Fatima Parish Mission 5: The Third Secret & Conclusion

March 30, 2016 01:06:08
Fatima Parish Mission 5: The Third Secret & Conclusion
Veritas Caritas
Fatima Parish Mission 5: The Third Secret & Conclusion

Mar 30 2016 | 01:06:08


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Speaker 0 00:00 Ivan, Maria, you know the name of the father and the son, the Holy ghost. Speaker 1 00:05 Amen. Speaker 0 00:07 Again, as usual, throughout the mission I've edited and cut and splice quotes and again I will occasionally cite some sources, but since I've quoted from so many, it'd be tedious to read them off from the pulpit. The last night was kind of a marathon. We had to establish three things. First that there is an explanation for the mysterious vision released by the Vatican. Remember that the release text is description of the vision of three children. Saw all three of them. But there are new words from our lady. Our lady told the girls, they were not supposed to tell this to anybody, but they could tell to Francisco cause as we remember, Francisco always saw a lady who had never heard a single word she said. So our lady told the girls that they were not supposed to tell this to anybody, that they could talk to Francisco. Speaker 0 00:59 So what were the girls supposed to tell Francisco? He saw everything they saw. So we went through it in some detail. There's an explanation for the vision. Second, we considered various clues and testimonies as to the problem, the contents of that explanation. We quickly considered the meaning and symbolism of the meeting miracle his son in itself. Again, we briefly considered some of the symbolism in the vision itself and we considered some of the testimonies of various reliable witnesses who have either read the third secret themselves and received information from sister Lucy or the pulp by which they may have been able to infer its contents and we considered several approved apparitions which seem to shed light on certain aspects of the vision. So we weighed the various clues and testimonies as the problem contents, the explanation. Speaker 0 01:51 Then the third thing we established last night was weak by considering the statements of the various popes during their visits to Fatima. We see common themes which are consistent with what we would expect to find in the explanation of the vision. And so if we consider publishing that vision is an explicit revealing of the symbolic part of third secret and the pops remarks as an implicit revealing of the explanatory part, the third secret, then we can see that the Vatican is telling the truth when it States the whole third secret has been revealed one way very openly in the sense that they published. And there's photo stats on the Vatican website of the vision the other way implicitly by the same consistent themes starting with Paul the sixth in his visit, 1967 and a number of visits of Saint John Paul to where the Zack seen themes and they're citing the same lines from the apocalypse. Speaker 0 02:47 And in fact, it gets more and more detailed as they go on. Okay, so tonight we're going to attempt to bring all this together with a probable explanation for the vision. And that same time, hopefully we'll have a clear idea of just how the Vatican could truly say that everything's been revealed and also get some idea of why they chose to reel things in the way they have and why it was so hard for SisterLove SIA to write it down. We'll follow that with some thoughts as to the importance of this vision for the church, the world that each one of us here and then concrete actions we should each take and then we'll close with a very great grace because the pastor is going to consecrate the parish to immaculate heart after which I'll go back and your confessions. That's your last opportunity. I'll be leaving town. I don't recognize your voices, so you can take advantage of that. Speaker 0 03:36 Okay. Let's start by taking the various clues and testimonies we considered last night to the problem contents, the explanation and try to synthesize. So as we've seen witnesses to the miracle of the sun were themselves convinced they were experiencing the end of the world. We also saw that the dancing of the sun was itself an apocalyptic image. Seeing Alphonsus summarizing tissue fathers makes clear another side of the end of the world will be in the powers of heaven shall be moved. Some understand this to mean tremors and unrelational movements which will occur in the heavens. That is the firmness. The heavens will seem to be lack as it will tremble for the Lord comes to judge the world. Close quote, we saw that sister leucine in 1957 interview said, quote, father, most Holy Virgin made me understand that we are in the last time so the world. So let's start with that as a working hypothesis. Speaker 0 04:35 We're in the last times the world. What should we expect? Given the limited amount of time? We'll only give a thumbnail sketch of some aspects of those days. At the end of the world, when the fullness of the Gentiles have come into the church, the nations will suddenly turn away from the one true faith turned back to their pain gods and goddesses back to the worship of demons from which our ancestors except for the Hebrews. Here he were Catholics, which our ancestors were free. This massive turning away from the one true faith, this rebellion by Catholics against the one true faith is known as the great apostasy the fathers and doctors have explained what this apostasy means. For example, st Thomas explains that this apostasy will be separation from the faith and separate from obedience to the pole. Pop saintly are the great teachers that indeed the great apostasy will mean a banding of the faith and abandoning obedience to the Pope. Speaker 0 05:37 Santa Gustin adds this event must precede the coming of the antichrist and st Augustan had said, not all will have been in the Fe, but few will retain it now. The antichrist can't rise up until the great apostasy occurs and the Saint Paul indicates a very mysterious passage in second Thessalonians. The great apostasy is being painted from being broken out by a system or a man. Cardo. Manny, summarize summarizing the teaching of the fathers and Scholastic theologians in a fascinating book published in 1861 explains what had thus far kept the great apostasy from totally breaking out. In other words, what this system or man was that was hindering the outbreak. His arguments are fascinating. But in a nutshell, since about the seventh century, cause there's been changes since the beginning of the church and he goes through what the fathers taught. But does it pertain to tonight, since about the seventh century, the power which hinders this is Christendom. Speaker 0 06:35 That's the system and the pole. So it's the coalition of Catholic States and the Paul coalition of Catholic States longer exists. So it's the pole. Now this is really important. Cardo Manny points out that the antichrist is directly opposed by the spiritual and temporal authority. The two fold authority, which by divine Providence, the Pope has been invest by Christ. So what does that mean? The spiritual authority of the Pope is that by which he rules the church, the chapel authority, the pop is that, why would she rules the Vatican state? The pop is not a subject any state. He's rather a sovereign ruler in his own right. He's a ruler. He's independent. So the part that prevents the manifestation antichrist is both a system. Chris and them. That system, the great family of Catholic nations who saw whole, whole social order, government and authority were rooted in the true faith in a person. Speaker 0 07:34 The Paul who exercise this two fold authority, the authority under whom the whole family of Christian nations were gathered. So the power that prevents the manifestation, the antichrist is both the system Chris and dome, that system of the great Catholic nations, it's gone. It's vanished from the face of the earth now and a person, the Paul who exercise a two fold authority, spiritual and temporal. Again, the spiritual authorities that by which you rules the church, the temple authorities, that by which you've rules the Vatican state, he's not subject to any state. He's a sovereign rule in his own right and in fact, there are many distinguished symbols of that two fold papal authority. So hold that thought. Now. Last night we considered the apparition of the Virgin of revelation of Bruno Koernke Yolo in Rome in 1947 later on, as we saw, she said 33 years afterwards. This would be confirmed by many subsides and manifestations and regularly in the 80s at least on feast day, every, every year there'd be things. The miracle is sun, medical miracles and so forth. Right there it's a shrine mountain, but by men by Franciscans. In wrong. Speaker 0 08:49 At one point during this apparition, our lady pointed to something laying near her feet there in ground was a black cloth which held a smashed crucifixed the black Coffs, similar to torn vestment in the broken crucifix, lying at the feet of our lady symbolize clerical vestments and other distinguishing signs that so many consecrated souls were about to discard. Of course, we're all familiar with priests and religious through guilty of just that trying to dress and ultimately live as though they had not been set aside for God. What falls next is going to be very painful. In fact, I have to say that I've never had such difficulties in in preparing our summer conference ever for at least the last thousand years or so. Red shoulder Cape over white cast has been the clothing of the pole. Why? Because it stood for the spiritual supremacy, the spiritual sphere of the temporal, and so pop Saint Gregory the seventh warned that only the Pope may use the red Cape as a sign of Imperial authority and martyrdom putting on the red cup as a highly symbolic act that stands for the Pope, assuming the full authority of his office. Pope Francis refused to accept the red coat and that refuse of signifies something more than a personal preference. It's a symbolic denial, been aspect of papal authority. Pope Francis, who's actually the sovereign ruler of the Vatican state, made a point of renewing his Argentinian passport after he was elected Pope. So not only is this a Simbach denial papal authority in a very real sense, it's also an actual denial of papal authority and actual submission of the Pope himself to the authority of another nation. He has made himself subject to another state. Speaker 0 10:49 The red shoes of the Pope symbolized his willingness to lead his flock into martyrdom. You refuse to accept red shoes instead of accepting the traditional golden Petro costs. Pope Francis coven, an iron cross that he first got in his exhilarate Bishop in Buenos Aires and anyone can do an image search to see what he did with that cross. When he met with the chief rabbis of Israel on May 26th, 2014 he tucked the cross under his sash. The whole meaning of his office is he's the vicar of Christ and he hid that the one thing those men need, the one thing every man needs is Christ and he hides that the symbolism there is terrifying. Speaker 3 11:36 <inaudible>. Speaker 0 11:37 Perhaps the most astonishing disturbing act occurred last year on July eight 2015 during his visit to Bolivia when Pope Francis is accepted, monstrous and absolutely diabolical crucifix. It was made from a hammer and sickle, which the communist symbol with a body of our Lord on it, monitored on it as if it were a crucifix. He then allowed the president of Bolivia even more Alice to hang a metal round his neck with a similar diabolical crucifix made from a hammer and sickle along with the body of our Lord. The symbolism here of the heirs of Russia being separated by the Pope himself to the point where we publicly where such a symbol couldn't be any clearer. This is serious stuff. Speaker 0 12:24 Remember that the power that prevents the manifestation of antichrist is both a system Christendom. It's vanished. Gone. And a person, the Pope who exercise a two fold authority, spiritual and temporal, the spiritual authorities that by which he rules the church and the temporal authorities that by which he rules the Vatican state, he's not as subject to any state, but he's a sovereign ruler in its own right. So what are we saying? We're saying that DePaul, who is the authority, the very authority that God has placed in the world to prevent the complete outbreak of the great apostasy, the rising up of the Madison, the antichrist has refused to fully embrace and exercise his authority. In fact, the Pope is using his authority to wreak havoc in the church. Last night we'd heard that 1995 Colonel Sharpie, who was the papal theologian, Decaux pies to 12th st John, the 23rd Paul the sixth John Paul, the first Saint John Paul. Two stood quote. The third secret is four told among other things that the great apostles in the church begins at the top. Close. Cool, great apostasy in the church begins at the top. It's hard to say just a few days ago, we're giving a talk to confessors. The Pope told them they could absolve penitents who don't actually confess their sins. They can come in there and be mood and you can absolve them. Speaker 1 13:50 Oh, Speaker 0 13:53 that's against the council of Trent. Solemnly defined, but I don't. You don't need the priest to point that out. He can't confess your sins if you don't confess your sins, and I want to tell you what, if a priest obeys him, he's committing sacrilege. What do I have to judge? The priest has suggestions. There's three things in fashion. The priest judges are sin is their contrition. Will they do the pennants? The sin is how you judge that. They tell you is there contrition. You find out there's contrition. If they, if they see they're haven't got a drug problem, you say, do you have any drugs? If they got with possession, we got something we got to do first before you confess the sins that they said that was somebody they got to move out. See, so are their sins, is there a contrition? Will they do the penance? Speaker 0 14:40 That's what you charge. It's so if you actually absolve somebody who doesn't confess their sins and I'm going to talk to somebody dying that where you conditionally absolve them cause they can't talk. Some it comes to confession to you and just sits there quietly cause that's what the Pope is talking about. You're committing a sacrilege. I have to confect a sacrament. If I'm up there sin mass and I take the POL off and I look down, there's a cookie, everything's going to break to a halt because if a priest could pick that cookie up and it's pronounced the words institution over it, nothing's going to happen to that cookie at all. But something's going to happen to him. It's going to be an unbelievable SA privilege because he's, he's, there's not proper matter to confect a sacrament and he sat there and pronounced the words without the proper man. Speaker 0 15:28 It's like that. It's like if someone won't confess their sins, it's like trying to consecrate cookies. There's nothing going to happen except to the priest and who gave that advice to his confessors to his missionaries of mercy a few weeks back on the flight back from Mexico. He said in his somewhat confusing way, the contraception could be an option in serious matters. His spokesman then clarified what did the Pope really mean? I'll read from life site news wrong. February 19th, 2016 Vatican spokesman, father Federico Lombardi has affirmed the Holy father wasn't deed speaking of condoms and contraceptives when on the flight back from Mexico, Pope Francis said couples could rightly avoid pregnancy in the wake of the Zika virus scare final and body told Vatican radio today the contraceptive economy in particular cases of emergency gravity could be the object of discernment and a serious case of conscience. This is what the Pope said. According to the Lombardi, the pop spoke of the possibility of taking recourse to contraceptive condoms in case of emergency or special situations. He's not saying this possibility is accepted without discernment and Deedee say clearly it can be considered in cases of special urgency. Well, you actually don't need the church to teach this cause. This is the natural Speaker 3 16:46 law. Speaker 0 16:48 Contraception is against the natural Speaker 3 16:51 law, Speaker 0 16:53 the actual infallible teach you. The church can be fond among other places in the 1968 in cyclical humanity, Ted, which Paul the six reiterated that artificial contraception is intrinsically wrong and there aren't many things that are intrinsically wrong, but this is one of them. Namely, it is always an everywhere in every instance evil because it contradicts the procreative purpose of sex under no circumstances. What so are contraceptive or condoms permitted? None. Zippo, nada. Speaker 3 17:29 <inaudible> Speaker 0 17:33 it is most appropriate and moments for the Latin church. Pope Francis given various grounds for anomalies, which are no such thing. For example, one of the grounds, these are the 45 day hit, the iCheck button and Ahmed, it's unbelievable, but in it started on December. One of them is the marriage broke up quickly. Let me just pause for a brief moment just to get an enormous is a decision by ecclesiastical court. It's called a tribunal that at the moment of consent, they didn't Vally enter into the contract because marriage is a contract that results in a relationship or maybe better way to think about it. It's a relationship resulting from a contract, a man and a woman make the contract. God makes relationship. If the contract is validly made, no car can break it, not possible. We just have to support those people and help them get to heaven. Speaker 0 18:24 Even though everything broke up, the fact that their marriage broke up quickly has Zippo to do with whether or not the contract was validly made. You can make the contract invalid if people show up drunk and you're stupid enough to sit there and witness the marriage. You've put things in real, real predicament. If people, you know, shotgun marriage something where she's 13 that's not old enough to give consent. There's different ways where you know, or he's a gray Roeder and he's got a wife and it already in salt Lake. It's not going to work here in rapid city. There's ways where it actually, but for the most part, are you kidding me? What is breaking up quick? There's other, he put about 14 in there out of them, if I remember right, there's there's over 10 that aren't grounds at all. Speaker 3 19:14 It's mind boggling. It's mind boggling. Speaker 0 19:28 Inner tr letters, sister Lucy. It seems to be announced in the troubles, the Harrison finally, the great apostasy which will arise in the church during last times. Here are a few excerpts from letters written after 1960 by sister Lou SIA. Unfortunately in religious matters, the people for the most part are ignorant and allow themselves to be led wherever they are taken. Hence the great responsibility, the one who has the duty of leading them. I'm now in a position as a priest when you knew what DePaul, that's faithful to the church that if people come up, come up to me and for example, want to get a nominate per case, I say, what? Yes, that's, I can't, I can't support you in that. And they say, well, the Pope will, and I'll have to say you're correct. The Polk will, the tribunals will, but I have a soul to say, I actually have to be an opposition Speaker 3 20:14 to the pole. Speaker 0 20:17 If somebody comes up to me asking me what contraception serious matters, I have to say, no, the Pope is wrong. This is a strange, it's unique. We haven't been here before. Speaker 3 20:28 This is a first. We haven't been here before. And I know the church history Speaker 0 20:38 there is a diabolical disorientation invading the world. The misleading souls. The devil is succeed in infiltrating evil under the cover of good. The blind are beginning to guide others, and the worst is that he'd succeeded in leading into Aaron deceiving souls, having a heaven responsibility to the place which they occupied their blind man leading other blind man. The Filipino bishops signed off on Francis's claims on contraception. They're not going to be the last ones. I'll be surprised if every Bishop conference doesn't do it. Maybe Kazakh Stan will stand their ground. Some of them, perhaps Poland. They're blind men leading blind. Man, they let themselves be dominated by the diabolical wave invading the world. Let people say the rosary every day. Our ladies repeated that in all of her apparitions as if to fortify us in these times of diabolical disorientation in order that we not let ourselves be deceived by false doctrines. Speaker 0 21:40 Close quotes, sister Lucien, all of this is consonant with that saw morning that our lady at the key to gave to sister Agnes on October 13th, 1973 the very anniversary of the miracle, the son at Fatima, the work of the devil will infiltrate the church in such a way that one will see cartels opposing Cardinals bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres churches and alters set. The church will be full of those who accept compromise and the demo press. Many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon would be especially placable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number of gravity that will no longer be pardoned for them. Pray very much the prayers of the rosary. I alone, I'm still able to save you from the calamities, which approach those who place their confidence in me will be saved. Speaker 0 22:46 There's a fascinating passage, the catechism of the Catholic church, which speaks of the apostasy in a way that we should all ponder very carefully. The catechism before Christ. Second calming. The church must pass through final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that companies are pilgrimage on earth will unveil the mystery of inequity in the form of a religious deception offering man and apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The Supreme religious deception is that the antichrist, the pseudo Messianism by which Matt glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh, close quote the catechism of the Catholic church. The church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers and the form of a religious deception offering and appearance solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. We continue other signs that policy will be the moral climate he looks 1726 to 30 our Lord specifically States that the conditions the world at the time of the second coming would mirror both the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Speaker 0 24:12 The condition of the world, that time of the coming second coming will mirror both the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Well, the days of Sodom and Gomorrah need no explanation. What was his state of things in the days of Noah, we can get a little bit of an insight as to what those days were like by consulting ancient Jewish comm commentaries known as the mid Midrash and two places those ancient commentaries state that quote, the generation of flood was not wiped out until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to an animal Speaker 3 24:54 close call. Speaker 0 24:59 The generation of the flood was not wiped out until they will marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to an animal. In other words, these days are like the days of no and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Speaker 0 25:17 And as we already noted, the miracle is sun itself recalls both the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Insofar as the rain fall by the sun shooting out the colors of the rainbow are reminiscent of the judgment of mankind by means of the great flood and the rainbow there. And the sun falling from the sky is reminiscent of the Firefox from the sky and Sodom and Gomorrah. And besides that, it's also reminiscent of that fire that both scripture and tradition state will fall from the sky at the end of the world. In Italy, just a few weeks passed, we had these homosexual so-called marriages be passed, be decriminalized. I don't know what you want to call it. Speaker 0 26:06 The Holy father, in an interview on the plane was asked about this. He's a primate of villi, Italy and the Bishop of Rome. And he said he doesn't involve himself and political problems and in the same exact interview where he proclaimed he doesn't involve himself in political issues where that's actually a very important one. He instantly involved in self and political issues because he started talking about the border wall that no Christian could be for building a wall on the border. You know, I guess it's, it's Trump or somebody. I mean I don't even care about this stuff, but he said, you be a Christian, do that. You know who's the only ruler of a war? Completely Walden country in the world. There's only one country that's completely walled in to keep people out. It's called the Vatican huge wall. He's the ruler of the only Walden country in the world. I wonder if his predecessors were Christians that built that. He doesn't involve himself in political problems except when he does, which is almost all the time, but he doesn't involve himself in stuff that has to do with homosexuals and that thing passed. I think there's about one Italian Bishop involved. You had rounds of Italian and that's not something they regularly do. That came down there. Unbelievable giant rallies for the family, crickets from the Vatican Speaker 0 27:36 that that woman that calls herself Diego and had all these mutilating operations and all that. So she, you know, she, she needs two things. She needs an exorcism and she needs to mental health help. She calls herself. Diego had all these mutilating operations that takes the hormones and all that. So she thinks she's a man and then she has a, you know, a female partner. And so the Spanish priest was doing the right thing of course, and telling her this is an abuse, this is an abomination. You can't do that. So who calls her up and bites turn has an audience and you can see the pictures he's got taken with her and you can watch the film when he was in DC at the embassy meeting with Thomas sexual male, couple serious, the church must pass through final travel sake to faith. Many believers in the form of religious deception offering men at parents solution to their problems and the price of an apostasy from the truth. Speaker 0 28:33 The last night we heard about mother Mariana, who is chosen by our lady to be a victim saw for our times for the 20th century. This is a woman that lived in late 15 hundreds and early 16 hundreds one of the most important apparitions, and remember, these are approved of our lady. Good success to mother. Mariana occurred on February 2nd, 1634 the face to the purification as mother Maryanna prayed for the bus at Sackman, she saw the sanctuary light extinguish itself, leaving off the place completely dark. Our lady then explained to her a number of meetings, a tabernacle light that had been extinguished before us and she sees, speaking of the 20th century, one of the reasons the lamp was extinguished is because quote of the spirit of impurity that will saturate the atmosphere in those times like a filthy ocean. He will inundate the streets, squares, and public places within astonishing Liberty. Speaker 0 29:27 There'll be almost no Virgin souls in the world without virginity. It would be necessary for the fire of heaven to fall upon these lands to purify them during those unfortunate times. Evil assault, childhood innocence, the Seco clergy we far moved from. It's ideal because it priests, we careless their sacred duties, losing the divine compass. They will stray from road trace by God for the priestly ministry, and it's also due to the indifference of the people in long the name of God to be gradually extinguished and adhering to the spirit of eel freely delivered him themselves to the vices and passions. So you can see these prophetic indications right here of the moral atmosphere in our times, which is also constant with all the predictions, the moral atmosphere in the end times that by way of background and I want to walk slowly through, then I'll read it first, the vision and we'll walk throwley through it and make just comments on it. Speaker 0 30:33 Third part of the secret revealed at the call to urea Fatima on 13 July, 1917 I write an obedience to my God who command me to do so through his excellency, the Bishop of the air, and to your most Holy mother in mind. After the two parts, which I've already explained at the left of our lady, a little bud above, we saw an angel with a flaming sword in his left hand, flashy, gave out flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire, but they died out in contact. The splendor that our lady radiated towards him from right hand pointing to the earth with his right hand, the angel cried out in a loud voice. Pennants pennants pennants and we sought an immense like that has got something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it. Speaker 0 31:17 A Bishop dressed in why we had the impression that it was the Holy father, other bishops, priests, men and women religious going in but steep mountain at the top of which there was a big cross of rough hewn trunks as ever. Court truth, the bark before reaching to the Holy father, pastor, a big city, half in ruins and half trembling with halting step afflicted with pain and sorrow. He prayed for the souls of the corpses. He met on his way, having reached the top of the mountain on his knees at the foot of the big cross. He was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him. And the same way there died one after another. The various bishops, priests, men and women, religious and various lay peoples of different ranks and positions beneath the two arms of the cross through two angels, each with a crystal Asper Storium in his hand, which they gathered up the blood of the martyrs who with his sprinkler souls, they were making their way to God. Two three one 1994 Speaker 3 32:13 cool. So Speaker 0 32:18 that's the vision, probable explanation going on here and it's just problem. But based on everything we've gone through Speaker 0 32:34 and also based on the fact that sister Lucien said it was conditional, as you remember. And if not, I can grab that quote fairly quickly here. But she said it was conditional. The conditions were that people would respond to the very things that she, she requested our lady requests and then sister Lucy has said, but they haven't and since they haven't, she said, we can see that we're going bit by bit walking towards this, this finality without little little by little by great steps is what she said. So in Ika too, she wrote that letter to the Pope. It's condition and the condition is penance. The conditions were to do penance, to pray, to do the five first Saturdays in reparation and to consecrate Russia to her Macklin heart. And in 82 as she said, it hadn't been done and it still hasn't. We went through that yesterday. Speaker 0 33:39 So at a certain point in time, one goes from conditions to realities that are not going to be pleasant. And we know that is that we said yesterday, but we'll talk about this. In August of 1931 our Lord spoke to sister Lucy and said, make it known to my ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France and delaying execution of my command. Let's just stop there. What was the command? St Margaret Mary. June 17th, 1689 our Lord commanded the King of France who st Margaret Mary, to consecrate France to a sacred heart, put a sacred heart on the flag. There are a number of other things, but to consecrate, he had to drive a first Fridays or design first Fridays. This is a consecration at the sacred heart, the nine first Fridays and reparations for the blast, muse against the sacred heart and so forth. This is a parallel situation, so to go back to them, make it none of my ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France and Delaine execution of my command like him, they will follow him into misfortune who will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary. Speaker 0 34:48 All right, this is frightening. On June, 1716 89 our Lord had commanded the King of France through st Margaret Marilee out Koch to consecrate France to a sacred heart. The King did nothing about it. In fact, for a full 100 years, the Kings did nothing about it. On June 17th, 1789 and that's exactly 100 years from the day our Lord had asked for the consecration of France to sacred heart. The third S date began a French revolution by declaring itself a national assembly. Four years later, the King was public guillotine and as everyone knows, the French revolution was an absolute bloodbath Speaker 0 35:28 in our Lord says, given my ministers fall example, the King of France, then delaying an execution by command like humanly they farm and misfortune. So insofar as they don't correspond, it's, it's one of those contingent in her kind of prophecies. This doesn't have to happen now. It is going to happen because people didn't correspond. Things are set on the way. It's as Benedict the 16th said and he made a pilgrimage to Fatima in may. He went there May 13th, 2010 one of the lines that really strikes in me, he talks about the sufferings of the church or not, but the line that strikes me says, man has the power to unleash a cycle of death and terror, but he's not able to stop it. It's very similar to something that Saint John Paul <inaudible> said in 1981 he's asked about the secret as well. We're on kind of a collision course because we haven't as a people and you don't need the priest to point out that we're, you know, that we're living like generally speaking, heathens almost everywhere. Speaker 0 36:28 Maybe not present company, but it's pretty obvious what we're like. It's spectacularly bad. Huh. And sister Lucy pointed that out to let it not be said that God is causing this. It's men not corresponding. Okay. So the contingency dependence, dependence, pendency. You see our lady and she's holding her right? He's got the angel Bover but she's holding her right hand and she's keeping the flame from striking. We'll come back to that. That's them. That's a contingent kind of thing. He can move her hand. Then the flame struggles. Okay, we'll come back to that. We sign and Mets like that. It's got something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it. And this is in quotes, it's very, it's, it's, this part's very curious. A Bishop dressed in white. We had the impression it was the Holy father. My opinion is this is the Paul after all hell breaks this cause it goes a little bit farther here he goes, he passed the big city half and ruins, I think this is my opinion, it's the Pope Francis coming to you know like after all everything the court gets pulled out, everything goes crazy basically coming to a census at that point in time, cause he's a Bishop in white. Speaker 0 37:41 They had the and they said Holy father, he doesn't take the red. It has implications for Benedict too that are curious. I'm not really sure about that but in the way they phrase this but he sees what happened cause it says right here before reaching there, there's the big cross but we'll just skip down to the other part of the leaf. The leaf father pass through big city, half runes and half, half trim, move halting step I'll tell you with was painted. Starry prayed to the souls of the Corpus. He met on his way and so the ruined city of the city is interesting. You have different things that it can stand for. I think in the first instance it stands for the city of wrong, but the city of Rome is to the church and the world. What Jerusalem and old covenant was to the church in the world and all covenant Jerusalem. Speaker 0 38:26 The temple was considered a microcosm of the world and so everything that's the Holy city then, but God so that Drew's them. You have the temple built on the rock. That's where the dome of the rock is now, but the rock, that's where the Holy of Holies, that's where the Ark of the covenant sat on top of that in the Holy place. That rock is the one that Abraham was tied up, tied up Isaac and laid him on to sacrifice and later on David bought it because it was used as a threshing floor for 40 had combines. They used to thrash out grain on hilltops and he tossed, tossed the grain in the air and the chaff would blow. It's on a Hilltop cause he get some good wind and that's how you'd work it. It was a lot more complicated with combines and all. But then David bought it and Solomon built the temple right there. Speaker 0 39:10 That is what the dome of the rock is. Not an ancient Jewish, it's kind of mythology, but they thought that rock was important in holding back the abyss. It was like a plug from the best to keep all hell from breaking loose and flow down into the earth. So the Jewish guys good, this kind of thing. So when our Lord said to Peter, you're a rock, he changed his name to rock and on this rock I'm going to build my church. He took his and the Gates house won't prevail against him. So he took that rock and he moved him from Jerusalem into Rome and built his church on that. But, and he's got an odd, an office in holding back all hell from breaking loose himself. So you go from old covenant, the new code. So Jerusalem was a type of the whole world. Speaker 0 39:49 Nava city of Rome is a type of the world. So in the first place it stands for itself. It's Rome. The second place is going to stand for the church and the world. So and he's going through it's half in runes and half trembling with halting step. Why would it be half and ruins? We talked about that last night. The goal was explicitly set by Mohammad himself of capturing Rome. I think Steve tried seven times. That's why the Vatican city is walled by the way, because of Muslims. Anyway, the Vatican, the the, the Islam has explicit goal of conquering Rome. I read a bunch of testimonies from the last 10 years from important thinkers in this L'Amic world and to all talking explicitly that the time is right, that we're going to capture Rome. And a lot of what you have going on right now is actually jihad is moving into Europe. Speaker 0 40:49 That's what a lot of this flow is in there. And we read from an ebook that was published last year for the jihad and in the ebook it's recommending the talks about the fight for Rome and it's going to be guerrilla warfare in the streets. And what they need to do is they need to start file weapons that aren't illegal to be convenient to get in. It's specific recommends how might bows and arrows, which is interesting when we get a little later here because we see the Pope having reached the top of the mountain on his knees and the book put it a big cross. He was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at it. Seems probably that this is it. We'd also have those too. The two visions that blood just sent ahead of the pulp that we read last night, which you could remember at one point in time, you sit in there, he's just trembling. Speaker 0 41:42 There's all this chaos and people yelling and all that. Another one, he's praying in the church. All these people cry in the streets. They're starving, all that, and he's pinned for the Mac, that hard America. So this is on his way through there. So it'd be Rome and ruins, but certainly it's, it's larger than that. If it's Islam, I don't know. But they've got the goal and they've got the momentum right now, and there's certainly tons of them. What's the reason for Europe, European Europe? It's Catholicism. And if we've rejected it, why should we preserve? If we're not going to act by Catholics, why should it be preserved? That's the only meaning of the year. There's a vocation. The European vocation is to be missionaries to the world and we're still doing it. But now our missionaries of Marxism, feminism, pornography, go down the list. Almost all the bad things are propelled out into the world because that missionary spirit is part of the gift. Speaker 0 42:36 God gave different gifts to give different peoples, and that was the gift. One of the gifts, it's a charism that he gave and it's being used. But since the French revolution, certainly it's been used aggressively on the side of evil. Okay, so we go back. So there you have bishops, priests, men and religious going up a steep mountain at the top of which there's a big cross of rough hewn trunks. And then they get, they get martyred. So you have all this martyrdom going on in what? Of this attack. I wouldn't claim that it's all Islam. I don't want to say that. I still suspect very deeply that Russia has an important role to play in this until the consecration and the way that certainly the West has been provocative, provocative, and poking around and all that. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they're not going to be the bigger force in the whole thing, but that remains to be seen. Speaker 0 43:29 What about the pennant and then what about this penance? Penance. Pence. Let's go back to this. We saw it in the angel of the flaming sword. His left hand flashing gave up flames. It looked as though they would set the world on fire. They died out in contact with a splinter that our lady lady radiate towards him from a right hand, pointing to earth was his right hand, so cry out loud. Voice penance. Penance. Pennants. Okay, what's going on there? She stopping this judgment from fall. We heard about that same kind of judgment elsewhere in Akita. Again. That was October 13th, 1973 Bishop Edo, the diocese of Akita Japan, found this apparition to be authentic, worthy belief. And while enrollment's parked to Carter, Ratzinger bought the apparition, Howard deed, former Philippine ambassador, Vatican States in a 1998 interview with inside the Vatican ma magazine, quote, Bishop Edo was certain. Speaker 0 44:26 Akita was an extension of Fatima Ricardo. Ratzinger personally confirmed to me that these two messages of Fatima and Acadia are essentially the same close quote. So here is the first part of that. Our ladies speaking to sister Agnes. As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, pants, pendants, pendants, if they don't, here's the contingent part. Then if they don't, here's what's going to happen. The father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. There'll be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will have never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and wipe out a great part of humanity. The good as well as the bad sparing. Neither priest nor faithful. The survivors find themselves so desolate, they will end be the dead. The only arms that remained for you will be the rosary. And the sign left me by my son each day. Recite the prayers, the rosary with the rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests. So there we have that right there. Very clearly in that there's also something that says to see, let me find a piece of paper that I read from last night, but just take me a sec. Cause Lucy, this has only been published in 2013 by the nuns in her convent and it's something very, very new in that sense. And it's from her, her journals. I just right here, I'll read these John Paul two first and then we'll get that. Speaker 0 45:58 So it's the October, 1981 issue of German magazine stimulate disc Levin's report in a discussion that Pope John Paul to head with a select group of German Catholics in November of 1980 the following is a verbatim report of the discussion quo. The Holy father was asked, what about the third secret of Fatima? She did not already have been published by 1960 Pope John Paul to replied, given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petron office diplomatically prefer to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of communism to make certain moves. On other hand, it should be sufficient for all questions to know this. If there is a message which is written at the oceans, will flood whole areas of the earth and from one moment to the next millions of people a perish tree. The publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desire. Speaker 0 46:58 The pop continued. Many wish to know simply from curiosity. It tastes with the sensation, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They seek only the satisfaction of their own curiosity, and that is dangerous. If at the same time they're not disposed to do something and if they are convinced that is impossible to do anything against evil. Okay, so that's the Pope. He's not talking about fire from the sky. He's talking about oceans, flooding, whole areas of the earth. Now I'll just find one other thing from sister Lucy. If I can real quickly cause I pulled it up cleverly before the thing and then put it in a pile when we were talking, here we go. I did 4:00 PM January 3rd, 1944 and the chapel of the condom before the Taverner sisterly CSG is to make known as well. She's been struggling for a couple months to write the third secret quote. Speaker 0 47:51 I then felt a friendly hand, maternal and affectionate touch. My shoulder or lady said to her, the piece of right what I've commanded you, but not whoever that which it isn't given to you, you understand its meaning. Immediately afterward, sissy said, sister Lucia quote, I felt my spirit inundated by mystery of light. That is God in any of my saw and heard the point of a Lance like a flame that is detached touches the axis of the earth and it trembles mountains. Cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, the clouds exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging with them in a vortex houses and people in a number that cannot be counted because the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hatred, ambition provoked the destructive war. After I felt my racing heart in my spirit of soft voice said in time, one faith, one baptism, one church, Holy Catholic, Apostol in eternity. Heaven. This word haven't filled my heart with peace and happiness in such a way that almost without being aware of it, I kept repeating myself for a long time. Heaven, heaven closed school. From this, she got the strength to write to third secret so we can see the beginning part, the conditional. If men would repent, what our lady said would be done, then this wasn't going to happen. We haven't. Speaker 0 49:20 What about all this stuff? I talked a little bit earlier about these, these curious things. We're talking about the POS in role, the Pope playing in it and why would that be important? Where would that be in a secret? It's not directly in the vision. But what is interesting is speaking in Fatima about Fatima Saint John Paul, the sec upon when they, when they unveiled division and published it to the world in his sermon, he expanded on the things that Paul the sixth had said in 67 and things he itself said. And one of the specific things he commented on was the POC clips. Chapter 1201 on the lines he warned us about is it of apocalypse 12 four and 12 four we're talking about the, with his tail, the dread, the debt, the dragon. Cause there's this dragon that's coming to attack the woman cause 12 one is about the woman in the heavens. Speaker 0 50:17 By the, by the heavens. You have to realize it in the old old way of looking at things, there's three heavens. The first heaven is what we'd call the atmosphere. The second heaven is what we'd call outer space. And third half is what we call heaven. They have different names, doesn't matter. But that's, and in this one it's talk about the atmosphere. That's 12 one the ancient commonary say that. That's exactly where she appeared on Hommel. Then you'd see her, they'd stayed see that ball of light going away or whatever. Okay, so our lady, this had clothed with the sun, the sign in the heavens and they closed the sun and then the dragon comes after. But in 1204 he takes with his tail, he wipes a third of the stars and throws him to her. I will just do a flying translation very quickly. Speaker 0 51:01 It'll be a combination of a translation with an explanation from the commentary of corny celebrity. This commentary was done in the early 16 hundreds and corny slappity did it. He was a Jesuit, he did it the order of the Pope's and so it's a line by line common train the scriptures according to the fathers. So I'm reading you something that was put together 400 years ago, but it's more ancient, the commentaries on that. But he talks about with his, with his tail, he drove, dragged down a third part of the stars. Truly, I say along with Saint Gregory, the great <inaudible> and others that just is the principle part of the dragon is his head. So also this tail represents the antichrist for is both the head of the dragon, because he shall be the primary. He'll be the primary leader led by the devil and the Prince of all the tyrants and impious wounds. Speaker 0 52:01 But the same must be said about his tail because that's the extremity of the dragon. That is the bottle, the body of the devil, like sorta psych. We'd see the mystical body of Christ like the mystical body of the devil in this sense. And, and with this he will do, he will drag behind himself into perfecting a third part of the stars that is most illustrious saints. In other words, as if the leaders, the teachers, and other eminent men insofar as their stars shining to others, for when he grabbed him loud with him, who preferred a great multitude. So in other words, when they are talking about the dragon, they're talking about the dragon tail dragon, a third of the stars from heaven. He's talking about the great leaders and sweeping them along. Other commentaries say, this is specially to be understood, Speaker 3 52:54 the clergy, so Speaker 0 53:02 why would it not be published Speaker 3 53:08 direct? Speaker 0 53:12 It's cuddle rats who made clear in the interviews we spoke about it. We don't want to have sensationalist use of the contents and so forth. If, if, if it were, if it were to be said that the great apostle he's going to at the top and Speaker 4 53:26 the church that Rome wa, I mean, what would it people thought if they said soon, you're going to have to not be able to depend on when the Pope speaks a matter of faith or morals. You're going to have to look in your catechism every time. Speaker 3 53:38 How do people react to that? That's where we're at right now. Speaker 4 53:43 I just used a few examples. There's hundreds of them. Speaker 3 53:49 Hundreds. Speaker 4 53:53 How do people react right now? This is hard to talk about. It's cry hard to hear. The sensation of people will also be tempted to give up. There's going to be a chastisement if we don't better ourselves. Hotter. Yeah. The situation, the church was unparalleled in history. I'm very much for the peanuts can accelerate instead of the bishops and Carlos rising up and rebuking the port for teach here defending Christ, his mystical body. So far we've seen two things, guilty silence and positive evil. There's no reason to think the Filipino vicious will be alone and align themselves with things like contraception is going to be okay. When's the last time we've heard a Bishop conference at speak out against contraception Canada? Since 1968 their bid, their official position, the Winnipeg declaration, they officially descent from Humana V Tay. They've been in official, that's their bishops positions in 68 the last time our piss ships made a comment that was really good on contraception is 1966 November. Speaker 4 55:15 Is it a problem? Just use that one. This is not the worst thing that ever happened, but I know Parrish, I used to be in charge of, we had just over 800 people. More than half of them were under the age 18 that's about right, but when you go to other parishes, it's like, is the water different here now? I don't know any particular couple. I can't say no. God's the judge at that. I don't know. You know, but there should be a bell shaped curve and at the age that people get married in America, which is fairly late, your mean should be somewhere between seven and nine kids. That's not what we're seeing. The means around 2.5 and a lot of Catholic parachutes. You go on there. What is going on? Don't tell me about vocation crisis. It isn't. It is gigantic and who is supposed to tell them we are crickets. Do we believe in hell? The first secret, early matters. So the situation is on parallel. I think it's going to get worse for, there are lots of official archivist of Fatima Speaker 0 56:24 had unrestricted, his sister Lucy and her writings comments. It is probable that the text refers concretely to the crisis of faith and the church negligence is are the pastors themselves. The third speaker speaks of internal struggles in the wombs. The church of grave pastoral negligence is by the upper hierarchy and deficiencies of the upper hierarchy of the church. Closed quotes. So we don't see that in the vision. These are things we have to infer, but we've gone through how we've inferred that the church must pass through a final trial that was shaked the faith of many believers. The catechism tells us in the form of a religious deception offering me an apparent solution to the problems at the price of posses from the truth. Speaker 4 57:03 Okay, what do we do Speaker 0 57:07 first? We need to take it seriously. Say rosary every day. See rosary of Dane stay very, very close to our lady. Speaker 4 57:16 So your rosary. I'll give you a couple of scriptural images to have in mind. The first one, Speaker 0 57:24 almost the very first paper Speaker 4 57:26 plus what was denying our Lord tree times and running away and what did almost every one of other bishops do? They ran away to who's the only one that stayed faithful? Saint John st John's did faith on why did st John stay faithful? Because st John stayed next to her Speaker 4 57:51 when he was watching our Lord bleed out on the cross. What a mystery that we know the end of the story, but here he is. He's been walking with him. He knows he's the Messiah, the son of God, and all of a sudden he sees by these people and be so savagely it's unbelievable. And then he's being murdered on that cross. He said, well, how can God die? How can this happen? You can see he couldn't answer the question. He knew if I stay close to our lady, he'll be all right. We're in the passion of the church. The scanned on the sin is so galactic that you need an angelic and elect to take it in. We don't have to take it in. Stay close to our lady. Be humble and stay close to her lady. We'll be all right. One more scriptural image and then I'll go back to some other advice. Speaker 4 58:46 Walt Star-Lord was walking around visibly present on earth. There are a bunch of gangsters run in his church. Kai, Anna's the Sanhedrin. I mean, these are the people that conspired to kill them. They weren't all bad. Nicodemus was one the member of Sanhedrin, but they knew who he was. Nicotine comes in the very beginning of our Lord's ministry, John three and he comes to him at night and he says, we know you're a teacher sent by God because Noah could do the things you do. This is the beginning. So leaders knew from the beginning what our Lord was about, but they still conspired against him and our Lord knew the word conspired against him. And so the people say, what do we do? Look at these people. What did our Lord say? He said, they sit on the chair of Moses. In other words, they have the authority. So you have to do what they say. Now what they do, that means we have to follow all the legitimate commands. Speaker 4 59:46 We can't fall this kind of teaching, but we have to follow all the legitimate commands because it's Christ church even through the sin and chaos. Okay, so say rosary every day. Second, make sure, absolutely sure that you're positively dedicated to the truth, that you're ready and willing to die for the truth. And if you're not positive about that, start praying for that grace every day cause you're going to need it. Pray for that grace. Pray for that grace Quint, line yourself. If you don't have that, make yourself bleep things cause they're convenient or they fit your little worldview. Just embrace the truth and pray for that grace. No matter how much it hurts, pray for the grace to embrace the truth. Third, occupy yourself with your duties and your state and life. That's exactly what she said was needed to be saved. Occupy yourself with your dues in the state line. Speaker 4 00:42 Don't worry so much of all they're doing in the Chancery or in Nevada can. In fact, my giant advice to you is don't worry about it at all. If something's important happen, you'll hear about it, but if you occupy yourself with these kinds of things, I feel bad telling you what I told you what we have to put things in context. Don't preoccupy yourself. If you hear something like that, say, Oh, I guess I better say another decade today for the pulp or the carnal or whoever it might be and put it out in your mind. You don't have to answer for bead. You have to pray for him. Don't occupy yourself with these things. Pray from, don't occupy yourself with it, okay? But everyone here has access to good catechism, good lives of the saints. Good scripture commentary. This is a real gold religion to revealed religion. Public revelation ended with the death of Saint John apostle. Not even a Pope can change that. Nothing is going to change regarding the truth. What has changed is the Holy See no longer tells the truth. That's changed and that's a huge change. Speaker 4 01:49 So don't pay attention. Pay attention. It's all written down. You don't have to worry. Pay attention to what's already been written down. There's nothing new. If you're something new you think can't be, there's nothing new. There will be nothing new. Don't let yourself get dragged out on that. So you're going to be safe if you don't pay attention. I'm not if they give legitimate commands that, but I mean don't pay attention to this kind of stuff cause just going to juice chaos and confusion and your life. You don't need that. Renew your devotion to our lady if you haven't made the total consecration to our lady. The true devotion of st Louis de Montfort's is 33 day consecration than by all means. You should do this. It's recommended by so many saints in popes. It'll change your life. The true devotion to Mary by st Louis Dumont for he can get the book read the book takes 33 days. Speaker 4 02:47 Then you do an Marian feast day. It's a fantastic thing. Maybe father will even have have one where every parish does it together. They do that sometimes in parishes, but it just can't recommend that enough. True devotion. Mary say Rose for every day. Stay close to the sacraments, go to confession regularly, very regularly, and then communion. If we're not saints after our first Holy communion, it isn't because there's some defect in a sacrament. One community's sufficient to make us a great sane. It's because our disposition is not such that our Lord wants to give us graces, but he can't get them to us. And what confession does is it opens our spiritually blocked arteries so more graces can get in there. So do that. Final thing I'll say tonight is pick up the habit of mental prayer. It's very easy. Even children can do it. Speaker 4 03:40 I have people, so my directory, start to little children, just kneeling in front of a statue and talk to somebody for just a few seconds, so whatever. When they're real little and they can just add to that, but the way we can do it, there's a good book conversation with Christ by Thomas Rohrbach. It's a tan book, the Methodist Saint Teresa of Avila mental prayer. There's plenty of the ones father could easily recommend them, but you take that, read that and then start doing it. 15 minutes every day. Make an investment in your eternity. Do it 15 minutes every day and then every three months, add five minutes till you get to an hour. Do it humbly and slowly and that'll seem huge. The 15 minutes is harder. If 15 minutes is too much to 10 minutes, but do it every day. Make yourself do it. Don't worry like how you feel about it. Speaker 4 04:27 It's your app. You're giving time to God. This is your 15 minutes. God, I'm going to come there and do my best. If you randomly thinking thoughts, that's not bad. If you're sitting there and you're also trying to do your shopping list, same time, that's not gonna work. But if you just spend that 15 minutes, you can do it in your room. Pick a place though. If a church that's great but pick a place and do it the same place cause that's just useful. A particular chair, particular corner, a closet, whatever, and you just do it every day, 15 minutes and add that five minutes. It's going to transform you. And I don't care how busy you are, God's in charge of time. You can keep adding that time humbly and slowly and you'll be able to get there and get more done than before. Speaker 4 05:06 And the beauty of this is you are going to get lights that you wouldn't get otherwise and we can need everything. We can again take to get through what we've got coming up. Okay, say your rosary, consecrate yourself to our lady. Don't pay much attention. All legitimate commands. We have to listen. But other than that, the chaos in the hierarchy. Just pray for him. Just pray for him. We have to waive a pray to just don't do that. Pray for the grace to be willing to die for the truth. Read good. Catechisms good lives of the saints. Good scriptural commentaries and stay close to our lady. I'll give you all a blessing and then he'll, we'll do the consecration. Feel kneel down. POCs of ACA attendees feely. It's better to Santee to shed it. Superhost at Monte at Semper. Um.

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