Springtime Review of the 6th and 9th Commandments

April 10, 2005 00:20:18
Springtime Review of the 6th and 9th Commandments
Veritas Caritas
Springtime Review of the 6th and 9th Commandments

Apr 10 2005 | 00:20:18


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. The spring of 81 was incredibly wet, this lots of flooding all over our part of the country and I saw him slashing through the pasture one day check in the sheet when I caught a whiff of something really rotten. I mean really Roddy. Now keep in mind that when you have a bunch of soaking wet, she, it already doesn't smell like a big bouquet of red roses when you've got a big bunch of soaking wet. She, it's already pretty wifi, so you can imagine how rotten the smell was to stick in my mind for almost 25 years. Anyhow, I slashed around till I figured out the smell was probably coming from one certain, you said I went ahead and caught or just get check. Now how do you catch a sheet? I suppose there's a lot of different ways to catch a sheep. At least the way we used to catch them is we had this long pole. Speaker 0 00:59 It actually lived at longer than I can arrange now. At the end of the pole was kind of a a metal hook, a springy hook. It's reallyU shaped really tight, like a, like a big springy body in real tough and a the about yea long the hook and the whole POL, you know, eight, nine feet, I don't know, eight feet, seven feet, something like that. Anyway, we used to call that pole with the hook on and the crook. So how do you use a crook? Uh, to catch a sheep we pick out to when you want to get ahold of. Then you reached out and you grabbed behind leg with that hook and as long as you keep pressure on her, she can't kick free. It'll slide right down to her. Fetlock and then she'll just sit there and kick and you just kind of reel it in. Speaker 0 01:36 You go up arm and arm over the pole too. You got ahold of her. Then once he got ahold of the sheep's a pretty easy thing to hold onto it cause they got wool everywhere. He just grab it and they ain't getting anywhere. He just hang on. Okay. So I caught this. You getting closer and closer up that pole. It's the odors getting overpowered. I'll leave out the gory details. I reached up the middle of the back and I grabbed hold of a big old piece of wool so I can hang on her. And then I got a really big surprise cause it came off in my hand. Now that's about like grabbing your hair and then all of a sudden comes off. The whole bunch comes off your hand. I mean it just doesn't have, I'm standing there wondering what's going on. It's unbelievable a stench. Speaker 0 02:14 Looking at this handful of wool and I see the skins come off with a two. So I've got a big chunk of wool and a big patch of skin right there in my hand. And then I look at it and I see it's just crawling. It's alive with magazines. And I looked down. So as the <inaudible> okay, what's going on there? A couple of problems that happened there with that you first off would have probably happened if she probably got some, the newer on that part of her fleece and then she got so wet from all those silky rains. And of course if you've ever stuck your hand, well why do we wear well? Cause it keeps you warm. And under the sheep it's really warm. You have that natural by and heat. So you have, it's warm, it's wet, it's got manure in there and happens when you have something like that, it starts rot. Speaker 0 03:02 That's where that rank smell comes from. It's something called police ride. Then what does that do? That attracts flies both slides. So they came, but if their eggs, there's two kinds of maggots, some kind of maggots eat dead things in others. Eat live flesh. So that's what was going on as he was getting, she was getting eaten a lie right there. She's in serious trouble. And if she didn't get doctored pretty quick, we lost her. So I kind of wrestled her in the corral and then I had to start pulling on the wall around that open wound. As you're pulling it, cause you have to figure out how big is this particular deal sound pulling off chunks to hide this. I'm doing it until I uncover an area about, yay. You know, uh, I don't know, maybe four or five inches wide, six inches wide by about eight, nine inches long. Speaker 0 03:50 So that's the, the area that I have on covered. Okay. Now I got all that exposed. Then I had to brush off all the magnets of course. Then I took a clean claw and I had to rub off that Roth flesh to clean it off. Think about what that would feel like. Having all that raw flesh and you're scrubbing it with the rag and you spray it with some veterinary medicine to dry it off. Then with some fly spray to keep them from returning and just kinda clipped the wall right around that. Whoa. Get it back and get rid of you. Any, any case that happened. Again, I'm trying not to get too colorfulness description. Believe me, the whole episode's thoroughly disgusting. Anybody that's worked with this kind of thing, I'm being real shadow on you. Okay. Anyway, I really had to cause that you lot of pain to make sure those wounds were clean wasn't something I wanted to do. Speaker 0 04:43 Something I liked to do. Not at all. Something I had to do. We wanted to save that for you. It took a while for that. Pearl grew to heal up, but eventually she made it. Okay. Why am I standing up here on a Sunday morning County? Some kind of disgusting story about a fleece, rotten fly blown old sheep. It's good shepherd Sunday. Even though it's been years since I worked sheep as a priest, my current job description isn't really that much different except you're the sheet I'm supposed to keep track of. Nowadays. I don't carry a crook. The Bishop represents Christ who? His flock. That's why he carries a crook. When he's visiting his diocese, they just call the church, go crooked. Crozier but that's, that is, I don't think he'd catch a sheep with it, but you get the point and it's easy to see a parallel between rot and smelling magazine Fest and the body of the sheet and mortal sins. Speaker 0 05:44 Infesting the soul in whatever Lord sheet course before. I use veterinary medicine on a sheep out in the corral, but now we apply the precious blood to those wounds is stand back there in that confessional for, I used to use fly spray to keep away the blow flies. Now we use Holy water, st VanDykes metals arm cross his other stack of metals to keep away those little filthy demonic flies for, I had a doctor sheet, a cone off the hide and scrubbing raw flesh in order to get rid of infection. Magens. Nowadays we accomplish the same and do our sheet by wounding you and scrubbing you with the inerrant non-negotiable inflexible teachings of the Catholic church and they are non negotiable. We remind any of you, that's our job as priests. Any of you that have your souls infected with the POS and maggots and mortal sin, even one mortal sin that you need to get treatment right back there and the confession. If you don't, if you don't repent and confess that sin you go to hell. Speaker 0 07:06 Dad expected me to do whatever it took to say that you even if from that really hurt her and the good Lord doesn't expect any less from his priests. We're supposed to keep you from that end up in hell. We're not here to make you feel good. That's why I don't get up here every Sunday and tell jokes. We don't have time for that. You got all week for jokes. We're here not to help you feel good. We're here to help you be good. That's our job. Even if it causes some pain, sometimes if sometimes we have serious words for you is the sheet our Lord has he had more serious words for us is the shepherds. I'll read you just a few. There's lots of quote low to the shepherds. You scattered my flock and you have not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for you. Speaker 0 08:00 Evil doing says the Lord. Wail your shepherds and cry for the days of your slaughter have come. No refuge will remain for the chaplain. Close quote, inspired word of God, so we're all in it together, different roles. The, we're all in this together. Now, this morning, one was take outs and spiritual bug spray and go after a few common springtime problems. Before we get started, everyone needs to burn this into his mind. Burn it into your mind. The teaching of the Catholic church on matters of faith. Morals is an errand. It's inflexible. It's non-negotiable. We don't make it up. It comes from heaven to us. God is not up in heaven Sans. Let's make a deal. He's right there and he's saying, this is the, that's how it works. We forget that at our own peril. Speaker 0 09:04 So here's the deal. It's a seasonal review, so we'll just hit main points. Number one, one mortal sin makes the soul spiritually rot. When st Catherine's, Sianna would encounter someone who had mortal sin on her soul. She could smell it, and the stance was so horrible that it cost st Catherine to puke. If you're conscious of even one unconfessed mortal sin, remember that something that's seriously wrong. You knew it was seriously wrong and UK fucking cinder, your will anyway. If you're conscious of even one unconfessed mortal sin, you must not go to communion until you've gone to confession. If anyone thinks different, if anyone's told you different, you've been misinformed. Okay. Father Henderson's back there right now, he'll be happy to take care of you. Get rid of your mortal sin before it gets rid of you. Number two, the weather's warming up and that means gentlemen, that you better be practiced in custody of the eyes and custody of the mind as that great Pope and dr the church. Speaker 0 10:10 Saint Gregory, the great says quote, it's not laughable to be whole. What? It's not lawful to cover. Close quote, guard your eyes and guard your imaginations when you're under attack. Pass our Lords crushes buds. They precious blood wash over me. Precious blood, Washoe Eardley, Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie already guardian angel helped me. Then think about something. Change that image in your mind. Just something beautiful and attractive like condone in Montana. Sit here. Three hail Mary's for holiness and purity every morning and every night. And mothers. If you're going shopping, be careful about which styles you take your voice up and down. Better be thinking about that stuff. Number three, pornography. Pornography on the internet is destroying lives. It's destroying marriages and it's destroying the innocence of our youth. Now that it's bringing serious demonic problems into people's homes and offices and lives, and I mean that literally. I mean that literally, if you're going to have the internet, yes, you're going to have the internet. Speaker 0 11:27 If you're going to have the internet, you kit, American family associates, your family filter on it and you get it on today. We've had a bullet and notice about this about every two or three weeks for years. Get it on your computer, get it on the day. You wouldn't let an open sewer flow out in your house, would you? This is worse if you're going to have the internet get family, that American family association filter on it today. Fourth women's clothing, Popeyes the 12th quote. We have to prefer the spiritual welfare of our neighbor to our own comfort. Immodest skin. Fashion depends upon a cut of the garment. There's always an absolute norm. There's always an absolute norm, and style must never be approximate. The occasion of sin, if a certain kind of dress constitutes a grave approximate occasion of sin, it is your duty to give it up. Speaker 0 12:24 The garment must not be evaluated according to the estimation of a decadent or already corrupt society. The garment might not be evaluated according to the estimation of an already corrupt society and we certainly live in one close quote, vicar of Christ with your current Detica comments here that absolute norms from the Holy city, for modesty in women's clothing, it must not be cut deeper than two fingers. Breath under the pit of the throat, quarter length sleeves are tolerated. No sleeveless blouses are bare. Shoulders must reach beyond the knees. Transparent materials are improper, as is tight clothing. If anyone has any modest clothing, get rid of it. It's an anchor that could very well drag you down into the pit. If anyone's tempted to wear modest clothing, remember that you are your brother's keeper and that was the fashion to sin. It's also the fashion to go to hell. Speaker 0 13:29 Get rid of it. And your parents are responsible if you allow the girls who were living at home in your home to violate these rules. Five passionate kissing and related things. Saint Alphonsus quote, Pope Alexander the seventh condemn the opinion that is only venial Easton full for people are not married to one another to kiss for the carnal and central pleasure which arises from the kiss even if there's no danger for their consent or if going even further. Therefore, every time someone with sufficient reflection and full consent of the will delights, he Carnoy essential pleasure associated with someone who is not married. He commits a mortal sin. This is also true with respect to other touches which stir up carnal pleasure. The reason is that any the life taken and stirring up the appetite surrounding the creative power is a movement towards the marital act and is therefore reserve to the married close quote, the doctorate moral theology of the universal church commenting on the teaching and fellow teaching of Pope Alexander the seventh every time someone with sufficient reflection and full consent of the will or delights and carnal or central associated with someone to whom he's not married, he committed some mortal sin. Speaker 0 14:56 The bottom line is that kisses what you're allowed to unmarried people are just like the kisses. You might give great grandma or great grandpa, that little Peck on the cheek kind of thing. That's it. No, he Hawn or humming around at all. No passion aloud to the unmarried six point. Katie, you've heard me say this before, it's an old time pre-safe so it's consoling on decode Ave Maria roughly translated. What does that mean? It means when a guy's along with a girl, they ain't saying hell Mariners cause they're not. At least not for long. A quote from a standard manual for priest, quote, company keeping with the intention of timely marriage company keeping with intention of timely marriage can be considered as a necessary occasion of sins. Since in our society, people do not marry strangers close, cold. So if you're reasonably sure you have the vocation to be married and if you're capable of being married, in other words, you're old enough and I'm speaking directly to the guys right now. Speaker 0 16:04 If you can keep a roof over head and food on the table cause that's your job, guys, you support her. If you're old enough and able to just assume the duties of marriage or very close to being able to do so, then and only then is it okay today? No one has the right to enter an occasion of sin without a sufficient reason period. Close the book. That means that anyone here who's dating but isn't old enough or almost old enough to get married or any you guys haven't got with the program yet, to the point you can take care of a woman, you need to break up. Your indication is sin. And if you're not dating with marriage in mind, you need to break up. It's infinitely better to be lonely in this life and happy to the next. Who cares what everyone else is doing. Speaker 0 17:06 Instead of thinking about what everybody else is doing, think about where everyone else is going. Quit worrying about the crowd and start worrying about the salvation of your immortal soul. Seven contraception and direct sterilization posties are mortal sins and both these are against the natural law. If you're involved in either of these sins and you don't repent and confess them, you'll go to hell. I don't care what you've heard elsewhere. You've been misinformed. You'll go to hell. Why so much on the sixth and ninth commandments? Cause it's spraying in the first place and then the second place cause of what that great doctor of moral theology, the church Saint Alphonsus says called these are the most frequent and most abundant confession matters and on account of which the greater number of souls fall into hell and deed. I do not hesitate to assert that all those who are damned are jammed on account of is one vice and in purity, or at least not without close quote Saint Alphonsus. Speaker 0 18:13 Now maybe some of you feel like I just yanked off the shucks of your hides and started rubbing the raw flesh. It's not out of some desire to hurt you. I don't want you to go to hell and I don't want to go there either. So I gotta tell you how it is that way I've got a shot. Let's close. Even if someone here is in terrible trouble, a black sheet where the sole totally infested with spiritual pus and maggots, there's every reason for it. Hole. You're here, you're Catholic. I think what that means, that means that God loves you. Semis. He's already let you do. You want to be sheep. That's pretty amazing. And he's also at, you know what you need to do to be healed and to be saved. And the sixth society we're in, it gives us all kinds of room for hope too. Speaker 0 19:10 There's every reason to hope when you live in a society like this. How's that generic word of God tells us in Romans five 20 that were sin abounds. Grace did a bound even more where sin abounds, grace abounds even more. Well, sin is a boundary. There's a biblical flood of sin around, okay, well, what's God's word telling us there? That means if there's a flood of sin, there must be oceans of grace available. It's a fantastic time to become a seed. God, isn't it? Allowing stuff to be out done by sin. He's the good shepherd. He won't be on time or out time. He's literally pouring down oceans of grace on a sheep of his flock who turned to him for help. Grace is flowing right through that confession right now. Rivers, the cranes, and a few minutes, there'll be a whole waterfall pouring right there off the filter. So prepare yourself.

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