Fatima and End of The World II

December 12, 2016 00:42:30
Fatima and End of The World II
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and End of The World II

Dec 12 2016 | 00:42:30


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Speaker 0 00:00 Hi Maria <inaudible>, the name of father, son, Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, on the first Sunday of advent, we begin another liturgical year. The word advent means a common and arrival. And throughout advent, the church prepares us for the coming of the Lord by placing before our eyes, both the first coming of our Lord and mercy as the day from the manger. And the second coming is put in front of us by our choice of readings to remind us of our year long duty to always be in preparation for his coming and justice and the clouds of glory with his angels to judge the living and the dead. We'll start with a quick review. Today's Gospel is take from that of Saint Luke. He's recording the same incident that we considered last week, which was taken from St Matthew's Gospel. St Mark also records the same incident, so our lord and the parcels, our standing amount, all of it, and they're looking down at the temple and the apostles asked him two questions. Speaker 0 01:05 One question about the destruction of the temple. One question about the end of the world. None of the Lord responds by answering both questions at the same time. So when he said that, that generation would not pass till all things be done, as we see, once again in today's reading, he's referring to the destruction of the temple, which did come to pass in 80, 70, and that very generation. But again, there's more to it than that. Remember that it type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. So how does that apply to today's Gospel? Well, among other things, the Jewish people prefigure the Catholic people, the Jewish high priest, prefigures, the Polo, the Sanhedrin, prefigures, the cardinals and bishops, the Jewish priests prefigure the Catholic priests, the Jewish Temple prefigures, the Vatican, the Catholic Church and the parishes throughout the world and the city of Jerusalem. Speaker 0 02:14 Prefigures uh, the, the, the, the, the world. Not because the temple is a type of the church and the city of Jerusalem is a type of the world to see of Jerusalem of destruction. The temple are types of the end of the world, which means that even when our Lord is talking about the siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple in 80 70 as he is in today's Gospel, he is also the very same time speaking about the end of the world, but it tied up in a foreshadowing as it preview of upcoming events. Okay, so with all that as background, we'll take a brief look at some of the signs of second calming at the end of the world. And to that end we'll turn to a book treating. This subject was written by an apostle postel saint John. The book is the apocalypse otherwise known as the book of revelation. Speaker 0 03:07 I'll be relying heavily on various commentaries throughout, but most notably that one it father corniness lap day, he was a holy, a Flemish Jesuit who spent some 40 years in late 15 hundreds and early 16 hundreds right in line by line commentary on the scriptures according to the minds of the fathers. I'm definitely relying on quite a few of the commentaries at well at at least 11, but it's, it'd be far too tediousness sermon to cite them all. Um, now obviously as usual too, I've always, uh, I've edited, cut and paste in the notes. Now obviously it's an enormous topic. Even the notes for my sermon ended up over a hundred pages before I finally whittled it down to this size. But in a sermon, we can only hit a few points and since it's prophecy, which is only finally understood its fulfillment, I may not have even expected it. Speaker 0 04:01 They selected the most important points. I may even fact overlooked the best explanation. So at best we're going to be left in a more luminous darkness. That being said, we'll do the best we can with what we've got. Now, few preliminary notes. First, obviously this is an exciting topic, but we're not supposed to have some kind of chicken, a little fit when we start thinking about it, the Holy Jesuit, St John Bertrand <inaudible> gives a perfect example of how we ought to react when we think about this topic. It's very tough. One day during recreation time, St John is Belle, a Jesuit scholastics were shooting pool and one of them asked him, Hey John, if you found out the world was just about to end right now, what would you do? And say, John was lining up a shot and he said, I'd keep shooting pool. Now what's the point of a story like that? Saint John <inaudible> was supposed to be taking recreation. Many was Speaker 1 04:59 okay, Speaker 0 04:59 and it's supposed to be in the state of grace. Any was. In other words, he's doing just what are you supposed to be doing at that moment? And the Lord expressed us to be doing our duty when it comes again. So if we're in a state of grace and doing our due Raul, right? Besides no matter when God had chooses to have someone live, he gives that person all the graces they need to become a sane at that particular moment in history. So the important thing is not when in history we live, but how we die. That's the most important thing. The most important thing we need to do is die. We need to die in a state of grace. Speaker 1 05:39 Then we're saying, okay, next point Speaker 0 05:44 these days there's tons of crazy things flying around about the end times and just think when you finally stomp one on, it can't get any crazier. It comes in other screwball theory or her foot fake apparition. The teaching or the church is very clear. There is no such thing as the rapture. There's no such thing as, it's so called Millennium, a thousand year visible reign of Christ Darlow or he came to us visibly the first time as a baby on his mission of mercy. That's Christmas. He'll come to us visibly and the second time at the end of the world is our church. Two Times. There's the first coming and a second coming. There's not one in between one, he's here with us. Sacramentally in between those two companies. That's when, so he comes as a baby. Then he stays with Sacramento, he comes to judge Libby debt. Speaker 0 06:32 There's not some crazy millennium more. He's coming back and then he comes back again. There's not three. There's just two. Okay. No wraps rumble in him. If you have any of that stuff around your house, open your door in Woodstock, chuck it in, slammed the door. That's what you do with that kind of stuff. Now if you want to read something good on the other hand, anti-christ by Saint Robert Bellerman. This is a doctor. The church wrote a book about the antichrist. Ryan Grant has recently translated, so it's the first time it's been translated English from Latin. This is reliable stuff. It's a doctor of the church writing. What is the church teaching on the antichrist? End of the world. This is reliable. It's not some crazy cooked up screwball thing. You can read this, you'll be all right. I'm not trying to read it, but it's a good book and if you want to read something on that, this would be the one to read. Speaker 0 07:20 Okay. Third, our Lord has commanded us to read the signs. The Times we're supposed to watch. We hear. Anyone said when these future things are gonna come to pass, we should remember the teaching of the Fifth Lateran Council. Quote, preachers are in no way to presume to preach or declare a fixed time for future evils becoming the antichrist. But the Precise Day of judgment for truth says, it is not for us to know the times or seasons which the father is fixed by his own authority. Let it be, know that those who have hit her too, dare declare such things are liars and then because of them, not a little authorities been taken away from those who preach the truth. That's latter and five. That's the teach you the church. So keep this in mind. Please do not put any words in my mouth is I'm going to try to be very precise in what I'm saying. Speaker 0 08:15 This a very difficult sermon for me to preach. Do not put any words in my mouth, okay? Finally, don't forget that the most important thing is not one of his history. We live, but how we die. The most important thing is to die in a state of grace. That's what really, really matters. Okay? Now, as you'll recall a few weeks ago, we looked at a thumbnail sketch of the events. At the end of the world today. We're going to take a closer look at some of it and fill in a few more blanks. I just picked a few topics to consider. Last week we considered the miracle the sun as a sign of the end of the world. The last night I realized after I'd written sermon and in no way intending to address the issue that it's actually directly related to fathom as well as monumental work on Fatima, the whole truth about fat of a Frere Michel, the most holy trinity reports that when questioned about the third secret sister Lucy said it's in the gospel of the apocalypse. Speaker 0 09:14 Read them. He notes that they share. Then particular indicated chapters eight to 13 of the apocalypse and that happens to the price precise section of the book that this sermon is going to deal with. So let's get started. I'll read excerpts from the apocalypse. Then follow those with quotes from various commentaries, the great apostasy and the operation of Air Apocalypse Age 10 and 11 and the third angel sounded the trumpet and a great star fell from heaven burning as it were, a torch and a felon, a third part of the rivers, and upon the phones of water in the name of the stars called Wormwood. The third part of the waters became wormwood and many men die to the waters because they were made bitter. Speaker 2 10:04 Cool. Speaker 0 10:06 As the third angel sounds is trumpet. A great star falls from heaven like a flaming torch and poisons a large portion of the streams and even they're very sources. The name Warren Boyd denotes a bitter and poisonous nature. This vision is a striking image of unfaithful bishops and priests who fought from the, from enter the church where Christ has placed them to enlightened and direct the world by false teachings. That example, they poison the very source of doctrine which had flow piers water from the Mountain Torah. Unfortunately, many of the faithful drank from these poisons streams of false doctrine and so perish close. Quote Speaker 2 10:48 Oh Speaker 0 10:49 apocalypse 12 three and four and there was seen another sign in heaven and behold the great dragon having seven 10 hit heads and 10 horns and on his head, seven tidings and his tail drew the third part of the stars of Heaven and cast them to the earth. Cool. The dragon is seen in heaven, which is here, a symbol of the church, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This indicates the first troubles of those days will be inaugurated within the church by Pasta, bishops, priests and peoples. The starve dragged down by the tail of the Dragon. Close cold. So the Apostilles starts with the pastors. Let's make sure we understand our terms here. Apostasy means a baptized person completely rejects Christianity. Paul an entire either embraces a non Catholic religion like Islam of Buddhism or Hinduism, Mercedes ism, or has no religion whatsoever. Harrison Harrison means a baptized person per tenaciously denies or adults any revealed truth to Catholic faith. Speaker 0 11:54 Now the words be stubbornly denies, reveal truth even when he's been shown to be wrong. Nowadays, heretics are often called dissenters. Citizen. Citizen occurs when either a group or even individual while keeping the true faith. Nevertheless, voluntarily, knowingly, and deliberately separates himself from the unity of the church by refusing to submit to the authority of the pope and or terminated community with those who are subject to them. Unlike a and heresy pierced, CISM is not a sin against the faith because this is madic individual or group has maintained the faith. What they've done is cut themselves off from the vine. Over time, CISM typically creeps into heresy because it becomes necessary to denied the primacy of the Paul. Okay, so the great apostasy starts at pastures, the bishops and priests. There's a fascinating passage and the catechism of the Catholic Church, which speaks to this time. I quote before Christ's second coming, the church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers, the persecution that accompanies or pilgrimage on earth, one veil, the mystery of iniquity and the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from truth, the supreme religious deceptions that of antichrist, a suit, a messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God. Speaker 0 13:26 And as a business side come in the flesh close quote the catechism of the Catholic Church. The church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth apocalypse eight 12 and the fourth angel sounded the trumpet. The third part of the son was smitten and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars so that they're part of them was darken the data, not shine for third part of it and a night in the like manner quote, the thoughts of many hearts are being revealed more and more as a gospel is preached, dropped the world. Many rejected others abandoned it. There's a growing decadence in the church. It's doctrine. Sanctity shine with diminished luster. The day is less brilliant. Speaker 0 14:17 The night of ignorance becomes darker. This is symbolized by the darkening of the sun, moon and stars close call, so over time the rod sets in in the posse deepens. One alarming aspect of this time is what Saint Paul calls the operation of air. We've talked about that in great deal elsewhere. In short, during the great apostasy, which the pops of it specifically warning us about for over a hundred years, the world will be filled with people who are deliberately and obstinately resistant to the truth. We don't want to hear the truth because it hurts because it means they're going to have to swallow their pride because it means they're going to have to change their sinful disordered ways of living in thinking. Men who want to live the way they want to live. Men who would rather have the leaders affirm them in their sins and lie to them than correct or false beliefs and vices and perhaps hurt their feelings and men who are seduced by these lies are subdued because they want to be seduced. Speaker 0 15:19 Unfortunately, we're talking about the vast majority of men, the vast majority, almost everyone, and in the midst of this chaos, the antichrist will appear and because he will put himself forward as the Messiah because he's presenting itself as if he is the Christ, even though he's an absolutely diabolical counterfeit, an imitation of our lord who was proceeded by an and knots by the Great Prophet of God, Saint John The baptist, the antichrist. This false messiah will be proceeded by a false prophet and as a just punishment for the rejection of the known truth as a just punishment too. They're too willful and stubborn. Blind snare God will permit the men who do not love the truth to have what they do want and what they do love, which is the lie as a just punishment for the rejection of the known truth or the just punishment for being to do it because they want to be seduced. God will permit them to have what they do want and what they do love, which is the law, and so that would be deceived by the false prophet. I wind up following the antichrist and only a very few, very small remnant. Those who love and believe in the truth will not be deceived by the marvels and the seduction of the antichrist and as false prophet. Speaker 3 16:42 It's terrifying Speaker 0 16:46 the false prophet apocalypse nine one and two and the fifth angel sound the trumpet and I saw a star for all from heaven upon the earth was given to him the key of the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit. The next commentator we'll call it seems to think all these things came to pass already and the destruction of the temple, even though that's not correct. Nonetheless, as long as we keep in mind that he's ready to have events, which actually for shadow events at the end of the world is insights which I've edited. Ken's shed some light on this as well as we read. Miss, keep in mind again, the Jewish high priest prefigures the pub, the Sanhedrin prefigures the Cardoza bishops, the Jewish pre people prefigured the Catholic people qual. When the Messiah Christ, our Lord finally appeared, the Jewish Sanhedrin turned the people of Jerusalem against him. The Sanhedrin is later. The high priest is the star that fell from heaven and poison the waters. He led the assault and Messiah and encouraged the prophets in apocalyptic writing stars, usually to note earthly political leaders. The best interpretation is that this fallen star who opened the bottom was pit, symbolizes the Jewish high priest who incited euro to declare war in has already been described as a fallen star in third trumpet. Speaker 0 18:08 Now, given that the high priest prefigures the pope, the Sanhedrin, prefigures cars and bishops and Jewish people, prefigure the Catholic people, that's very, very serious. We not turned to a commentary with an imprimatur. It's written almost a hundred years ago. Quote, this vision marks a new period of exceptional gravity for the church. Any priest or bishop of the church who becomes the leader of heresy, maybe compared to star, fallen from heaven. But in this case, the star first to some particular person who's revolved from the church sell lead directly to the reign of antichrist. Close. Close. Okay, so this visual, we have a star fallen from heaven. We have a key. We have a bottomless pit. We'll take a closer look. Starting with the pit that's mentioned again in Chapter 20 when the Dragon, the old serpent, Satan is cast into it in the apocalypse. The word used here for the bond's pit is the abyss and that's used to describe the domain and the drag in prison. Speaker 0 19:05 The devils. So the image here is it the business being unlocked, it's been uncorked and so the very balls of hell are going to empty. The demons which had been so far trapped in the depths are about to be freed on earth. Keep in mind all this is in the context of the great apostasy, the people of the new covenant, the Catholics who have been given the true fate. Instead rejected the members of the one true church, reject that free loving submission of their entire vein to Christ. They refuse to recognize the sovereign rights that God has over him, and so they turned back to paganism. In other words, they turned back for the worship and the service of Devil, the very devils that kept her ancestors in such terrible bondage until they were freed in Christ. But there's one huge, unbelievably terrifying difference between the paganism before Christ and the paganism of the great apostasy. Our Lord himself warm that if an evil spirit has been driven out but then is then invited back in, he will return, but he will bring with him seven other spirits, more wicked than himself, and they will dwell there, which means that the last condition is far, far worse than it had been. One example might give us some idea of the implications here Speaker 0 20:28 now on before a lady converted them, the Aztec, Teresa Mexico for just one fee. Just one fee sacrificed and offered up the hearts of 8,000 men to one of their pagan gods. Any thousand human sacrifices for one pig and feast. And if the Mexican people ever turn away from Christ as the church, and they are in droves and droves, if they ever turned back to paganism or they are in droves, then that as tech demon will return and it bring with him seven other spirits more of into themselves. And we are talking about a demon that for one feast required 80,000 human sacrifices and he is going to return and he is going to bring with them seven other evil spirits, more wicked than himself. And that would be true for every tribe and nation turns away from Christ and they're all going to turn away every last one of them. It's going to be like nothing ever see in history of the world. Like nothing we've ever seen. Lawless chaos, perversions not vicinity, savagery and violence, chaos, lawlessness Speaker 1 21:54 like nothing we've ever seen. Speaker 0 22:00 So the fallen star with the key is going to open the abyss, the domain and the Dragon, the prisoner devils. And so the very balls of hell, how can empty the demons that's far been trapped in the depths when we freed on earth and it's going to be like nothing mankind has ever seen Speaker 1 22:18 Alba. Speaker 0 22:22 Now there's the interesting Jewish legend, but the best it has to do with the Ra. Since ancient times, the Jews have called this particular raw the foundation stone. Among other things, they thought of it as a capstone, which basically plugs the opening of the business and so doing holds back the disorder and chaos can unroll, prevents it from rusting out and floating all over the world. When Solomon built his temple, this rock was actually part of the floor of the holy of holies. In fact, it was the very surface in which the ark of the covenant was placed. Nowadays, there's a huge mosque built right on top of that rock and that's why it's called the Dome of the Rock. Our Lord had stated that the wise man built his house on a rock. We all know who was the wisest man in the Old Testament. It was King Solomon, the Justice King Solomon built the temple. Speaker 0 23:17 On a rock. The foundation stone saw our Lord who said of himself that he was created in Solomon. So I'll start. Lord built his church on a rock, a living room, a new foundation stone. Say Peter the Apostle. That's where Lord Changed Simon's name to Peter, which means rock. We say somethings become petrified. We mean it's turned into rock. In other words, our Lord said, don't rock. And on this rock I will build my church. So with the foundation stone was to the temple. St Peter is torn Lord's Church. In other words, the foundation stone is a type, it's a prefigurement of Saint Peter. Saint Peter is the foundation stone for the Church of Jesus Christ. Speaker 0 24:04 And when our Lord said the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, meaning his church is pointing out that as new foundation stone, the foundation stone of his church, Saint Peter as a note capstone responsible for suppressing the disorder and chaos to the underworld and prevent it from erupting out in flooding over the world. The point is, let's say Peter, the new foundation stone has a crucial role in plugging the abyss and preventing all health and breaking moves. Okay. And our Lord Changed Simon's name to Peter and made him the new foundation stone. He also gave him keys, right? Speaker 3 24:43 Wow. Speaker 0 24:45 That great doctorate church, St John Prison System explains that when Christ gave these keys to Peter, the Karen government of the whole world was committed to him. So the image here is really easy to understand. Since back in the olden days, cities had walls of gates to be given the keys to city mean bed begin a position of very great trust and honor responsibility in terms of safeguarding the people, right? The man with the key can open or shut the whom he wills, he can lock the gate to keep the enemies or it can be trained to people and unlock the gate and let the enemy in. That's the power of the keys. All that by way of background. Now keeping all that in mind, let's walk back through that passage from the pockets. And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet and I saw a star from heaven upon the Earth. There's given him the key of the bottomless pit. Then he opened the bottomless pit. Speaker 0 25:42 Let's hear the explanation one more time, which in this case was taken on that commentary would imprimatur for most a hundred years ago. Cool. This vision marks a period, a new period of exceptional droughty for the church. Any priest or bishop of the church becomes the leader of Paris, maybe compared to star fallen from heaven, but in this case, the star firm refers to some particular person who's revolved from the church, shall lead directly to the reign of anti Christ. Close close with all this seems to indicate is that during the great apostasy, a particular bishop who's been given the keys <inaudible> is going to play a terrible role in opening the Biz. This actually will lead directly to the ray of anti Christ. Speaker 3 26:25 Sure. Speaker 0 26:27 A particular bishop, he's been given the keys, it's gonna play a terrible role in opening the best is it's actually directly to the random, the price, and it's going to be like nothing Speaker 1 26:44 you've ever seen. Speaker 0 26:49 We continued popups nine first two and follow any open the bottoms pit and the smoke or the pit or rose as a smoke of a great furnace and the sun and air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. Everyone the smoker, the Pender came out with locus upon the earth and Paul was given to them as a scorpions. The Earth had power and they had over the McCain. The Angel of the bottomless pit whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and a Greek Apollyon and Latin exterminators cool. From the smoker. The bed comes form a swarm blockers which attack men there fitting image of demons, heretics and a positive who swarm over the earth spreading spiritual destruction far and wide close call reminds us of the plague of locusts that Moses called on in the pagan land of Egypt, which also darkness guy. By this point, the state of human society is essentially reduced to lawless chaos. Speaker 1 27:49 It's gonna be like nothing we've ever seen Speaker 0 27:54 in a later version of St John's. These two, these the first beat, the antichrist comes up from the seat. We'll get to him in a while. The second base. The false prophet comes up from the land apocalypse. 1311 and I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon and all the authority of the first beast. It exercises before him and he causes the earth knows dwelling in it to worship the first piece, call st nearness to truly and others take his speed to be a notorious deceiver, which shall be the precursor and herald of the antichrist after the fashion price who had saint John the Baptist is a precursor. The false prophet will preach. You promote the antichrist with great signs, close quote and quote the base derived it from the earth as a false prophet, the Prophet of Bandai Christ, our divine savior has a representative on earth and the person, the pope upon whom he is conferred for powers to teach in governor. Speaker 0 28:51 Likewise, antichrist will have his representative in the false prophet who will be endowed with a plentitude of satanic power to see the nations close quote coming up out of the earth. Cool. The Earth once comes to second base to dissemble the gentile nations in revolved against the church. Cool. What does it mean to say the BZ came I part of the earth? If we look at the Greek word that Saint John used here, we've seen that. The sense is that it refers to the land. So this might be better translated, the base that comes up from the land, who caused the land, who was dwelling in it to worship the first piece. So what's the point of that? When the Greek Old Testament first to someone who comes from the land or someone who dwells in the land? Obviously it refers to people that live in the holy land, but it's an expression. Speaker 0 29:38 It actually means something more that it's got a very specific media. It's an idiom. So we have the same sort of thing in English. When we say kick, the bucket obviously could mean kicking a bucket. But in general, as we all know, usually need something else, it means dying, right? So when the phrase to Diwan, the latitudes, the Old Testament, there's a real sense of foreboding. You wouldn't get that unless you know the idiom. This foreboding, it means the people, the old covenant had apostasizes and become Pagans and were about to be destroyed or driven out of land. Or it refers to the heathens like the Canaanites who originally were living there, and it means they're about to be steroid and driven out of land. So we have that phrase dwell in the land. It has a sense of port boarding, like there's destruction can happen. There's a posy destruction. Speaker 0 30:24 That's what that has carries with it. Okay? That's the Old Testament sense of the parade. As we know the people, the old covenant for Shadow, the people that are known, everlasting covenant, we're reminded that at the consecration, the precious blood at every holy mass, okay. With that is background. It's pretty easy to understand the sense of this phrase. So when I hear the base coming up from the land, the false prophet who caused the land and those dwelling it to worship, the first beat that tells us that the people, the new covenant, the Catholic apostasizes become pagans, that they and their pagan neighbors are about to be destroyed. Certainly at a spiritual level and that the false prophet who is himself apostasizes in the Catholic church is by means of his preaching. Marvel's going to seduce the plastic Catholics and their pagan neighbors into fall. His leader. Then I proceed and he had two horns like a lamb. Speaker 2 31:15 I did Speaker 0 31:17 alerts specifically warns that we should quote, be aware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Speaker 2 31:25 Okay, Speaker 0 31:26 cool. These two horns give the appearance that simulation of a May, Colleen is that you appear to be a lamb and he can perform great signs that appear to be a miracle worker. He can unite to draw multitudes over to the SEC and yolk of the antichrist. It seems therefore this false prophets should be some apostate bishop, a hypocrite in trader to Clis skull honors who with his preaching, we'll fill the people with the poison of the dragon close quo quo. The two horns denote twofold, authority, spiritual and temporal as indicated by the resemblance to the lamb. The prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of anti pole closed bull, and he spoke as a dragon quote. How does the Dragon speak? He's deceptive, subtle, seductive speech to draw God's people away from their faith and into a trap. Furthermore, he's a liar, a slander and a blast. Speaker 0 32:17 Femur close quote and quote, his darkness shall be conning deceitful, poisonous, and diabolical, and therefore most apt for the seeming men for just as a dragon. That is the devil deceived Eve by speaking to the mouth of the serpent. Saucy will speak to the mouth of his false prophet and all the authority of the first piece did exercise before him. The causes the earth knows dwelling in it to worship the first piece, so the false prophet is propped up by the power and authority that first based acts, the chief litigious theologian preacher for his Master, the Anti Christ call again commentary a hundred years ago, the imprimatur added crest is profitable. Introduce ceremonies to imitate the sacraments of the church. In fact, there'll be a complete organization, a Church of Satan set up an opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God, the father and Christ to be honored as savior. Speaker 0 33:11 And as far as profitability to serve the role of Pole, their ceremonies will counterfeit the sacraments and the words imagined to be heralded his miracles. Close quote the antichrist apocalypse 13 one and falling. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns, 10 diadems and upon his heads, names of blasphemy. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power in all the earth was an admiration after the beast. And they adore the drag, which gave power to the beast. And they joined to be saying, who is liked to the beast and who shall be able to fight with him? There's given them us speaking great things and blasphemies and Paul has given him to do two and 40 months. And he opened his mouth on blast music against God to blast you his name and his tabernacle. Speaker 0 33:55 And then the dwelt in heaven has was given onto him to make war with the saints to overcome them and power was given to him over every tribe of people in tongue a nation and all that dwell upon earth, adored him whose names are not written in the book of life of Lamb. And I saw these coming out of the sea quote in certain scriptures to see as associated with the bis, the abode of the demons who are in prison there the picture of the raging deep is also used in scripture as a symbol of the world and chaos through rebellion of many nations against God. For example, in Isaiah 57 20 we read quote the wicked or like the raging sea, which cannot rest and the waves are therefore cast up dirt and Meyer St John is told later the waters what you saw in peoples and multitudes and nations and Toms having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his hand points 10 dyed hymns and upon his heads names of blasphemy quo as a representative Satan antichrist we aided and abetted by the same kings and rulers symbolized in both instances by the horns and died. Speaker 0 35:01 The horns are branded with names of blasphemy. Hence they symbolize the sins and errors that will afflict the church. Seven the number of universality indicates in his finest trigger to prevent the universal rant of Christ. All Forms of sin and error will be marshaled against the church. The number seven is also appropriate. Since all sins are included, the seven capital sins in Leichman are all EHRs that have afflicted. The church may be summed up in the seven Judaism, paganism, Edison, Mohammed, ism, Protestantism, rationalism and atheism, close quotes, and the dragon gave him his own strength and great power quo. The dragon gave the anti Christ versus authority. Majesty. Secondly, permission every means to persecute the faithful. Thirdly, the skill, powers and power of deceiving. Fourthly, the power to do fake miracles to sorcery, to the revealing of hitting things into the semblance of raising the dead, et cetera. Speaker 0 35:55 So all the father's teeth, the antichrist will be the most incredible soar for that ever live learn in witchcraft spells. A black cards will be possessed by the devil from conception, or at least from his infancy. He'll perform all his marvels by satanic power. He'll appear to raise the dead, heal the sick. These would be demonic collusions. Why will the antichrist perform all these marvels Saint Ron Belen in notes the purpose of all of these fake satanic wonders we so that he can prove that he's God just as Christ our Lord did true miracles to demonstrate his divinity. So do these miracles. He can convince everybody these, the Christ to convince everybody, these God, he'll deny that Jesus is the Christ and institute Jewish laws who proclaim himself to be Christ and God will demand to be worshiped as such, and we'll attack all other gods. Even the true God in power was given him to do two and 40 months. Speaker 0 36:49 Quote, all Orthodox Catholic commentators teach this mean to rule for three and a half years close book that was given out to them to make war with the saints, to overcome them to subjugate, capture and kill them. They the most savage persecution, the history of the world. Nothing else even comes close to it and powers given them over every tribe of people in tongue a nation. In other words, he'll rule the world and all that dwell upon the earth, adore them whose names are not read the book of life, Lamb, all the dwell upon the land of Dourdan. There's that four board expression again, all those about to be destroyed. All those about to spend eternity in hell. All those men who deliberately obstinately resist the truth, who don't want to hear the truth because it hurts because it means they'll have to swallow their pride because it means I have to change their sinful disordered ways of living and thinking because it means that they have to change themselves. Speaker 0 37:48 Men who want to live the way they want. Men who would rather have their leaders affirmed them in their sins and lie to them and correct their false beliefs and vices that perhaps hurt their feelings. The men who are seduced by these lies are seduced because they want to be seduced and as a just punishment for the rejection, the known true as a just punishment for their willful and stubborn blindness snare God will permit the men who don't love the truth to have what they do want, what they do live, which is the lie as a just punishment for the rejection and own truth as a just punishment for being to do this because they want to be seduced. God would permit them to have what they do aren't what they do love, which is alive, and so they will be deceived by the false prophet, one upon antichrist and adore. Oh, that one. The land whose names are not written, the book of life in Wham, Speaker 2 38:43 it's almost everybody in the world at that time Speaker 0 38:49 and his book on the anti-christ, that great doc, the church Saint Robert Bellman stated, are two most certain facts about him. He's principally coming for the Jews and received by them as the Messiah. Secondly, he was born of Jewish stock and circumcised and observed the sabbath, at least for a time as our Lord state of the Jews. You've rejected me, but another will come in his own name and him you will not reject. Saint Robert also points out a fearful symmetry just as Christ first came to the Jews, to him, he was promised by whom he is expected and then later joined the gentiles to himself, sought the antichrist and first code the Jews to by whom he's expected. And later one after another, he will subject all the gentiles to himself. He points out that the antichrist is not the devil incarnate because the devil can't take on another nature. Speaker 0 39:35 Only God can do that. The devil is an angel. He can only possess a man quote. You'd be the most perfect instance of the devil. So indium is a bodily expression of all possible diabolo canals just as Christ our lord was bodily expression of all divine goodness, close quote and Saint Robert. In terms of his name, we all know the number of his name is six six six Saint Robert quotes, Saron Pyrenees nascent, some link on this topic in short, his name is a secret kept by God until the antichrist arrives, since he isn't worthy to have that name preannounced by heaven. Saint Aaron asked reports that Saint John The apostle warmth that no one should attempt to guest this name from the number. Those who try, we'll be easily to see by him when he arrives under his own name, since it will not be on guard against him. Speaker 2 40:24 Let's close quo. Speaker 0 40:28 The Saint John Cris System, Saint Ambrose Synagis in St Jerome say neuro is remarkable type and figure of anti-christ because he was unbelievably proud, incredibly perverse, incredibly powerful, absolutely wicked ruler. Nero was a complete tiring just as the antichrist shall be. He wished to be worshiped as a god. He supported and sponsored Simon maggots and other evil sourcers he was adding of Christ and Christians. He raised up their first song persecution, the same spirit which already moved and operated neuron. Similar tyrants will operate an antichrist himself. The head and prints of total inequity. Close quo, Nero is the type of the antichrist. This is a man who the fathers and doctors have always been considered to be a very clear type of the antitrust. He's raised up in a murderous family. He carried out that legacy by murdering his own mother, stepbrother, wives and child among countless others. Here's a sourcer. The associated itself with wizard and sourcers, he could sell the demons, guide them, and making decisions is a shameless murderer. Speaker 0 41:36 Murderer's pervert, who besides his wives had a number of the new politically correct sort of marriages. He spent money like it's going out of style. Absolutely outrageous doe. He ordered the burning of Rome and then blame the Catholics and persecuted the church for 42 months. Killing Catholics as crucifixions and horrible tortures, even pouring pitch on them and burn them alive to use as torches did to eliminate his garden during parties at night is a man who demanded to be worshiped as God and killed those who refused to do so. The same spirit, which already moved and operated in Nero. It's similar tires. We'll operate an antichrist himself. The head and Prince of total inequity in all the dwell in the land adored whose names are not written Speaker 2 42:26 in the book, the life of the land.

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