
January 06, 2018 00:05:43
Veritas Caritas

Jan 06 2018 | 00:05:43


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Holy gospel is taken from that at Saint Matthew, when Jesus is born in Bethlehem of Judah and the days of King Herod behold, there came wise men from the East to Jerusalem saying, where is he? That is born King of the Jews. We have seen his star in the eighth, had come to a door and I can't hear hearing this was troubled and all Jerusalem with him. It sounded together all the chief priests and the scribes, the people in quiet of them, more Christ should be born. They said to him in Bethlehem, Judah for sodas written by the prophet and our bet from the land of Judah are not the least among the princes of Judah proudly. They should come forth. The captain that shall rule my people, Israel, then Herod con privately, the wise men, Lord diligently up in the time of the star, which appeared to them and sending them into Bethlehem said, go on intelligent inquiry after the child, when you have found him, bring me word again, but I also make common adore him. Speaker 0 00:00:48 Well, having heard the King went their way, behold, the star, which they had seen in the East went before them, until it came and stood over where the child was seeing the star. They rejoiced with exceeding great joy and their end of the house. They find the child with Mary, his mother and falling down. They adored him. Nobody that treasurers did offer him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Now he received Nancy slip. They should not return to Herod. They went back another way into their country. That's the word, the Holy gospel. I'm already a Prisma and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Well, first Saturday is the first Saturday. So we want to make millions reparation to our Lord for all the infant offenses and blasts that have been hurled up against our lady against her immaculate heart, in her images, in her divine motherhood and so forth today. Speaker 0 00:01:43 It's especially important to remember that if you don't have something else to make a reparation for, to make one for the stamp, which our lady was removed from her place to pull to the cross and that diabolical monster father, Lou it through with the place there. So we can't make enough preparation for that on the stamp that I hate to say was issued by the Vatican. So we have to make reparation for that as to the feast, the epiphany, it's the feast of the nation being trolled. The Messiah. One of the great mysteries of all this of course, is that the Jews that had the true religion, biblical Judaism was the true religion were, were the Israel of God. Now the Jews had the true religion and it was all about preparing for an accepting Christ. And then when he showed up, they didn't like what they got. Speaker 0 00:02:39 So they rejected him, the Gentile pain man, one of the most amazing things in history that our ancestors converted from their pagan wake. And that's your Hebrew Catholic and their pig and way excepted are the Judaism have right now is not biblical Judaism. You can't have Judaism without Christ. It's all about preparing for Christ and biblical Judaism. And now it's probably, I suppose I've said, we're the Israel of God. What they have right now is rabbinic Judaism. It's a later development. It develops after the destruction at temple in 78, D the rabbis figured out now, what do we do? And it has one note. There's only one thing you have to believe to be a Jew. And that's the Christ. Isn't the Messiah. You can be all over the map except for that. So what they have now is a diabolical substitute. So we have to pray for them as well. Speaker 0 00:03:34 So we're celebrating the fact that the nations discovered our Lord and the person of the three King, the three wise men, the mad guy, we're actually sorry. Aspens priest, Casper Malka, and bald bizarre. We know their names from tradition st. Thomas, the apostle, when he went out into Mesopotamia, actually constipated in Bishop, the relics were moved ahead of the Turks to non cologne, Germany. So in the cathedral and cologne is where the relics of the wise men are right now. So there are certainly historical figures this time of year there, their history is also attack like everything else by these little termites, we can't stand anything. You're always knowing the way it's so historical figure. But the one thing I mentioned, I've mentioned this before, but it's really something to meditate on. What we see. There is an amazing thing. These guys are pagan they're pagans, and they're led to cry. Speaker 0 00:04:31 So what angel in the angels, in the sky on Christmas at peace on earth committed Goodwill. It didn't say peace in earth. The good men are peace on earth, Goodwill to men. It's at peace on earth. Men of Goodwill, a man, a Goodwill isn't necessarily a good man, but he's somebody that when he hears the truth, it's going to change an act accordingly. That's his God's peace goes on. And here you see a perfect example with these wise men, they came, led by astrology to our lore, but then as the gospel says, they returned home by a different route. Now, obviously at the first level, that means they went home on a different role, but it also means something spiritually they'd seen the truth. They embraced it. They turned away from what they had been doing and turned towards cry. That's what the, Benedictans me in a certain way, by the daily conversion every day, we have to make sure that the compass in our heart is aimed towards the truth. So we really can be the men of Goodwill on whom Christ ref.

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