Unless We Believe in Scripture We Can Neither Be Christians Nor Be Saved

December 14, 2008 00:27:58
Unless We Believe in Scripture We Can Neither Be Christians Nor Be Saved
Veritas Caritas
Unless We Believe in Scripture We Can Neither Be Christians Nor Be Saved

Dec 14 2008 | 00:27:58


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Speaker 0 00:01 One more little note before we get going on the sermon. It really is important to pray your faith increase before a sermon. St Paul writes, Romans 10 12 few days, XLT to faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God. It's a joint effort. The priest is trying to preach the faith. At least we are. I know that's not always the case, unfortunately because we live in strange time. But then you pray to dispose it and your faith will grow. It's a mysterious thing that God set it up in this way. But it is. That is what it is. That's why he sent a pastas to go out and preach. They had to go out and teach nation. So your faith grows by hearing. So that's why it's important to dispose yourself to pray. Anytime you're going to listen to a sermon or if you have a tape, somebody given a spiritual conference, listen to father hardner father crop or something. Speaker 0 00:46 You listen to those kinds of things. You pray beforehand, your faith is going to increase. That's how it works. So that's an important little thing that only takes a sec. Alright, now we'll get going with this sermon. Since time immemorial at their funerals and weddings, the Meow people said, ethnic minority who live in the South of China, recite by heart a traditional Palm. The recounts their history. Here's some excerpts from this traditional pagan POM quote. On the day God created the heavens and earth. On that day, he opened the gateway of light and the earth. He made heaps of earth and of stone in the sky. He made bodies, the sun and moon.dot dot on the earth. He created a man from the dirt of the man that's created a woman he formed then the patriarch dirt parenthetical note, patriarch dirt. What's that need? Is everyone here realize why they call the first man, the patriarch daughter. Speaker 0 02:01 The Hebrew word for earth, for dirt is Adam Adam. That's what Adam means. Dirt factor, the poem. Then the patriarch, dirt.dot dot. Pondered the ways of the deity. God, the patriotic dirt begat Patrik SETA, patriarch, SETA after Cain killed Abel, the next son born to Adam and Eve, whose name is given in sacred scripture with Seth. So dot, dot, dot. The patriarch Lama, they get the man Noah. Now we know from the Bible that the name of Noah's dad was not Lama. It was actually Lamek. The Palm speaks to Noah's wife and then says their sons were low hand, low Shen and Jehu. Now the Bible tells us the three sons of Noah were actually in ham cam, not Lohan, sham, not low shin and J fifth not Jay, who was skipped along quickly. Now the Palm speaks to the defiance of stirring up God's anger until quote, he must come and demolish humanity, so it poured 40 days and sheets and torrents. Speaker 0 03:08 The waters surmounted the mountains and ranges, but the patriarch Noah was righteous, built a boat very wide. Their household, entire God aboard and were floated the animals with him were male and female. The flood waters receded. Their descendants established encampments and cities. Their speaking was all with the same words and language. Then they said, let us raise on to heaven. A very high tower. This was wrong, but they reached this decision. God struck at them, then changed their language and accent and despair. They then separate under all heaven close quotes. From this point, they begin to trace their ancestry through JFF by way of galmer. Now, Gomer scripture tells us was the eldest son of chafed with and although they speak of some of their ancestors intermarrying with the Chinese. This tells us the Meow people are originally of Indo-European stock will come on. Father, get real. Speaker 0 04:06 You don't really believe these people. Remember all this from the Palm. It's almost the same as what Moses tells us in sacred scripture, which means what probably happened at some time in the distant past. The meal picked up this story from the Bible and turned it into a Palm. Well, obviously that is a possibility. Who can deny it? So now we're going to turn to the genealogies of other pagan peoples that also claimed to be descended from Noah to Jaffa. Before we turn to those pagan genealogies, let's quickly consider just one interesting note from a pagan nation who are not descended from J fifth and who traditionally considered the Miao people to be barbarians. That's the Chinese quote. The ancient Chinese record things who to me, comprehensive meaning of customs States at all people on earth that are centered from newer close quilt. Okay, we'll turn to some other indisputably ancient genealogies of pagan nations that also claimed to be descended from Chafee genealogies, which certainly predate any scriptural knowledge on the part of these various peoples. Speaker 0 05:11 Per usual cut and paste. We rely largely but not exclusively on the work of bill Cooper. The Saxons before their conversion from paganism. Early SACS and records refer to their descent from Walden who was in turn a direct but distant descendant of a man named chef. Okay, great. So who's shave the Saxon records explained quote, the chef was Noah's son and he was born in the Ark. Close quote three points with regards to this first point. This genealogy is kept by pagans who garbled the name of one of Noah's sons. In fact, the later Christianized sex and never used the name chef. Instead, they always refer to this son as J fifth first point then is that this is a pagan genealogy. Second point, the pagan Saxons are fully aware they're descended from Noah. Third point, the pagan Saxons, they're also fully aware that there was an arc enhance a great flood. Speaker 0 06:13 By the way, besides mangling, JFS name, they got something else wrong. J foot was not born on arc. He was a grown married man when the flood hit, but then beyond, the Saxons aren't only pagan nations who had knowledge. These events, quote anthropologists have collected at least 59 flood legends from the Aborigines of North America, 46 from central and South America, 31 from Europe, 17 from the middle East, 23 from Asia and 37 from the South sea islands in Australia. All accounts hold three features in common. A worldwide flood destroyed both men and animals. A vessel of safety was provided and only a small number of people survived close quote. The point is that even though they must've had some of their facts confused, which is pretty obvious, they're legends and genealogies show it. The ancient pagans knew about the great flood and in many instances had explicit knowledge of no and his sons. Speaker 0 07:17 For example, the ancient wealth trace, the descent or their Royal houses, peg and Welsh, back to JFF. What about Ireland? Irish history book speaks of incredible value which the pig and Irish praised on the genealogies. Quote, the books of genealogists and pedigrees form a most important element in Irish pagan history for social and political reasons. The Irish CELT preserved as genealogical tree was scrupulous precision, the rights of property and the governing power transmitted with patriarchal exactitude on strict claims. It printed janitor pause from it to make sure the young people know what pretty much entry is. What does that mean? It means the right of inheritance and succession that belongs to the firstborn. Usually we're speaking to the first born son. Okay, so prima Janet sure means the inheritance rights to the firstborn for the Irish, it meant property and it meant ruling power. Okay, very important. Speaker 0 08:16 Back to the explanation on the importance of their genealogies to the ancient pagan Irish. The rights of property and the governing power were transmitted with patriarchal exactitude on strict claims of primogeniture and obedience to an ancient law established long before the introduction of Christianity. All the provincial records as well as those of the various chieftains were required to be furnished every third year to the convocation at Kara where they were compared and corrected close quote. Okay. So the pagan Irishman placed a very high value on his genealogy. You can imagine how important this was for firstborn sons. So what do we see in these ancient pagan Irish genealogies? We see that the pagan Celtic Kings of Ireland trace their genealogy straight back to a man named Magog, who's the son of J fifth who is a son of Noah. Speaker 1 09:12 Okay. Speaker 0 09:12 Okay. So we've looked at the Meow. We've looked at the SAC since Welsh and Irish. Now let's take a look at the Norsemen. The ancient pagan Norwegians trace their ancestry back to a man named Bowden that's Woden. And then further back with significant gaps and differences from the SACS and Chronicles to an ancient ancestral name says calf J Smith, who is the son of a man named Noah. Speaker 0 09:36 Similarly, the pagan Danes trace their ancestry back through Bolden to Noah, did genealogy of the pig, and Icelanders does not go back as far as know. It goes back through a man named olefin, another version of Woden, but only reaches back to a patriarch name. Saska. That's JFF again. All right, father, very interesting. But once again, it's almost the same as what Moses tells us in sacred scripture, which means it's very probable that sometime before the conversions these pagan nations got their ideas from someone familiar with the book of Genesis. Well, there's just no way cause anyone here seriously think that a pagan Irishman whose land and rules are at stake is going to let anyone mess with his legal claim to that property. Think again or in the case in regards to the North. Consider this comment from bill Cooper. Quote is interesting. Examine some of the characters who would have owned this list as their own ancestral tree. Speaker 0 10:36 For example, in late 18 hundreds of Vikki named Ivor, the boneless committed the pagan Rite of the bloody Eagle upon the living buys of Kings, all of Northumbria and Edmond of East Anglia. This is a sacrifice. OSHA right to Odin. Remember old Norwood is their ancestor, so they actually are involved in ancestor worship here. Of course we all know him. That's what Wednesday's named after Walden's day. Okay. Anyway, the pagan, right? The blood Eagle was a sacrificial right to Odin and involve cutting out the lungs of a living man at laying them on his shoulders so they resembled dots spread wings of an Eagle. Sounds like somebody that works for planned Parenthood. It was such men as these who candidate and that's in estimable honor to be able to trace their descent from such patriarchs. As Odin says, calf and Noah, no friends of Christians, these and is impossible to believe that they would look on as anyone Christian or pagan tampered with their sacred lists in which were in shrine, the very ancestral gods of the nations gods to whom even Kings were sacrificed. Speaker 0 11:47 Close quote. Now before we view, here's a few more interesting remarks regarding Schaefer with quote, since fifth is the father of all the Indo European peoples. It would be surprising indeed if his name had got unremembered among them as it is. We find that the early Greeks worshiped him as yet Pato. So you have pages when they regard the son of heaven on earth. The father of many nations. Likewise in the ancient Sanskrit Vedas of India, he is remembered as project potty the son and ostensible Lord of creation. As time went on, his name was further corrupted being assimilated into the Roman pant and as you Potter and eventually Jupiter. None of these names are of Greek Indian or Latin origin that are merely corruptions of the original name of Chafee with close quote. Okay, so what have we seen? We've seen that the pagan flood legends from tribe and nations around the world all agree on three points points which are also perfectly consistent with the teaching of the Bible. Speaker 0 12:43 Number one, a worldwide flood destroyed both men and animals. Number two, a vessel of safety was provided. Number three, only a small number of people survived besides us. We've also taken a look at the genealogies of several pagan nations that had no knowledge of the book of Genesis, but who nonetheless preserved a historical memory of their descent from Che and Noah. Now before we go on, let's stop and ask ourselves an important question since there's absolutely no possibility that all of these pig nations got them stored from Moses. Just how is it that these men from all over the world, from virtually every tribe and nation got the same general beliefs about a great flood that are similar to those Todd and sacred scripture? How is that? Well, it's easy because it's true because it really happened. The reason so many pagan nations retain a memory of this, and I've been descended from Noah, is because they really are the fathers of the church. Speaker 0 13:42 Point out that when we find a situation like this situation, which men everywhere have beliefs or teachings or customs that are similar to the teachings of Holy scripture. The reason for the similarity is that when men were scattered all over the world after town of Babel, they didn't instantly forget everything. They had their language confused, but that didn't mean that they forgot everything that happened before. Okay, but what about the differences? The fathers point out that the differences in the various accounts are a result of corruption by both men and devils, except for one singular case, the case of the people of Israel who are preserved from teaching air by a special grace of God. They weren't preserved from falling into dare. They were preserved from teaching here. It's an exact prefigurement of the situation in the church, huh? The magisterium can't teach air, but that doesn't prevent members of the magisterium from falling into sin or into air. Speaker 0 14:43 Okay, so we've been considering a tiny amount, a tiny amount of extra biblical evidence for the reality of descent of all the nations in the world from no after the flood. Now someone might wonder, why are we going over a topic like this right before Christmas? Because liturgically speaking, the season of admin is especially meant to recall their minds. Those thousands of years when man looked forward to the coming of our Lord and because also we live in such dismal times now that almost no one believes in the actual historical reality of the first 11 chapters of Genesis, even though it hasn't quit. Be inspired in air. Word of God. God hasn't gotten any new ideas. It's just that we do. So why do we spend so much time with extra biblical peg and evidence? What has strengthened our faith in the first place? After all, we've been given this mysterious, amazing gift to believe what God says because he says so. Speaker 0 15:46 It's extraordinary that we have that gift. Okay? So we believe and we thank God for that, but more than that, we also want those around us who do not believe. We want to bring them to a saving knowledge of the truth, huh? We want to be able to remove barriers to belief in the minds of our friends and acquaintances in this kind of extra biblical evidence is useful in that regard. We want to keep that spirit of the command that Saint Peter gave us in first Peter three 15 to always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to an account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence and all of a sudden the spirit of that command of Saint Paul that we find in cloth four six to always let your speech be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer everyone. Speaker 0 16:39 We need to be prepared to give reasons for the hopes in us to be able to answer everyone. This present darkness. So we've looked at the pagans, we've considered a tiny amount of extra biblical peg and documented Everence. Now let's briefly consider the testimony of the fathers. The fathers, the church are unanimous. The great flood is a historical reality which really destroyed all of mankind except for the eight saved on the Ark. Those eight are Noah and his wife. Then his three sons and their wives, his three sons, Shem, cam and Jeff with three sons and their wives. Noah is a new Adam and so far as mankind has descended from him by way of his three sons. The arc, which is a historical reality is also a type of the church just as only those within the arc were Sade, so also only those within the church will be saved. Speaker 0 17:35 That's the fathers will sum up the teaching the fathers by taking just one representative quote from that great father and doc, the church, st Augustan. We can take him for all the fathers. Just in this one quote st Augustan quote, it could not plausibly said that the events concerning the flood though historical have no symbolic meaning or that the account is not factual but merely symbolic or that the symbolism has nothing to do with the church. No. We must believe that the writing of this historical record of the flood had a wise purpose. That the events are historical, that they also have a symbolic meaning at this. Meaning it gives a prophetic picture of the church. Close, quote st Augustan, Bishop, father and doctor of the church. Okay. Now what about scripture? Well, let's start with the modernists. These people don't believe in the real reality of a worldwide flood at all. Speaker 0 18:38 For example, the commentary in my NAB new American Bible, it comes complete with a bright shining imprimatur in the front. The commentary, my antibi States quote, the story of the great flood here recorded is a composite narrative based on two separate sources. Both biblical sources go back ultimately to an ancient Mesopotamian story of a great flood preserved in the 11th tablet of the Gilgamesh Epic close quote. In other words, this so called Catholic Bible tells the reader, the unsuspecting reader that the story of knowing the great flood is a Babylonian legend that has been stuck into the Bible. Speaker 0 19:23 Guess what? Psalm 95 five says, all the gods of the Gentiles are devils. What does that have to do with anything? That means that we have a religious Epic from devil worshipers stuck in to the Bible. That's what that quote is telling us. It said, the NAB B new American Bible, it should be not actually the Bible. These people do not believe in the word of God. These people do not believe that Moses wrote the first five books. They believe whoever it was, this guy that's a redactor that they pull out of their pocket every time he turned around and nobody knows who these people are. Nobody's even met somebody like that. These guys come along and they can't think of what to do, so they go rushing to the junk and trash and find a story and clip it out like bad newspaper writings and stick it together and say, Oh, God wrote this. Speaker 0 20:17 It is in cyclical on the inerrancy of scripture. Paul Bennet, the 15th gives us true Catholic principle by quoting that great father and doctor of the church, st Augustan. Now here's the pulp quoting Saint Augusta Holy scripture is invested with Supreme authority by reason of its sure and momentous teachings regarding the faith, whatever. Then it tells us that we believe, we believe. It's simply because it is written in scripture and unless we believe in scripture, we can neither be Christians nor be saved. Close quote. That's an important principle. The Pope has given his own authority and cyclical written on inerrancy of scripture. It's worth repeating. Holy scripture is invested with Supreme authority by reason of it. Sure. Momentous teachings regarding the faith, whatever. Then it tells us that we believe we believe it simply because it is written in scripture and unless we believe in scripture, we can neither be Christians nor be saved. This is a Bible. It's inspired in air, word of God. It is not a collection of all time legends. If we don't believe in the absolute truth of the word of God, if we don't believe in the absolute truth of the word of God, if we don't believe that absolutely every word in this is inspired in an errant, then how we ever going to believe in the opposite truth, a very word spoken by the word of God made flesh. He's alive. Speaker 0 22:14 Why would we believe in if we can't believe him in here? I didn't make that up. Our Lord uses that exact argument. He poses the same question. Remember our Lord's warning to the Pharisees quote, if you believed in Moses, you would believe me, but if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words? Close, quote God the son. In other words, our Lord is warning his listeners. If you don't believe what Rose's wrote, for example, the story of Noah in Genesis, there's no way you're going to believe what I say and what our Lord said to those who 2000 years ago, dotted scripture is just as true today as it was then. He made it perfectly clear in the gospel, quote, you not neither the scriptures nor the power of God. Scripture cannot be broken. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. Speaker 0 23:17 Close quote, God, the son, our Lord himself makes it clear that he believes in the absolute historical reality of knowing the flood. Here's our lore quote, as in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the son of man be paranthetically. Mark, what does that mean? Well, according to the fathers and commentators in the days of Noah, the whole world was a wash in greed, wantonness, impurity and sin. Women quote, disdain their own continents, abandoned and modesty adorned themselves and became a snare to the eyes. The men, close quotes and many men quote, were so feminine, so as to deserve to be called women. Close quote back to our Lord, as in the days of Noah. So I'll show them coming to the son of man, be for as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage even till that day in which Noah entered the Ark and they knew not until the flood came and took them all away. So shall the coming of the son of man be close, quote unquote, as it came to pass the days of Noah. So shall it be also in the days of the son of man, they did eat and drink. They married wives and were given in marriage until the day when no entered the Ark and the flood came and destroyed them. All. Close quote our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, the second person, Speaker 3 24:51 Oh the most Holy Trinity. Speaker 0 24:55 In other words, since our Lord himself believes in absolute historical reality of knowing the flood, if we are so stupid as to refuse to believe in effect, what are we doing? We're claiming that we're smarter than God, but unfortunately that's common. See, disbelieving in the revealed word of God is nothing new. Fact, that was one of the other major features in the days of Noah. Remember that even though Noah preached the word of God for a hundred years warning sinners of the great flood that was to come upon them all the time, building this gigantic arc right before their very eyes. In the end, after a hundred years of preaching the word of God, Speaker 3 25:48 only seven men believed in only seven Speaker 0 25:56 in the whole world. Speaker 3 26:00 His wife, his sons, and their wives. That was it, Speaker 0 26:07 and the fathers tell us, the center's actually made fun of Noah and mocked him the whole time. But God says what he means and he means what he says. They ignored him at their own peril and we ignore them at our own peril. Saint Peter quote, God did not spare the ancient world, but preserve nor the preacher of righteousness with seven other persons when he brought a flood on the world of the ungodly. Closed quote. Second Peter two five Speaker 1 26:41 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 26:44 There were eight people on the arc Speaker 1 26:48 counting Noah, Speaker 0 26:53 how about us? Do we believe the word of God? Are we going to be numbered in that tiny group of men that remnant left who still believe what God says? Because he says, so Speaker 1 27:16 are we Speaker 0 27:19 Holy scripture is invested with Supreme authority by reason of it. Sure. Momentous teachings regarding the faith, whatever. Then it tells us that we believe we will leave it simply because it is written in scripture and less. We believe in scripture. We can neither be Christians nor be saved. The stakes are eternal. Last week we even scripture, we can neither be Christians Speaker 1 27:53 nor be saved.

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