Am I Conformed to the World

January 08, 2018 00:01:58
Am I Conformed to the World
Veritas Caritas
Am I Conformed to the World

Jan 08 2018 | 00:01:58


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Five Marie Prisma and the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's in Saint Paul's piss into the Romans in the passage we read today, he's tells us to not be conformed to this world. What a message that people need to take to heart in our day and age, for example, what does the whole function of the social media is to conform people to this world. And they waste hours and hours and hours on that junk posting stupid things like what they ate, what the latest style, all these things you couldn't get more worldly than that. That is what worldliness is. And it totally infects our society. This obsession with fashions, with what this person is doing and that what passes for news about the latest scandal, ridiculous things that these people in Hollywood who cares what they're doing. These are people to print, pretend to be other people who cares what they're doing. Speaker 0 00:01:02 You know, in the Roman times, Janet Gustin is city of God, spikes speaks about actors and actresses. And they thought it was so shameful that if somebody did, they struck them off the list. So the tribes and we hold them up, we're supposed to care about this stuff. Who cares when it says, be not conformed to things this world, we should be conformed to Christ. He, she is the center of everything. The world stands there with the cross on it. That's how we should see the world. Not all these passing things that are here today and gone tomorrow. Exam your conscience to sit today and look into yourself and ask yourself, in what ways am I conformed to the world and not to cry?

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