Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

February 22, 2018 00:04:06
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter
Veritas Caritas
Feast of the Chair of St. Peter

Feb 22 2018 | 00:04:06


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Speaker 0 00:02 Hi Maria. Chris, you know, the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Feast of Saint Peter's chair. Yeah. And, uh, in that we're, we're celebrating the Authority, the Christ our Lord gave to St Peter in his sick and in his successors in St Peter, which is absolutely amazing. We just heard about it and the gospel that he has the power to bind and to lose. Uh, right now the current situation, the church indicates how very important it is for us all to pray for the successor of St Peter because it doesn't mean that he isn't a man and isn't capable of all the things that men are capable up. And we see the first example of that, of course, in the stations of the cross where you can try as he might, you're not going to find the first pole anywhere near the cross during the crucifixion. Speaker 0 00:53 Here we are in the passion, the church, and uh, we're very much in the same kind of situation, like the denial of Peter already a few things there. Uh, the informative from the fathers here. It says, uh, two, 2 trillion. Christ gave the keys to Peter and threw him to the church. See it up top. Just for the sake of unity. Peter was made the first among all apostles and he alone received the keys. They might give them to the rest. St Craig of NASA, and it's through Peter that Christ gives the bishops the keys. They're heavily prerogative Saint Leo. The grade for Lord will. There should be something common of Peter and the rest of the princes of matured was only on this condition that whatsoever he gave to the rest. He gave them through what that means and what, what when we're talking about the authority is the authority of Christ is given to the pope and then flows through him. Speaker 0 01:45 Whether he's good, bad or indifferent into the bishops in to them, into the priest. And it isn't really a question of the goodness of the individual. Thanks be to God. Cause we priests would have destroyed everything a few years out of the gate. There's no way. It doesn't depend on us. It depends on Christ giving to these broken instruments. It really matters for us to pray for the recipients that par, but it doesn't matter who it is in that sense. Uh, so we have to pray for our bishops or prelates the poll. For example, just this exercise right here is an exercise in the keys because preaching is an act of the Catholic church. And in order to preach, you have to faculties from a bishop a that. And so that sort of a thing right there. I get faculties, I get power through a bishop who gets it from the pope. Speaker 0 02:33 So ultimately it traces to Christ through the pole, through the bishop to me to preach, to forgive sins and so forth. Uh, that sort of thing. Cause it's a question of jurisdiction. It's called Christ gave three powers, did it came into focus in him from the old testament that he hands on to the church in the pope and they're spread up. But the powers of the power or the priesthood or the sanctify the power, two rule, kingship, par to rule and, and the power to teach, which is a prophetic car. So he's priest, King and prophet, and all those things come together in the pope and then they're distributed. The church. How does that work? Like an average priest light, the power, the power to offer mass. The priest in itself is handed down by the laying on of hands. So once that happens, your priest good, better and different forever and heaven and hell, it's your, there's a change in you. Speaker 0 03:28 You receive a care consultant. So I can offer mass. Even God has bid a goal, become Greek Orthodox or something. I mean, they'd probably real ordained or whatever, but you go in and pendant, you'd still be a priest. You still, that comes with you. But the power to teach and to and to judge and rule, that comes from what it called facts. Does it come from a bishops? So the preachy right now that comes from a bishop and the power rule, like in the confessional or lift excommunications if somebody under what the excommunication for abortion, the priest gets that power from the bishop in that traces back to the pole. So those are the three powers right there. Okay.

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