
August 14, 2016 00:38:26
Veritas Caritas

Aug 14 2016 | 00:38:26


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I remember you producing more. So that being said, most of today's sermon will apply to all of us. Since we have seminarians present here, you may pardon me. If parts of it may be directed somewhat more towards them and it came to pass, but as they went, they're made clean the name of the father and the son, the Holy ghost. Amen. And this great cultural war we find ourselves in. We have lost absolutely every battle we've lost every battle. In fact, with very few exceptions, we haven't really put up a fight. We just surrender. Our culture is rotten. It's rotten to the core. It's not just bad. It's not just wicked. It's positively satanic. The collapse of families, divorce, contraception, sterilization disastrously, low birth rates in peer behavior from grade school to the grave, perversions galore, serial polygamy, perverted so-called marriages, perverted schools, legal fights of who gets to use the bathroom. Black masses held in public venues under police protection, federally protected, all sorts of Satan and all the abortion mills in this country filled pouring out of the internet into homes, in a families, into alive and immoral, and even amoral ruling class political care care candidates that could make a character is so proper, seem normal and moral economic chaos, immoral, roars, violent, and impure entertainment. It all seems broken right now. It's only going to get worse. Speaker 0 00:01:58 We've lost every bell. And for the most part, we didn't even put up a file. We just surrendered. This culture is rotten to the core. It's not just bad. It's not just wicked. It's positively satanic. It's reminiscent of the situation prevailed in the kingdom of Israel and the time of the prophet Hosea read from the words of the prophet, listen carefully, please Hosea. Hear the word of the Lord. The children of Israel for the Lord shall enter into judgment with inhabitants of the land. There is no truth and there is no mercy, no knowledge of God and the land there's cursing, lying, killing, stealing, and committing adultery. They break all bombs and murder falls, murder, therefore land mourns in all who dwell in it language and also the base of the field, the burns, the air, and even the fish, the seed perish let no one contend, let not accuse for what you is. My contention or priests. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Speaker 0 00:03:23 Because you've rejected knowledge. I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children. And it she'll be like people like priest. I'll punish them for their ways and requite them for their deeds. Thus, the prophet Hosea, there is no truth. There is no mercy, no knowledge of God and land there's cursing, lying, killing, stealing community. Daltry they break all bonds and murder. False murder sounds just like right now, does it? They even have environmental problems, the land mourns, and also the beast, the field and the birds of the air. And even the fish of the sea perish. And what caused all this with you is my contention. A priest. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. It's it's you have forgotten the law of your God. I will also forget your children. Speaker 0 00:04:35 And it she'll be like people like priest punished them for their ways to requite them for their deeds, you know, should be like people like priest has that great Bishop father and doctor the church st. John Chris system teaches quote. Do you wish to know if the people of any place are righteous? Look what sort of a pastor they have. If you find impious, just a man of integrity, believe that the people fed by him will be the same for their seasoned, with the assault of his wisdom, Clovis quote st. John Chris system. Do you wish to know if the people of a place are righteous? Look what sorta pass for they have. It shall be like people like priest and give a minute. She'll be like people like priests. And given that our culture is rotten to the core. What does that tell us about most of the pastors that we've had Speaker 1 00:05:39 For the most part, Speaker 0 00:05:42 Speaking to the seminarians, it shall be like people like priest do not fall into the trap of thinking. You can say your office and your mass here, a few contract confessions, and you're good to go. No, you're not. You may be good to go to hell. You're preparing for pastoral ministry. That means you're preparing to take care of Lord sheep. Do not forget this. You're preparing to work hard, very hard, and you're not preparing to be a cloistered monk. You're not preparing to be a bunch of professors of this or that. You're not preparing to build yourself some sort of comfortable little nest so that you can lead a life of leisure. You're preparing to take care of souls. A lot of those souls will be very broken and needing. And given the prevailing social conditions, it's only going to get worse and worse and worse. You're preparing to take care of them. You're preparing to be pastors as souls, do not forget this. The word of God tells us she'll be like people like priest. A lot of those souls to be very broken and needy, very wounded. And given our conditions here, it's only going to get worse. So you're preparing to work with the wounded and broken sheep and the Lord. And the chances are that each of you is at least somewhat wounded himself. Speaker 0 00:07:20 A good number of our priests are wounded. Some very warranted, some are even broken, but <inaudible> no one can give what he does not have. If a priest is wounded himself. And in fact, to the very degree that he's wounded, he's not able to give his flock what they really need. He's not able to give them the full truth and especially not the charity they're in so desperate Nieto. He just not able to, since no one can give what he does not have, the result is that the wounded or broken priest ends up wounding. A lot of very people he's been sent out to care for it. She'll be like people like priest. They're turning to their priest, looking for love the lucky for charity, but he's not able to give them what they need. A lot of the souls that you're preparing to take care are going to be broken and needy wound. Speaker 0 00:08:27 It's only going to get worse, assuming that y'all want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. You need to start preparing yourselves today. So I'm going to give you two very practical things that you each need to start doing. First, you need to start praying for the wooded broken shape that our Lord's going to entrust to you. You need to start praying today. You need to start praying for them. Now that's first and second, if you're not healed, if you're not at least well on the path to healing and wholeness yourself, you need to start working on that today. And so for the rest of the sermon, we're going to deal with practical aspects of healing. And although these men, the seminarians have a particular responsibility to work on the healing themselves. So, and also to be able to teach and help others. Speaker 0 00:09:24 What we're going to talk about from here on are pertains to everyone here, Wellens and healing, the first thing, and all here is because of time constraints. We're only going to touch on some of the most important things. There's a lot more that could be and should be said, but we're going to give everyone enough here to get a good start on the process. We all have this great desire to be healed, to be free of all that. Any bondage at ways is down and because of human condition leaves a sad, empty, angry, dissatisfied, frustrated, hurt with people or places, even God. And in spite of this innate desire to be healed and freed, most priests don't even know how to help people get free from this kind of bondage. Most priests don't know how to let people get hurt, teach people how to heal, to get rid of their past wounds. Their hurts their grudges and be healed. Speaker 2 00:10:20 Whoa, Speaker 0 00:10:21 There are two basic kinds of wounds, physical and spiritual. When it cut yourself with a knife that makes a physical wound, the severity of the wound depends on how deep you cut yourself. And in fact, where you cut yourself over time, as the wound heals, the pain decreases until typically all that's left is a scar. A spiritual wound is analogous to a physical wound, a spiritual wound as a result of a trauma or an event in someone's life that left an impression. Sometimes it can be remember, and sometimes not. And the seriousness of the wound, the depth of the wounds, so to speak depends on the seriousness of the trauma. And then the traumas that cause such wounds can range from self inflicted wounds resulting from sin because each and every sin wounds us to ones that have been inflicted on us to no fault of our own like being violently assaulted, or even being conceived outside of marriage. Speaker 0 00:11:19 And yes, that does cause a wound. But unlike the typical progression of a physical wound from damage to healing, to scar, typically a spiritual wound remains present. People don't know how to deal with it because it's a source of pain. We typically build barriers around that spiritual wound so we can live with, to protect ourselves from the pain. So it doesn't get prodded. These barriers are typically expressed in certain forms of behavior, certain personality, quirks, and faults, which are there to protect from that pain. For example, we might see them express his anger, resentment, fear, hatred of certain people or certain situations, not being able to deal with large clouds of people and so forth. If and when a spiritual wound is healed, it's no longer source of pain. The barriers are gone and the situation is analogous to a physical scar. That's a very brief summary, just enough information to get you some idea of what a spiritual wound is for more details here, you can go to the website of father, Chad rip hugger. Speaker 0 00:12:24 He has four excellent spiritual conferences doing with wounds and healing. Father Chad rip rigor on his website has for excellent spiritual conferences do wounds and healing healing. We'll start by touching briefly on forgiveness. One of the most important things and the process of spiritual healing is forgiveness. We must be first willing to forgive others. Our Lord himself explicitly taught us to pray, forgive us, our trespasses. As we forgive those who trespass against us, this forgiveness has to come from the heart, not from the emotions. It must come from our will. We don't have to forget what happened, but we do have to forgive and let that pain go. Sometimes the hurt is too big or too deep, but we don't actually know what's causing it so we can't forgive or let go of it ourselves. That's why it's so important. When one sets out on a healing journey to ask our lady, our Lord, to come in those areas, to heal us, to help us forgive and let go of the pain, to give it to them with an open heart, to will it with all of our being the will is essential, truly well desire. Speaker 0 00:13:36 It we'll talk more about this in a few minutes. At times we've been hurt so deeply that we're unable to forgive, but if we beg our Lord to forgive for us, then our Lord will give the grace is over time. Those braces will enable us over time to finally forgive. I've told this story elsewhere. I'll just sum it up right now. A young man been subjected at torture, physical torture, emotional torture, other kinds of torture, unspeakable things since infancy at the hands of his father and mother, since you'd grown up in a family of Satanists. Speaker 0 00:14:14 And yet in spite of these unspeakable wounds within about a year of ratio out in prayer to the Lord, that young man was able to totally forgive his parents. And that's a miracle. How did he do that? He asked her Lord over and over again, to come into those wounds, to heal him, to forgive his parents for him since he was too weak to do it himself and to help him to forgive them and let go all that pain. And after about a year, he loved his parents. He didn't like him. Why would you like him? Love and like art, the same thing. Everybody loves their teenagers. A lot of time. They don't like him. Love is in the world, Speaker 3 00:14:55 It's in the world. Okay. Speaker 0 00:14:57 Now we'll talk about how to do this. A little more detail in a few minutes. As we forgive others and ask others to forgive us any RA, it's important, we try to repair any wrong. We've done. If it's possible, we should make restitution for that wrong. Not just because it's a lawful thing to do. But more importantly, when we write a wrong, we're more easily, easily able to forgive ourselves and not have so much guilt to heal from the effort to restore the wrong shows that we're truly sorry. And we want to be forgiven. It shows an act of our will humbling ourselves and asking forgiveness shows the same thing. If we ask with a contract heart that truly wants forgiveness, and we're not just going through some charade, it's really, really important to recognize it with wounds of all sorts, especially the deep wounds. Speaker 0 00:15:46 There's a need to forgive oneself, even if we did no wrong in closing the wound that may sound surprising. It's essential daughter, Stan, with ones of all sorts, especially the deep wounds. There's a need to forgive oneself, even if we did no wrong and in the room, it's not true that we're guilty, but there's a spirit of forgiveness needed where we can forgive ourselves and love ourselves in that hurt realizing we can be loved. And that wound, for example, if we were assaulted violently as a child who had a built barriers, the personality quirks around that wound. So we could continue on with life and deal with the pain and trauma. As we start healing and forgiving, the attacker will all also have a need to forgive ourselves. Now, why would that be? How can that be? As it turns out in these situations, there's going to be a certain amount of guilt and shame associated with a wound. Speaker 0 00:16:40 And in our brokenness, we actually blame ourselves for it. We hold on to such world. We hold onto the pain as if we deserve it in some sense, because our pain and saw our wounds. And at some level we think no one else can really understand a few of the pain like I do. So it's mine. It'll always be mine and I have to deal with it all by myself. I have to do it alone. It's my pain. And I have to bear it. The point is we need to be able to forgive ourselves, forgive everyone involved in this situation and let the wound be healed. It's also common. If we suffered a great trauma, we get died here that were dirty or have no value. And we may very well end up viewing ourselves like some animal and object. The results here are predictably catastrophic. Speaker 0 00:17:24 And I don't need to illustrate that to take another common example. Suppose someone were real party animal in his youth. And later in life, he repents of his rowdy behavior. It actually may be quite difficult to be healed of this. Now, why would that be? Because one of the typical result of rowdy behavior, being a party animal as a kind of a perverse pride in that sinful way of life, the sort of perverse pride that he can carry on and drink with the best of them, all that sort of thing. And this perverse pride is associated with the wound. He may not want to let go of the prideful attitude, even though his sins hurt our Lord and our lady. And if he doesn't specifically want to let go of that pride, if he doesn't will it, he won't heal. He actually can't heal there. This may not be a fully conscious decision on his part. He must first have an awareness of what he's doing. Typically it won't compromise itself. A confessor, a priest, a director, a good spiritual friend can point that out to him and help him see it. He should pray inviting the Holy spirit to come in his heart life, prayer, paralleling these lines come Holy spirit. Help me to see myself. As you see, Speaker 2 00:18:36 And to love myself as you love me, Speaker 0 00:18:41 Then he must beg for the graces to completely reject the sort of prideful attitude to be able to let go of it. And the perverse personality traits, he produced a response to those perverse traits that causes person take pride in his disgraceful behavior and sin. He needs to completely reject this because it hurts his relationship with God. It's actually a barrier between him and God. Another common situation involves sins that someone fully chose to do. But then after the fact, he's very ashamed of this is actually very common with certain types of sins. For example, being involved in an abortion, looking at porn, she on a spouse, our country actually has millions and millions of women in this condition. They even have a term for it. It's called the postop poster. Bortle because of the shame she buries this sin ever so deep within herself. Speaker 0 00:19:31 But nevertheless, she oftentimes has anger, depression, etc. Although she married very well if confessed it, she can't forgive herself. She believes God can forgive her because he's God, but she can't forgive herself. She's positive that others wouldn't forgive or accept, or if they were aware of what sort of thing she had done her past. So she buries that wound deep inside herself, hoping it will never come out again. But the simple and painful fact is that healing is impossible with a buried wound like that. She must invite our Lord and our lady in these areas, begging them to heal the sores, begging him to help her forgive herself and ask him to take this wound, take all this pain away. She can even try pitch yourself in prayer, having the whole situation pain and all to our lady or to our Lord. We'll say more on that Speaker 2 00:20:23 In a few minutes. Speaker 0 00:20:25 It's another type of situation, which is actually pretty common for the severely wounded person to have a perverse sort of pride associated with such event. He's thinking in so many words, I have heard Jesus so very much that I can't burden him anymore. With all this awful wound and pain I've created. It's my, I did it. I caused it and I deserve to have to carry it myself. What's happened in a situation like that as the poor, when a person has, unsuspectingly become too proud to let our Lord take the pain away in effect, she's saying, it's my mess. I'm just going to have to take care of it myself. I pay my debts. So I can't really ask a lawyer to pay this for me after all he's done for me. So all deal with it. And then after I get everything under control, then I can go to Jesus freely without burden him with another debt. This is an extremely dangerous form of pride to be Frere. Many times the thought process hasn't been worked up that clearly, but at any event, that's what practically what's happening. She needs to understand. She needs to clearly see that if she were debt free, she'd have no need for a savior. Speaker 0 00:21:35 We all have debts. We can't pay. We're all in need of a savior. We all have debts. We can't pay in our Lord knows full well that we can never pay him. Besides what on earth does he need from us? Nothing he's got, he's already got it. All. The Maisy reality is that in spite of the fact that God needs absolutely nothing from us in spite of the fact that he's perfectly content and happy in himself. Nevertheless, the second person, the most blessed Trinity, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ still chose to come down and take our burdens upon him. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:22:09 One of the most important aspects of forgiveness is not to not to forget. We must also be able to be, to be careful, to be sure that we've forgiven God from the bottom of our hearts. Now that sounds crazy. Why would that be? It is certainly not because God has anything he needs to be forgiven for. That would be blessed. But oftentimes when we've been seriously hurt, as in the case of a child has been violently assaulted, we can blame God. Why, if you love me, did you let this happen? Your gut, you could have stopped. Why didn't he protect me? I was too little to crack myself and so on. And son, this is very common. And these kinds of traumas, very calm in these sorts of situations. We put a certain amount of blame on God and in our hearts were wounded and disappointed and hurt because God was not our hero in this case. Speaker 0 00:23:03 And he let us get her. He let us down. So to speak. This is what we're thinking now. That's certainly not the case. In fact, God was there in each one of those events who was suffering with us, who was paying the price for the sin. And he was hurting for us much deeper than, than we'll ever know. It's analogous to the situation of a mother. Watch your child take a serious fall and get hurt. The mother feels the pain and suffering of her child, certainly in a different way than the child will quite, probably even more than a child feels that it breaks the mother's heart. She didn't prevent it and that she can't fix it. It's just an analogy we have free will. It's an amazing gift. God doesn't want to take that away from us, but he can fix our hurt. If we run to them. Speaker 0 00:23:43 If we give it to him fully not holding anything back, he can and we'll fix it. He's God. He came to save sinners, not to take sin away. The key is to let him, we have to let him, we need to forgive God so that we can trust him and love him. We need to be able to see the God didn't leave us. That he's the only one who knows that hurt. As we do that. He understands what we went through, our pain, our guilt or sorrow. He loves us anyway. And he loves us in that wound. As a mother loves most tenderly when a child is hurt. So does our Lord love us most tenderly when we're hurt, when we're able to forgive, we're able to let go of a huge weight. That's held us prisoner. We're held in bondage. If we have a lack of forgiveness, but when we truly are able to start praying, inviting heaven into those wounds, the barrier slowly broken down, we're able to start forgiving and let go of the pain. Speaker 0 00:24:36 We're starting to be set free. The last aspect of forgiveness we'll touch on this morning as the need to let others forgive us and to let God forgive us. Sometimes we want accept forgiveness. For whatever reason we hold other people's faults over their heads. And we don't let them forget how much they've wronged us. Such a grudge black tree prevent us from healing. Well, we don't let others forgive us. When we reject forgiveness, we're rejecting God in our lives. It's even worse. We won't approach the confessional and let God heal us and forgive us. We think the sin is too big or even worse. We don't want God's forgiveness. There's literally nothing that can be done here until we accept forgiveness. Now there's a lot more that can be said about forgiveness, but that gives each of us a pretty decent overview of the various challenges that are common in this field. Speaker 0 00:25:28 There's one more important topic we have to briefly touch on. Before we talk about one fruitful approach we can take when we're praying for healing, that topic is how to recognize the areas in our life that are wounded. We'll just touch on this briefly. Again. I want to recommend the conferences on far Chad <inaudible> website. He has us four conferences do wounds and healing. The question, what are my wounds is a spiritual question. Someone's are going to be obvious if we were violently assaulted in childhood, if we had an abortion, et cetera, et cetera, but many balloons are not ovens. We need to turn to the Holy spirit and our lady and pray in Bay over and over in words to this effect, come Holy spirit. Help me see myself as Speaker 3 00:26:17 See and love myself as you love me. Bless it. Mother helped me see myself as you see me and love myself as you love me. Speaker 0 00:26:33 So Holy spirit helped me see myself as you see me, Speaker 3 00:26:36 Myself, as you love me. Plus, the mother helped me see myself. As you see me, love myself. As you learn and over time, the less Speaker 0 00:26:44 Apparent problems will become apparent. This is really important too. There's so many different ways we wanted in many different kinds of ones can come from our families and they can be passed on almost like an inheritance in the family. For example, family pride, it's good to have a healthy pride or loved ones, family, but it's sort of arrogance could be ingrained in each member or a spirit of harshness and so on. And so on. Salts can easily be wounded by loss of a parent by being raised a broken home or in a home without love home, full of violence, words and deeds who have been abused physically. Remotion this toxic culture that we're living in hates imperfections. And this is a great danger. The, Hey, you know, we've got to kill on one of babies, want plastic surgery for all it, get all these beauty products, perfect bodies, assisted suicide, cause things hurt, mercy, killing all these things. Speaker 0 00:27:34 So people in our society constantly building a building a lie about who they are so they can fit into society. There's just most people farther and farther away from love because without truth, you have no love. The truth is going to set us free. How often do we see parents who are trying to raise the perfect child, not the virtuous child, but the child that will be successful in society. What that winds up doing is hurting that child even more because they feel they can't be loved for themselves, but they have to create a personality in order to sort of this false personality type in order to be loved. So with all this going on, it's very difficult for that child to become the vessels of charity that God intended to be. Now, wounds can arise even in utero in the womb. If the mother rejected the pregnancy or seriously considered a boarding the child, or even if she experienced a serious sickness or traumatic sorrow, as amazing as this might sound, that baby can experience rejection and they need healing from that. So one of the reasons you have to play it to the Holy ghost or lady, you're not going to remember this. It's not humanly POS. Speaker 0 00:28:46 Both these cases inherited wound and the wound in uteral the family, the child needs to forgive their family from the, from the heart and anybody involved. They had to forgive them from their heart. They have to will it again. There's a lot more that can be said. That's sufficient here to get everybody to start on the right path. Now let's talk about praying for healing. The healing of a wounded soul comes about by conformity and contact with Christ, by reaching on prayer to our lady and bringing her, begging her to bring her son into the situation. We'll just run through quickly, a very easy and fruitful method of doing that. We've got a Holy cards for everyone that had this information that I'm going to give you. So even though it's real easy to remember, you don't have to try and memorize this right now. Speaker 0 00:29:32 Just listen, please. Right now it's only an outline. You can adapt all this stuff as needed. This is an outline, but it gets everybody started. So they see kind of things that are fruitful. Here's how it goes. We identify a wound. Let's say we were violently abused in childhood. The first thing to do is make an act of the will, that we really want this to be healed there. We're willing to suffer whatever it takes to be free of this wound. If you don't will it, you can't do it. And it's going to hurt. Our religion is a crucifix is a symbol. If it hurt our lore, we're going to hurt, but we shouldn't be as scared of the cross because this is a healing crows. It will hurt to be healed. It's like reset and broken bones that have broken bones in your heart and they're getting reset. Speaker 0 00:30:20 So we got a will it, but we also have to be prepared that it probably is going to hurt. That's not a bad sign because the hurt went in. And when it hurts again, that's the hurt going out. Anyway, the first thing to do is make an act of the will. We want to be healed. We're willing to suffer, whatever it takes to be free of the wound. Let's assume we've already forgiven everybody involved. It's the same basic process in any case. So we start by turning to our lady. We start praying blessing. Mother of God, I completely open this wound of violent abuse to you. Speaker 0 00:30:52 Then we ask our lady, I begged me to wash, cleanse and purify this wound with I tears with the precious blood of my son. Then we ask her, I begged me to bring my son into this wound to heal it. And then we asked her, I begged her to fill this spot with charity and together with dice son to stay and rule. Okay, go right back to what you're lady probably blessing mother, God, I can pull you open this moon, a violent abuse to you, a bag to cleanse, wash, and purify this wound with Dyke. Here's the precious blood of thy son. I begged bring my son in this wound and to heal it. I beg you to fill this spot with charity and together with my son to stay in rule one more time, but we've got it here. Bless it, mother. I've got a completely open. Speaker 0 00:31:41 This wound, violent abuse to me. I begged the cleanse, washed and purify this wound with that cures, the precious blood of thy son. I begged you to bring my son into this phone and heal it. I beg you to fill this spot with charity and together with Dyson to stay in room. I want to be careful not to generalize too much here, but simply to stay then the experience of those wounded souls I've worked with over the years that are faithful to these kinds of prayers. At a certain point of time, there's suddenly a majored for that person. A miraculous inner healing they're lifted by divine grace, as it were to a whole new plateau. They're given a deep inner peace and a major healing for the most part. It's important to know that the experience with the souls I've worked with it is not a complete healing. Speaker 0 00:32:32 It's huge, but it's not a complete healing. The Sauls I'm familiar with are given a deep healing, a deep peace, but there's still areas left to work on areas to which they still need. Invite our lady to bring in our Lord's grace and light. I believe that the reason the healing progresses in this fashion is it for two basic reasons. In that experience of God's love where they're lifted up. Most of the way, it really lifts the birds and struggles. And suddenly they have an experiential knowledge of the love of God and how close he is to them in their suffering. And then he was there from the beginning. So they know they're loved in that area, but secondly, it's not complete. And I believe that in order to encourage them to continue on this path. So it deepens and strengthens their relationship with our lady in our lore. Speaker 4 00:33:25 Another important point here, Speaker 0 00:33:27 It's important to realize that if someone was to ask for these kinds of healings, this case of some kind of rhythmic trauma, he doesn't have to see it here and try to recall the circumstances to mine. It's not necessary. And it could very well do more harm than good. He simply needs to pray in the fascia. We said, asked her lady to bring the Lord into this wound is in pain and heal him and make it free. Not try to do some psychological exercise while he tries to pitch himself back in, it ends up in the fetal position, you know, from the pain rather than being healed. One more point when someone is trying to heal from wounds and seriously praying, asking our lady to bring our Lord in a chair and heal them. Oftentimes previously our non ones will be revealed to the person. Speaker 0 00:34:10 They'll come to a deeper knowledge because they're getting closer and closer to our Lord in this thing. And he starts giving new life final point here. If anyone has these kinds of wounds and wants to discuss them with the priests, it's a satchel that at least initially it takes place in confession under the seal, keep it under the seal. So not only is it totally private and the security is preserved, but also send in sacramental effects. The most precious blood can pour over things. Don't bring it outside of the confessional, keep it under the seal. It say it's anonymous over time. If there's a need, the wounded soul might discuss the situation and external form. But if, and only if the price they want to discuss it with is very balanced and totally trustworthy, never, ever start. Just start by discussing these things with a priest outside of the confessional, okay? Speaker 0 00:35:01 Because you don't want to wound yourself more in the desire to be healed, which can happen. You gotta be careful. As you know, when you're far along in the healing process, you talk more about it. But in the beginning of these things, it's easy to warn yourself in by doing things like that. So that's why that's a precaution. It's especially important to pray like this after receiving Holy communion, our Lord doesn't need anything. He's God, if he's coming to us in Holy communion, it's because he wants to give us something. What are we asking for? The church actually makes the priest say a prayer for healing. And every time says mass. There's just a number of them sprinkled through the mass actually just before he gives himself community. If you follow hat mass in your hand, miss it, you'll notice the third prayer before community called the per chip seal contains the line in English through that goodness, may it by body of Lord, Jesus Christ. Through that goodness, may it be onto me, a safe guard and a healing remedy, both of, Speaker 2 00:35:59 And body, Speaker 0 00:36:01 The body of the Lord, Jesus Christ Academy, a healing remedy, both of soul and body. And everyone here knows the domain. Nonsuit weakness. How does that end? Speaker 2 00:36:08 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:36:10 An operator on him, a male Lord. I'm not worried thou should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. We want to ask for that one. Speaker 2 00:36:22 Let's close. Speaker 0 00:36:24 I'll address the seminarians. Once more, you all are preparing to work with wounded and broken sheep and lore. The chances are they each have on you is at least somewhat wanted himself. A good number of our priests are certainly wounded. A good number, some very wounded, some even broken, no one can give what he doesn't have. If the price is wanted himself into the very degree that he's wanted, he's not able to give his flock what they really need. He's not able to give them the full truth and especially the charity they so desperately need and are looking for from the priest. He's not able because no one can give what he doesn't have. The painful truth is that the wounded or broken praise ends up warning. A lot of the very people he's been set out to care for it shall be liked. People like priest. They're turned to their priest, looking for love. They're lucky for charity, but he's not able to give them what they need. They're asking for eggs and he's hand them scorpion. Speaker 2 00:37:36 That's real Speaker 0 00:37:39 Out of the souls you're preparing to care for will be very broken and needy, very wounded. And because of the prevailing social conditions, it's just going to get worse and it's going to get a lot worse. You need to start preparing yourself today. By those two things, you just start praying for the wound broken sheep, that our Lord is going to place in your life. These are going to trust you. You need to start praying from the day now that's first and second, if you are not least well on the way to, on the path to healing wholeness yourself, then you need to start working on that today too. And it came to pass as they went, they were made clean the name of the father and the son. Amen.

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