The Immaculate Conception

December 09, 2008 00:10:44
The Immaculate Conception
Veritas Caritas
The Immaculate Conception

Dec 09 2008 | 00:10:44


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Speaker 1 00:01 There's one trend that's clear throughout salvation history. It's that there's a movement from promise in the old Testament to fulfillment in the new Testament from a shadow or a type in the old Testament to the reality in the new Testament from the lesser and the old Testament cause a greater, in fact an inspired inerrant word of God. Saint Paul speaks of this very movement in Hebrews in his letter to Hebrews in chapter 10 verse one he points out the law has a shadow of the good things to come by the law course, referring to the books of Moses. It's just a shadow of the good things to come. It's pointing forward. Those things are written in type for us. The Saint Paul points out in first Corinthians in chapter eight of Hebrews, verse six Saint Paul says, but now he, speaking of Christ or Lord, but now Christ has obtained a better ministry by how much more results, a mediator of a better Testament, which is established on better promises. Speaker 1 01:09 So here we see that that movement from the lesser to the greater, from the promise to the fulfillment. Okay with Christ our Lord. In this particular case, scripture also makes it clear, very clear. In first Corinthians 15 and in Romans five our Lord is explicitly referred to as the new Adam. He's the new Adam, so the old Adam is a shadow or a figure pointing forward to the new Adam. So given that Christ is the new Adam and given the principles that we've just seen, that the law, the old Testament is lesser pointing forward to the greater, that's a promise to fulfillment that we have this movement forward like that and upwards. If Christ then is a new Adam, then his privileges must be greater than the old Adam or else we're turning everything in salvation, history, everything. The scriptures exactly on its head and we're seeing in some way the old Adam is greater than Christ, our Lord, the God man, the new Adam, for example, we can consider Adam's body. Speaker 1 02:22 Now, where did Adam get his body? Of course we fall into snare of the evolution is Adam goes home and says, hi mom, and she runs around and starts slapping the ground dead burps and scratch his belly turns Ronnie to banana. That's evolution is, it's ridiculous. It's idiotic. Okay. On that same note, we already know what happened to the new Adam on Easter Sunday, came right up out of the ground just like that in an instant. And so are the others that were resurrected with him. Cause you remember we can see in st Matthew's, they were tombs opened on good Friday and there were others that resurrected on Easter Sunday that Rose from the dead too. Instantly. Just like that. The new Adam XOs, the first fruits of the resurrection. So what happened to Christ? Our Lord on Easter Sunday will happen to us at the end of the world. Speaker 1 03:17 We're all gonna come out of the ground just like that. It's not going to be some creepy weird judgement day, of course, with the modern scripture scholars at Damien's, everything except a day. So in this case it means roughly 4.5 billion years with our Lord hovering in the clouds, the angels around him as slowly we evolve in the grave, you know <inaudible> we've formed organic molecules again and then there's some kind of organic broth in a soup and then it become replicating molecules, make single cells, they ought to say, let's get together. Then you turn into worms, the worms develop NoDa Accords. Then spines become fish, the fish, a pop legs out, take their scales off, become an fib. Ian's then, then Fabian's put the scales back on and become reptiles. Then they take the skills back off and put on Heron, become mammals. Then slowly and some like a horror movie made by Claymation this mammo grunting and groaning pop. Speaker 1 04:09 Finally, after millions and billions of years you have each one of us, it's idiotic. It's going to happen just like that, just like it did with our Lord and just like it did with Adam in the beginning. Cause where did Adam get his body? He has made from the slime of the earth. God says so it has to be true. So he's made from the slime of the earth and then God breathed into him that immortal soul made from the slime of the earth, but let's stop and consider what that earth was like. There was no sin in the world yet. There was no sin. He was made from a Macklin unspotted, untainted soil. His body was made from untainted soil. If Adam took flesh from Montana matter, are we going to say that that privilege was not granted to Christ our Lord? Of course not. It would be turning everything upside down. By necessity. We can see that our Lord is taking his flesh for the Macklin wome of the immaculate Virgin. If we deny that we've turned everything upside down, we say that the old had him has a greater privilege than the new Adam Christ Speaker 1 05:29 took his body from the Virgin Mary. She's his mother. The same way that our mother of each of us is our mother. Our mother gives us a body. She doesn't give us a soul. That's what our lady did for our Lord. Okay, now let's take a moment and turn to our lady. I'm going to read you something from Saint Justin martyr. We know that he, before all creatures proceeded on the father by his power and will and by means of the Virgin became man. If by what way, the disobedience arising from the serpent had its beginning. By that way also it might have an undoing for Eve being a Virgin and defiled conceiving the word that was from the serpent brought forth disobedience and death, but the Virgin Mary taking faith and joy when the angel told her the good tidings, that the spirit of Lord should come upon her and the power of the highest overshadow her and therefore the Holy one that was born of with son of God answered be it done unto me according to thy word. Speaker 1 06:36 Thus the words of Saint Justin martyr, what do we see? And I could keep on bringing out other things from the fathers. We see our Lord explicitly referred to in sacred scripture as the new Adam and we see here different, the earliest ages in the church. They clearly understood her as the new Eve. Our lady is the new Eve, so we can apply the same principles. If we deny a privilege to the new Eve that was given to the Aldi, what have we done? We've turned everything upside down on its head. Now, how was he formed from the side of Adam before he had fallen in Macklin? Unstained flesh of Adam paranthetically. Ponder that evolutionary wise. What's this growing out of my side? Slowly as this woman comes forth over generations, it's like a really bad bad horror movie. Okay? Anyway, the new Eve was made immaculate from the very beginning of her existence, just like the old Eve was. However, the old Eve and old Adam blew it, our Lord, the new Adam and I lady, the new Eve did well. What? The old ad in old Eve did not do so well. That's not all considered us from Galatians four but when the fullness of time was come, God sent his son made of a woman made under the law that he might redeem them. Who under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons. Because your sons, God has sent the spirit of his son into your hearts crying, Abba father. Speaker 1 08:25 We have received a spirit of adoption of sons. I don't think enough people ponder what this really signifies. What does this mean? We can call God father because in our baptism we have received the spirit of adoption. We've become adopted members of a heavenly family. Jesus Christ is their adopted big brother. He's the true son of God, the father, and were they adopted sons in it's extraordinary dignity that's given to us in our baptism. We should meditate on that. But if he's our adopted big brother and God's our father, that makes her our mother. See Eve, we can see in Genesis three 20 Adam gave her the name Eve, the woman, the name Evie, cause she's the mother of the living. And again, we can see this privilege but at a higher order. We've all received life from Adam and Eve, natural life, but we know she's immediate tricks of all graces and we receive and that spirit of adoption, supernatural life. Speaker 1 09:36 She's the mother of us in that sense. Okay? We want every time. Then we see an image of her, especially on a miraculous metal or a statue like this where we can see in straight on, you can't, but from the middle of the aisles over where when you're coming in the door, you can see she is standing on a globe and what is she doing? The same thing as she's doing on a miraculous medal. She standing on the head of the serpent. That's an artistic rendering of exactly how she appeared to Saint Catherine Lavere with that very image stout. What is she telling us by that pose? That she's the Mac lotta the devil never got to lick in on her whatsoever. She's the Mac lit one. She's a Mac. That one. She's our mother. We've got a mother in heaven. We should turn to the blessed Virgin with great hope and great confidence in any, in all of our necessities.

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