Fatima Parish Mission 4: The Third Secret

March 29, 2016 01:20:10
Fatima Parish Mission 4: The Third Secret
Veritas Caritas
Fatima Parish Mission 4: The Third Secret

Mar 29 2016 | 01:20:10


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:10 in this conference. I will occasionally cite some sources, but since I've caught it from so many, it will be tedious to set them off from the pulpit having to repress him on the new father and the son, the Holy ghost. Amen. Let's turn to the third secret Italian journalist comments on the circumstances of the release of the third secret quote. After long and dramatic tiller deliberation, the Pope personally decided to publish the text in 2000 it was announced in the most solid manner from the sanctuary, Fatima before the Pope and the visionary by the Vatican secretary of state, and it was even published on June 26 2000 the company meant of a theological commentary by the highest doctrinal authority, the church next to the pulp Carl Joseph Ratzinger. Prefect of the formal Hallie Opolis presented the text and the secret. His commentary had nothing less than press conference televised worldwide close quote. So here's the text, sister Lucien. Speaker 1 01:16 The third part of the secret revealed to the covert at year F Fatima on 13th July, 1917 I had read in obedience to my God who commanded me to do so through his excellency, the Bishop, Leander until your most Holy mother in mind. After the two parts, which I've already explained at the left of our lady and a little above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing, gave out flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact. The splendor that our lady radiated towards him from a right hand pointing to the earth with his right hand. The angel cried out in a loud voice. Pennants, pennants, pennants and we saw an immense light that has God, something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a Bishop dress and why we had the impression that it was the Holy father. Speaker 1 02:11 Other bishops, priests, men and women are religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there was a big cross of rough hewn trunks as if a court treat with this bar before reaching there, the Holy father pass to a big city, half in runes and half trembling with halting step afflicted with pain and sorrow. He prayed for the souls of the corpses. He met on his way. Have you reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross? He was killed by a group of soldiers of fire, Baltz and arrows at him and in the same way there died one after another. The very the other bishops, priests, men and women and religious and various lay people of different racks and positions, but eat the two arms of the cross are two angels eat the crystal Asper Storium in his hand, which they gathered up the blood of the monitors with its sprinkler souls. They were making their way to God. Two E three one 1944 Speaker 2 03:03 close call. Speaker 1 03:06 Now for me to get very good reasons. Many people have gotten oppression. This vision of refer simply to <inaudible> 1981 assassination attempt on the Pope, the Italian journalist Sochi explains why on may 32,000 cuddle Sudan who was the Vatican secretary of state announces it. The famous third secret of fattened will soon be polished and at the same time anticipates the theological interpretation of that extremely delicate text by Lincoln division of that assassination attempt. One VAT cannest comments. What happened on May 30th, 2000 represents something unique in the history of the church. A correct interpretation was offered even before the text to be interpreted was provided Speaker 2 03:47 close call. Speaker 1 03:49 Many, many Catholics don't realize that Paul, the sixth place the secretary of state over the congregation for the doctrine of faith. So after the announcement, a preemptive explanation of this vision by superior carnal sedan, Cardinal Ratzinger was then asked to make a theological commentary on the text. So she explains on June 26 cuddle rats, he was not able to make a free theological comment on the text, but insistently declared that the interpretation was by the secretary of state and that he is only giving points of reflection within the confines of a predetermined interpretative framework stating explicitly at the limits of his commentary Speaker 2 04:29 close quote. Speaker 1 04:31 So she continues noting that not only did carnal Ratzinger downplay the significance of this interpretation, he also stressed that concerning the FATTOM of visions, there are no official definitions nor obligatory interpretations, close quilt and that there are other attempts that interpretation which can be well founded. The Cardinal also stressed the response to an inquiry from a Bishop that he did not at all wish quote to attribute exclusively to the past the contents of the secret in a simplistic manner, close quote. In other words, one possible explanation division was given, but we're perfectly free to seek other possibilities and that's exactly what we'll do for the rest of the talk. So let's get started by asking ourselves, what does this vision mean? Speaker 2 05:18 What does it mean? Speaker 1 05:21 Is it possible that our lady would come down from heaven to FATTOM deliver a mysterious and pausing message to three little children perform one of the greatest miracles in the history of the world in order to conform or confirm the heavenly source of an importance that message and yet not employed? Explain it. Speaker 2 05:40 Is that possible? Speaker 1 05:44 Is it possible that our lady would show this almost incomprehensible vision to these children and not explain it? Speaker 2 05:50 Is that possible? It's not possible. Speaker 1 05:56 It's not possible or would show perfectly comprehensible vision of hell to the children and explain what that means and then show them another vision of mysterious vision, but then give no explanation as to what that means. It's just not possible. No. It's important to remember that SIA is the only one of three children that both saw and her Darla had saw her in our lady and spoke to her. She spoke to our lady. She's the only one that spoke during the apparition. Bless it. Could you send it? Could both see and hear our lady, but she didn't speak to her during the apparitions. Francisco could see everything, but he never heard a word. That's why they told the girls do not tell the standee buddy Francisco. Yes. You may tell him. So why does that matter? Because the release text describes a vision. The release text is a description of the vision and the three children saw three of them. But there are no words from our lady. Our lady told the girls, they were not supposed to tell this to anybody, but they could tell it to Francisco. So what are they supposed to tell Francisco? Speaker 1 07:05 What could they tell him? He saw everything they saw. So we're missing something. We're missing the very words of our lady to explain this <inaudible> editing MADEC vision. Sochi knows if the attack of 1981 is really the complete fulfillment of the secret and if it is something that has been now consigned to the past already realized our attention is drawn to an interesting and mysterious phrase that John Paul too uttered to veto ms sorry, is in the book interview crossing the threshold of hope. The book was published in 1994 and hence was written many years after the attack of 1981 the Pope was in fact recalling the attack. Therefore, when I was shot by the SAS in st Peter's square, I do not pay any heat at first to the fact that it was precisely the anniversary day on which Mary had appeared to the three shepherds and Fatima in Portugal revealing to them those words, which by the end of the century seemed to be moving towards their fulfillment. Speaker 1 08:10 It is amazing that these words of the pop of pass without observation, we find them at least two important revelations. The first is that 13 years after the attack that is at the end of century John Paul two held at the fat of a prophecy had yet to be realized completely. The second revelation is that as the Popa forms us to prophesy, whose fulfillment as it is approaching was expressed by Mary with words something they've taken literally has an explosive significance. Close quote. Okay. So if we're going to take the words, the Saint John Paul too, literally or seriously that it's obvious are word spoken by our lady in the third secret, it's obvious the message to Fatima didn't find fulfillment. The 1981 assassination attempt, it's obvious that if the message of FATTOM was moving towards its fulfillment in 1994 we're much closer today. And in fact, just a few years ago in 2013 the sisters of our convent published a biography of sister situ Lucien in which we learned that the Virgin appeared to sister Lucy on January 3rd, 1944 and told her to quote, be at peace and write what I've commanded you, but not however that which has been given to you to understand it's Speaker 2 09:28 close call Speaker 1 09:31 be a piece, right? What I've commanded you, but not however that which has been given to you to understand its meaning. So the sisters from sister Lucy is own convent in a book. They themselves have published, confirm that something is missing from the vision standing alone. And what is missing? The very explanation of the visions, meaning that was given to the children by our lady. A careful reading of the letters sister Lucy wrote to her Bishop on January 9th, 1944 seems to indicate that sister Lucy composed two different documents. Quote, I've written what you asked me, God will to try me a little but find this wasn't deed as will. The text is sealed in an envelope and it is in the notebooks. Close quote, the text is sealed in an envelope and it is in the note to book the fourth secret. I want to make it clear I'm not coming an unqualified recommendation to the book. Speaker 1 10:27 That being said, it has interviews and information not available elsewhere. The book to Fort secret but written by Antonio Sochi. He's a friend of Benedict the 16th and acclaimed Italian journalist and television personality in a devout Catholic contains the evidence including direct testimony from the personal secretary of Pope Saint John the 23rd the demonstrates. In fact, there are two different envelopes from sister Lucien continuing to documents pertaining to third secret obviously. Then one contains the description of the vision and the other explanation divisions, meaning it's not within the scope of this topic on those details. The point is there are two documents, one containing the description of the vision of three children's saw and other contain explanation of that our lady gave to SIS to SIA and plus to sender and that she told not to tell to anybody that they could tell it to press it. Speaker 1 11:19 Francisco, we even know how long unreleased document, the explanation of the third secret is. Before the secret was taken, ramen, 1957 dog zillion Bishop of Liora Fatima held up the envelope to the light and he saw an ordinary sheet of paper with three quarter centimeter margins on which were written approximately 25 lines cuddle out of <inaudible>. He was the head of <inaudible> office. It's now called the congregation for dr fate Carter lado Vianney who read the third secret later stated that the secret was 25 lines long written on a single sheet of paper. Obviously this is a document that contains the explanation of the vision, but in the vision released in 2000 written sister Lucy, his handwriting is about 64 lines long. You can log on the Vatican website. That's what I did and takes up four sheets of paper. So there are two documents. One contains a description of what the three children's saw and the other contains or layers explanation of the meaning of this vision. Speaker 1 12:19 More importantly, Sochi argues persuasively that in fact Rome has infield and implicit manner. The central context of the sentence. Second envelope, the envelope that contains the words of our lady, which enables them to say and conscience that all the third secret has been revealed. Later on, we'll examine his argument before we do that. In an effort to come to some probable conclusions about the meaning of this cryptic vision, we'll start by considering a letter dated may 12 eight 1982 written by sister Lucy to the Paul. Now. Interestingly enough, May 12th, 1982 is a very day that our lady of Fatima thwarted another SAS nation attempt on st John Paul to the pop had been shot with poison bullets by Alianca in in st Peter's square in 1981 I made 13 and so the pop returned a fat of money a year later to thank your lady for preserving his life. When father Juan Fernandez crone a priest, the society of Saint Pius the 10th attacked him with a bayonet. Speaker 1 13:18 He actually drew blood, but he was stopped before he could kill the pole. The SSPs retroactively removed him, but he left an SSPs prior that morning with a note saying, who wouldn't be back later that night? Anyway, let's turn the letter. Sister Lucy, a quote. The third part of the secret refers to our lady's words, if not Russia, will spit her heirs throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the church. The Goodwill, the modern, the Holy father will have much to suffer various nations. We annihilated. She continues. The third part of the secret is a symbolic revelation, referring to this part of the message. Conditioned by whether we accept or not with the message itself asks of us if I request her, he did. Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will sputter airs throughout the world, et cetera. Since we did not heat this appeal, the message we see there has been fulfilled. Speaker 1 14:14 Russia has invaded the world with her errors, and if we've not seen the complete fulfillment of the final part of this prophecy, we're going towards it little by little with great strides if we do not reject the path of sin. Hey, crude revenge and justice, violations of the rights of the human person, immorality and violence, et cetera. And let us not say that it's God who's punishing us in this way. On the contrary, these people themselves are preparing their own punishment and his kindness. God warns us and calls us to the right path. We'll respect in the freedom is given us. Hence people are responsible, close Coles to go see him. Okay. So given the third part of the secret is a symbolic revelation conditioned by whether or not whether we accept or not with the message itself asks of us, we'll spend a few minutes trying to come to a deeper understanding of the symbolism contained in this message. Speaker 1 15:08 We'll do that by considering four things. First, we'll briefly consider again the implications of the miracle, the sun in itself. Second, we'll consider the implications. Some implications right now seen in this mysterious vision that was released in 2000 by the Vatican. Third, we'll weigh the testimonies of various reliable witnesses who have either read the third secret themselves or have received information from sister Lucy or the pole indicating its contents and forth. We'll consider aspects of several approved apparitions will shed light on certain aspects of this vision. Now, what we're doing here is making preliminary observations later on after we've looked at everything, we'll bring this together with a conjectural explanation, the vision, and at the same time we'll be able to see why the Vatican can truly say that everything has been revealed and we also get some idea of why they chose to real reveal things in the way Speaker 2 16:02 they have. And so that's where we're going from here. Speaker 1 16:08 Implications and a miracle in itself. We saw it, the witnesses themselves, the witnesses to the miracle. His son were convinced that they were witnessing the end of the world. We sought. The miracle itself had apocalyptic overtones which are consistent with the teaching of scripture and the fathers. Saint Alphonsus, for example, summarized in the teaching of the father's state. Another sign of the end of the world will be and the powers of heaven shall be moved. Some understand this to me, tremors and unusual movements which will occur in the heavens. That is the firmness of the heavens of scenery lacking as they will tremble before the Lord comes to judge the world and the coming of the church will, you're preceded by fire. Fire will descend from heaven and shall burn earth and all things upon their, they're defiled by sin must be purified Speaker 2 16:58 by fire. I seen a font, Speaker 1 17:01 we saw the rain and sunshine and all the colors of the rain bowl are reminiscent of the judgment of mankind by means of the great flood. We saw the sun falling from the skies reminiscent of the Firefly from the sky and Sodom and Gomorrah, and also from the fire that according to witness of both scripture and tradition will fall from the sky at the end of the world. We saw that Courtney H who rabbinical tradition, both the great flood in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, both provoked by the same types of sins. In fact, in two different places in the ancient rabbinical commentaries, they say the great flood that the cause of great flood is when they began to write contracts for marriages between men and men Speaker 2 17:37 and men and animals were there. Speaker 1 17:42 Turning to the implications of the vision itself. We'll read excerpts from the vision and just make a brief comments on them at this time. After two parts, which I have already explained, the left of our lady and little above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand flashing. It gave up flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact with a splendor that our lady radiated towards him. From a right hand point of the earth was right-hand. The angel cried out loud. Boys pendants, pendants, pennants. Speaker 1 18:15 So we see our lady holding back with a right hand, the sort of punishment held by the angel who's telling us to do pennants. But as sister, the SIOP point out to symbolic revelation condition by whether we accept or not, what the message itself asks of us. And since we did not heed this appeal, the message, we see that it's been fulfilled, we're going towards a complete fill. The amount of this little by little with great strides Benedict the 16th during a pilgrimage to Fatima on May 13th, 2010 stated quote, he deceives himself who thinks the prophetic mission of Fadiman has concluded there indicated future realities of the church which little-by-little are manifesting themselves and therefore it is the sufferings of the church which are announced. Man has the power to unleash a cycle of death and tear, but he's not able to stop it and the faith in vast regions of the earth risks being extinguished like flame without a feel. Doc Tober 1981 issue of the German magazine stood disk Stemmet as globins reported on discussion that Pope John Paul to head with a select group of German Catholics in November of 1980 the following is a verbatim report of the discussion. Speaker 4 19:32 Cool. Speaker 1 19:34 The Holy father is asked, what about the third secret of FADIMA should not have an already been published by 1960 Pope John Paul two replied, given the seriousness of its contents, my predecessors in the Petron office diplomatically prefer to postponed publication so as not to encourage the world power of communism. To make certain moves. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all questions to know this. If there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth and from one moment to the next, millions of people will perish. Truly the publication of such messages no longer something so much to be desired. The pop continued. Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of the curiosity and that is dangerous. If at the same time they're not disposed to do something and if they're convinced that is impossible to do anything against evil. At this point the pop grasped the rosary and said, here is the remedy against this evil prayed, pray and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the mother. God, the Holy father was then asked what is going to happen to the church? Speaker 1 20:47 He answered. We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ. With your in my prayers possible mitigate this tribulation but is no longer possible to advert it because only thus can the church be effectively renew. How many times is the renewal a church sprung from blood? This time tool will not be otherwise. We must be strong, prepared and trust in Christ his mother and be very, very assiduous in praying the rosary close quotes st John Paul two at around 4:00 PM on January 3rd, 1944 in the chapel of a comment of where the tabernacle sister Lucy asked Jesus to made known as well. This has just published a to Connie 13 this is from notes from, from her convent has published this by the way. Speaker 1 21:45 Cool. I then felt a friendly hand, maternal affectionate touch my shoulder. Our lady said to her, be at peace and write what I've commanded you, but not whoever that which has been given you to understand its meaning. Immediately afterwards. Sister Lucy said says, Lucy, a quote. I felt my spirit inundated by mystery of light that is in God in any of my saw and heard the point of a Lance like a flame that is detached, touches the access of the earth and it trembles mountains. Cities, towns, and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, the clouds exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging with him in a vortex houses and people in a number that cannot be counted. It is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is Merced hatred, ambition provoked the destructive or actor. I felt my racy heart in my spirit of soft voice said in time one faith, one baptism, one church, Holy Catholic, Epistolic and eternity. Heaven. This word heaven filled my heart with peace and happiness in such a way that almost without being aware of it, I kept repeating to myself for a long time. Heaven, heaven, closed quote. That gave her the strength, right? The third secret, she couldn't do it. The Bishop asked her to do it and she just couldn't get it done. It was so horrible to her and she had to have a special Christ from our lead. But this vision is very, very interesting. Speaker 1 23:12 Continue with the vision. We saw an immense life and has got something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it. A Bishop dressed in white. We had the impression that it was in the Holy father. That's very curious. We're wearing a Bishop dress in white that we had an impression it's the Holy father to continue other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there's a big cross of rough hewn trunks as if a quart tree with the bar before reaching and the Holy father passed through big city, half a rooms and half trembling with halting step afflicted with pants. Are he prayed for the souls of the corpses met on the way? Have you reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross? Speaker 1 23:50 He's killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him. And the same way the guide one after another, the other bishops, priests, men and women, religious, various late people of different ranks and positions. So in this part of the vision, we see that poly father passing through big city, half ruins filled with corpses, which seemed to at least at the first glance to be wrong after being sacked by home. And then we'd see the Holy father killed by soldiers, bullets and arrows. I mean who uses arrows anymore for anything but hunting. What's that all about? Hold those thoughts and we'll spend some time considering one of the goals of this slide. One of the very clear goals of their religion and called that was actually said by Muhammad himself. Is it a conquest of wrong? Rom is not just a random place that Muslims want to conquer, they want to conquer the whole world, but a specific goal set by Mohammad himself as Camille <inaudible>. Speaker 1 24:45 She continued, you stated quote, the prophet Muhammad said, rom shall be conquered, rumble, we conquered nardin's. This is the age of the Muslims. Close quote, and that's not a random sentiment by some kook in Tunisia and Palestine. For example, you need L a style. He's a popular cleric for Hamis in a scholar on Islamic law States, quote, very soon Allah willing, Rome will be conquered as prophesied by a prophet Mohammed. Today Roman is the capital of the Catholics where the Crusader capital, which is declared as hostility Islam, his plan of brothers of apes and pigs and Palestine, he's referring to Jews when he talks about the brothers of apes and pigs is in Islam, a lovely religion. Today, Rome is the capital of the Catholics and the Crusader Kappa, which is declared as hostility Islam and his planet, the brothers of ancient pigs and Palestine. In order to prevent the reawakening of Islam, this capital of theirs will be an advanced post for the Islamic conquest, which was spread through Europe in its entirety. Speaker 1 25:41 And then we'll turn to the two Americas and even Eastern Europe close. In other words, he thinks it'll be a strategic point from which the jihadists will expand into Europe and eventually over here to the Americans. And September, 2014 up Abdul Mohammed Al had naughty official spokesman for ISIS stated, well, we will cocky Rome, break your cures fixes, and we'll make slaves. There were women by the permission of all of the exalted one close quote. This is mainstream Islamic club. For example, Yousef Al Karatu <inaudible>. He's probably the most influential Sunni scholar in the world today. He's a chairman and international union of Muslim scholars, published more than 120 books. It's well known for Islam online to popular website. He co founded in 1997 he served as the chief religious scholar for it and he has a TV show called Sharia in life. It's broadcast in Al Jazeera Jazeera. It's an estimated 60 million Watchers worldwide. Speaker 1 26:42 In 2002 referring to the declaration of Muhammad himself, he said that the Muslims will soon rise and invade Rome and that Islam will return to Europe as a conquer and Victor, here's the point. When they're talking about conquering Rome, they're talking about conquering Rome. At least some of the Islamic plans for the conquest of Rome are actually, they have one line a year ago. On Saturday, March 21st, 2015 the newspaper, you'll turn reality published an article I use Google translate, so it's a little bit wooden on the translation, which the title article tells us is about quote as she had this manual to bring the gorillas to Rome. The advice use crossbows and handmade bonds. Close quote, the article States that is precisely on Rome to the jihadist. ISIS and sleeper cells in Italy have set their eyes in news. You had his book, the author dispense his advice on how to set Rome on fire, quoting from the jihadist ebook quote, the advent of the war for the conquest of wrong mainly consists of urban warfare in the cities and roads of Europe. Speaker 1 27:46 Close cook the Shahada suggests quote rudimentary weapons because they're easy to use because in many cases they are not illegal. Such weapons are considered life-threatening and are also good for self defense. They should not miss homemade bows and arrows close call. So the advice is to stockpile things that aren't illegal. One of the specific bites is bows and arrows. Okay, that's just a few preliminary reflections on symbolism vision. Let's turn to the testimony of witnesses. What we'll do now is sift through some of the statements made by various reliable witnesses who I'd read the third secret themselves or received information persistently, SIA, or the Pope indicating contents thereof. We'll start for the few statements made by the most obvious witness and that sister Lucy. December, 1957 she told father <inaudible> was the vice postulator for the cause of Les Francisco and Jacinta quote, father, the most Holy Virgin may be. Speaker 1 28:45 Understand that we're in the last times the world then how to give everybody's attention. You can't get much more apocalyptic than that. Okay? The devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin. The final bell one sideway victorious. Another subtle stuff for defeat, and the devil knows what offends God the most will gain for him the most. Number of the greatest numbers souls in a short space of time. So he doesn't everything to overcome souls consecrated to God because in this way, the devil will succeed leaving the souls, the faithful, abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily when he sees them, that which afflicts the Mac. That heart of Mary in the heart of Jesus is the false religious and priestly souls. The devil knows the religious and priests who fall away from the beautiful occasion, drag numerous souls to hell. Speaker 1 29:41 The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated silvers. He tries to crop them to in order to lull, to sleep the souls of lay people and thereby lead them to final impenitence. He plays all tricks, even go so far as to suggest the delay of entrance into religious life resulting from this is the sterility of the interior life and among the lay people, coldness, lack of enthusiasm regarding the subject of Varanasi pleasures and the total dedication of themselves to God fucking so here's situa. Lucio speaks of a final battle with the devil of disaster corruption, apostasy the ranks of priests and religious who in turn lead the laity into disaster and eternal damnation. Sister Lucien. My mission is not to indicate to the world the material punishments which are certain eCom. If the world does not pray, do penance beforehand. No. My mission is indicate to everyone imminent danger. Speaker 1 30:37 We are in of losing our souls for all eternity. If we remain obstinate in sin, close quote, sister Lucy, so here's sister speaks not just of damnation, but also of the material punishments which are certain eCom. If the world does not pray and do pennants sister, Lucia, father, we should not wait for an appeal to the world to come from Rome on the part of the Holy father to pennants, nor should we wait for the call to penance to come from our bishops and our diocese, nor from the religious congregations. No, our Lord is off very already, very often use these means in the world has not paid attention. That's why now it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not only save his own soul, but also help to save all the souls that God has placed Speaker 2 31:24 on our path. Close quote Speaker 1 31:28 to someone who is questing around the content of the third secret sister who is SIA replied one day it's in the gospel and in the apocalypse. Read them based on these statements, assistance with SIA, we would expect their apocalyptic elements and third secret, not just material chastisements but also indicating disaster corruption, apostasy in the ranks, a priest and a religious who lead the lady down the same paths. We know from her own testimony. The third secret took so it would contain something so terrible she would not be able to write down without a special intervention intervention of our lady. We mentioned that, but in fact she received an order from a Bishop to write down the third secret. It took her more than two months and she couldn't do it and she said it wasn't due to natural causes and she was unable to write it down until the bus Virgin appeared to her on January 3rd, 1944 that's we just heard and told her it was God's will. Speaking of this difficulty, father Alonso, who was the official archivist of Fatima, he had unrestricted access to sister Lucy and her writings and he asked, how are we to understand the sea as great writing? The final part of the secret which is order written other things that are extremely difficult to put down. Had it been merely a matter of prophesied, I knew in severe punishments, sister Lucy would not have experienced difficulty so great that a special intervention from heaven was needed. Overcome it. Speaker 1 32:57 If we were a matter of internal strife within the church and have serious passional negligence on the part of high ranking members of the hierarchy, we can understand how the CEO experience to repugnance those almost impossible to overcome Speaker 2 33:13 by naturally. Speaker 1 33:15 If we're a matter of internal strife within the church and if serious pass from the negligence on the part of high ranking members of the hierarchy, we can understand how she experienced repugnance. It was almost impossible to come overcome without a special intervention from him. In August, 1931 our Lord spoke to says to Lucy and said, make it don't to my ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France and declare delaying execution of my command like cuneiform into misfortune. It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus in Mary. Now, for anyone that knows what our Lord is referring to there, that's really frightened. Speaker 1 33:59 On June 17th 69 our Lord had commanded the King of France who st Margaret, Mary Aliko to consecrate France to sacred heart. So you have the apparitions in the sacred heart. You have the first Fridays, you have the equip request for the consecration state chart. It's parallel the two, the two situation. We have the apparitions of the Mac. That heart. We have the requests for consecration to remap led heart. We have the five for Saturdays. Okay. Anyway, so our Lord commanded King of France to consecrate trance to sacred heart. This like they asked the pubs to consecrate Russia to her Macklin heart. The King did nothing about it. In fact, for full 100 years, the Kings did nothing about it. On June 17th, 1789 exactly 100 years from the day our Lord had asked for the consecration of France to sacred heart. The third state began the French revolution by declaring itself a national assembly. Speaker 1 34:56 Four years later, the King was publicly guillotine. As everybody knows, the French revolution was an absolute bloodbath. Given that my ministry ministers fall example, the King of France, Delaine execution, my command like him, they will fall him into misfortune. We'll continue sifting through some of the testimonies in 1952 pots at 12 it's an Austrian priest by the Joseph Schweiger. As to interview sister Lucien. The interrogation took place in September 2nd of that year. Father Schweiger later stated quote, I may not reveal anything with regard to the third secret, but I'm able to say it has two parts. One part concerns Pope. The other part was a logical continuation. Though I may not say anything of the words in Portugal, the dogma or the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. Remember, he's quoting our lady what it says, et cetera has always been understood. Refer to the third secret, so just ask yourself, did our lady actually sit cetera? Speaker 1 35:56 Of course not. In fact, when sister Lucy was interrogated in a church investigation, 1924 she said caught. Then the lady told us some brief words commanding us not to tell them to anyone except to Francisco alone. Close. Cool. Father, Joaquin Alonso who died in 1981 we've mentioned him just a few minutes ago. He was the official archivist of Fatima was considered to be the greatest expert on the subject. He had a number of comments on this, etc. This phrase clearly implies a critical state of the faith from which other nations will suffer and that's a crisis in the faith. If in Portugal, the with the faith will always be preserved. It can be clearly deduced that in other parts of church, these dogmas will be obscured or even lost. It is probable that the text refers concretely to the crisis of faith in the church and to the negligences of the pastors themselves. The third secret speaks of internal struggles in the womb of the church of grave pastoral negligence by the upper hierarchy and efficiencies of the upper hierarchy of the church. Close quotes Speaker 5 37:03 <inaudible> Speaker 1 37:03 so he's seen according to witnesses the service. Third secret scene B contains two part one part pertaining to Pope, other being the continuation words in Portugal, the dog with the faith will always be preserved, et cetera. Regarding the part of the Pope. In the third secret. There are other events and lives that children would shed some light on the mysterious vision in which we see in the midst of a half ruin city, the martyrdom of hope with in many bishops, priests, religious Leymah, sister Lucy. One day we spin our CSD down by my parents. Well, to set a set on stone slabs and top of the, well after a while, just sent a call out to me. Didn't you see the Holy father? No, I don't know how it was, but I saw the Holy father and a very big house, new thing by a table with his head buried in his hands and he was weeping outside house. There were many people, some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language. Poor Holy father, we must pray very much for him. Speaker 1 37:59 Did another time we were prostrate on the ground saying the prayers Angela taught us. After some time, just sit and stood up and called me. Can't you see all those highways and roads and fields full of people who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat, and the Holy father church praying before the Mack and heart of Mary and so many people praying with him some days later, she asked me, can I see that I saw the Holy father and all those people? No, don't you see that's part of the secret. If you do, they'll find out right away. All right, then I'll see nothing at all. Close quote says to see them in your lady writing sister. The CMA seems to be announcing troubles. Harrison. Finally, the great apostasy which will arise in the church during the latter times. Here are a few excerpts from letters written after 1960 by sister Lucien. These are x-rays. There's a diabolical disorientation invading the world and misleading souls. The devil succeeded in infiltrating evil and the cover of good and the blind beginning to guide others. And the worst that is is that he has has succeeded and leading to air and deceiving souls having a heavy responsibility to the place which they occupy their blind man, cleaning other blind man. They let themselves be dominated by the diabolical way Speaker 2 39:13 invading the world. Speaker 1 39:16 It is sad. In fact, it's so many persons let themselves be dominated by the dog. Vocal wave is sweeping the world and they are blind to the point of being incapable of seeing error. Their principal fault is they have abandoned prayer. If we're not diligent and careful that obtained from God's strength, we shall fall for our age is very wicked and we are weak on the strength of God. Keep us on our feet. Let people see the rosary every day or ladies repeated that in all of our apparitions as if to fortify us in these times of diabolical disorientation in order that we not let ourselves be deceived by false doctrines. Unfortunately, in religious matters, the people for the most part are ignorant and allow themselves to be led wherever they're taken. Hence the great responsibility of the one who has the duty Speaker 2 40:05 of leading them. Speaker 1 40:07 This is a diabolical disorientation that is evading the world to saving souls. It is necessary to stand up to the devil. Our poor Lord, he has saved us with so much love and he is so little understood so that the alone so badly served, it is painful to see such great confusion in sone persons occupied places of responsibility. The fact is that the devil has succeeded and bringing evil under the appearance of good. The blind are beginning to lead others. This is like the Lord told us his gospel and souls allow themselves to be taken in close quotes. Sister Lucy in 1995 Colonel <inaudible> is a papal theologians, pokes pies. The 12 Saint John the 23rd policy. John Paul wanted John Paul to said quo, and the third secret is for toll among other things. The great apostasy in the church begins Speaker 2 41:03 close. Cool. Speaker 1 41:06 That's a very strong, that's, that's even a shocking statement. The third secret is foretold among other things, the greater paucity the church begins to the top. Speaker 2 41:16 Think about what that applies Speaker 1 41:30 kind of out of the Viani interviewed situa SIA in 19 five he said, quote, the message was not to be open before 1960 <inaudible> system to see of why this day she answered because then it will be clear close CLO. Here's a few brief commentary, some 60 seventies and early eighties on the state of the church which may shed some light on that. Paul Paul, the sixth call the churches in the disturbed period of self criticism. Well, what could I could be ed recalled, self demolition, close quote and quote. The opening of the world has become a veritable invasion of the church by worldly thinking. We have perhaps been too weak and imprudent and quote. There's a great disturbance in this moment in the world of the church and that's it is the faith that is in question. What is happening today? Reminds me of the obscured phrase of Jesus and the gospel of Luke. Speaker 1 42:21 When the set of man returns, will he still find faith on the earth books ever be published in which the faith is denied and important points hit? The Bishop's remained South as if they did not find anything strange in these books. This, in my opinion, is bizarre. I sometimes read the gospel and times and discern that at this moment there are emerging some signs of this end, close quote and quote. We believe that something preternatural is coming into the church precisely the disturbance to suffocate the fruits of the ecumenical council and to prevent the church from bursting out into hymns of joy. I have the sensation that from some Fisher, the smoke of Satan is also entered into the temple of God and the church to the state of uncertainty reigns. It was believed that after the concert of sunny day in the church's history would Dawn, but instead it came a day of clouds, storms in darkness, close quote, the vicar of Christ, Saint John Paul. To quote, we must admit realistically and with profound suffering, the Christians today feel lost, confused, perplexed, and also disappointed their ideas diffused, which are in contrast with the truth as revealed and always taught their true proper heresies diffused in the field of dogma and morals. The literature has been altered, immersed in intellectual, moral relativism, and therefore in permissiveness, Christians are tempted by atheism, by agnosticism, by vaguely preached aluminum and by sociological Christianity to private or definite dogmas and moral objectivity as necessary to begin all over again. Close quote, the vicar of Christ, Speaker 0 43:54 sister, Lucien. Speaker 1 43:56 Father, how much time is there before 1960 arise? Speaker 0 44:01 She's <inaudible>. Speaker 1 44:01 This isn't her 1957 interview. It will be very sad for everyone. Not one person will rejoice at all if beforehand the world does not pray and do penance. I'm not able to give any other details because it's still a secret. This is a third part of the message of our lady, which will remain secret until 1965 the devil is in a mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the blessed Virgin, and the devil knows what it is that offends God the most and which in a short space of time will gain from the greatest numbers of souls there. That's the devil does everything to overcome souls, consecrated God because this is where the devil was succeeding, leaving the souls of faithful, abandoned by the leaders, thereby the more easily will he sees them. That which afflicts the Mac at heart of Mary and harder cheeses is a fall of religious and priestly souls. Speaker 1 44:45 The devil knows it. Religious and priests to fall away from the beautiful occasion, drag numerous souls to Hill. The devil wishes take possession of consecrated salt. He tries to crop them in order to law the seat, the souls of lay people and to lead them to finally penitents. He employs all tricks. Even going so far as to suggest the delay of entrance in a religious life resulted from this as the sterility, the interior life, and among lay people of coldness regarding Savage or announcing pleasures. The total dedication themselves to God close call from these words a from the sea. It can be inferred. The demonic attack and religious and priests is part of the third secret and it would become more obvious after 1960 well, just quickly consider the data from the United States. In 1965 there are most almost 13 priests for every 10,000 Catholics. Speaker 1 45:40 In 2002 there were seven priests, very 10,000 Catholics. The decline of 46% between 1965 and 2001 the percentage of parishes with the auto resident priests increased by more than 500% just consider the data on male religious orders in the States. Between 1965 and 2000 the number of Jesuits seminarians decreased by 89% between 1965 and 2000 and number OFM seminarians decreased by 97% between 1965 to 2000 number of Christian brothers in formation decreased by 99% between 1965 and 2000 number of benediction seminarians decreased by 93% between 1965 and 2000 the number of Redemptor seminarians decreased by 98% between 1965 and 2000 the number of Dominican pseudonym seminarians decrease by 89% between 1965 and 2000 the number of Mariano's seminarians decreased by 98% between 1965 and 2000 the number of OMI seminar is decreased by 99% between 1965 and 2000 the number of Ascension seminarians decreased by 97% between 1965 and 2000 the number often conventional seminarians decrease by 90% between 1965 and 2000 now we're passionate seminarians decreased by 99% between 1965 and 2000 number Holy cross seminarians decreased by 70% between 1965 and 2000 number Augustinian seminarians decreased by 97% between 1965 and 2000 the number of orphan caption seminarians decreased by 91% to 1965 and 2000 and our precious blood seminarians decreased by 95% to 1965 and 2000 number lost led decreased by 99% between 1965 and 2000 number of karma seminarians decreased by 92% and between 1965 and 2000 the number of Holocaust seminarians have decreased by 94% the devil knows what it is and offend God's the moment which in a short space of time will gain from the greatest number of souls. Speaker 1 47:58 Thus, the devil is everything. Overcome souls consecrated a God because in this way, the devil succeed. Leaving the souls a faithful, abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily while he sees them. Speaker 1 48:17 1984 cotton Ratzinger stated that he had read the third secret quote. Yes, I have read it. Why is it not been revealed? Because according to the judgment of the pops, it's ad nut. It adds nothing different to what a Christian must know concerning revelation. That is to say a radical call to conversion, the absolute importance of history, the dangerous threatening the faith in the life of the Christian and therefore the world, and then importance of last things if it is not made public, at least for now, there's an order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for sensationalism, but the things contained this third secret correspond to what has been a nod since scripture has been said again and again and many other Marian apparitions. First of all, the FATTOM itself and it's well known contents conversion of penance or the session essential conditions for salvation in the vision released what has been announced in scripture and what could be mistaken for sensationalism. 1985 Cardinal Ratzinger stated quote to publish. The third secret also signify exposing oneself to the danger of the sensationalistic use of its contents. Close call. How could this vision be used in a way to endanger anyone? 1990 carnal ODI, close personal friend and Pope John the 23rd stated that in regards to the secret third secret quote, the blessed Virgin was alerting us against apostasy and the church closed Speaker 0 49:54 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 49:57 A few excerpts from letters written after 1960 from sister Lucy SIA. One more quick one that there's a diabolical disorientation invading world and misleading soul. The worst is he succeeded at leading to air. To Siemens. Souls have a heaven responsibility for the place which they occupy Speaker 1 50:23 are blind man leading other blind men. They let themselves be dominated by the diabolical way, invading the world close. Cool. Now let's consider the implications of three approved apparitions. We'll start with the messages of our lady of good success is their approved apparitions, which took place to mother, me and Mariana and Quito, Ecuador, over a period of years, who? Late 15 hundreds to the who is 1600 the relationship between this, the message of FATTOM is inferred for reasons that will soon be apparent. On January, 2016 10 our lady appeared, told mother Marianne, if it in the 20th century quote, the passions will erode. There'll be a total corruption of customs for will reign almost completely by means. The Masonic sex therefore is focused particularly on the children who are achieved this general corruption. Woe to the children of these times or lady continued describing the abuses that would attach tact. Speaker 1 51:25 Each of the sacraments. What are the children are those times? Cause it will be difficult to receive the sacrament of baptism and also that of confirmation she wanted, the devil tried to destroy the sacrament of confession. Holy community. She lamented them. Any sack, which is an abuse is the bus had sacrament that would occur. The sacrad of extreme unction. We little esteem and many people would die without receiving thus denied assistance. They would need for that great leap from time to eternity. The sacrament of Holy orders would be ridiculed, pressed and despised. The Dean would labor on seats and they did corrupted. Clergy would succeed with many of them and these depraved priests will scandalize the Christian people once site the hatred of the bad Christians, the enemies of the Roman Catholic apostolate church to fall upon all priests. This apparent triumph of Satan will bring enormous sufferings upon the good pastors of the church about the sacrum of matrimony, which symbolizes union of Christ with his church. Speaker 1 52:21 She said this masonry, which will then be in power when act iniquitous laws with objective of doing away with this sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin. The Christian spirit will rapidly decay. Extinguishing the press. Here is the light of faith until it reaches the point. That will be an almost total end general corruption of customs. In these unhappy times, there'll be unbridled luxury that would conquer innumerable, innumerable frivolous souls who will be lost. Innocence will almost no longer be fun and children nor modest teen women and a Supreme moment of need of the church. Those who should speak will false. Speaker 1 53:01 One of the most important apparitions of related could success develop. Mariana took place on February 2nd, 1634 the feast of the purification mothered me. Marianne is actually evict himself for our times. She was specifically asked to be one as mother Maryanna prayed for the blessing sack when she saw the sanctuary light extinguish itself. Leaving everything in the altar completely dark. Our lady then explained a number of meetings in the tabernacle light that had been extinguished before eyes. For the sake of the conference, we'll just excerpt it the important points. One of the reasons lamp was extinguished is quote, because the spirit of impurity, they will saturate the atmosphere in those times. These times like a filthy ocean, it will inundate the streets, squares in public places with astonishing Liberty. There'll be almost no Virgin souls in the world without virginity will be necessary for the fire of heaven to fall upon these lands to purify them. Speaker 1 53:58 During those unfortunate times, evil will assault childhood innocence. This way, vocation as a priest will be lost, which will be a true calamity and this Epic, the secular clergy we've far moved from its ideal because the priests we careless and their sacred duties loosen their divine compass. They will stray from the road trace by God for the priestly ministry and they become attached to wealth and riches which they will unduly strive to obtain. This is also due to the indifference of the people along the name of God to be gradually still squished and adhering to the spirit of evil, freely delivering themselves to the vices and passion Speaker 3 54:33 close call. Speaker 1 54:36 Now let's turn to the apparition of our lady Akita to sister Agnes. That's Sukkot. Sagawa, she's Japanese nun. And this happened on this particular one, Marina. It happened on October 13th, 1973 which is the exact date as the anniversary of the miracle, the son, Bishop Edo, the diocese of key to Japan, found this apparition to be authentic and worthy belief. When in Rome, he spoke to Colonel Ratzinger about the apparition. Howard D, who was the former Philippine ambassador, Vatican stated in 1998 interview with inside the Vatican magazine, the quote, Bishop Edo was certain Akita was an extension of Fatima and kind of rats. In your personally confirmed to me that these two images of FATTOM and Akita are essentially the same close quote. So here's the key to message of October 13th, 1973 the very anniversary, the miracle, his son, our lady of Akita, speaking of sister Agnes, as I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the father one flick, a terrible punishment on all humanity will be a punishment greater than a daily such as one we'll never have seen before. Speaker 1 55:42 Fire will fall from the sky, wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad sparing. Neither priests nor faithful the survivors are find themselves so desolate, they will end be the dead. The only arms that were remained for you will be the rosary in the sign left by my son each day. Recite the prayers of the rosary with the rosary, pay for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. The work of the devil will infiltrate even the church in such a way that one was see Cardinals opposing Cardinals, bishops against other bishops, the priests of venerate, we will be scorned and opposed by their confreres churches and alters sacked. The church will be full of those who accept compromise and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially placable against those consecrated to God. The thought of lots of so many souls is a cause of my sadness. If sends increasing number and gravity that will no longer be pardoned for them, pray very much the prayers of the rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach those who placed a confidence in me, Speaker 0 56:47 we saved. Speaker 1 56:51 Well, it speaks for itself, but there's several points really worth pondering. Our lady has chosen to sworn a spot fire font from the sky to warn us about this terrible punishment which will fall on us if we don't repent. But notice where she issued this warning Speaker 0 57:07 from Akita. Speaker 1 57:10 That's the precise site of the very last bombing strike. World war II, a bombing strike launched from Guam by 33 American air force army air force <inaudible> attack, which occurred at midnight. The very first minutes of the feast of the assumption. August 15th, 1945 the war ended before all those aircraft. Atlanta Beck, Wong. Secondly, notice that our lady issued this warning above Firefall from the skies Speaker 0 57:39 in Japan. It's the only nation to ever have been attack with nuclear weapons. Speaker 1 57:47 Now let's consider the message of verge of revelation in Rome. 1947 the relationship between this and the message of Fatima is inferred, but the reasons that would be apparent. On April 12th, 1947 Buena Koernke, Kule womanizer and wife beater, the president of the missionary youth association of seventh day Adventists in Rome, a man who'd made a vow to murder Pope Pius the 12th of the dagger on which he engraved get to the Pope, was taking a break or writing a blasphemous speech attacking our lady. Speaker 0 58:20 When suddenly she appeared to him, Speaker 1 58:25 she wore a green veil over a brilliant white dress with Rose colored sash around a waist. It was wrapped in an intense golden light in her hand. She held the Bible. She told them, I am the Virgin of revelation. You persecute me. Enough of it now are the true key sheepfold God's kingdom on earth. You must be like the followers your daughter pick. They make no protests. They're silent and do not rebel. Be obedient to the authority of the Pope. Bruno answered, why do you appear to me? I'm a great sinner. I go out with loose women, beat my wife and children and ready to murder the pole. The blessed Virgin replied Bruno, the nine first Fridays and honor the sacred heart, which your faithful wife persuaded you. Observe before you walk down the road of lies have saved you is through my son's grace and you've been called from a life of sin back to the sacred fold. Speaker 1 59:16 He must pray much. Recite the rosary for the conversion of sinners of unbelievers and Christians. You must go to the Holy father Pope the Supreme pastor of Christianity and personally tell him my message. She gave him a message. Our lady pointed something laying near her feet. There on the ground was a black cloth which held the smashed crucifix, the black cloth, similar to a torn vestment and the broken crucifix line of the feet of our lady symbolize the clerical vestments and other distinguishing signs that so many consequence soul, we're soon to discard. She had a message for priests. Among other things, they were to have a deeper faith and reveal truth. The fade through have a greater obedience. The teaching authority of the church, they would have a pier and dignified lifestyle. She prophesied that starting on the 33rd anniversary of apparition, there'd be many manifestations and graces both inward and external. Speaker 1 00:12 When he got home, Bruno told his wife all that had happened and knelt down and beg your forgiveness for the horrible way he treated her. Later on the feet of he knelt at the feet of pies at 12 presented the dagger in grave debt to the Pope and beg his forgiveness and delivered a lady's message. Permission for pilgrimages and devotion of Virgin revelation was given with unusual speed by the victory of Rome, October 5th less than six months after apparition in st Peter's square. Popeyes 12 blessed a statue of our lady, the Virgin of revelation, which was then taken in huge procession of the sight of the apparition today at the site, the diocese of Romans at public chapel staffed by conventional Franciscans who offer polic mass there on the 33rd anniversary of the apparition, the 12th of April, 1980 more than 3000 people, including 25 priests were gathered to grotto to hear Bruno speak and attend to comparative mass. Speaker 1 01:03 During the Holy sacrifice of the mass, the sun began to draw near the earth. He could be viewed without painted. The eyes include a larger than normal and turned a variety of brilliant colors. Then in rapid movements to send appeared as a cross and M, a heart surrounded by stars, a heart dripping with blood. The IHS monogram itself for the display lasted for half hour. Many fallen away. Catholics returned to the true Fe. Many physical cures occurred. A medical center was set up and after extensive research, confirm the miraculous nature of these cures. Two years later on 12th April, 1982 in the presence of a huge crowd. The miracle his son was repeated on the 12th of April, 1986 the miracle was sent again, happened this time it was filmed shown on Italian TV. I'll read a selection of quotes taken from an article in the old temple. It's a large daily newspaper enrollment, 18 April at eight 96 quote on the 12th of April, last in the sanctuary of three fountains on the via Laurentino, the scent pulsate different, considerable time like heart, Suffolk divine emotion. Speaker 1 02:05 At the same time, other incredible changes were deserved on sensor office. All them faithfully filmed by a camera man who happened to be on the spot as though it's a realistic vision to send at one moment turned bright red and another Hammel green. It's colors glowed and gigantic shafts of light shown down from the sun under the thousands of witnesses who had flocked to the Hill, including both with highly placed Ecclesiastics and personalities from the worlds of politics and arts. Starting from the 33rd anniversary of her apparition. There were to be precisely as the Virgin of revelation prophesied many manifestations and graces both inward and external. We have to admit that this promise great and binding as it was, was very precisely carried out. The whole phenomena has been filmed by a TV camera. Even if and it is important, remember this, that to the church made smart, utmost reticence. Close quote, aim teary. You'll chaplain newspaper. Speaker 1 02:56 Obviously the miracle is sunlight to to Fatima. Once again, we see apocalyptic overtones, not just because of the signs in the heaven with the miracle son, but also the title or lady chose the Virgin of revelation. She appears wrapped and brilliant light woman clothed. The sun received prophetic indications of an upcoming apostasy priest warned to be more faithfully obedient to the magisterium to leave a pure, dignified lifestyle. We see the prophetic announcements of consecrated souls casting off their habits and other distinguishing signs and all this 1947 none of these elements are obvious. The vision of the Bishop dressed in white, although in this case a plot to to the Pope, which is evocative of the vision of Paul being shot and killed was was put foil by our lady in this case. This is sheer force for the assassination attempts against st John Paul two in 1981 and again in 1982 let's return to Antonio Sochi. We've got some background there. As we have heard, he demonstrates her two envelopes, one of which the contents they're in had been explicitly revealed. That is to say that envelope continued description of vision. The three children saw the vision ambition and why he also was Argos in fact argues in fact that Rome has revealed although implicitly the contents of the other antelope, the envelope containing the words of our lady and for this reason they can see in conscious that all the third secret has been revealed. Speaker 1 04:29 We've just spent the fast few minutes Speaker 0 04:33 revealing no Speaker 1 04:34 testimony. The miracle son testimony of various witnesses. Well, we look briefly at the division released itself and also at three proved apparitions as to to kind of get into some idea of what might be the probable contents of that second envelope, the envelope containing the words of our lady. Now let's hear what he has to say. Speaker 0 04:56 Excuse me. Speaker 1 04:58 Sochi. My hypothesis, which is based also on some private disclosures is this and the highly confidential discussion that took place in the sacred palaces between 1999 and 2000 concerning the pulps wish to reveal the <inaudible> who could have Fatima him up, a compromise solution was probably reached and the Korea opposition of publications. Third secret had always been prevailing above all because of the part concerning the church or because of the prophetic words, the Madonna, which according to the dominant opinion of Vatican will be used against the Vatican, would create, create grid alarm along the people if made available to public opinion and the media. Probably during these meetings around the pub, a point of agreement was reached according to which it was decided that on May 13th, 2000 at the end of the mass for the beatification of the two shepherds of Fatima publication, the text division with an interpretation that would link it to events in the past would be announced and then the essential context and the message to the Madonna would also be published implicitly but not explicitly in the homily. Speaker 1 05:57 The John Paul to Gabe during the mass. This would permit them to send conscious that all the third secret had been revealed without an integral explicit publication so as to avoid in their opinion, a great shock to the Christian people sensationalistic broadcast and a reaction of panic. This decision probably also would have been made on the strength of authoritative precedent, which in the church is always important because it'd be held at Paul. The sixth will decide not to publish the third secret wished and is surprising homily during the pilgrimage to Fadiman 1967 a pilgrimage made for the quite significant intention, a piece in the church and preservation of the faith. Paul, the six wished to reveal implicitly the Christian people, the <inaudible> secret messages a Virgin he did. So by touching precise and three points, which has always been imagined to be the contents of the secret one, the fidelity of the church at rest because of pop possible victory of Harrison apostasy to the unity, the church at risk because as <inaudible> and persecution and finally three, the peace in the world threatened even to the extent that the world would not survive. Speaker 1 06:58 So Sochi argues that during his pilgrimage to Fadiman 67 politics had already plus the reveal. The third secret that then that's the faith is at risk because of Harrison apostasy. Unity is at risk because the systems of persecution and peace, the world is at risk. Back to Sochi. Here are the three fundamental passages of that amazing homily, Paul the six, the first intention of the church. One Holy Catholic Knapp saw a church wished to pray for interior peace that can have a console, reawaken many energies in the bosom of the church as more open. Mort, ample visions in the field of a doctrine has called Oliver. Children have a clear conscience and more intimate collaboration, more lively, apostolic. It pushes us so this benefit renewal will be conserved and will grow. What an evil would be. It's an arbitrary interpretation not authorized by the magistrate and the church. Speaker 1 07:47 We're transforming a spiritual union into restlessness which dissolves the church. Traditional structure and constitution substitute theology of true and great teachings with new imparts and ideologies which depart from the norm of faith that which modern thought often lacking the light of reason. You're neither comprehends nor excels by transforming the app Vostok anxiety of redemptive charity and have acquiescence in the negative forms. There are Fain mentality, worldly customs, what disenchantment and would be caused by our effort at a universal approach to stop carries our memory at this moment to those countries which religious Liberty is practically suppressed with the denial of God is promoted. We declare the world is in danger. Therefore, we've come by foot to the feet of the queen of priests to ask for the gift that only God can give peace. Men think of the gravity and the greatness of this hour, which could be decisive for the history of future, present, future generation. Speaker 1 08:40 The picture of the world and of its destiny presented here is immense and dramatic. It is the scene that Madonna opens up for us, the scene that we kind of play with horrified and further, and then a message of Supreme utility seems today to reach the faithful from who is the Macklin, the holiest of all, the same cooperative, the son and the work of restoration of supernatural life and soul. In fact, in vault, we a and marry the draw from or stimulus for trustee prayer, a spirit to practice a penance into the Holy fear of God. Likewise, it is in this Marian elevation. They more often hear equity in the words with which Jesus Christ, not the advent of the kingdom of heaven. Repent and believe in the gospel and a severe admonition. Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish. Close quote, Paula's six Sochi. Speaker 1 09:29 Most significant is his insistence on pennants and we've seen that to be the beginning of the third secret, the vision and that evangelical warning. Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish. This makes us think seriously of a prophecy of grave trials for humanity is exactly the same evangelical phrase, the cuddle rats you cite when speaking of the third secret Victorian ms Storia notes in his homily. The politics has hinted at apocalyptic themes of the secret. The curiously known as thought that this was exactly the road chosen by hierarchy to reveal the contents of a secret, which in its literal integrity appears to be too terrible, utter because of the planetary catastrophes that pre-announced it or because it identifies our historic moment. Even with that page of the apocalypse, which the decisive conflict between Mary most Ty and Satan has spoken of Paul. The sixth is referring precisely to this and the apathetic expectation. Speaker 1 10:18 Cigna mind given it Phantom of the same day 13 May, 1967 Paula six the great sign which the apostle John saw in heaven, a woman clothed. The son is interpreted by the sacred liturgy, not without foundation as referring to the most blessed Mary, the mother of all men by the grace of Christ the Redeemer. Close. Cool. So in his visit to Fatima politics invokes the image file. In chapter 12 of the book of revelation, the woman clothed by the son and he warns the faith is at risk because the possible victory of heretical ideologies that the true church is traditional construction constitution as at risk of dissolving the peace, the world is threatened even to the extent the world would not survive. He also warns mankind to repent and believe in the gospel. Unless you do pennants, you shall all likewise perish. Sochi notes identical phrase unless you do the parents, you shall all likewise perish as used by Cardinal Ratzinger. Speaker 1 11:10 When speaking of the third secret, not so cheap turns the homily given Fado at Pope John Paul to just before the announcement did the third secret of be released, so 33 years after Paula sticks at the same play Plaza and Fadiman shortly before the announcement at publication, the text of the vision John Paul two preached a homily with the same content. Is that appall the six the same recollection of that patient apocalypse. You're revealing even more dramatic be explicitly what the mysterious words, the Madonna on July 13th, 1917 Herald for us, John Paul two according to divine plan, a woman clothed with the sun came down from heaven to this earth to visit the privileged children. The father, she speaks to them with the mother's voice in heart. She asked him to offer themselves as victims of reparation, saying that she was ready to lead them safely to God. And behold, they see a light shining from maternal hands which penetrates them inwardly so they feel immersed in God. Speaker 1 12:05 Just as they explained, a person sees himself in a mirror later, Francisco, one of the three privileged children extinct. We're burning that light, which is God, and we are not consumed. What is God like? It's impossible to say. In fact, we will never be able to tell people God, a light that burns without consuming. Moses had the same experience when he saw God in a burning Bush. So after having started with the line from chapter 12 of the apocalypse, the pop turns to another line from that same chapter in the apocalypse. Holy father. Now that port hand appeared in heaven. Behold a great red dragon that said, apocalypse 12 three these words from the first reading of mass make us think of a great struggle between good and evil, showing how a man puts God aside. He cannot achieve happiness, but ends up destroying himself. Speaker 1 12:51 How many victims there have been throughout the last century? The second millennium, we remember the whores, the first and second world Wars and other Wars and so many parts of the world, the concentration, extermination camps, the Gulag was ethnic cleansing, persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs, the tax and unborn life, and the family. The message of fandom is a call to conversion. Learning humanity. You have nothing to do with the dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars from heaven and cast them to the earth. Apocalypse 12 for man's final goal is heaven. His true home with the heavenly father waits everyone with his merciful love. God does not want anyone to be lost. That is why 2000 years ago, he sent his son to earth to seek and save the lost, and he saved us by his death on the cross. Let no one empty that cross of its power. Speaker 1 13:34 Jeez, who died. Rose from the dead to be the firstborn among many brethren and her motherly concerned. The blessed Virgin came here to fat on task men and women to stop offending God. Our Lord, who's already very offended. It is a mother's star that compels you to speak the desk neighbor children's at state for this reason, she asked a little, shepherds, pray, pray. Much make sacrifice for sinners. Many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray. Make sacrifices for them. Clothes coats Saint John Paul to Sochi. To me, it seems evident that the Pope, the citations to the apocalypse has given the world a glimpse into the contents of the third secret because by following the footsteps of Paul the sixth, but with the Mart accentuated revelation, the secret is reasonable to suppose that it was a compromise on the base of which the Vatican can today maintain. Speaker 1 14:19 It is revealed all of the secret of FATTOM. Moreover, every intervention of the puppet fad majorities multiple visits contains the same elements. For example, during the pilgrimage of May 13th, 1982 the Pope confirmed that the Mount Madonna was profoundly caught, preoccupied by the threats of apostasy and a moral degradation which bring with them the collapse of society. And further on the evangelical invitation of penance and conversion expressed by the words the Montana is always current. More current than 75 years ago, and even more success accessory Peter presents himself here as a witness to the met Stephanie, a man as a witness to the almost apocalyptic threats which hang over nations over who man can. The mother, who with all the force, the love she fosters the Holy spirit desires. Everyone's salvation remain silent when she sees the very basis of her children's salvation undermine. No, she cannot remain. Some close calls. Speaker 1 15:12 The vicar of Christ so, and his visits to fatten pub John Paul. The two invokes the same images as Paul the sixth identifying our lady of Fatima. It's a very woman. Find a chapter 12 of the apocalypse who is close with the son. According to divine man, planet Kuhlman clothed with the sun come down from heaven to this earth to veggies the privileged children. FATTOM sister Lucy see description of our lady there before us in a small home woke. We beheld a lady all dressed in white. She's more brilliant than this sun radiated light. More clear and chance than a crystal glass filled with sparkling water. When the raise, the burning sun shine through, we're so close. Only a few feet from her that were bathed in light, which is Roger or rather, which radiated from her saying another line from chapter 12 of apocalypse. The Holy father then speaks the great red dragon at war with a woman. Speaker 1 16:07 Another poor tan appeared in heaven. Behold a great red dragon, and he puts it in the context of a Titanic battle between good and evil. Sister Lucia, the most Holy Virgin told me the devil is in the mood for engaging in decisive battle against the Virgin and decisive battle is the final now where one side will be victorious and other side will suffer defeat. From now on, we must choose size. He said either we forgot or we were for the devil. There's no other possibility. The Holy father speaks a temporal punishment. John Paul, to how many victims have there been throughout the last century. Second millennium rode the whores, this first and second world Wars and other Wars and so many parts of the world, the concentration, extermination camps, the Goulart, ethnic cleansing, persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs, attacks and unborn life. And the family successor, Peter presents himself here as a witness to the mental suffering, a man as a witness to the almost apocalyptic threats which hang over nations over Humalin, sister Lucy. Speaker 1 17:05 Believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will in a terrible manner. The punishment from heaven is eminent. Tell them father, that many times the most Holy Virgin told my cousins Francisco, Jacinta, as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face there. She said that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by having a punish the whole world who would not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation. Totally father speaking, undermining fi faith asks, can a mother who with all the force and love that she fosters and the Holy spirit and desires, everyone's salvation remains sod when she sees the very basis of her children's salvation undermined. No, she cannot remain Sal and he confirms that our lady was profoundly quote, preoccupied with threats of apostasy and a moral degradation which bring within the collapse of society. Sister Lucien, the world is punched in the darkness of error in morality and pride. Speaker 1 17:56 There's a diabolical disorientation invading the world and misleading souls. It is necessary to stand up to it. It is painful to see such great disorientation and so many persons who occupy places of responsibility. People must recite the rosary every day. Totally. Five speaks to the SAR of our lady and her motherly concern. The bus. A Virgin came here to fatten test men and women to stop offending God. Our Lord was already very offended as mothers SAR, the compelled stir to speak the destiny for children's at stake. For this reason, she asked little shepherds, pray, prayed machines make sacrifices to for sinners. Many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray. Make sacrifices for them. Sister Lucy, father, the most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message. Neither the could nor the bed, the good continue on the way, but without giving any importance to her message the bad not seen the punishment about actually falling upon him, continuing to the life of sin without even caring about the message. Tell them also, father, my cousins Francisco just said sacrifice themselves because in all the operations, the most Holy Virgin, they always saw her very sad. She never smiled at us. The sadness is anguish which we noted in her penetrated our souls. This sadness is caused by the offenses against God and a punishment for sinners. Speaker 1 19:20 We've got the background today, the tonight's conference. We've covered the background for this tomorrow's night's conference. We, there'll be two parts to it. The first part will be walking back to this vision using the stuff that we've covered tonight and giving it as probable an interpretation based on what we've heard from tonight as to the exact meaning of that vision, what the probable contents are of, of the, of the words of our lady. We can only be probable. So when we don't know, we confer a lot from both the vision in that, and then we'll close the mission with, with concrete advices on the spiritual life. Well, now expose the most blessed sacrament, and I'll hear confessions.

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