Q & A pt.7 Fear

January 09, 2021 00:07:48
Q & A pt.7 Fear
Veritas Caritas
Q & A pt.7 Fear

Jan 09 2021 | 00:07:48


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously. It's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated published this. Uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under. Yeah. Okay. Fear. Yeah. There's a lot of fear. The manipulation is on the basis of fear. And so it is important to know how to, they will perfect love casts out all fear. Our Lord tells us it's in the scripture. And so what we want to do is really turned to him and say, wait a minute, you're the way the truth and the life. Why am I so worried about these concerns? None of this has escaped your attention. If you're letting it happen, it's because you know, what's best and insert. Speaker 1 00:01:10 There's certain aspects of it. I can see why it has to be that way. What do I mean like the situation in the church, we have to be cleansed and purified. And the only way that seems to be able to do it is suffering because God can't get her attention any other way in the society. I mean, how many mornings? So the pups has sent out in cyclone after cyclone, maybe the past two centuries, let's just take. But so many of them were dead letter, just file 13. Don't do this. Do do that. Don't do that. When you read them, they're just astonishing. It's the answer to almost everything in terms of the political order and social problems, et cetera, Mo points, what points people pay no attention. Then he sends his mother from heaven with a miracle that you literally have to go back to the scriptures to see something of that kind of stupendous proportion. Speaker 1 00:02:09 And it's like, Oh yeah, Fatima miracle. What's on channel 44. You know, it got like no attention. She's uh, she's saying if men don't quit CNA, worst things are gonna happen. So world war one is a punishment for the sin. If men don't quit sending worst things are going to happen. You're going to have another war, breakout.dot dot. So he, our Lord wants devotion of my immaculate heart. The big non-event support shuttle and Spain followed suit. But nobody else it's still the first Saturday. You'd think that's not like front and center and it hasn't been, it absolutely. Hasn't how many P D let's not talk about right now since all this stuff, but before how many average parishes had a Saturday mass let alone a first Saturday mass? Almost none. They have the vigil mass at night for Sunday, but they didn't have a mass from Saturday for it. Speaker 1 00:03:05 They were preaching. Everybody needs to try to make reparations to the macro at heart for this stuff. So what was done virtually nothing. And so you have all these things it's so we're on this trajectory that what could, what could God do to get our attention world war one? Didn't get our attention fast. Adam, didn't get our attention. World war II. Didn't get our attention. Hey, world, communism. As per explaining, predicted our lady that still didn't get our attention spiritually like it should have. Is everybody praying? The rosary? No. Is everybody wearing their Brown scapular? No. And, and, and down and down and down and down and to own a donut, what gets our attention? Uh, so finally it's very much like you see in the book of judges and so forth all through the old Testament is people really have to be humbled till they, they turn around and beg for help. Speaker 1 00:03:59 And that's what's going on. So when we look at that, we don't have to be afraid. We can see this is in a certain sense, almost necessary that we suffer as collectively to get us to repent because there's so many people that won't turn back to God, unless, unless there's suffering, I'm just, you know, I'm not pointing out any individual person. That's not. So part of our fear can be removed just by meditating on those things say, no, God loves us. He God's, God's all loving. And Sophie does something it's because he wants to, he's all powerful. So this couldn't happen outside his attention. He's all knowing. He knows what's best. So this is a chastisement that in some ways best, even if I can't see all the details so that at the level of faith. So ask our Lord for a stronger faith to at least see these things in the light of faith and say, no, this is something we're going to have to go through and then ask him to increase your charity. Speaker 1 00:04:57 You know, that's loving God above all things, but he's all good and worthy of all love and loving our neighbor as ourselves for love of him. It doesn't mean like, I mean, not to like people. We have to love them. Not the same at all. Well, what do you mean father? Well, what I mean is we have to pray for him. If, you know, if somebody does something, we just say, God, make him happy in this life. The next, uh, we might still feel like it would push them out of the window, but it's not as we'd say that prayer. We couldn't say unless we willed it and love is in the will, not a feelings. I might feel like punching the guy out, you know, but whatever. Um, and plenty of times a guy might feel like that when you see some of the stuff that's going on, but I'm just talking about the level of feeds. Speaker 1 00:05:33 So we love them and, uh, work on. Cause the more charity we have, the less we're gonna, we're going to be afraid. And so we, we see a place where we're at God, why am I afraid there and pray about it in the marshal, give us a good help in this. It goes back to the, some of your early questions, like with the martyrs, because we realized, wow, they went through this. And so we start talking to them and they'll help us. And we ask Cron, Sherry in the Siri sit, the more we love our Lord, the more we want to be conformed to him, the less we'll be afraid of anything that comes our way and including suffering cause of suffering is the key. Once we see that suffering is the key, we're on our way. What do I mean by that? I'll say that we'll close with this idea. Everybody gets to suffer. That's part of the human condition, but it's what are you suffering for? Are you suffering for love or are you suffering for something else? Look at the kind of things that people put themselves through to become these tycoons on wall street or famous professors or, or physicians or, you know, athletes or whatever they're doing. I mean the kind of self denial in different ways and the things they go through and it all ends when they die. Speaker 1 00:06:50 But you know, we all have to suffer and we suffer for the things we love. And if we love the Lord, then that suffering has, has a great meaning and it's redemptive. It helps us it, he uses it. He applies it to other people. There's many souls that go to hell because there's no one to pray and offer sacrifice for them. So we're helping those souls and we're helping the poor souls and it's a, win-win all the way around and it makes us more and more free. So a perfect love casts out, all fear. So we want to grow and, uh, I turned back to shock Phillipe and just, uh, and on that note is those books searching for and maintaining peace and cheer freedom in the way of trust and love it. Can't go wrong. Read those books. Then when you're done, read them again, read them on your knees, prayerfully, go through them and absorb the lessons that the father fleet puts there. And then it'll all will be well.

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