Defending the Marian Motherhood of God

October 12, 2013 00:15:24
Defending the Marian Motherhood of God
Veritas Caritas
Defending the Marian Motherhood of God

Oct 12 2013 | 00:15:24


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Speaker 0 00:00 Okay, Speaker 1 00:01 well we'll, we'll make two considerations today. First one quite brief, but uh, during the passion of our Lord, the only ones that stayed faithful stayed at the foot of the cross were the ones that stay close to our lady. If we consider all the bishops in the first pope, only Saint John stayed there, the rest ran away. Speaker 1 00:34 We're entering deeper into the passion of the mystical body of Christ, the passion of the church. If we are going to remain faithful, remain at the foot across. We have to stay close to our lady, say rosary where you're scapular. If you haven't made the consecration of St Louis de Montfort or some equivalent like that do so stay close to our lady. Second consideration, the third Ecumenical Council of the Church that was the council of Ephesus took place in four 31. Now this council was called and response to the claims of a man named Miss Stories. Not as stories, wasn't just a man. He also happened to be the archbishop of Constantinople, the patriarch of Constantinople. Now in many parts of the east, our lady had been traditionally called the Theotokos, which is means the God bear the mother of God from the pulpit of his cathedral and constant nopal Nestorius attacked the blessed Virgin Mary Saint. Speaker 1 01:43 She was not the Theotokos. The stories claimed that our lady was truly the mother of Christ, but that she was not the mother of God. Well, that's set off explosions and the clergy of Constantinople attack the teaching. The bishop, when the Patriarch of Alexandria, a Saint Cyril heard of this, he wrote letters warning all the monks in Egypt to be aware of this heresy. And then he wrote to Nestorius and he took the response from his stories and wrote this, enclosed them with a letter to the pope, submitting both his own writings as well as the responsiveness stories to the judgment of the Holy Father, the Holy Father exam the documents, and then orderedness stories to recant within 10 days. The stories did nothing of the sort and he asked for general counsel, so he got one. It was held in emphasis, but then this story said obstinately refused to attend. Speaker 1 02:41 He was stripped. It was episcopal dignity and degraded to the lace state. Among other things, the consequent declared, and I quote, if anyone that is not confess that Emmanuel is God and truth and therefore that the holy virgin is the mother of God. For she born a flesh, the the word of God become flesh. Let him be anathema. Close quote, there were great crowds precessing through the streets of Ephesus and crying out, quote, Dhalla, Theotokos, the whole mother of God has destroyed the heresy. Close quote on 1931 then on the 1500 anniversary of the council of Ephesus, Popeyes the 11th establish this feast, the Feast of the motherhood of the blessed Virgin Mary. Of course, we're seeing a votive mass in honor of that today on our lady Saturday. As Catholics, we all know that our ladies, mother of God, we also know that we became soldiers of Christ and confirmation. Speaker 1 03:38 We all know that by order of the mighty God himself speaking to Saint Peter in First Peter Three 15 all Catholics have to always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls to an account. For the hope is that is in you yet do it with gentleness and reverence. So on the one hand we all clearly know that our blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of God. On the other hand, we know we're soldiers of Christ under orders from him to always be prepared to defend the faith with gentleness and reverence. But as many of you on Dolly realize is extremely rare to meet a Protestant who doesn't unwittingly subscribes in historian heresy. I'm not saying they, they thoughtfully do it, but they certainly subscribe to it. We're just in, we're in the Bible belt. We're absolutely, we're still surrounded and immersed in a culture of people that are historian. Speaker 1 04:32 Given all that, if you walked out of mass today and bumped into a friendly Bible Christian who asked you, you know, what would you, why do you Catholics mean? What do you mean? We call Mary the Mother of God? How can a woman born in time be the mother of God who's eternal? What would we say to him? We're going to answer that here. Those are good questions and we should be able to answer them clearly. Now to do that, we need to just have a handle on three terms on nature, person and mother. So just go through this and hopefully this is only review. Nature will ask a question about natures. We're asking the question about what something is and what it does. See, you're out camping in the woods. You hear a loud crashing noise at night. You wonder what is that? Is it Chrisley there? Is it an elk? Speaker 1 05:25 Is it a deer? Don hears it a while hog. What is that? We're asking a question about what is it we're asking a question about nature's nature tells us what something is and what it can do. For example, a fish has fish nature, so it has gills. It swims to water it, breeze, water, birds, EP or nature. They're warm blooded, they have feathers, they lay eggs. We of human nature, which means we have a body and a rational soul. So we can lot walk, we can laugh, we can think we can die, et cetera. Okay, so nature tells us what is it and what can it do? That's nature. Next person. So we're sitting there and someone knocks on the door. We don't call. What is that? Is that a grizzly bear? Is that a wild hawk? You know we, we go, who's there? We already assume there's, so when we say a question who, that's a question about a person. Speaker 1 06:20 Person answers the question, who is it or who is doing it? Who is it? Or WHO's doing it? So someone knocked on the door, say, who's there? We want to know that we know it's a person who is that? Now it's important to note that a person is who's doing something. For example, I am speaking. My nature isn't, isn't speaking. I'm speaking and hopefully your listening, your nature isn't listening. You're listening. That's object in sexercise I speak. You listen, that's how it's supposed to work in, but it's not your nature doing it. The fact that you have human nature means that you can listen and hopefully understand what I'm saying, all that. That's the idea and that I have a human nature. I can do this, but my nature isn't doing new users. Your nature a person is the principle of action here. When we're talking about this. Speaker 1 07:09 Okay, so nature ass answers a question. What is it and what can I do? And person answers the question. Who is it and who's doing it? Alright, one more thing then mother. What does it mean when normally when we say any woman as a mother, you know more particularly, what is it that makes your mother, your mother? What it normally means. I mean we are living weird times. We'll just do this. What it normally means is what the help will your father who planted the seed and Almighty God, who created your soul, you are conceived in your mother and during your pregnancy she carried you inside herself too. You're born, okay. So normally when we say any woman's a mother, we mean she can see with pregnant gape or to a child. Okay? So none of these are that complicated. Now let's start tying things together. Speaker 1 07:55 Okay? So let's take, what about mother and talk about the blessed Virgin Mary situation. All right. What? When we say that she's a mother, it means she's conceived, was pregnant, and gave birth to her child, and we'll just like any mother mothers, just like your mother, the bus, a Virgin Mary conceived your son. Saint Luke says, clearly and behold, you'll conceive in your Willingboro son Luke one 31 but unlike all other mothers, she did so without the help of any man. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, which has always been held by all Christians. Maria was pregnant with Jesus, which means that while he was developing an inner wome, she carried himself or him inside herself until he was born. Just like any other mother, just like your mother and my mother. She's truly the mother of Jesus in the same way that any mothers, the mother of her child, and the same sense that the mother, your mother's, the mother view, the miraculous difference is that unlike any other mother, including our mother's, Mary's and mother, by the power of the Holy Spirit, without the aid of a man, okay, now that we've agreed that she's the mother of Jesus, let's take we mean by nature and ask the question, what about her little baby? Speaker 1 09:00 What is he? If we're looking at our lord laying in the cradle, what is he? Well, there's actually, he has two. What's unlike us, he is man, which means that he has a human body and human soul. So like other men, he can be born. He was nursed. Later on he learned to walk. He got lost in the temple. We just heard about that and everything. He suffered and he died. Okay, so what is it? He's man, his man and he's got, so you can do all the things, proper demand. He can eat borne, he can self Rican die and he can do all the things proper to God. Which means he can do things like perform miracles, raise the dead, heal the sick, forgive sins, and ascend into heaven. He has two natures unlike us. There's two witnesses, the eternal word, the second person last blessed attorney took a human nature at Saint John tells us, and we hear in the Glass Gospel every day, and the word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. Speaker 1 10:00 So what is Jesus? He's both God and man and Mary's his mother. Now let's take what we mean by person applied to the situation of nature tells us what is it? What can it do? And person tells us, who is it? Who's doing it? So the blessed Virgin Mary, just like all my other mothers was pregnant and gave birth to her baby. But unlike all of the mothers who give birth to human persons, Mary's baby is not a human person. He's a divine person. He's the second person and the most blessed trinity. God the son. The two natures are United in one person in others, a $5 word for that theological quarter. If you ever hear hypostatic union, that means the union of the two natures in one person. So when we say we looked at the cradle, say, who is he? That's God, the son. What is he? Speaker 1 10:52 He's both God and man. But who is he? That's God the son. That's where the union is in the divine person. Okay, so if we ask the question, who is this baby? Jesus answers God the son. The second person, the most plus at Trinity, she is is a divine person, not a human person. He's not a human person. He's divine person. And the blessed Virgin Mary is his mother. So if we supporting, again, if we're going to stand before the quilt, this is worth reviewing cause people get it confused and we look at the little Lord Jesus. We ask what is he could say he truly God and truly man because he has those two natures. And because he has two natures, you can do all things proper to God and all things property man. But if we're asked, who is he? We have to ask God the son. Speaker 1 11:37 So who was born in Bethlehem? When we answer the question, who we're asking the question about persons who was born, it was God the son, God the son who died on calvary. It was God the son. Wait a minute, father, how can God die? Are you saying God died? Absolutely. I'm saying God died. This is where his stories went off the rails. How can God die? He took a human nature. We talked about, well, human nature earlier. What's, what are some of the traits that the human nature has? A body and a soul, right? We all have it. What does death mean? Death means our soul leaves our body. That's what death is. Did God so leave his body? Did he have body and soul? He sure did. It wasn't a puppet. He had a human nature. He's true manager. God, what happened on the cross then his soul left his body. Speaker 1 12:32 When his soul left his body, he died. Death doesn't mean going out existence any more than means going out existence for us. It means our soul leaves their body and his soul left his body whose soul? God, the son's soul gets you on a story. Aneurysm is so dangerous because if you don't think this is God, the son, then who died on the cross and what good did it do us. If it isn't God the son, it's not doing us any good. We're wasting our time. God, the son died. His soul left his body. Okay. Death means soul leaves the body. Did Jesus have a human soul? Yes he did. He's true, man. Did he have the human body? Yes he did. He's true, man. His soul left his body and he died on the cross. Did that mean only as human nature died? No, that's nestorianism. Speaker 1 13:17 Nature's don't do anything. When you die, you're going to die. Your natures that you're going to die. This is important to get at the person is, is, is what happens. So natures ask and answer the question, what is it and what can it do? Nature's don't do anything. The person answers a question. Who is it? Who's doing it? So just to ask yourself, who died? Jesus Christ incarnate word. God the son. Okay. So now we can also see the answer to the second question, which is how can a woman born and time be the mother of the eternal God? Because God, the son and his divine nature is eternal, but in his human nature he was born the blessed Virgin Mary in time. It's mysterious, but never forget all Jesus' actions, whether human or divine are done by one person, a divine person, God the son. So all you have to do is say, who was born to the blessed Virgin Mary who ate with Margaret, Mary and Martha who walked on the water, who cried over Jerusalem, who died on the cross? And the answer's always God, the son, the second person, the most blessed trinity and the blessed virgin is his mother. Speaker 1 14:25 So we've answered the questions. Now we can see what Catholics mean when we speak of the blessed Virgin Mary as the mother of God and a, hopefully everyone here knows how to briefly explain, but what we mean by the word nature, it answers a question. What is it? What can it do? What we mean by the word person? And answer the question, who is it? Who's doing it? What we mean by the word mother, she that she can see as he's pregnant and gives birth to her child. And now you should all know how to relate each of these ideas to our lady and her son, Jesus, who's the second person in the most bus at trinity who has both a human and a divine nature that are United in the one person, the second person, the blessed trinity. Therefore, now you all know how to explain what we mean when we say the blessed Virgin Mary is the mother of God to anyone who calls you to an account for the hope that is hidden. We would channel this and reference.

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