Feast of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

November 17, 2008 00:19:36
Feast of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
Veritas Caritas
Feast of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne

Nov 17 2008 | 00:19:36


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Speaker 0 00:01 Today on the feast of St Roseville, Penis. Shane, let's just start briefly by considering a real quick thumbnail scratch of this extraordinary life of our holy patroness. Here's a woman who's homeschooled. It's a very high level of education for windows days, the cloistered nun, she survives all the societal upheaval and the chaos and the persecution in the French revolution. She then has a vocation to the active religious life. She's a teacher. She's a pioneer. She's a religious superior, a missionary to the Pagans and a saint right here in Missouri and Kansas. It's a pretty extraordinary list. There's a lot there. There's no way we have time to ponder even a part of it. So today, seeing that our beloved countries in the throws of an absolute moral collapse, an economic crisis and political disaster. Let's briefly consider how Saint Philippine survived and thrived while she was living in a social chaos and the persecution of the French revolution. Speaker 0 01:06 Very briefly, the cloisters were suppressed during the revolution, so she had to leave the tranquility in order of her religious life from the convent. But as she went back out into the world, she took with her her strong prayer life and then flowing from that life of prayer, she added a life of active charitable works. In fact, she was so balled about going around helping the distressed that it was a matter of great concern for her family and friends. They were really scared for him, but she's armed with a profound faith and a complete trust in divine providence as a holy word of God says in First John Four, four, he that is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Saint Philippine had those kinds of conditions, so she went around caring for the sick, caring for underground priests. In fact, they had one in the home he worked at during the day as it mantra of uh, some sort of factory or something that he'd say mass. Speaker 0 02:00 It's secret in the wee hours in the morning, she'd be visiting the underground priests in jail, caring for the dying and when she found somebody dying, going and fetching one of the underground priest to assist them with the last rights. In short Saint Philippine thrive during a time of great social chaos by simply leading a life of faith, a life of trustful, abandonment to the holy will of God and a life full of acts of love and compassion. She's boosted inner sanctity during this time in life. Faith, abandonment to the will of God, acts of love and compassion. With that in mind, we'll take a few minutes considering from the point of view of the teaching of the church, each one of those faith, trustful, abandonment to the divine will and acts of love and compassion. Do that. We'll rely on the teaching of, bless it, Don Marmion and the Great Garrett Gulag Lagrand faith plus a Don Marmion, but you may say, what is faith speaking in a general way? Speaker 0 03:02 Faith is the adhesion of our intelligence to the word of another. When an upright loyal man tells us something. We know we're not watching TV. When an upright loyal man tells us something, we admit it. We have faith in his word. To give one's word is to give oneself supernatural faith is that he's one of our intelligence, not to the word of a man, but to the word of God. God can either deceive, nor seed. Faith is the homage rendered to God as the Supreme Truth and authority. We owe this to God. We owe that. We owe that. That's homage. We rendered with our intelligence that he gave us to him. We render to God as a Supreme Truth and authority. Our action. It has to be child life. This is me commenting right now like a little kid when his dad says something. When you're a young child, you just know it's right because dad said so. Speaker 0 04:08 My Dad told me so. That's how I, that's what God expects of us with respect him. When you're little, you can't explain all the things your dad tells you. You just know it has to be right because dad said so. That's the attitude that God wants from us in the supernatural order. Back to bless it, Don Marmion. Faith is the homage. Render to God is the Supreme Truth and authority in order that's homage, may be worthy of God. We must submit ourselves to the authority of his word, whatever be the difficulties our mind encounters. This divine word affirms the existence of mysteries beyond our reason. Faith can be required from us in things where our senses are experienced seem to tell us the very contrary of what God tells us. Take the blessed sacrament, for example. It is not obvious that our lord is really present body blood, so on divinity, the most split second call, that right there alive, living in the tabernacle. Speaker 0 05:08 That is not obvious. We believe it. Why? Because God says so. Faith can be required from us in things where our senses are experienced, seem to Tulsa very contrary of what God tells us, but God requires our conviction in the authority of his revelation to be so absolute that if all creation affirmed the contrary, we should say to God in spite of everything. My God, I believe because though, say us did we believe it because God said so. It is not a numbers game. We don't look around and take polls to see how many people agree with us is not a numbers game. God is looking for people who believe him because he said so. That's what faith is. And we're in a great sifting out right now and apostasy is a great sifting out of the people that are going to believe God because he said so are the people that are in Galong with the mass, the lemming like stampede to destruction. That's when an apostasy is and we're certainly living in one faith means we believe it cause God said so. Just consider the situation with Noah. Noah spent a hundred years preaching and building the arc, preaching to everyone, Ron and building arc 100 years, the whole century. And how many people believed him? Speaker 0 06:31 No. Preach the word of God for a hundred years. Warning centers, the great flood building an arc. And how many people believed him? Seven. They were eight on the art, Connie. No, it is not a numbers game. Everyone else was destroyed. God is looking for people to believe him and we believe because God said so Speaker 0 06:56 and now it's an opportune moment to make a few remarks for these so-called scripture scholars, all these intellectual pygmies of our modern age that run around saying their mistakes in God's holy word. What's that? What does that besides blasphemy? What does that to say there? Steaks in God's holy word, as if all of these intellectual pygmies have suddenly put on judge's robes and climbed up in some chair and put all the fathers in the doctors, the church over there and said, you know what? Y'All are a bunch of morons. Y'All weren't smart enough to see these errors and scripture, but we're really smart. We're modern man. We got indoor plumbing. You guys are dumb, and then they put God over here and set him on a chair and then the same pygmies haven't gotten a hot seat. Sit in judgment of him. Are you really sure you meant to say that? God, God, you don't really expect us to believe that. Do you? After all, we're modern, man. Speaker 1 07:55 Wow. Speaker 0 07:57 We got news for all these intellectual pygmies. We don't judge God's word. God's word judges us. We don't judge God's word. God's word judges us. The word of God judges us. His only begotten Son, word made flesh is calming to judge the living and the dead. We don't judge God's word. God's word judges us. Keep it on perspective. We believe there's certain men they can whisper words to pieces of bread and that bread becomes a man. Speaker 1 08:34 Yeah, Speaker 0 08:34 and that man is God. We believe that we have to believe that to be saved. That's not obvious. That's not obvious at all. We believe it because God said so. We all believe that God said so and look, if we can that and we have to, everything is downhill from there. Everything. Everything is downhill for the mystery of the most plus Itzhak and altar. It's not obvious in everything is downhill from there. Just pick one example that none of these modern pygmies believe in the age of the Patriarchs like Methuselah. The word of God says Methuselah lived over 900 years before he died. Of course, all these pygmies, t he over that with who? His father. Do you know his name? His name is Enoch. Guess what? He not going to lie us. Elijah goes by lies. Her Lija were both taken up by God. Speaker 0 09:37 They haven't died yet. They're going to come back at the end of the world of fight the antichrist and preached the people for their killed by the antichrist. In fact, the great doctor, the church, that great bishop and doctor Cardinal Beller means Saint Robert Bell and mean states clearly in his book on the antichrist, and I quote it is heresy or proximate to heresy to deny that Enoch and Elias are the two witnesses spoken of in the book of revelation that will come back at the end of the world. Okay, and they haven't died yet. That makes you knock about 5,000 years old and Elias, about 3000 years old right now. Some of the Tuzla is small potatoes and that's way easier to believe that our lord is sitting there live right now we believe because God said so. That's why. Okay, that's faith. We're in an apostasy. Speaker 0 10:29 We believe not because anybody else believes. We believe cause God says so. Second, trust in God, we'll go to the Great Cara Gulag, grunge St Paul States. Thus Romans eight 28 we know to them that love God, all things work together on to good to such his according to his purpose are called to be saints. I'll read that again. That's the word of God. Romans eight 28 we know that to them that love God, all things work together unto good to such as there according to his purpose are called to be saints. Caribou comments God sees to it that everything contributes to their spiritual welfare. The ones called to be saints. Everything. None of the grace he bestows on them, not only the natural qualities he endows than with, but sickness too and contradictions and reverses. A Saint Augustan tells us even their very sins which God only permits in order to lead them onto a truer humility and thereby to a pure love. It was. Thus, he permitted the threefold denial of Saint Peter to make the great apos a more humble, more mistrustful of itself, and by this very means to become stronger and trust more in a divine mercy. Nothing comes to pass, but God is foreseen. It willed it or at least permitted it. He wills nothing, permits nothing and less for the manifestation of his goodness and infinite perfections for the glory of his son and the welfare of those who love him. Speaker 0 12:14 In view of these principles, it is evident that our trust in God's providence cannot be too childlike to steadfast. Indeed. We may go further and saved to this trust in providence should be as blind as is our faith. We should have an absolute blind trust in God's divine providence. We must take special note here of these words in the gospel of Saint Luke, Luke 1610 he's a very consoling, here's the whole word of God. He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in that which is greater. I'll repeat that. Luke 1610 he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in that which is greater <inaudible>. If every day we do what we can to be faithful God in the ordinary routine of life. If every day we do what we can to be faithful to God in the ordinary routine of life, we may be confident that he will give us grace to remain faithful in whatever extremity we may find ourselves through his permission. Speaker 0 13:22 Burn that into your minds. If every day we do what we can to be faithful to God in ordinary routine of life, who may confident that he will give us grace to remain faithful in whatever extremity we find ourselves through his permission, and if we have to suffer for him, he will give us the grace to die a heroic death rather than be ashamed of him and be trained. This is where the grace of martyrdom comes from. Being faithful every day in her ordinary duties. If we do that, he'll give us the grace. Should he cost to martyrdom at the moment we need it. Watch the man for all seasons. One with Paul Scholfield, Orson Welles. It's a wonderful movie. You're watching Saint Thomas Moore try to dodge and weave his way from a crooked government, people that are trying to get his head and all the way. He's just doing the best he's can use it as widths, being faithful, being a good Catholic. Speaker 0 14:20 Finally he gets pinned. Then he just charges his con conscience and those are his actual words in the trial. He tells him what he thinks and has the grace to lose his head and he's making jokes as he goes up the scaffold. Incredible graces. How? By being faithful everyday to his daily duties, God gave him the grace he needed at the moment to become a martyr. So even in the most dire circumstances, if we do our duties every day, we can be confident that come up may will be all right. We have to have an absolute childlike trust and divine providence. Even the worst things that can happen, God will take care of us if we're just doing our duties every day. Okay, so I, Saint Philippine could walk around like that. Absolute childlike confidence in God. A faith child like faith child, like trusting in his will love and compassion. Last virtues we'll talk about. We're turning back to blessing dom Marmion. Speaker 0 15:19 The command under the love of brethren is a supreme wish of Christ. It is so much his desire that he makes of it. Not a council, but a commandment. His commandment and he makes the fulfillment of it, the infallible sign, they which his disciples shall be recognized, and this all shall know that you are my disciples, that you have love for each other. It is a sign. All can understand. None others given all shall know. No one can be mistaken as to it. The supernatural love you have for one another will be the unequivocal proof that you belong to me. And in fact, in the first centuries, the Pagans recognized the Christians by this sign. See, they would say how they love one another. For Lord himself will be the sign. He will use the day of judgment to distinguish the elect from the reprobate. He himself says, so let us listen to him. Speaker 0 16:16 For he is the infallible truth. Listen to what Saint Teresa of Avalon has to say on this subject. Quote, God asks of you only two things. The one is to love him and the others to love our neighbor. That is therefore what we have to strive for in accomplishing this perfectly, we shall be doing his will and shall be United to him. That's the aim. How are we going to be sure of knowing him? Saint Teresa, the most certain sign, by which way know if we are faithfully practicing. These two commandments is in my opinion, if we have a true and genuine love for our neighbor, if we cannot know for certain to what extent we love God, although there are many signs but we much judge of this, but we see much more clearly where the nub of our neighbor is concerned, it is then extremely important to consider carefully the disposition of our soul and our outward behavior towards our neighbor. Speaker 0 17:12 If both interiorly and exteriorly all is perfect, then we can be well assured for considering the deprivation of our nature. We could never love our neighbor perfectly unless we had within us a great love for God. Saint Teresa of Avila, Don Marmion continuing Christ has become our neighbor or rather neighbors Christ presenting himself to us under such or such a form. He presents himself to us suffering in the sick and the needy in those who are in want a prisoner in those who are in captivity, sad in those who mourn and I might add and the people we find on sufferable, but his faith that shows him thus and his members, and if we do not see him in them, is because our faith is weak. Our love is imperfect. That is what Saint John says. If we love not our labor, whom we see, how can we love God whom we see, not if we do not love gun under the visible form under which he presents himself to us, that is to say in our neighbor, how can we say that we love him in his divinity? Speaker 0 18:21 Let us never forget the principle that should guide us in this path. We are all one in Christ, in his charity that preserves this unity. We only go to the father by Christ, but we must accept Christ entirely in himself and in his members. There lies the secret of the true divine life within us. That is why our Lord has made mutual charity, his commandment and the object of his last prayer. They all might be one. Let us strive to fulfill as far as possible, the supreme wish of Christ's heart. Love is his source of life, and if we draw forth this love from God that it may be shed unfailingly upon all the members of the body of Christ, life was super bound within our souls for Christ, according to his own promise, will pour upon us in return for ourself, forgetfulness, a measure of grace, good and pressed down and shaken together and running over. Cool. Thus bless it, Don Marmion. Today on the feast of the Holy Patronas, let's ask Saint Rosefield Penis. Shane did obtain for us a rock solid faith and unshakable trust in divine providence, in a heart overflowing with love and compassion for our neighbor.

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