Coffee with Father 4 – Are you a Victim Soul

July 14, 2022 00:17:10
Coffee with Father 4 – Are you a Victim Soul
Veritas Caritas
Coffee with Father 4 – Are you a Victim Soul

Jul 14 2022 | 00:17:10


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 So, yes, it's okay to record these things and I can't give you permission to, to distribute them. So there we go. I'll repress them. I just wanna read a few things from the book of the prophet, Isaiah. So chapter four, I'll read some, and then we'll kind of go from there. Hear the word of the Lord. You, children of Israel for Lord shall enter into judgment with inhabitants of the land for there's no truth, and there is no mercy, and there is no knowledge of God in the land cursing and lying and killing and theft and adultery of overflowed and blood has to touch blood. Therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwells in it shall languish with the beast of the field. And with the follows of the air. He fishes of the sea also shall be gathered together PA yet let not any man, judge and let not a man be rooted for that. People are as they, that contradict the priest. My people have been silent because they had no knowledge because th priest has rejected knowledge. I will reject you that it shall not do the office of the priesthood to me. And now's forgotten the law of that. God, I will also forget that children and they shall be like, people like priests now visit their ways upon them. And I will pay them their devices. Speaker 0 00:01:15 They shall eat not be filled. They have committed fornication of not ceased because they have forsaken the Lord and not observing his law, fornication and wine and drunkenness takeaway the understanding my people have consulted their stocks and their staff have to see deceive declared under them for the spirit of fornication have deceive them and they have committed fornication against their God. They offered sacrifice in the tops of mountains and burnt incense upon the Hills and under the Oak and the pop and the turpentine tree because the shadow thereof was good. Therefore, shall your daughters commit fornication? Your spouses shall be. Adult says, especially when he is talking a fornication, he talks in two senses. When you hear that in the scripture and one is idolatry. And we have seen that even at the highest levels right now of the church, Speaker 0 00:02:07 But you see here when things get chaotic and the priests are not doing what they need. It says the land will mourn. And everyone that dwell will languish the beast, the field that falls the air and the fish of the sea. And so it even talks about environmental crises relating to the sins. Uh, because of course, God put, man, man has dominion over everything. So when man is in right relationship with God, like, especially before the fall in the garden, things are ordered and to the degree that that man introduces more disorder, that nature rebels even more and more and more, and we're just gonna see more of this as we go on because people are not repenting and turning back. So as every day, of course, uh, it gets closer to the end of the world day by day. And at the end of the world, reparation has to be made for everything. Speaker 0 00:03:03 There's no purgatory purgatory ends on the last day. And so the payment becomes due for all the offenses against God St. Louis Demont for other saints, right about at those times, the greatest saints will be raised up, but the greatest saints won't necessarily be visible to many people. Uh, many of 'em will not be known, cuz they'll be victims. They'll have a hidden life. Sister Lucia. We think of sister Lucia, certainly one of the greatest, my mistakes in the history of the world. And our lady continued to appear to it right up to her death. Our lady regularly, she had messages for her and all that. And the convent in Cobra has published a, a book, a biography that that has stuff about them, you know, without, without too many details, although there's some kind of remarkable ones, but we know that she'd write things to the holy sea and the Curia. Speaker 0 00:03:51 Some of 'em called her that woman right up to the end, but hidden she's hidden. So many of 'em will look like victims, many of these great saints, uh, and different sins call for different victims. So for example, I'll just, I'll just chat about different, uh, sort of things that we see and that need, uh, reparation for. And of course, we just heard a lot of that in a, a scriptural summary, but the corruption of the priesthood now, what would victims look like? I can think of several different types just sitting here. But one type of victim is the young man that does have a vocation to the priest to it. And he goes to a seminary and, but he stands up for what's right. And as a consequence, he doesn't get ordained cuz he doesn't wanna lose his integrity. He correctly, doesn't go with this, keep your head down and get ordained, which is really evil advice. Speaker 0 00:04:50 It's just worldly advice. It's absolutely the most worldly thing you can think of. Cuz we don't need any priest to keep their head down. We need priests to keep their head up and be men and not spiritually castrate themselves, which is what that kind of advice really is. And so a man like that has to turn the Lord an offer up this unrealized desire to become a priest that could very well been placed on in from his earliest years. And that's gonna be very pleasing to God in proportion of love with which he, he offers that up and is, is striving to become holy and it's gonna make reparation for this corruption and the seminaries and the priesthood and so forth. This lack of integrity, this lack of Manliness. That's one way of it. Another one I think, I guess it's popular now to call 'em canceled priest. Speaker 0 00:05:38 Uh <laugh> I have to admit my ignorance. I don't exactly know why they call 'em canceled priests, but that's not important. Two of the finest priests I know have been taken out of their ministry by their bishops. And it's kind of an extraordinary thing in one sense, because if you're looking at it sort of stepping away from the spiritual aspects, which of course we can't, we're talking about those, but if, if you're running a business or something like that, you'd say, wow, these guys, I want more of these guys. I don't want less of 'em. I'm not gonna, I don't wanna fire. 'em get 'em outta here. I, I wanna hire 20 more of these kind of people, but we're not talking about a business. Of course we're not looking at it naturally. There are different aspects of why they're being removed. I think part of it is that people don't merit, they haven't prayed and sacrificed enough, uh, on their part, taking some of this for granted and, and having a pride in their priests. Speaker 0 00:06:31 And everybody should have a pride in their father in that way, but the, you can get it disordered, but really also the times call for it. And so these priests, the Lord is lying to be set aside so they can make a reparation too in that way so that they can turn the Lord and offer up, offer up. They're being taken out of action and being set aside in a certain way. And they'll be more pleasing cuz there's gonna get more done in sort of a, a penit potential, uh, withdrawn way. Even though these are men that have been in the active priesthood suddenly they're, they're almost like Carthusians in a spiritual sense, cuz they've just been set aside to pray and so forth. So that's uh, a victim that I see and there's one I talk to regularly and he's he just one of the finest men I know. Speaker 0 00:07:17 And you just realize, wow, this is, there's only a spiritual explanation for this. You would not do that. Uh, if you were outside of that corruption in religious life, I can think just the inability to realize the desire. For example, where would a guy go if he really had a vocation to be something like a Christian brother, you know, teaching at that level, teaching young men or men, there's no place to go. There's literally no place to go. There's almost no options for a guy there's so, so few options and you one size does not fit all. You just, can't all cram yourself into, into one community. If you have a particular spirituality or particular calling, it's just not gonna be realized for a lot of 'em and that's, that is how it is. So what do they do? Where do they go again? They have to offer up to the Lord, this unrealized desire. Speaker 0 00:08:10 And, and I'm gonna talk about some practical things later, but I mean at that fundamental level, uh, with the women, there are a few places for them go, but a very few, those two will be, uh, smashed if the powers that be have their ways and I'm sure they will. So even if they do go to a really good community, it's not like there's gonna be some island in the church where oh good. We can go to this diocese or we can go to this community all will be well, there's nowhere to run in nowhere to hide. As you get closer and closer to the end, again, for those women, they have to turn the Lord off for unrealized our, for the ones that want to go. You know, I, she, I really wanted to be a nursing sister or something like that. I know from, from, since I've been a child, that's what I've been called to. Speaker 0 00:08:55 And it's all I've ever thought of, but where are they gonna go? So I'm just using this for example. So this desire is put placed in their heart and God calls 'em. How do they fulfill it by suffering with great love, uh, by sharing the suffering Christ. One of the clearest examples of this going back a hundred years is St. Jim GaN, St. Jim Ganis called to be a Passionist. She couldn't, she had to wait till she died. And God placed that it's clear that God put that on her heart and that she's a victim for it. And she can't actually get there. She never gets there. This is a real clear example. So this is not something completely extraordinary. What's extraordinary is, is it's like everywhere right now. And so there's a really clear example of a victim's soul that, that had a vocation that couldn't be realized in this life, uh, a religious vocation. Speaker 0 00:09:44 We see the same thing with marriages. Let's talk about people that are actually married and here you have the situation. One takes the jab and one doesn't, uh, one leaves, uh, takes off for another one of them refuses to, to have the children that God wants to send them. How do they keep going? Well, one's very, very abusive to the other. So they have to keep praying and suffering. We think of especially they would turn to bless Taji and bless Canor Mora. Bless Marie Taji. Dominic. In fact, he testified at her at her beatification thing. He's crying he's I wasn't worthy of her. The guy was hard to live with when you, when you read it, he'd come home. If the table wasn't said just right, he'd grab the table, clocking a and everything go on the floor, the kids weren't lined up, right? Stick, bang, bang, bang. Speaker 0 00:10:31 She never complained. Uh, she she's an absolute model in that kind of really certainly challenging circumstance. Bless, bless Elizabeth. Canor Mora her husband just to make it real quick. He takes soft laser with the kids and he's Galvan around with the other women, but she keeps SPRA and ultimately becomes a priest after her death. That's the one for the abandoned, uh, women. They stay in the marriage. Even if the other partner doesn't stay in the marriage, they stay in the marriage and, and keep the faith and keep going forward. Cuz with the temptation right away, especially when they've been abandoned is, well, I'll just go get my enrollment, cuz those things are about as hard to get it as a supposed to snap. It really doesn't matter what reason you have in almost any diocese I appreci you can listen to 'em cuz I've gone through the statistics and talked about it. Speaker 0 00:11:15 Cuz there certainly are things such as ailment, but uh, you know, people know in their heart basically if they've been married or not, it's not, you need the tribunal to make these kind of judgements. That's the council trend. I'm not denying any of that. When the tribunals have gone, uh, crazy like everything else. So they have to hang on, I'll tell a story. I've read this letter from the pulp. But a woman came to meet with me, been married to, you know, the children were, were adults and gone and all that. She came to meet with me because her husband and I knew her husband was unbelievably cruel to her. And she wanted to know, uh, you know, basically she's looking about leaving and I told her, no, don't do that. You stay right there. You can handle it. You've been handling all these years, I guess in a certain way. Speaker 0 00:12:08 There's there's a hardness telling people, go ahead and get crucified. I mean, cuz that's basically what preset to do is like people eyes and tell 'em stuff they don't wanna hear, but they really know it anyway. So you sign up for better worse. This is worse. You can handle it. You're handling isn't that right? She could. I said, and if you leave, he, he can't be saved. Right? Cuz he'd left the church. He was an atheist. Um, very, very intelligent, very educated man. I said, you just need to pray and sacrifice for him and offer up these sufferings and I'll make a long story short. I had a beautiful letter years later from her though, he, he was dying and he told the kids, I don't want any priests here. You keep priests out of this hospital room. Like wouldn't let priests. So the preschool weren't allowed in. Speaker 0 00:12:48 So she's gone there and she's praying and begging him. And finally, uh, she gets another gal that I knew and they're, they're praying the divine mercy chapel there in his room as he's dying and tell him, you know, look, uh, I, I really want to see you in heaven. He said, get me a priest. Well then the kids won't let the priest stand. So they, he had to convince the kids that he actually wanted to see the priest. So the priest gets to him, gets everything taken care of. And he dies, uh, a number of hours later. And it was, he died on a good Friday if she hadn't stayed and been a victim for that marriage he'd have gone to hell. I, I don't even think that's debatable. I'm comfortable saying that. And what I'm comfortable saying, he say, because because of her suffering, that's what a victim's soul looks like right there. Speaker 0 00:13:36 So you have that kind of thing where they have to offer up. They have to keep praying and suffering for their particular marriage. And they're they're covering other marriages too at the same time, like bless, couldn't worry more. It is just her marriage. So how about the ones that don't get married? Well, they're not gonna find a spouse. A lot of 'em. So many of 'em had been aborted and, and other ones are perverted. You couldn't really marry 'em even if they were available. I mean you could, but it's not gonna work <laugh> because people aren't capable of being married a lot of 'em anymore. They're so damaged and they're so messed up and they're so hooked on just absolutely vicious behaviors. Bachelors are unmarried, single women like that. And the desire God is asking them to offer up that desire. Now in each one of these ends, they, they need to do that. Speaker 0 00:14:23 So they need to keep offering off and praying suffering. That's what they need to do. And they're, they're making up for all the sins, all the disorder and all the abortions and so forth. How about the couples there's couples that long for children, but can't have them. Those are some of the hardest things in it as a priest, trying to talk to them about that because they're true victims. They have to make reparation with that desire and longing, which is so beautiful for all the, that can have babies and don't want 'em and can have babies and just kill 'em to get 'em out of the way, cuz they're inconvenient for their life right then. And so they just, what are you doing here? Well, I thought I was just having a party. I don't want you and they just snuff out another life and another life and another life and they're just have hearts like Flint. Speaker 0 00:15:10 And so they're making reparation for that. And please God, that reparation will result in the conversion of some of these people. Cause all these things of course are aim, not just to the person, who's a victim because it's making them holy. But the people for whom they're making reparation so that they can be saved. And so that God is in the first place more than anything else so that God is appeased and pleased by this reparation for all these horrible offenses cuz underneath it all, that's the most important thing or over it all I guess is the proper way of saying it. Cuz they're making up to God, all this abuse of his gifts and his love by all these different people. And that's the principle thing they're doing. And secondarily then the salvation of these other people at the same time, it's making them holy, the innocence of children. Speaker 0 00:15:57 So many children, their innocence is lost and perverted a kid that that actually is gonna be, uh, try to be Christlike Marion. They're not gonna fit in their clothes. They're gonna look different in their clothes, the games, the things they look at, the things they do, the way they talk. They're not gonna fit in. They're gonna just be complete freaks almost because that's how it is. If, if one's trying to follow Christ in a time like this, these sort of things, people with eating problems, there's a price to pay for all this genetic modification and basting the earth and weird chemicals and stuff. We just saw that in Jose it's cuz of sin underlying it, but they're making reparation to God for all the abuse. Instead of stewardship, it's really abuse. It's not stewardship of God's gifts and God's land and, and all that. This isn't stewardship to mutilate, uh, things and autism, the people with autism, ADHD, all these, these children, they themselves are victims. There's a price being paid for the jab and for the different things. How many of these autistic children are autistic because of, of vaccinations.

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