesting. So he's talking about the Roman emperors, uh, the pagan Roman emperors that really are lusting to have people in communion with their sacrifices. So he talks about glorious and ju uh, Julian, the past state. And what they do is, is, is they take stuff from the sacrifices. In some cases, watershed takes blood, some taste meat. So the meat, like they'll throw it into the fountain. So if anybody goes to dip any water out in town, there, they they're in communion with the sacrifice. Speaker 0 01:12:18 They'll have their, their, their guys go around, sprinkle all the food in the markets they'll do this, that and other thing. So you're talking about these different cases like constant Noles. I think it was a St. Theodore that had a vision and told everybody, so they were, he said, cook, cook, wheat, fry, wheat, and oil. And you can live on that. Well, this is going on. And so Julian paste doing Antioch, they're doing constant noble, different places, you know, but he go, well, that's interesting cuz it, it, these are different ones doing the same exact phenomenon and you realize that's exactly what's going on right now, except they're doing it with a needle. And, and they're trying to get everybody to be in ommunity with their sacrifice. And because that's what they want everybody to, to, to join in their SAC. Cuz that's the way devils are. Speaker 0 01:13:05 What's interesting is a commentary was apocalypse 13, 17, and nobody could buy and sell unless they had the market, the beast. And that was what the commentary was. I go, wow. Now that's super interesting. Cuz some of them like Bishop, the bishops I talked to, they say, they're not saying it, but this may be a prefigurement or looting or have something to do with the mark, the beast. And I don't think it is the mark of the beast. I wanna underline that, but I think it may be an initiation stage or something. I like as, as baptisms, as the confirmation, cuz now you're in communion with the sacrifice and go. So the spiritual reason, that's one of the reasons they want people think it's legal reason why everybody needs to get the job. No, I think it's spiritual. Everybody should be in communion. Uh, that's what they want. Speaker 0 01:13:50 And, and that's, that's how devils are devils. Don't change. They're always the same. Uh, so, so I there's one other, there's one other moral reason not to get the job. And that's just, it's a moral sin against prudence. I mean seriously read the statistics. Ju <laugh> just look at the VA's data, the government releases and they say, yeah, okay. It's it's, you're actually more likely to hit by a meteorite or something like that. Who knows? I mean, I'm being somewhat facetious there, but not much. Uh, it, it, I think lightning is more dangerous. Um, and you know, a good grief, but here we are, cuz we're being governed by fear. We don't Christ is not the end to go back to that. Now all that being said, what's really the end of all this. If we really believe that Christ is God and that he loves us and that if we love him, we'll keep his commandments. Speaker 0 01:14:42 Then it's really clear. What we have to do is, is be pleasing to him. We live in a time where it's getting more and more dramatic and being pleasing to him is gonna have a higher and higher cost. But we're not the first ones in that sense to go down that path. That's what all martyrs are. And when you look at the slaughter that's been going on over the past 20 centuries of Christian martyrs, you know, there we are. We don't have to even be worried about that. Cuz people started getting scared. I couldn't do that. Well of course you couldn't because it's not your day to be martyred. You get the grace to be martyred on the day that you get to be martyred. You don't have to worry and everything. We go back to the Exodus. What did it look like? Here comes Farrow. Speaker 0 01:15:26 Our backs, lotion, God specializes in these kind of things. We don't know what's gonna happen to us individually. Collectively doesn't look good at all. It's gonna be bad and, and go from bad to worse. I mean, that's not, that's not a very brilliant observation. You can just see what's gonna, but we don't have to worry because no matter what we say, all right, I'm gonna die. So I wanna die. Well in spend eternity in heaven. And if I do all this right, I don't have to go to purgatory, which is a really cool idea. And so that means I'm gonna have to suffer, but I have to suffer anyway. And uh, if I want to grow, grow in the interior life, I have to suffer. I want to go through all my purifications now. So that's just gonna increase my happiness and the ultimate happiness I can have is being a Saint and a great Saint. So all this suffering is good. It doesn't mean it's suffering, but then I can see it for what it is. And it will make me happy. Even if it doesn it doesn't quit hurting. Now what's gonna be the number one problem with people. They're not detached. Speaker 0 01:16:27 This is what causes a lot of unnecessary suffering. They're not detached. They're too attached to this, that or other thing. And, and, and by that I don't, you know, like they're, they're attached in a disordered way to people they love. Well of course we should love people being detached. Doesn't mean you're like some Spocky and robot that walks around going. I have no feelings. Uh, what being detached is, is you want what's best for them and you want what's best for me. You know? You say that to yourself. So whatever's most pleasing to God and I, and I'll I'll I'll trust God with that. And then you can love them more cuz you love them in Christ. You don't worry about it. You love them in Christ, but you get detached from different things. Um, whether it's your business, whether it's where you live, whatever it might be, people are attach. Speaker 0 01:17:22 Especially if you detached from your emotions, don't let yourself get let around by your emotions. You're gonna have emotions. They're not bad, but it's bad if they're leading you instead of you leading them. And so we want to be detached from them in that way. And especially important right now is fear. Cuz how many people are doing things because they're afraid cuz that's how this whole thing is being worked. There's constant propaganda in various ways. And they're trying to freak people out and it's, they're doing a good job. I mean you have to give points to the other side, but you know, they got devil's coaching. Um, so people get afraid. What am I gonna do? I don't know what you're gonna do. I don't know what I'm gonna do. You know, I, we, we have to trust God for that. What's gonna happen. I don't know, but God will. Speaker 0 01:18:06 God's in charge. All none of this is a Cape God's notice God is not on a sailboat somewhere. This is God, he fits the job description. He knows everything. If this is happening it's cuz he's permitting it. If it's permitted it's cuz it's what's best from the heaven point of view. So whatever we're gonna go through is gonna be what's best from the hell point of view. So if that means I get tortured to death, well, we started this talk this morning with St Dismas and that wasn't random. We should really meditate on him and pray to him. He wouldn't be St Dismas. If he hadn't been nailed to a cross, he might just be burning in hell. I don't mean anything. Reverent St Dismas but who, where would he have ended up if he hadn't got captured by the Romans who meant business and, and you know, and then got the, the RO special Roman treatment and uh, nailed across and then his legs broke. Speaker 0 01:18:53 So he'd suffocate quick. That was, and he went right straight to, you know, to, he went right straight to the limbo of the fo it's paradise cuz our Lord was there. Lord show up. So he's, he's like the first canonized Saint in that sense. Can I, but look, that's what we want. Who cares if we get Audi, this is a test. This is a test. That's all life is, it's a big test, but it's a test for eternity. I want pass and we have to keep that in mind and we have to keep reminding ourselves if we get scared, no, God really loves me. And if this is it, the people of Israel of Israel are backed up against the ocean. It looked grim for them and he did what he wanted to do with them. And then he took care of 'em all the way, even though it was all impossible, nothing's impossible for God. Speaker 0 01:19:36 He's taken care of me. He's let me be a Catholic. He's let me receive the bus in sacrament. He's let me know him. And he just wants me to be happy with him forever. And so I just need to relax and not worry. And especially not let my fear get him. He might get afraid, but don't let it leave you around. Pray for it. Go to, you know, to get it back under control. Don't let your passions control you and, and just look for what is most pleasing to God, cuz that's what this is all gonna be at the end. What is most pleasing to God? If I do what's most pleasing to God, I'll get out of this the way he wants me to, but it ain't gonna be alive. <laugh> at that point.

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