The 150th Anniversary of the Defined Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

December 09, 2004 00:16:27
The 150th Anniversary of the Defined Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
Veritas Caritas
The 150th Anniversary of the Defined Dogma of the Immaculate Conception

Dec 09 2004 | 00:16:27


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Speaker 0 00:00:07 150 years ago today on December eight, 1854, blessed it pot tonight. Infallibly defined the dogma of the immaculate conception. The Mac conception is of course the absolutely unique favor and privilege granted by almighty God, to the blessed Virgin Mary, the privilege of being preserved free from all stain of sin for the very first moment of her conception, being free from all sin, both original and actual. Now, before we go into what the Pope said, let's see a few, take a few minutes to see why it's so fitting for God to preserve the blessed Virgin Mary and this way free from sin. Why it's only fitting that she's immaculately conceived and we're gonna stand that there's two concepts. We should keep in mind in the first place as st. Paul clearly state in Romans five in first Corinthians 15, Adam is a type of crutch. Now, by now, we should all remember what a type is. Speaker 0 00:01:15 A type is a personal thing or an action that actually exists, which is intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. And Adam is a type of Christ. So he foreshadowed Christ. Second principle is Christ is greater than Adam. He's the son of God. Okay? So Adam's a type of cry and Christ is greater than that. Now let's see what this has to do with the maca conception. As one of my seminary professors, Jerry, Matt takes point out. It's easy to see if you make little square in your mind, you put at him here and a lot right there and the earth right here in our lady right here, she has atta and our Lord it's the new Adam and the earth and our lady make that square. So Adam and the earth and our Lord and our lady. Okay. Speaker 0 00:02:05 So we'll use that little square to understand that shifted Adam brought forth from the sinless on Fon on stander. There was no sin. God create everything perfect. Till the original sin, there was no sin. So just the doubt of body was brought forth from the earth. So also our Lord quality was brought forth. The unstained in that clip, spotless womb of the blessed Virgin Mary. So the unstandard for our Adam's body, the blessed Virgin, Mary unstained, flesh of other womb for our Lord's body. Anybody that denied this is saying that Adam has a greater privilege than our Lord, which is just whacked, but out the gate. Okay. So you got to Mack that soil and Adam and the Mac that will and are rower. Okay. Adam, the new Adam done fallen or done spotted on falling will. Okay. What are we saying? Adam is a type of Christ. Speaker 0 00:02:57 He prefigures Christ and Christ is greater than that. So once we have that square, it's easy for us to pitch, right? And his body made from <inaudible> a soil or Lord's body made from the unfond flesh of our lady. Okay. So that's why we can see easily why it's only fitting that almighty God, because of the dignity of our lady would give her that unique privilege, that privilege of being immaculate. Okay. Now on this hundred 50th anniversary of the som proclamation of the dogma of an act of conception, let's turn to bless it pie tonight, unless there's some excerpts of what he had to say on that occasion, by the way, it is proclaiming RN, corrupt, Saint John Newman, who's in Philly. And if you go to Philly to st. Peter's church or their dentist church on Gerard Avenue and Gerard he's there right under the alter and he's on incorrupt, he was holding the book. Speaker 0 00:03:55 So at the pioneer Bishop of Philadelphia, he's holding the book with the paper boy in it that busted pipe tonight, puts it out there. And he's a little itty bitty guy, but this is the Bishop of Philadelphia holding the book. It's all, this was going on 150 years ago. But the pods tonight, quote, the fathers of the church, well versed in heavily scriptures, provide with one another and preaching and teaching and many wonderful ways. The Virgin Supreme sanctity, dignity and immunity from off stain of sin and her renown victory over the most foul enemy of the human rights codes quote, here we see, but the PI point out, this is nothing new. It goes all the way back to the beginning. He's talking about the father, the church and the way they used to talk about her lady. And of course her victory, which we see a symbolize right there with her standing on the head of the serpent by tonight, quote, the father did this in the book they wrote to explain the scriptures is quoting the word by which at the beginning of the word world, God crushed the audacity of the serpent saying I will put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her, her seed. Speaker 0 00:05:06 The father's taught that by this divine prophecy, Jesus Christ was clearly four tall. They taught that it's most blessed mother. The Virgin Mary was prophesied. And at the same time they declared the enmity of both against the evil one. This is Genesis three 15, by the way, hence the most Holy Virgin United with our Lord by most intimate bond was with him and through him, eternally at war with the evil serpent and most completely triumphed over him and crushed his head with her immaculate foot close quote. Again, we see an art, was he in the miraculous medal? She's standing on the head of the serpent, the most Holy Virgin eternally at war with evil serpent, most completely triumphed over him and crushed his head with her mat. But foot, the devil has never got a single Lake on our lady at all. She's been above in the whole time and it drives him nuts. Speaker 0 00:06:07 See, he had the high place in heaven and he's rejected. It has fallen into hell and she's taken the play. And this drives him while it is clear in the unanimous opinion of the father said the most choroid Virgin is an unspeakable miracle of God and that she approaches as near to God himself as is possible for a created being. And that she's above all men and angels in glory. This doctrine self filled the mind, the souls of our ancestors in the faith that they frequently addressed the mother of God as immaculate at an accident in every respect, innocent and truly most innocent spotlit and entirely spotless, Holy and removed from every state of sin, all pear off stainless literary model of period innocence, more beautiful than beauty, more lovely than loveliness, more Holy than holiness. I love that line more beautiful and beauty, more lovely than loveliness. Speaker 0 00:07:09 More Holy than holiness, singularly, Holy and most pure and soul and body. The one who suppresses all and integrity and virginity. The only one who has become the Dwight place of all the graces of the most Holy spirit, God alone, excepted Mary is more excellent than all by nature and beautiful and more Holy and the chair of him and a Serafin to praise her. All the tongues of heaven are, do not certify close quote that's worth repeating to God. A lot accepted. Married is more excellent than all had by nature, more fair and beautiful and more Holy than the chair of him and Sarah to pray through all tongues of heaven or do not. Supply pottery appeal is a really beautiful statue of our lady and some of the products we're talking about. Beautiful, blessed. And he said, if that's the way she looked, I wouldn't want to go to heaven. Speaker 0 00:08:06 Cause remember he could see her all the time. He seen her all the time. Cause it's nothing compared to this absolutely breathtaking statue, the best statue they could make. Cause he could see a lady that's about quote above all creatures did God so love her. The truly in her was the father well-pleased with singular delight, therefore far above all the Hayne shows and all the saints. So wonderfully did God and dour with the abundance of all heavenly gifts poured out from the treasure of his divinity that this mother ever absolutely free from all stain of sin, all Farron perfect would possess that fullness of Holy and in sanctity than which under God, when cannot even imagine anything greater in which outside of God, no mind can succeed in comprehending fully closed. Quote. The pulp is telling us their ladies home is so great. We can't even imagine anything greater except God. Speaker 0 00:09:05 And it's so great that no mind, except for the mind of God himself can comprehend her holiness. Now here's the infallible definition. This is an ex catheter statement that keeps acts CAPTRUST statement is occasionally given by bus at five tonight. One thing to note is when a pulp saw defined something, we make connects. Catherine, a statement is it's impossible to misunderstand. It's not like you're going to scratch your head and go, what's the Pope saying here, as we've seen before, when a Pope makes next Catherine, his statement he's exercised. Nick is extraordinary power of infallibility. There's always four things present that it can one dealt with it, but here's the four things. First he speaking by virtue of his apostolic authority. He speaking by virtue, his appetite like authority. Second, he has the intention of making a definite decision. Third on a matter of faith or morals fourth to be held by the whole church throughout the world. Speaker 0 00:10:08 Okay? So at the stock authority Def the decision faith or morals, culture shock the world will look to all the things, the things next, Catherine statement, we'll re read it once and then we'll go back through to check off for things. So we're looking for Apple stock at Doroty Def the decision faith or morals or church, bless it tonight, quote for the honor of the Holy and undivided Trinity for the glory and adornment of the Virgin mother of God, for the expectation of the Catholic faith and for the further of the Catholic religion, by the authority of Jesus Christ, our Lord of the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, and by our own, we declare pronounced and defined that the doctor which holds at the most, but the Virgin Mary in the first instance of her conception, by seeing the crazy privilege granted by almighty God, you deal with America, Jesus Christ. Speaker 0 00:11:04 The savior, the human race was preserved free from Austin of original sin is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to believe firmly and constantly by all the faithful codes. Quote, it's pretty easy to hear it all there, but just make sure we'll go back to and point them out by the authority of Jesus Christ or Lord of the bus, apostle Peter and Paul, and by home there's authority, Tavistock authority, we declare it pronounced and defined. There's an intention to, uh, to define something, make a definite decision that the doctor which holds the most blessed the Virgin Mary, the first instance of a conception by singing the great privilege granted by almighty God and viewed America, Jesus Christ, the savior, the human race who was preserved free from Austin. Original sin is a dot print revealed by. There's a matter of faith. He spelled it out in detail and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful there's the whole church. Speaker 0 00:12:00 So at this dog authority, definite decision faith or morals, whole church that's X Catherine. That's when I could capture a statement is that's what they sound like. Quote. Now that's, if you decide not to believe him, if anyone showed there, which God forbid to think otherwise then has it been defined by us? Let him know, understand that he's condemned by his own judgment, that he had suffered shipwreck in the faith that he had separated from the unity of the church and at furthermore by don't action ensures the penalty to establish by law. If he should dare to express the words or writing or by any other outward means the errors he thinks in his heart close quote, that how next Catherine is statement of a dog myself. Now let's listen, doubt. <inaudible> Speaker 0 00:12:52 defining this dogma. So beautifully closes the PayPal, all our hope do we repose in the most busted version, they all fair. And a Mac that one who has crushed the point that head of the most cruel serpent and brought salvation to the world in her. Her was the glory of the apostles and the prophets, the honor of the monitors, the crown enjoyable, the same in her was the safest refuge and most trustworthy helper of all or danger in her who with her only son is the most powerful media tricks tricks in the whole world, in her who was the most excellent glory, ornament and impregnable stronghold of the Holy church in her who has destroyed all heresy and snatched, the faithful people and nation small kinds of DIYers planets. And her do, we hope was delivered us from so many threatening dangers. We have therefore a very certain hope and complete confidence that the most blessed version will ensure by our most powerful patron agent that all difficulties be removed and all errors dissipated sent our Holy mother. Speaker 0 00:14:03 The Catholic church may flourish daily more and more throughout all the nations and countries. And they ran from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of their joy, genuine peace, tranquility, and Liberty, we are affirming our confidence that you obtained, pardon for the center health, for the sick strength of arc for the weak constellation, for the collected help. For those in danger that you removed spiritual blindness from awkward and error so that they may return to the path of truth and justice and adhere. That may be one flock and one shepherd let all the children in the Catholic church who are so very dear to us hear these words of ours, who is still more Arden, feel for potty religion and let them continue to venerate info could pray to the most blessed Virgin Mary mother of God, conceived without original sin. Speaker 0 00:14:54 Let them fly with utter confidence to this most sweet mother of mercy and grace and all dangerous difficulties need doubts and fears under her guidance under her patronage on her time. And some production, nothing is to be feared. Nothing is hopeless because while bearing towards this a truly motherly affection and having her care, the work of our salvation, she is say this about the whole human race. And since she had been appointed by God to be the queen of heaven and or, and is exalted above all the choirs of angels and saints and even stand at the right hand of her only son, Jesus Christ her Lord. She presents our petitions in the most efficacious manner. What she asks, she obtains her. Please can never be on her. Given at st. Peter's in Rome, they have December, 1854 and eighth year of her pontificate. The night since our lady has been appointed by God to be the queen of heaven or an exalted above all the choirs of angels, saints, and even stands at the right hand of her only begotten son, Jesus Christ, her Lord. She presents our petitions in a most efficacious manner. What she asks, she obtains her. Please can never be on her. Let us turn to our lady in all our needs. Her please can never be on her.

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