Fix Your Intention at Mass

December 21, 2017 00:05:12
Fix Your Intention at Mass
Veritas Caritas
Fix Your Intention at Mass

Dec 21 2017 | 00:05:12


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 Hi, I'm Maria Priscilla, and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Well, it's good to remind I talk about this several times. You've but it's good to have a reminder on fixing your intention at mass. Remember the priest always has intention when he's saying Holy mass, or at least he should. And that's what he's saying, the mass for, but you also should have an intention. It certainly does not have to be the same as mine. The whole idea in Holy mass is that our Lord once, while he was hanging on the cross was looking out through all time and seeing all the masses and all the intentions. And he was offering that up right then. And then in time we get to participate in that. So we get to be present spiritually at the foot of the cross. It's you want to have an intention to offer it up, which are in the way you do that is you fix your attention at the offertory, which immediately follows this. Speaker 0 00:00:58 And when the priest uncovers the patent, you just mentally placed your intention on the holes. And then when the priest is offering it up, you can read the offertory occurs. It talks about those around him. So for those intentions, when he goes over to the side and adds that little bit of water into the wine, that stands for your intentions. So you want to mentally place your intentions in the chest at that time. Now you can do it before then, you know, but it's good to do it right then. Cause that way, this is what active participation at the mass actually means. Since you're baptized, you can do these kinds of things. It isn't all the kneeling up and sitting down and making responses and stuff with Jewish person could do that. And they can't actively participate in mass. Cause they're not bad. It's a privilege to the cat. Speaker 0 00:01:48 So it's really a beautiful thing you can do at any rate. Then at that point in time at the end of the offertory and there's, there's like a reminder right at the very end of the off court, cause it preached kisses, the alter, and then just turns around like this it's like mystically gathering and he says it's erotic for archery. So in English it would be prey brethren that my sacrifice and yours might be acceptable. God, the father almighty because it's your sacrifice to and that's, and that's the whole idea that sits reminding you. You should get your, your intention fixed if you haven't done. So. So what kind of intention? Well, you should have a default once if you're sick or not feeling well, the fact that they, you intend to offer it up for this, if you forget. Yeah. And that should be something like for a Holy debt. Speaker 0 00:02:35 So you just make knack to the will that any, if I should forget, I mean offered up for a Holy death. So that way after the consecrate you go, Oh today, what was I thinking? Well, that's you you're covered in that way, but yeah, you should have an intention now after the auditory, God, the father is looking down. It's not as I'm not up there clowning around pleased with what he sees, but what does he see? He sees a horse and he sees some wine, but he sees all then tensions. Cause they've been offered on his author for those intention. But then of course at the consecration, it's completely transformed because that's not what he's seeing. He's seen his son. The son is, is holding up those intentions to them right then. And he's pleased with his son. That's how that works is there's this upward motion there at that part of the mass, there's a different direction at communion. Speaker 0 00:03:22 You can, now you can and should have an attention free community and they don't have to be the same thing. They can be something quite different. But at communion that community, it at the consecration so forth, our Lord is taking those, those prayers up to the heavenly father. But at community's coming to you and saying, what can I do for you? This is why Thanksgiving is so important. You want to have an intention at your Holy communion and you want to be asking our Lord for that intention and whatever else you need. That's why he's coming to you. He doesn't need anything. He's got, he's completely, utterly happy within himself. He needs nothing, but he wants to give things to us. And so we want to ask him for that one, spend that time, especially wealth. See sacramentally present in us to talk about that stuff. Speaker 0 00:04:14 If there's a fire, then of course you should leave. But generally speaking a person unless they actually have to go somewhere and that's fair enough. But I mean, it's not like donuts are screaming at us on Sundays. Uh, but generally speaking people, uh, run out of Catholic churches too fast. It's kind of a staunch. He only gets so many communions in your life. There's only so many times you're going to be able to receive our wall. And when you die, you won't regret the time you received our Lord. And really spent that time talking to him, tell him he loved him, tell him that you need this and that you will need a Holy death print. All those things you need to pray for. He's come to you. Take advantage of that. So at every mass, make sure you fix your intention at the offertory. And every time you have the privilege to receive communion, make sure you make a thing. Speaker 1 00:05:08 I'm just kidding.

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