St. Peter Damian

February 23, 2018 00:06:31
St. Peter Damian
Veritas Caritas
St. Peter Damian

Feb 23 2018 | 00:06:31


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Maria Prisma. I'm the name of the father son, the Holy spirit. Amen. The prayer of the people, uh, when we all bond on our heads at the end of the mask date is pure us. So God have mercy and show to our minds. The light of light gray. Yes. The feast of Saint Peter Damien Bishop and dr. The church lived in 11th century born sometime, uh, either right around the year, 1000 died in 10 72. He was born in Ravenna to noble family and TIS his mother was horrible to him. One nurse, him and all that till the wife of a priest made fun of him, the concubine, but priests made fun of him. And then she picked him up and start nursing him, his older brother and his concubine. This is a time of great chaos. We'll get to that in a minute later, took him in and treated him like a slave. Speaker 0 00:00:53 Just absolutely like a slave. So he just herded their hogs for him. And then one of his brothers named Damien took pity on him, took him in and he actually st. Peter took the name. That's where he's called st. Peter Damien st. Peter of Damien. He took the name like a surname, his brother, his brother's name and Tia. He ended up his parent is, uh, went to school and he was a great, uh, brilliant genius and goes on, becomes or Danny gets in a congregation. It's now been fused since the 16th century with the Kumal lease. A lot of times you'll read it as a commodities hermit. He's not actually, he was in a different congregation that, that joined with them later on. But what he's particularly famous for is acting and reform because the fitness situation was so grim. You had the century before him, you had John the 12th, you can see it's good that you can find hardly anything on him. Speaker 0 00:01:49 But Paul John, the 12th, it was so bad. They talk about the ladder and all us being a brothel under his brain. And he's about 18. When he's a pulp, the priests are, are shacked up. You have all this seminary. So people are buying and selling offices. So you get to be a Bishop for so much money and a priest can sell forth. So all this chaos, and he's a reformer against that. And he wrote a bunch of, of, of letters and a book called the book of Gomorrah. It's just, the title tells you what the book is about and it's okay. It's devastating. He's writes to the pulps. He doesn't mince words, but I'll just read something from a Pope. He wrote to Nicholas, the Pope, Nicholas, the second, he writes him in 10 59, and he's a, he's writing about the bishops. And then he's right here. Speaker 0 00:02:36 And he borns, he warns the Pope of what's going to happen to him if he isn't careful himself, if he doesn't do his duty. And so this is a, um, a mock writing to the Pope. So I'm gonna read this quote from him. He's writing to the Pope about doing his duty. Clearly, just as those who punished faults are worthy of blessing. So those who coddle centers are subject to occur. That's the prophet says curse would be heat. The withhold at his sword from blood. Indeed. He holds his sword from blood. Is Hugh a stranger himself from imposing the punishment of a proper sentence against evil doers. Those who fail to correct themselves guilty of the ARR. Yes. Therefore Eli only because of two sons whom he did not correct for the proper punishment parish together with them with such great multitude of men. Of course, he's talking about the high priest and old Testament. Therefore, if therefore, Eli only if, because of two sons whom he did not correct the proper punishment parish together with them and with such a great multitude of men, of what sense do we think them worldly to be worthy to preside in the palaces of the church and in the seats of judgment, you are silent in the face of the known offenses of the praise, man. And if he could write a book called the book of Gomorrah, you can imagine how to pray. It was because guess what it was like now Speaker 1 00:03:58 On that note, Speaker 0 00:04:00 If we look at the statistics over the past 60 years, roughly these United States of America, if we look at the bishops on statistics that they released to John Jay, the John Pace study, we see that over 80% of them are committed by perverts of these crimes. And yet when the bishops talk about it, they can't even get the word for that sin out of their mouth. It says, if it's some random thing, like a meteorite struck from outer space, nobody can understand how this happened. They can't name the sin. They won't talk about it. When you go to a diocese, you have to go through all these different sorta things and trainings and information and so forth. I had to watch videos and this program called Bertuse where they have a hedges they're showing your head is in front of the wreck and you better cut them back. Speaker 0 00:04:58 Cause somebody might be lurking behind them. Oh yeah, that was that's the crisis of the church. It's people hiding behind the hedges outside rectory. This is the kind of thing we're talking about here. We have one to 3% of the P priests in the past 60 years, which is one to 3% way too high that had been guilty of these horrible crime. We have 70% of the bishops. They've been guilty of concealing and I move them around. This is exactly what st. Peter of Damien is speaking about here. You know, I used to be a public school teacher. These things are not a great mystery. And if you had one of these people, Paula stump with the first graders, the principal didn't go, Oh, and move them to the third grade. And only when something happened, the third they got, Oh my gosh, and move them to the second and keep moving around. They went right, the cops and the prison, because principals are not bishops. This is one of the reasons we have to pray so hard for a bishops. Cause it's a visible sign of this situation. And we have to pray for them because what's going to happen to them. St. Peter Damon just told us about that. We have to pray and sacrifice for our Bishop, that they actually find some spiritual man and start acting like bishops and less like politician.

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