The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Present Conditions Before the Trials

November 23, 2008 00:26:46
The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Present Conditions Before the Trials
Veritas Caritas
The Seven Churches of the Apocalypse: Present Conditions Before the Trials

Nov 23 2008 | 00:26:46


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Speaker 1 00:00:01 Today, we're going to take a quick look at the first section of the apocalypse and this section st. John sees our Lord walking among the seven churches in Asia and reporting their spiritual condition. In other words, he's showing that he's alive, he's present in the church and he's watching exactly what's going on. The seven churches. The fathers tell us a representative of the whole church and each one of the individual churches symbolize a particular spiritual condition of a Bishop. So the letters are written to a Bishop, a Bishop of a diocese of a parish or of an individual. So our Lord commands, Saint John, write a letter to the bishops of these seven different churches, summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of their spiritual condition precisely so that they can be prepared for the judgments of God. Today, we'll briefly consider the situation. Those seven churches in each of us ought to ponder. If our Lord rented his judgment right now, where are we at as a community? More particularly, where am I at Speaker 1 00:01:11 Now, before we go any further let's remind ourselves that we're soldiers and the church Milton were in this war, cosmic proportions. We just find ourselves here. We didn't get a vote on it. Here we are in that regard, some comments worth pondering as usual through all the quotes. So we'll cut and paste, netted quote. Every Catholic needs to understand this we're part of God's forces and an Epic war against Satan's forces. We entered the war zone when we were conceived and we will leave it when our immortal soul departs for its eternal home, the person who says, look, I just want to be an ordinary Catholic, go to church every Sunday, leave my kids at the daycare center, not cause trouble. Thanks Satan will accept, live and let live. My comment. There's no gentleman's agreement with the devil. Baptism signs us up and Christ's army. Speaker 1 00:02:07 Many of our summer soldiers, Satan, and ties to some Catholics to go through the motions and get their tickets punched mass once a week, confession once in a while, routine prayer every night without actually seeking a true and deeply personal relationship with our Lord. These Catholics may be stunned when they meet their maker. Our Lord says not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my father, who is in heaven on that day, many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name? And then I will declare to them. I never knew you depart from me. You evil doers. Jesus calls his soldiers to total commitment. He does not take up cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Close quote, Marty bear. Speaker 1 00:03:07 So we're soldiers in the church. Milton we've been placed here to fight, which means that we each have to take up. Each one of us says, take up his cross and fall on the bloody footsteps of our leader, our commander, our Lord. Look what he went through. He's tormented and tempted by the devil betrayed, denied abandoned by his closest friends, abused, attacked, mistreated, hated, and persecuted by the priests and hierarchy of his own church. Hated by massive numbers of his own people. Mocked by the King, put on trial, found innocent, and then mercilessly scourged mocked, crowned with thorns and sense to death by the government. So for committed soldiers in the army of our Lord, if we're headed towards heaven, we have to fall on his bloody footsteps. So we shouldn't ever be surprised if we get similar treatment it's reality, we can get mad or we can get sad, but it won't change anything. It's reality. Speaker 1 00:04:17 Okay. Let's turn to the seven churches. The first church is an emphasis. I know that works and I labor and I patients and how that can not bear to them that are evil. Now has patients and is dirt for my name and has not fainted, but I've somewhat against the, because that was left eye first charity be mindful therefore from when start falling and do penance and do the first works. But this thought has to Dow hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. He that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit say to the churches close quote. Our Lord Speaker 1 00:04:56 Emphasis was the hormone of the seven wonders of the ancient world. A template Artemis also called Diana. It had its share of those who practice their cults arts in acts 1919. We read quote, many of those residents of emphasis who are not believers came confessing and divulging their practices. And a number of those who practice magical arts, brought their books together and burnt them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to 50,000 pieces of silver close quote. In spite of the traction at the level of fond human nature, to these sort of pig and practices, the Catholics and emphasis have resisted falling into the worship of Artemis or under the practice of a culture, magical arts factor. Lord even compliments them for their hatred of the deeds of the Nicolaitans steeds, which he also hates. So who are they? Speaker 1 00:05:51 And what were their deeds Queenie slap? It explains cool. The Nicolaitans taught those permitted to foreign, to Kate and to promiscuously embrace women. Even other's wives close quote st. Uranus gives a few more details. Quote, the Nicolaitans that lives of unrestrained indulgence. Teaching is a matter of indifference to practice adultery and to eat things sacrificed to idols close quote, in other words, Nicolaitans would fit right in our modern times. Their moral standards would indeed be indistinguishable from those to the society around us, but the Catholics of emphasis have not fond in those snares, but our Lord has something against the Catholics in emphasis. They have left the first charity. What does that mean? It means that although they were once fervent in the service of our Lord, they've slacked off corny slap. It explains it's easy for man, even when his Holy and perfect to cool from his first fervor, because it's difficult to resist all the difficulties and temptations, which occur in a day, it's like rowing against a current to typical problems, sacred ships or warns of it throughout. Speaker 1 00:07:05 For example, in second Thessalonians, three 13, we read brethren do not be weary in well doing that's the church in Ephesus. Second church has Smyrna. I know that tribulation I poverty without rich and our blasts fiend by them that say that or choose or not, but are the synagogue of Satan for none of those things, which thou shalt suffer behold, the devil cast some of you into prison that you may be tried, a new chuffed tribulation 10 days be thou faithful until death. And I will give you the crown of life. He that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, close quote, our Lord, this place for Smirnoff. Our Lord only has words of encouragement. These are people who have suffered tribulations and proven their virtues. But what does our Lord mean when he says they are poor, but rich, the Catholics has Smyrna are materially poor, but spiritually rich is one commentator. Speaker 1 00:08:05 A father Martindale puts it. They had already suffered a new, real poverty, not because the majority of the faithful there were slaves or on moneyed. They, because they were two of the laws of God that excluded them from so much that success implied. And also it is clear because of downright persecution from the Jews. How could fidelity to the laws of God, possibly exclude Catholics from success and mean that they would suffer real poverty because it was virtually impossible to engage in a trade without belonging to a Guild. Why does that matter? Because membership in a Guild meant attending meetings and meals involving the worship of pagan idols. Remember in acts 19, how the silversmiths Brian had an emphasis when st. Paul preached against Artemis. So to be a faithful Catholic, but to have real constraints on the ability to earn a living and feed a family in modern terms, this would include things like refusing to join the lodge, regardless of what the financial advantages might be or refusing to join certain unions. Like for example, the NEA, which supports abortion contraception and a whole bunch of other pig and horrors refusing to engage in false worship. Speaker 1 00:09:20 What does our Lord mean when he says that the Jews are not true Jews, but they are the synagogue of Satan. He's referring to the unfortunate people of Israel who have rejected Christ. The Jews had previously been the chosen people of God, precisely because they accepted the divine revelation about the promised Redeemer, but by rejecting Christ, they reject to the divine revelation of Christ. In other words, they reject the true faith. And then so doing, they fell into POS to see a man can be in only one of two possible camps here in this life. He's in the kingdom of God or the kingdom of Satan. There are no other possibilities to reject Christ then is to immediately leave the kingdom of God, enter into the kingdom of Satan and in their unfortunate case to be trapped in a religion that is explicitly anti-Christ. And as we can see from the life of Saint Paul himself, before his conversion, as well as by reading the acts of the apostles throughout the Jews were heavily involved in the persecution. The church, obviously it's a sin to be antisemitic. That's just a particular type of sin of racism. That's a sin, but we all have to be vigorously vigorously, opposed to the religion of Judaism. It's a religion without a single sacrament or religion, without any sanctifying, grace, a religion without salvation trapping these poor people in a world without salvation. It's the worst kind of hatred to these poor people to not do everything in our power to bring them to the saving waters of baptism and the true love of Christ. Speaker 0 00:11:07 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:07 Third church has predominance quote. I know without dwellest where the seat of Satan is now, hold this fast. My name and has not denied my faith, but I have against the few things because thou has there, then that hold the doctrine of Balam. So as though also them that hold the doctrine and the Clyde he's unlike manner to penance. If not, I will come to the quickly we'll fight against them with the sword of my mouth. He, that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, close quote, our Lord among the temples. And Pergamos with those dedicated to the emperor was in fact, the first one erected in a province. So it was a temple dedicated to Dionysius. In our day. Ampere worship would pertain to Catholics who plays political concerns, power over the laws of God and his church and their legions of them. Speaker 1 00:12:01 Our Lord compliments the Catholics of predominance for holding fast to name and not denying the faith, but then he criticize him falling into the heirs of Balam Nikolai. These we've already seen the Nicolaitans. Remember they held at fornication, promiscuity. Adultery are okay. Our Lord States that some of the Catholics and Pergamos have fallen into the snares modern terms. This would include not only fornication adultery, but also the use of pornography, which is just virtual adultery. So what does it mean to hold the doctrine of Bala? Remember during the extras, the pagan source, her Baalam told them all bytes, how to defeat Israel, men of Israel by using moral corruption, BOM told them to take their most beautiful daughters, deck them out and then send them to go flirt with the men of Israel, but tell him not to yield to any impure desires, unless the Israelites first offered sacrifice to the idols. Speaker 1 00:12:58 And Moses tells us what happened. Quote, the people committed fornication with the daughters of Moab who called them to their sacrifices and they ate of the sacrifices and adored their gods. And Israel was initiated to be alpha Gore close quote, cornice dilapidate tells us that baleful go to the same as Baucus and Baucus is also known by the name. Dionysius Dionysius has a template of Pergamos. Dionysus is a God of wine and intoxication Dinesen worship involves festivals of drinking and while dancing, flutes and drums resulting in mass intoxicated frenzies in which all moral constraints were cast off. And the participants gave themselves over to their carnal desires. We've got his temples all over the place. In modern times, John Easton rights would include rock and roll concerts, MTV high school proms Bar scene. The difference between then and now is really just electricity. Speaker 0 00:14:12 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:14:15 Fourth church dire, Tierra quote, another, that works and I faith and I charity and I ministry and I patients and I last works, which are more than the former, but I have against the, a few things, because that was suffers. The woman Jezza bell who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols. And I gave her a time that she might do penance and she will not repent of her fornication. And I will kill her children with death. And I will give to every one of you, according to your works, whosoever has not this doctrine, and who's not know the depths of state as they say, I will not put upon you any other burden. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, close quote, our Lord, our Lord complements the Catholics of Thyratira for their works and their faith and their charity, which are growing, but he condemns them for the presence of this Jessebelle Lowman cornice, Lapidus States. Speaker 1 00:15:15 That quote, just as the Jessebelle of the old Testament, propagated, the worship of bale, this Jessebelle was a powerful woman from the NABA LD, who pretending to be a prophetess propagated, the sect to the Nicolaitans teaching, that it was listed to fornicate and eat foods offered to idols close quote, besides the same Nikolai Nair's father Martindale says that this Jessebelle was also inciting the faithful to a sort of fusion between Catholicism and pagan practices and that the deep things of Satan that she professed to teach her inner circle of initiates secret doctrine was a type of Gnostic theosophy in modern terms, we can think of the fusion between the neopagan environmental movement or spirituality and our Holy religion that's happening. Certain religious orders. We can think of the people involved in the lodge for the new age movement. So feel worship or Wicca, especially within certain female congregations. Speaker 1 00:16:14 A lot of this stuff that goes on in ecumenical movement, especially the United religions initiative, fifth church's Sardis quote. I know they works that thou has the name of being alive when our dead be watchful and strengthen the things that remain, which are ready to die for. I find not, they works full before my God have in mind, therefore, what man or thou has received and heard and observe and do penance. If then now shall not watch. I will come to these a thief and they'll shall not know at what hour I will come to the mythos, a few names in Sardis, which have not defiled their garments. And they shall walk with me and white because they are worthy. He, that shall overcome shall thus be clothed in white garments. And I will not blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my father and before his angels, he, that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit say it to the churches, close quote, our Lord. It's a frightening letter. Speaker 1 00:17:13 It's corny slap at eight points up in this letter. Our Lord reproves all the faithful. The fondant in a mortal sin said by both means of threats by means of promises. He might excite and impel them to rise again from their sentence through penance. And he reproves bishops and priests. How many perish? Not because they live bad lives, but because they did not correct the sins of others committed to their care. The church in Sardis is spiritually dead with only a few exceptions. They're mortal sin. Instead of converting the world around them, the Catholics and Sardis have been converted by the world and start a Sibley earth goddess goddess of nature. And fertility was worshiped. Her worship involve dancing and impure rights accompanied by frenzied music made by flutes, drums and cymbals. And it was led by strange priests. They're self emasculated. They wear women's clothes and also wear long and frequently bleached hair that was done up in the style of a woman. Modern terms. Society was not unlike San Francisco, Washington, D C Speaker 0 00:18:37 Okay. Speaker 1 00:18:37 Or some of our seminaries Speaker 1 00:18:42 And the church in Sardis, which appears to be lie, but yet is dead. It's like any Catholic church where the pews are full of people who have fallen into spiritual death by becoming worldly, perhaps by not going to mass every Sunday or being sterilized or using contraception, not forgiving their enemies. So in mortal sin, confession lines are short. The hours of confession are very limited and everyone is going to communion. Church in Sardis is like any parish, diocese or individual Catholic in which there's worldliness a general loss of the horror of sin. The loss of a vivid awareness of the reality of eternal damnation. It's terrifying. The times we live in are very, very serious. They're very serious. Speaker 0 00:19:46 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:19:50 The six church is in Philadelphia. Quote. I know that I works behold. I have given before the Adoral opened, which no man can shut because thou hast a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name. Behold, I will bring up the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie behold, I will make them to come and adore before I feet. And they shall know that I have loved thee because that was kept the word of my patients. I will also keep the, from the hour of the temptation, which shall come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth. He, that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, close quote, our Lord for Philadelphia. Our Lord has only words of encouragement, especially to persevere. And he's promising them to protect them from the upcoming trials and even to convert their adversaries, cornice slappity points out that the faithful of Christ and Philadelphia were zealous and potty and the worship of God with the zeal of new converts, to the faith and that, although they were not yet advanced in the virtues, they were happily growing in them and thus were protected by God. Speaker 1 00:21:06 Our Lord commends them for keeping his word and not denying his name, which means they have the true faith and believe the teaching of the church. God is always looking for people who keep his word. God is always looking for people who keep the commandments and believe everything that he has revealed, and then reach out to their neighbors with love and compassion. God is always looking for people who believe everything he says, simply because he says so, and then act according to those beliefs. And that is precisely what the people at church of Philadelphia were doing. Are we Speaker 0 00:21:53 Okay? Speaker 1 00:22:00 The seventh and final churches they teach you? Quote, I know that works. The dollar neither cold nor hot. I would downward cold or hot because they are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot of begin to vomit the out of my mouth. Because thou say as to I am rich and made wealthy and have need of nothing and knowest, not that thought wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked such as I love, I rebuke and chastise be zealous. Therefore do penance behold. I stand at the gate and knock. If any man shall hear my voice and open to me to the door, I will come into him and will set up with him. And he, with me to him that shall overcome, I will give to sit with me in my throne, as I also have overcome. And I'm set down with my father in his throne. He that hath an ear. Let him hear what the spirit say. It to the churches close quote are lower. Speaker 1 00:23:00 This is a frightening letter. <inaudible> was a proud self-sufficient city. In fact, the wealthiest city in the region, the center for emperor worship, this wealthy self-sufficient attitude has rubbed off on the Catholics. So our Lord rebukes the members of this church for their lukewarmness, their spiritual poverty, their blindness, and their spiritual nakedness in modern terms, who might think any diocese Perisher individual that has a wealthy, comfortable life. And yet doesn't give the glory to God for whatever gifts God has blessed him with, nor does he handle carefully the wealth with which God has blessed him a wealth, which can be such a great danger to our salvation. A di Caesar, a parish or an individual that does not use that wealth in a manner pleasing to God by supporting the poor works a charity or works at magnificence in a country like this. We should be building magnificent churches. We should be supporting beautiful music and great artists. Why does God give us all this wealth? And what have we done with it? This letter contains one of the most frightening lines and sacred scripture. I know that I works at the art. Neither cold nor hot would the were cold or hot because they are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot. I will begin to vomit the out of my mouth. Speaker 1 00:24:31 What does lukewarmness mean in terms of the spiritual life short summary from corny slap a day, he is lukewarm who fluctuates between virtue and vice and indeed wishes to live a virtuous life and avoid a life of sin and vice, but flees from the battle with his vices and the effort to grow in virtue. The great Gary GRU explains more detail quote, lukewarmness his affection for venial sin or the disposition of the will to commit certain venial sins deliberately when the occasion arises. In other words, lukewarmness is a halfhearted attention to spiritual concerns. There are two principle causes for lukewarmness one, the neglect of little things in the service of God and to the refusal to make the sacrifices. He asks the neglect of little things in the service of God and the refusal to make the sacrifices. Yes, whoever habitually, neglects, little things in the service of God will end up by neglecting great ones, close quote, whoever habitually neglects, the little things in service of God will end by neglecting the great ones. In spite of the terrors of this letter, our lore was loving. Carnet closes with that wonderful invitation to Holy communion. Behold, I stand at the gate and knock, if any man shall hear my voice and open to me the door, I will come into him and will set up with him. And he, with me, Speaker 1 00:26:08 Let's close. All these letters are written to command and warn to prepare the faithful for upcoming trials. Next week, we'll consider those trials in the meanwhile, let us prepare ourselves for our own upcoming trials. Speaker 0 00:26:28 Okay. Speaker 1 00:26:29 We live in serious times, very, very serious times. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches.

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