Evolution a False Religious World View Masqueraded as Science

April 24, 2005 00:23:08
Evolution a False Religious World View Masqueraded as Science
Veritas Caritas
Evolution a False Religious World View Masqueraded as Science

Apr 24 2005 | 00:23:08


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:05 that is what we know cams and is once more in the news because of evolution. So even though I've covered some of these aspects, this topic before and the prolife cock, it bears repeating today, we'll deal with some of the religious issues over time. We'll have a series of sermons on this particular top. It's an important topic and there can be Zeum of natural history in New York City. It's one of the greatest science museums in the world and the striking site greets you as you prose the hall of human biology and evolution there at the entrance. That hall centered perfectly in the middle of this pitch black facade. It's a display with three items that just seem to jump out from that pitch black background. There's a large dead branch. It's been stripped down to the bare wood first gun at branch is the skeleton of a female Carrillo who's apparently looking down and placing something in the upstairs hands of a human females skeleton immediately above the display in huge white letters. They're carved into the black grant, huge white letters. It says human biology and evolution. Now this display at the entrance of an evolutionary exhibit hall in one of the world's greatest science museums. Next, it perfectly clear to a thoughtful observer that we're not really dealing with a scientific issue at all. We're dealing with religion. Speaker 1 01:58 How does that work father? Cause that display is actually an icon. We've just walked into the temple of Darwin and look to get the first icon to understand the significance of that display. We need to know a little bit about icons. So what's an icon? An icon like our lady of perpetual help back there is the work of religious our, it's a visual sermon, a sermon written without words. It's the word of God put into a visible form, a work of art that's meant to intuitively convey a theological message. The whole purpose of a holy icon is to reveal something about inexpressible divine truths by using something visible, some kind of visible symbolic imagery using fixed symbols and mystical colors. The idea is if this icon is viewed regularly to particular spiritual truths which are being expressed in that image, will fire fill the soul of the viewer. Speaker 1 03:00 Okay. It's like as if we list, let's know, symphony over and over again, the musical themes will fill our soul. So also by viewing an icon over and over again, the theological truths, I suppose to fill ourselves. So holy icon is the spiritual work of our the sermon written without words. And it's meant to convey a theological message. And the more we view it, the more times we gaze upon it, the more these spiritual teams are meant to soak into our souls. They become part of the very fiber of our being. That's an icon. Now we don't want to forget that the enemy also understand this principle and he makes icons and his unholy icons have a message behind them. Also, unholy icons are also a sermon without words. What sorts of things do his cannoli icons portray? Well, they don't express truth. They express lie and the more we view them, the more these lies are so kind to ourselves and become part of the very fiber of our day. Speaker 1 04:09 So just as we're trying to fill, so as with truth, they're trying to feel as for the lies, the battle ground is there within the soul and it's for souls. The battle is for immortal souls. Now she how this works. Let's take a quick look at two simple examples. If unholy icons for return. This icon in American Museum of natural history. First example, it's dissemble and Gorbachev uses for his global environmental organization. Anyone know what that is? The green cross, I remember that. Holy icons, he's fixed symbols and mystical colors in order to convey a message. What's the message in this non holy icon? Let's symbols across which that symbolic of salvation, redemption, the colors green, what's that symbolize? Mother Earth environmentalism. So forth. So when she had green cross, what's the iconic message? What's the MCH? They were saved by mother earth. There is no god or maybe we're standing on it. Speaker 1 05:17 It's artistic blasts. To me, it's not accidental. It's well done. Second example, symbol we probably all see on the back of vehicles to fish with two legs and one word beside the fish. What's the word inside the fish with two legs started when Darwin, we get this fish with the two leg sticking out. So what's the message of it's unholy icon. But what's the symbol? The fish. What does this fish stand for? Jesus Christ. Why? Because the Greek word for fish, it's us. It's made up from the first letters from a Greek sentence. Uh, Jesus Christ, the son of God, the savior. And so they take that and it spells in fish in Greek. This. So the symbol, the fish scans for Jesus Christ as we know. You see, you see that? That goes out to catacomb times. You see that similar fish stands for Jesus Christ, son of God saver. Speaker 1 06:16 It's a symbol of our lord and Savior of our God. We look at an assemble with a Darwin fish with legs. What's the message? Well the legs are symbolic of an evolutionary progress. Past the fish stage. Something that's more advanced, more superior to a fish. So we already see something implicit in that because we know what the symbol is and why they're putting on their cars. Cause the Christians had the fish on it. So they're more advanced. Okay, and what's the word? Stanford and substitution of Darwin for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It's glass. It's artistic glass and it's well time and it's not accidental. That little design isn't the product of random chaotic forces over millennia. They thought about it before they made it. Okay, now it's all that in mind. Let's go back to the American Museum of natural history and everyone's got this pitch black ball and in the middle of it smack dab in the middle, there's a display with three brightly lit items and you've got this bright white skeleton of a female gorilla crashed in a dead branch that's about four feet off the ground. Speaker 1 07:29 This mother is placing something into the upstretched and palm of a bright white skeleton of a human female and above this skeleton be skeletons. There's a beautiful surface at the botch black granite with the words human biology and evolution carved into it and huge white letters. What's the message here? What is this display me? Well, here's what the museum says. It means quote, this display symbolizes the continuity of our species with the rest of the living world. Close quote. Is that what we're dealing with? A couple of skeletons that symbolize the continuity of our species with the rest of the living world. The nightstand down right now. Think about it. He that true. Let's take a close look at the display. Instead of light, we have darkness instead of God the father, we have the mother gorilla. Instead of the tree of life, we have a dead branch. Instead of the first man receiving the gift of life from God, we have the first woman receiving the gift of life from my gorilla say to the state of grace, we have the state of nature instead of a living God and living man, which got dead skeletons and overhaul carved on stone tablets. We have the words human evolution. It's carved in stone evolution, a light in the darkness and carved in stone. Speaker 1 09:16 Does anyone here really think this is accidental? Didn't they tell us? This is just a symbolic representation of the continuity of our species with the rest of the living world? Isn't that what they told us? If that's true, if that's true, then how would this display wind up being such an obviously deliberate and blasphemous mockery? Other book of Genesis, was that just an accident? Isn't this supposed to be science and not religion or are we supposed to believe this display is some sort of accidental arrangement resulting from random chaotic forces that assemble it over millennia? Is that we're supposed to believe? Well, Navy was this display purposely designed in order to mock religion. When Michelangelo paint consisting chapel, he's making iconic depictions of scriptural truths. Huh? Including that beautiful rendition on the ceiling of the creation of man with outstretched hand and the Adam who receiving the gift of life from God. Speaker 1 10:30 We're all familiar with that and here and one of the premier science museums in the world and the very entrance to the hall of human evolution. What do we greeted with with an unholy icon that symbolically but explicitly and unmistakably locks that very simple box, sacred scripture. Why do you suppose they're mocking the word of God and one of the greatest science museums in the world? Because what we're dealing with here is not science at all. It's a false materialistic religion slash philosophy masquerading science and a display like this. If it's the play, what she's here, religious symbolism and icon from hell proves that the other side understands exactly what they're doing and oftentimes we don't guess what they've understood the true implications of evolution theory from the very beginning. As Karl Marx said, Boat Darwin's book is very important. It's there's me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history. Speaker 1 11:49 Close quote and quote. This is the book which contains the basis and natural history for our worldview. Close quote, Karl Marx. In fact, marks was Suncrest by God's work that he wanted to dedicate parts of dash top a towel, his work on capitalism, the Darwin, anyone care for the errors of Russia. Darwin wrote back to marks to refuse the honor because among other things he did not believe that direct attacks and religion advanced his cause. What was Darwin saying to marks? He wanted to advance the cause of an agnostic. Atheist ignited a sneaky which attacked Christianity, but he thought that direct attacks on religion weren't the best way to do so. She, the enemies of God, have understood the true implications of the theory. Right from the moment of its founding. They've been clever about not necessarily tipping their cards to publicly is. Darwin's great, great grandson has recently written to quote Darwin's theory of evolution had demolished the biblical story of creation and if the very church chapter, the good book was nonsensical and untrue, why would the rest be more credible or useful close code? Speaker 1 13:15 That is an excellent question. Darwin's of evolution had demolished the biblical story of creation and his very first chapter, the good book had was nonsensical and true. Why would the rest credible or useful? Well, Amen. We can't argue with that. They knew what they were doing from the very beginning and they still do. Evolution is not science. It's a false religious worldview masquerading science and they know it and all too often we don't. The famous Oxford evolutionist and best selling author Richard Dawkins makes the same point, quote. Darwin made it possible to be an intellectual. He sat at fulfilled atheist close quote. So here's the famous scientist explaining the period of evolution. It's, it makes it possible be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. And this APP's not like science. Does that sound like religion? A 1991 article in the journal Nature, which along with the journal Science most respected, refereed, scientific journal in the world makes the same point. Speaker 1 14:22 And yet another way, quote, whatever the God implied, the evolutionary theory and the data of natural history may be like he is not a loving God who cares about his productions. He's careless, wasteful, indifferent, almost diabolical. He's certainly not the sort of god to whom anyone be. It would be inclined to play close quote evolution. It's not sy to false religious worldview. Last grain is science and they know it all too often we don't. And in article entitled Convenia Evolution, the author and atheist goes right to the heart of the matter. When he writes quote, evolution destroys utterly. And finally the very reasons Jesus' earthly life was supposedly made necessary destroy Adam and eve and the original sin. And in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of God take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means than Christianity. It's nothing close quote. Speaker 1 15:35 He's absolutely right because atheist has a far more profound understanding of the absolutely foundational significance of original sin for our theology. A lot of us, the people who design the display for the American Museum of Natural History have a far greater appreciation for our theology than a lot of us. Everything we do here has something to do with Adam and original sin, everything, every thing. That's where the Catholic church is here. That's why Christ established it. To deal with this problem that we inherited from Adam. Let's close for today. We started by considering an icon from the culture of Death, a mockery of one of the paintings found on the Celio Sistine Chapel. Let's close with a meditation on another icon. That incredible scene painted by Michelangelo above the altar in the same chap. It's the scene of last judgment. We began with the beginning. Let's end with the end. That beautiful icon, there's the beautiful blue sky that appears almost real. Speaker 1 16:51 You can just stare at it. You can't believe you're not really looking at sky in the center. Our Lord is sitting there in judgment. Our ladies at his right and Ron were the apostles and there was a swirl emotion around down below the angels at pulling the dead up out of their graves and the blessed they're being taken up by the angels into heaven and the curse. They're being dragged down by the demons down into hell. It's a magnificent icon of judgement day second coming, the resurrection of the dead the last day, the end of the world, and we'll be there. What about us? There will be dust in the tombs. What will become of us if somehow we could stand back and watch on that day, what will we see? Will Judgment Day be anything like that? Image at the crack of doom. When that temp crump, it blows. Speaker 1 17:43 Well, we snatched up out of a dusty grave and brought by the angels to the valley, chill, Hosa fat on the 20 clean of I to be judge by our Lord Jesus Christ perhaps. Well, you see the angels taking the dust from each grave and mixing and arrangements it so it ever so gradually forms no organic soon and self replicating monocles of RNA and DNA. Then I'll go to Ian's of trends of sell a segment and warm the clicks on scales becomes a fish, officially grows legs, takes off it scales and becomes an amphibian and amphibian that puts the scales back on and becomes a reptile reptile that takes in skills back off and becomes a mammo changing from a little rat like mammal solina primate than an a. I've got an eight mammon pot. We appear something on your horrible claymation movie with an accompanying soundtrack and words creaks and groans and Grimes, which of course would take place over a fairly long day. Speaker 1 18:46 The longest day, a 3.5 billion year long day with our Lord hovering there in the air. Remember after all, even though people used to think that a day in the Bible man, a day modern scripture scholars assurance that that's all your pre-scientific superstition is that where we'd see are we going to be yanked out of the ground when our lord comes or she can sit there for three and a half billion years waiting for us to fall back out of the ground, which is it. If someone can believe that God is going to Yank us all out of the ground all of a sudden at the end of time and why and her name was flowers, couldn't Holly, can they not believe that? He did the same thing with our father Adam at the beginning of time, which is it? Speaker 1 19:32 We already know what happened was at 1859 on power storage in species if some years later followed that with the descent of man. Pope's went to sleep. God doesn't abandon his church just in case someone might not understand the clear, an unbroken teaching of genesis just in case anyone might've had some doubts. Hopefully the 13th answered them when you responded clearly decisively in February of 1880 with his in cyclical ARKanum. Paragraph five quote, the true origin of marriage is general brothers is well known to all the revilers as a Christian faith refused to acknowledge but never interrupted doctrine of the church on this subject, and I have a long striven to destroy the testimony of all nations and all times they have nevertheless failed not only to quench the powerful light of truth, but even to lesson we record what is known to all and can opti doubted by any other piece that we record what is known to all and cannot be doubted by any. Speaker 1 20:43 Thank God on the sixth day of creation, having made man from the slime of the earth and having breathed into his face, the breath of life gave him a companion who he miraculously took from the side of Adam when he was locked in sleep. God, Gus, his most far reaching for side decreed that this husband and wife should be the natural beginning of the human race from whom it might be propagated and preserve an unfailing feel. For this throughout maturity of time. Close quote, hopefully this 13 just in case anyone missed out or a important cards. The true origin of marriage been a little brothers, is well known to all. We record what is known to all, cannot be dotted by Hannie. Did God on the sixth day of creation, have he made natural assignment earth and having breathed into his face the breath of life gave him a companion whom he miraculously took from the side of Adam when he was locked and sleep. Speaker 1 21:38 God's us and his mouth most far reaching for a site. He created that this husband and wife should be the natural beginning of the human race from who it might be propagated and preserve by an unfailing foot. Police threw it off for charity of time, period. Close the book. It's theology, not science. The enemies of God have understood that right from the beginning has we? We better wake up and smell the salt for let's close with a prayer. Heavenly father in your lane, your pimp in air word. We see that after Adam and eve was tempted by the devil to call into question your very first words to them, the fall of man occurred and all hell broke loose. And as we survey the rising bloody tides of this culture of death, we're minded that once again, all hell has broken loose because our society to his called into question your very first words to us, we repent and we begged feud to give us the grace to resist the wickedness and snares at the ancient surfer and to be faithful to your holy word in his face, the mockery and scorn of your enemies. Speaker 1 23:09 Amen.

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