Matthew 24

November 29, 2017 00:06:37
Matthew 24
Veritas Caritas
Matthew 24

Nov 29 2017 | 00:06:37


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria, Christina, the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. At the end of the story, surgical year, we're reminded of the end of the world. And then of course, advent, the whole season of advent has to do with the coming of Christ. So it has to involve comings of Christ. It's first coming in mercy of a little baby in the manger and then his sucking second coming in the clouds of glory to judge the living dead. And that, that will explain why the ratings go the way they're going to go in this upcoming scene in today's gospel. Let's take up the 24th chapter st. Matthew and in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, those gospels all have similar, but not exactly the same, uh, details because they didn't write all the same things down. But our Lord is what's happened in that scene here as he's come up, it's talking about there. Speaker 0 00:00:52 Isn't going to be one stone left on another at the temple, and they're there. They end up there standing on it. Not all of it, looking down at the temple mountain, all of that. And the apostles. Yeah. I asked him a couple of questions. They ask him Tuscan, what, when what is, what am I, is this going to happen? What's the, what's the sign of it. You're coming and so forth. And when all these gonna pass or ask him about the destruction of temple and end of the world at the same time. So answers both questions at the same time. That's how I of it. This refers to Judea some of the records, the judgment day, but that's all as it should be because they did the destruction of temple in Jerusalem, by Titus. And the space is a tight of the end of the world. Speaker 0 00:01:34 We can see a lot of us at the end of the world, from what happened there, what happened? The Jewish people, what happened with Jerusalem, which is a type of the world and the temple, which is a type of the church. Everything was complete chaos. I don't have time to get into it. A lot of it in a Ferber Reno, if you really want to read a lot of it, read the Wars, the Jews by Flavius Josephus, who wasn't Jewish, the priest who ended up being a gym on the Jewish side for weldments, you know, realized what was going on, basically in swap to be on the Roman side. And so he's an eye witness, things that, that paths it's just absolutely horrific. A lot of things that happen, but is a space surround Jerusalem. I think something like three days, I don't remember. It's amazing. Speaker 0 00:02:17 They put up a four 40 occasions around the city, which is in and of itself. Just amazing. You're talking about by hand labor, not with modern equipment. And, uh, and they say, it seems to Jerusalem inside Jerusalem. You have these different factions. Crazy. There's crazy. One faction is really well. They were there, men that wear women's clothing and clothing and stuff like that. And they're running around doing all that stuff. So you have a giant San Francisco factory roaming all over the place, pulling out knives and murdering people. You have these crazy thoughts. You have that you have different factions. They end up burning all the food. They have years, the food, they burn it all. And so they end up starving. They're absolutely mad. The whole thing is mad. And the romance keep on trying to give them terms. They're not going to have anything of it. Speaker 0 00:03:06 So finally, uh, as things develop and like I say, we're just gonna jump through this. They want you, you had your chance night and you're not going to have your chances. Jews try to flee from there. Uh, they end up crucifying like the priest, they run out of wood. There's so many of them crucified facing truth. So they run out of wood. They have th th they've got just, they're all over the place. Crucified. What a, what a fitting thing right there in a horrific way. For those that crucified, our Lord are involved with that. Here. You have a generation later, it's 40 years later, this sort of thing going on, you have running up. They discovered that people had swallowed goal. They're coming out half starving. So what does that mean for everybody that comes up? The soldiers got them out to see if they've got any goal than him and a sea of this kind of horrific thing going on finally, to make a very long story short here, the, the temple gets burned all and, uh, and the temple gets burned even though Titus didn't want that to happen. Speaker 0 00:04:06 And they, they, they go in and they sat to them so bad. It talks about like the deep in blood running in the streets, there's that many people they're killing and just Savage him. And then they take people. The people that did live through it, prisoner in March him off, but it's a type of judgment day. Horrific judgment day will be for the center and we're going to be there. We're going to be there. We may not be there in our body, but we'll certainly be present in spirit. And we are going to come out of the ground on that final judgment. We may not live to see the end of the world in that snap, but we certainly are going to reach the end of the world. We're all going to come up and be gathered at the Ali, your HOSA fat, which is what he's alluding to in the end of this. When the angels are gathering everybody from the four corners, everybody gets resurrected from the dead. As we confessed in the creed, we're all brought to the Valley to HOSA fat, to appear before our Lord who's coming in the crowds of glory to judge the living dead when his angels and saints around him. And he's, there's a two way cut. His purgatory ends at the end of the world. There's a two way cut. There's the goats and the sheep. Speaker 0 00:05:17 And the shape of core will be happy with him forever. You haven't an earner, but the goats didn't judgment. The earth opens up. They fall slammed, shut, and the way they land and health, the way they'll lay forever, as long as God has God, one of the best things that we can do when we come to this kind of topic is meditate on it. And then think to ourselves, put yourself in meditation in the goats and say, how did I end up there? In other words, what kind of tenancies do I have? What kind of temptations? What kind of things do I do that could end me up in the goats and then start closing every one of those doors, work backwards, get rid of everything in your life. You can possibly do. To end up on the wrong side. We want to make sure we stay with the Lord. We have to love him. We also have to have a reverent and Holy fear. And the fear is, should not be rooted so much in him as it is in us. We look at ourselves and say, Oh, so we have the virtue of hope. He'll get me there, but I have to do my part, which was removing the cages of sin, the kind of behaviors from my life that going to end me up in the wrong side, get rid of those and live for the Lord.

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