Commentary on the Transfiguration

March 16, 2014 00:26:01
Commentary on the Transfiguration
Veritas Caritas
Commentary on the Transfiguration

Mar 16 2014 | 00:26:01


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Speaker 0 00:01 And he's transfigured before him and his face did shine as the sun and his garments became what is snow and there appeared to them, Moses and Elias talking with him, the name of the father and the son, the Holy Spirit. Amen. This morning we'll take a close to look at today's Gospel and to do that we'll do I plant plea upon the works of coordinates, Tilapia de Saint Thomas and father Charles Garside. Matthew chapter 17 verse one and after six days, Jesus take it down to him, Peter and James and John, his brother, and bring him up into a high mountain apart. Where did this happen? Great doctrines of the church, Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Saint John Damascene, the venerable Bede and other theologians explicitly teach that Christ is transfigured on Mount Tabor. Why did Christ bring Peter, James, and John as witnesses? The rate doctor, the church, Saint Hillary of podio states that the three men who are taken up symbolize the future selection, the people of God from a threefold origin, the sons of Shem, the sons of Ham, the sons of Japheth, and we'd see that as we look around our own congregation. Speaker 0 01:17 The great talked to the church, Saint Anselm states that these three apostles denote that those who god considers worthy above others to behold the vision and the glory of himself or of three types, Peter denotes the fervent and charity for he was ardent in that virtue. John a virgin signifies virgins James. The first martyr among the apostles denotes those who suffer in martyrs. Again, Peter stands for those who are rocks. That is to stay strong and constant and faith and virtue. John stands for the chaste. James is a platter. Stains for those who tread and vices and trample them under foot for such are worthy of the vision of God. Verse two and he was transfigured before them and his face did shine as his son and his garments became white as snow. What was Christ doing here? Codenames. Tilapia Day. Christ showed his apostles the external glory of his body, which was an indication of his divinity. Speaker 0 02:19 That by it as through a chink, they might in some way behold the glory and majesty of His godhead. Even though veiled by his body, the fathers teach that Christ did not transfigure himself before his three apostles, so as to manifest his divinity directly to them as he does to the saints in Heaven, which is their blessedness for the divine nature cannot be beheld by any means with the eyes of the flesh. Close quote, why did Christ do this? Saint Thomas States, quote, Christ, wished to be transfigured in order to show him in his glory and arouse men to a desire of it. Now, men are brought to the glory of Eternal Beatitude by Christ. Not only those who lived after him, but also those who proceeded him consequently was fitting that witnesses should be present for mono long. Those who proceeded in namely Moses and Elias, and from those who followed after him, namely Peter, James, and John, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, this word might stand close. Speaker 0 03:23 Quote coordinator is a Lapidus lists more reasons why Christ was transfigured, one that by means of this glory and brightness by the testimony of Elias and Moses, he might prove his divinity to his apostles and show that it was hidden or Vale beneath his humanity too, that he might four warn his disciples not to lose confidence when they should behold him. Nailed to the cross and Mount Calvary. Three according to doctors that church St FM of Sirius, saint sear of Jerusalem, St John Damaging and St base of the great that cried Christ might indicate that it will come again in this matter with great power and majesty to judge the world. Therefore, Elias also appeared will be the precursor of Christ when he comes to judgment. For that he might list and increase the faith and hope and courage and zeal the apostles and the rest of the faithful to undergo bravely for the sake of the Gospel. Speaker 0 04:23 Whatever trials and crosses may come in the hope of attaining a similar glory at the resurrection. The line that is faced to shine as a son should remind us of what prophet in the Old Testament, Moses, the Saint Hillary of podio points out when Moses came down from mine, Sinai after the glory of the Lord appeared to him and he received the tablets of law. His face was rating with light. As we can see in exodus 34 but in the case of Moses, this splinter came from without, whereas the glory of Christ was from within. Verse three and behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with him. What Wa why were Moses and Elias present? Elias is also known as Elijah, that great doctor, the church St Augustine states quote, Moses signifies the law. Ly signifies the profits while the Gospel is signified by the Lord. Speaker 0 05:19 It's for this reason these three appeared on a mountain where he showed the glory of his continents and clothing to his disciples before he appeared in the middle between Moses and allies as it were the gospel receiving testimony from the law and the prophets. Close quote Saint Thomas Explains at St John Chris' system says, Moses and Elias are brought forward for many reasons and first of all because the multitude said Christ was Elias or Jeremiah. So one of the profits. So he brings the leaders the profits with him that by doing so at least they might see the difference between the servants and their Lord. Another reason was that Moses gave the law. Well, Elias was jealous for the glory of God. Therefore, by appearing together with Christ, they show how false to the Jews accused him of transgressing the law and of blasphemously appropriating to himself the glory of God. Speaker 0 06:17 A third reason was to show that Christ has power of death in life and that is the judge of the dead and the living by bringing with him Moses who had died in Elias who still lived. A fourth reason was because it's Luke says in chapter nine verse 31 they spoke with Christ about his passion and death. Therefore, in order to strengthen the hearts of his disciples with a view to this, he sets before them those who'd expose themselves to death. For God's sake. Since Moses brave death in opposing Pharaoh in Elias in opposing king knock. Speaker 0 06:54 A fifth reason was that he wished his disciples to imitate the maintenance of Moses and the zeal of Elias St Hilary prody. A adds a sixth reason, namely in order to signify that Christ had been four told both by the law which Moses gave them as well as by the profits of whom Elias was the principle example. Close quote. How did Moses and Elias get to mount tabor cornea Tilapia Day, the soul of Moses was translated from limbo, the fathers to Earth by an angel. And when Moses was brought up to the Saint Thomas States and angel formed a body out of materials at hand, said Moses would be visible. Everyone agrees it was Elias himself who appeared in his own body for lights, was taken up to heaven in a charity to fire and is still alive, that he may come again and contend with anti Christ from paradise. Therefore, from the place to which he was translated, he was suddenly transferred by an Ange, the Mount Tabor, that he might be a witness to Christ. Speaker 0 07:55 And His transfiguration close quotes. Could you please explain what it means to say that lives was taken up to heaven insurer to fire? Great doctor. The church Saint Gregory, the great explains that when it said Elias was taken up into heaven, the term heaven refers to the aerial heaven in which birds fly, which is why in Matthew eight 20 they are called birds of heaven. The Elias was carried up into this heaven or wherever they might be suddenly conveyed to some secret region of the earth where he might live in great peace of the spirit and the flesh until he shall return at the end of the world and pay the debt of debt. Close quotes. St Thomas States quote Elias was taken up into the atmosphere. Kevin. Now remember when the ancients refer to the heavens, they have their, the heavens are using plural. The first half of what we call the the first heavens, what we call the atmosphere, the air, the second Evans, what we would call outer space, and the third heaven is what we would call heaven. Speaker 0 08:50 Like when Saint Paul Talks about you translated third heaven. That's what we mean heaven. But the ancients called the heavens, the things above the earth. So atmosphere, outer space, heaven. Okay. So Saint Thomas States Elias was taken up into the atmosphere, Kevin, but not into the heaven, which is the boat of the saints. And likewise, he knock was translated into the earthly paradise closed <inaudible>. Now who is <inaudible> and what does he have to do with Elias? He, knock is one of the Patriarchs. He's a father of Methuselah and the great grandfather of Noah were all the Senate from it. Centuries before the great flood, he was taken up and translated somewhere. Elias and Enoch are now together somewhere, but at the end of the world, the return to battle the antichrist, Elias will have a special mission to preach and convert the Jews. Well, you knock love, a special mission to preach the convert the gentiles. Speaker 0 09:45 It's always been understood of Elias, but there was some debate amongst some of the ancient fathers as to the role of <inaudible>. So one of the glories and the scholastic theologians have worked this out in detail by sifting through the scriptures and fathers as that. Great doctor. The church Saint Robert Bellerman states quote, it is either heresy or proximate to heresy to deny that he knock and Elias will personally return. He not going to lie. US are still living and when the antichrist comes it will pose him and preserve the elect and the faith, the church Christ and convert the Jews close quote. You can read about that in the book of the Apocalypse in chapter 11 verses three to 12 they're the two witnesses. The great Spanish Theologian Francisco swore is states quote. It is of the faith that neither he knock nor Elias have ever died. Holy Scripture is explicit on this point and genesis five 22 we read that he knocked, walked with God, was seen him more because God took him. Speaker 0 10:44 When ecclesiastic is 44 16 we read that he knocked pleased. God was translated into paradise, that he may gave repentance to the nations and in Hebrews 11 five <inaudible> Enoch was translated that he should not see death and he was not found because God had translated him of Elias. It's declared and Ecclesiasticus 48 nine and 10 that he was taken up in a whirlwind of fire in a chariot of fiery horses. And it's registered in the judgements of times to appease the Rapha, the Lord, to reconcile the heart of the father to the son, and to restore the tribes of Jacob by being registered in the judgments of times is to be understood that he destined at some future period to appease the wrath of the Lord. Close quote. Now paranthetically anyone that that understands that these men are both still alive, shouldn't have any trouble with the age of the Patriarchs. Speaker 0 11:37 After all, Elias was already almost as old as Methuselah at the time of the transfiguration and that was pertinent 2000 years ago. And it's for sure that he, that he knock his older Methuselah, he's Methuselah's father and he's still alive and he will be until the end of the world where he knock and Elias Right now swore as thinks that he not may have lived in the original paradise until the great flood. And then after being in some way divinely kept from harm, he's transferred to hiding spot which may possibly be on the same site that paradise was before it was destroyed by the waters. Wherever they are, bode may be swore as does not put doubt, but that he knock Elias are intensely happy in their mutual friendship and that they live in a place which if it's not the paradise of Adam and Eve is equally beautiful. Speaker 0 12:28 We must believe that they're alive but we can't be sure where they are right now. Santa Gustin comments quote, there are questions in regard to which without any prejudice to that faith by which we are Christians, they're either may be ignorance as to what is the truth and therefore any definitive judgment is suspended or we may make a guess which on a kind of our human and frail misgivings, maybe inconsistent with fat as for instance, when the question is raised is to the site of Paradise, which God placed man after forming from the dust because a Christian does not doubt of the existence of paradise or when is asked where Elis Elias and he knock are at this moment for we doubt, not that they are alive in the bodies in which they were born. Close quote, what have they been doing all this time? Swarez they have the delight of receiving immense constellations from God, divine illuminations and frequent revelations. Speaker 0 13:26 With regard to Elias, it is clear from the gospel of the saw Christ to the transfiguration and we presume that he knock also has had some period beheld him. Close, quote, Koininia <inaudible> today it is credibly believed by some including Saint Justin martyr, Saint Uranus, Saint Nesa for us, the doctor, the church, Saint Bonaventure, that during the 40 days between his resurrection and his ascension, Christ spent time with Elias and he not because the status of Eliason he knock almost demand this as a right. Given that for the sake of Christ, their blessedness has been delayed and deferred for so many thousands of years. Will they remain living on earth instead of being able to go to heaven to contemplate and enjoy God like all the rest of the saints Christ visited so that at the very least they might receive from him the mission they will carry out at the end of the world when they come back to battle for the true faith against the antichrist and then die as martyrs for Christ. Speaker 0 14:29 Close quote, why are two men being sent as four runners to Harold Christ's second coming? Suarez states that when Christ first came into the world, his immediate purpose was to gather into his fold the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and he had therefore only one foreigner, Saint John the Baptist who was a Jew, but it is second coming. Our Lord was sent to foreigners. A gentile entered you. He not to lie to us because he will be coming then, not to the Jews specially, but to as the universal church that has been gathered out of both the Jews and the gentiles, but even after transfiguration, weren't the apostles still confused fused as to the role of Elias? Yes, they were confused. We can see this in the verse immediately following today's Gospel where we read and his disciples asked him saying why they entered the scribes. Speaker 0 15:24 See that Elias must come first. Canadians. The Lapidus explains the reason for this question was that these three parcels had seen allies and the transfiguration and then seeing him going away. They're wondering why he departed when you ought to have remained and become the forerunner of Christ and his glorious kingdom. According to the prophecy of Malakai chapters four verse five a prophecy quoted and taught by the scribes closed quote. Okay, so at this point, Peter, James and John know who our Lord is, that he truly is the son of God and the Messiah. What they don't understand is exactly how Elias fits into this picture. So the posses are wondering why Elias departed when he ought to remain to become the 400 of Christ. According to this prophesy, I will read Malakai chapter four verses five and six behold, I shall send you Elias, the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Speaker 0 16:25 Now, this prophecy isn't confusing for us since we read it as something that will be fulfilled at the end of the world just before the second coming. For example, the Haydock commentary explains the Mal Kites praise. He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and hearts. The children had fathers as follows, but bringing you over the Jews to the faith of Christ. Elijah reconcile them to their fathers. That is to say the Patriarchs and profits whose hearts for many ages have been turned away from the Jews because of their refusing to believe in Christ. Okay, so for us it's easy to understand, but the pastas were understandably confused since the scribes that explain things otherwise coordinate sloppity. If the scribes did not distinguish between the first and second coming of Christ, just as even now the Jews failed to do so. For they deny that Christ has come and are expecting him as still about to come. Speaker 0 17:23 Because Elias has not yet appeared to point him out. Close quote. So our Lord response or confusion by answering Elias indeed shall come and restore all things. But I say to you, the Elias is already come and they knew him not but if done unto him whatsoever, they add a mind. So also the son of man shall suffer from them. Then the disciples understood that he had spoken to them of John The baptist, so lord clears up the confusion by identifying John the Baptist is the type or foreshadowing is lies is the one who had come in the spirit of Elias. At this point, they can see that the literal and true alas will be the will, will be the foreigner and the second coming. Why then when the Pharisees asked Saint John the Baptist if he realize, did he answer? No, because the object of the Pharisees and questioning him was not to find out the truth, but it's set a trap for him with words and so St John the Baptist answered them truly in their sense of the name. Speaker 0 18:25 He was not literally Elias just in spirit, but because of his wickedness, their wickedness, he did not explain himself any further cornice Lafferty. It was not because Elias had not yet come that the Jews persisted in not believing, even doing his size, but because they are perverse and obstinate in their wickedness for that allies who have been promised before Christ for the advent, namely Saint John the Baptist had already come, had already pointed out Christ to the scribes, that he was the Messiahs, but they would not believe John Therefor Christ ads, and they knew him. Not. That is to say they refused to recognize that he was the forerunner of Christ, but they have done onto him whatsoever. They had a mind. That is when he reproved their vices, they hated and persecuted him and delivered them up to Herod who sought his life and ultimately killed him with their approval. Close quote, our Lord closes his explanation with the observation that he too will suffer from the same men who killed St John The baptist. Speaker 1 19:27 Okay. Speaker 0 19:27 Is there any particular reason the Jews will listen to last when he returns, Speaker 0 19:32 they didn't listen to Saint John the baptist. Both Elias and the knock will have the power to confirm their preaching was spectacular miracles. Pontius elapid explains it. At the end of the world, alas will have the same power he had in ancient times to call cause fire to fall from heaven and devour the enemies of God both by means of his prayers and also simply by his command. They also, the part of simply closed the heavens and stopped there in it will just as ally's head in the olden days, they'll also be given the power that was given early given Moses in his battle with the Pharaoh to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with whatever sort of plagues they wish. Interestingly enough, even in our own day and age, the devout Jews are still on the look for Elias. In fact, just last night, devout choose, pray to God to send allies. Speaker 0 20:20 I checked this with an orchard doc to his friend. He's been moved by the Lord. Please pray for him and especially for his wife and kids because he believes the Lord is the Messiah. He believes in our lady. He believes the Catholic faith, but he's in a predicament because he's got it. He's got a family and that's not where they're at, so pray for him anyway. Elias is invoked on Saturday evening and the ceremonies that conclude the Sabbath Day during the closing him, they ask God to send a last during the falling week and I from their their him. Elijah the Prophet Elijah the Tishbite let him come quickly in our day with the Messiah, the son of David. Not only that, he's also invoked in his role as a foreigner. The massager and Jewish creates after meals when they pray. May the merciful one sentence Elijah the prophet maybe remember for good and he will hear it a little for us, tidings and goodness, salvation and comfort. Verse four and Peter, Nancy had said to Jesus, Lord is good for us to be here. If Thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles, one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias Cornine slap at Ais. Why did Peter Desire that these three tabernacles should be made since the blessings do not need dwellings? Any answers? Peter said this toward the close of the transfiguration when Moses and lies were about to depart. Naughty might keep them from leaving. Speaker 1 21:42 Okay, Speaker 0 21:43 first five and as you use yet speaking, behold a bright cloud overshadowed them and low voice out of the clouds saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased here you him. Why was the cloud bright Saint John Kristin Saint John Damascene expand the cloud was bright to signify the difference between the old law in the new law in the old law got appeared on the mountain to the Hebrews and a black cloud because that law was full of shadows and terrors and the new law. He appears in a bright cloud over the mountain because the new law brings truth, glory, and love. What does the significance of the word overshadowed? Well, the Greek word for the allover shouting in the cloud is the same word used to describe the Holy Spirit overshadowing the Virgin Mary at denunciation was the significance of the voice from the cloud saying, this is my beloved son and Haim, well pleased. Speaker 0 22:37 Hear ye him Kenisa lap. It explains that the words here you him does not pertain to quote Moses who has gone away, but to Christ himself as the new law giver of the new law here you and believe you and obey his commands in all things. There's an allusion Daron anime 1815 where Moses says about Christ the Lord Thy God will raise up to the prophet of our nation and of thy brethren, like unto me, him, thou shalt hear these words, hear him. We're not set of Christ. It is baptism because he was then for the first time shown to the world, but here he was sent forth as a teacher and a law giver. Therefore, his Tertullian, Saint Leo, the Great Saint John, damaging others maintain these words, denote the canceling of the old law and the commencement of the new law verses six through eight and disciples here, he fell upon her face and were very much afraid and Jesus came and touched them instead of them arise and fear not, and they lifted up their eyes, saw no one but only cheeses, coordinates this symbolize the law and the profits had disappeared. Speaker 0 23:49 Now that Christ was present, yielding their place to him, and that only he remained who brought to men the true light of the Gospel. Verse Nine and as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them saying, tell the vision to no man, to the son of man, be risen from the dead. St Jerome Saint John Chris' system, and the venerable Bede say that until after his resurrection, our Lord does not wish this to be preached. Among the people less than marvelous things should seem incredible. Less the cross falling after. So greater glory should cause a fence. Let's close the presence of Moses and Elias. Miraculous voice from heaven. The cloud of glory descending upon the mountain and the transfiguration of our Lord definitively reveals to the passes the true identity of our Lord. It strengthens him and their faith. They're greatly strengthened for the upcoming and passion and death of our Lord, and given clear assurances that despite his betrayal, death, and apparent failure, he'll ultimately triumph by means of his glorious resurrection. And Yeah, in spite of all that accepting for St John, when faced with the brutal reality of the passion of our Lord, the other two flee. They run away. See, abandoned our Lord in the hour of his greatest distress. Speaker 0 25:23 What was the difference? What did St John Do to remain faithful to the bitter end? He stayed close to our lady. He stayed close to our lady. Let us take care is that we don't flee. Well, let's take care of that. We don't abandon our Lord as we enter more deeply into the passion of the church. Stay close to our lady. Stay close to our lady.

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