Holy Matrimony

May 16, 2004 00:17:53
Holy Matrimony
Veritas Caritas
Holy Matrimony

May 16 2004 | 00:17:53


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:04 because of the current confusion. We've been taking some time getting the contacts for the sixth commandment. We started by considering the amazing fact that God could have continued making man just like you made the first one from scraps, little bit of slime and breathing in life. He could have done that, but he didn't. Instead God decided to share some of his creative power and say blessed man and woman and made them the joint guardians of this incredible holy power. The power of cooperating with him and bringing forth new mortal beings. Dailies not precisely because there's power bringing forth new mortal beings, little babies, precisely because it's so incredible. It's so important. It's so holy. God gave man another power, a special virtue meant to protect and defend that creative power and that protective power is called holy purity. It gives man the ability to remain chaste and thought word and deed and then in order to protect holy purity, God gave man another power called modesty, which is a moral virtue. Speaker 1 01:20 That guards period like giving man the ability to practice, do measure in his actions and in his dress. We can get a faint glimpse of how important the great creative power is in the eyes of God. We think about that, that he gives man creative power than he surrounds it with the virtue of holy purity, and then he surrounds that with holy modesty. Now, not only did he do that, but then he wrapped all that up inside the boundaries of the very blessed and holy state and life, a state of life. So blessed that in the case of the baptized man and woman, he's raised it to the level of a Sackman and that's holy marriage. Holy matrimony. Okay? Today, let's take a quick look at that state, the state of marriage. But before we do that, let's keep affirm principle or first principle firmly in mind. Speaker 1 02:14 Marriage is a creature. God created it. He created it, and he makes the rules and because it's a creature made by God, it's essential. Nature can't be changed as the great pope. I said 11 stated in his encyclical on Christian marriage quote, let it be repeated as an immutable and viable fundamental doctrine that marriage was not instituted by man, but by God the laws made to strengthen and confirm and elevated. We're not made by man, but by God. Therefore, these laws cannot be subject to any human or to any contrary agreement even of this is themselves because this is the doctrine of holy scripture. This is a constant tradition of the universal church. This is the SOM definition of the sacred council of Trent. Close Quote, Oh Pius. The 11th marriage in the laws of marriage cannot be savaged any human decrease or any contrary agreement even of the spouses themselves. Speaker 1 03:28 Unfortunately, this may be a newsflash for some of the legal geniuses out east. The obvious question is then what is marriage? For the sake of time, we'll follow Strank sheet quite closely here. Marriage is a contract that results in a relationship. It's a contract that results in a relationship. A man and a woman are freedom, marry or not marry, but if they make the agreement to marry, thank God attaches certain consequences to their act, to this particular free choice of a man in a woman. God has attached the consequence that a real relationship comes into being. They've stated their will to the man and wife. God takes them at their word and makes them so the man and the woman makes the agreement to marry God makes the marriage. They're husband and wife by their own consent, but by his act. All right. They're not related to each other, closer than a brother to a sister or a father to his son in a relationship made directly by the Almighty God. Speaker 1 04:43 As our Lord stated, they are no longer two but one flesh. God alone can bring a marriage into being. God alone lays down the conditions by which it can cease to me. Once the relationship exists, the party can't alter the conditions nor can the state, nor can the church. Now. It's also important to realize that once the relationship has come into being, the contract has done its work, it produced the relationship in marriage. The parties are now governed in a common life, not by the contract which they made by the relationship, which God made in ratification of their contract so much for thanks Xi. So we've seen it. The marriage as a contract there results in the relationship. If a man in a woman freely make this contract, thank God, makes the relationship, they can send it to be a man and wife and God made him so. Speaker 1 05:43 Okay. Now given all that, let's spend some time then looking at both the marriage contract and the relationship that results from that contract. Now we'll limit ourselves to speaking about marriage at the natural level. In other words, what we're saying are true for all marriages, whether or not they're baptized has nothing to do with what we're going to speak right here. That has to do with grace, but not about these principles. Okay? First watched the marriage contract, the contract which a man and woman May, the contract which they both consent to in order to enter into the relationship of marriage is very clear. Here's the traditional description of the marriage contract, a man and a woman given except exclusive and perpetual rights for acts, which of themselves are suitable for the generation of children, a man and a woman given except and exclusive and perpetual, right for acts which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children. Speaker 1 06:46 That's the marriage contract. If it's properly made, validly made the contract results in the relationship known as marriage. Let's take a moment to consider this contract. Both the man and the woman agree to the contract. That's why weddings work the way they do. You have two witnesses on the contract. We usually call them the best man and the maid of honor. The priest in the case of the Catholic wedding is there on behalf of the church and we respect to this aspect. He's making darn sure the contract is properly entered into. Okay, so what happens in flowery poetic terms? Yes, the groom. If he freely agrees to this contract answer, I do. Then since both parties are in on this deal, it's a contract. He turns and again and flowery poetic terms, ask the bride. She freely agrees to this contract. Answer I do, and what are they agreeing to? Speaker 1 07:45 Marital rights. Marital rights, which means they give an except rights to acts, which are themselves suitable for the generation of children. In other words, they have just been given not only God's permission, but his actual blessing to use that great creative power. They may use that power on the condition that the act are of itselves suitable for the generation of children on the condition that the rights are exclusive. That means that the partner use those rights exclusively to the other partner that shows the unity of this relationship and on the condition that he's partner yields his rights perpetually. That shows the indissolubility of that relationship. Okay, quick review. We asked what's a marriage contract? We saw that at a man and a woman given except and exclusive that you write for acts, whichever themselves are suitable for the generation of children. That's the marriage contract. Speaker 1 08:42 We've seen that if it's properly or validly made this contract between a man and a woman, he results in relationship, which is made by God and that relationship we call marriage. It's carton. To know that it's a couple of did not make a valid contract. Then the relationship did not come into being. In other words, they weren't actually married. Well, our so called legal system, I called a marriage. The calling something in marriage doesn't make it a marriage in the eyes of God. Marriage is what it is, and if a couple of contracts for some other sort of relationship say, well, let's just try this for three to five years and we'll see how it turns out, or we're not open to the acts, which of themselves are suitable for the generation of children? They might call that in a marriage, but it isn't a marriage is what it is. Speaker 1 09:32 God created a, these days folks call a lot of crazy things, marriage that aren't. Now we see what the marriage contract is. We need to consider what's the purpose of the relationship that results. In other words, what's the purpose of marriage? God created marriage is a lifelong union of a man and a woman for two purposes, a primary purpose and a secondary purpose. The primary purpose of marriage is procreation. Education of those literally mortal beings we call children. Oh, creation. Education of children is the primary purpose of marriage. That's God given secondary purpose of marriage consists in two things, mutual help and a remedy. Let's take a quick look at each of those first neutral help and comfort. God intends that a man and a wife help each other, not simply in household chores but by mutual love and care for each other and cooperation and training the children. Speaker 1 10:37 Second, the remedy since the fall marriage is also been a remedy for <inaudible>. This means that one of the purposes of marriage is legitimate quieting of the passions that has to be understood correctly. It actually applies to much more than simply calming down the passions. Why? Because the legitimate client, the passions within the boundaries of marriage is not simply concerned with the passions. It's also meant to both express the love between and the Union of intensify. The Union of the two personalities of the man and the wife. Okay, so God created marriage with two specific purposes. The primary purpose, which is procreation, education of children, secondary purpose, which is the mutual help and comfort as a us and remedy freaking Coupa. Since these two purposes, primary and secondary are both legitimate acts between spouses are good to the degree that they conform to these two purposes of marriage. The general principle here is everything in conformity with these two purposes. Speaker 1 11:43 The primary and the secondary purpose of marriage is good and permissible. Anything oppose to them is evil and forbid anything conformity with the primary and secondary is good and for Mescal, anything opposed is evil and forbid. Okay? Now, after considering the marriage contract and the primary secondary purpose of marriage, it's easy to understand the concept of the marital duty or the marital debt. As we seen by entering into a marriage, each spouse cause received rights rights. That means that the other spouse has a corresponding duty to honor those rights. That's one of the consequences of saying I do it. There's a serious dude owed and strict justice to the spouse. It's US important to keep in mind what we seen. This right is not a right simply to the quality of passions, but also the right to an expression of love and the unity of the between the two persons. Speaker 1 12:45 If it's not that the debt is not being properly paid. Furthermore, to refuse to pay the debt without very serious reasons, to list those in a moment, to refuse to pay the debt without very serious reasons is a mortal sin against justice since it's a violation of the rights of the other partner and it's also mortal sin against charity because frustrating one's closest neighbor can place that spouse and potentially serious danger of a fall refusal without serious reasons is a mortal sin against justice and Molson against chair. It's not in conformity with either primary or the secondary purposes of marriage. Okay? The marital duty may be refused to the following serious reasons when one party requesting has committed adultery and it's not yet been forgiven by the other one, requesting is not in the right mind. For example, drunk when there's real danger of causing miscarriage, there's grave danger of itching the other, for example, with a deadly disease for up to six weeks after birth. Speaker 1 13:55 Other questions that should be referred to the confessional, but I should make a note not just any confessional in delicate matters such as these, please make absolutely sure you consult a knowledgeable confessor. It's not a secret. There's a massive amount of confusion. Air needs sort of manners. During another rough time in church history, Saint Charles Borromeo and the catechism of the cops, the trend published by the order of Saint Pi's, 10th one the faithful about the choice of the confessor quo. She is the great care that each one should take and select e as a confessor, a priest who was recommended by integrity of life, by learning and prudence who's deeply impressed with the awful weight and responsibility of the station he holds, who understands well with punishment. Due to every sin and who can discern who to be loosed and who are the rebound call is called catechism, the concept track. Speaker 1 14:56 Be careful when you're taking delicate advice. That's your view. Today we've taken a brief look at marriage. We've seen it. Marriage is created by God and he makes the rules, which means the Noah. That's no one as in not the Coppell, not the state, not the church, not even the pope, and certainly not some tinhorn. Judge from Laudis can change the rules. No one who's seen that marriage as a contract. The results in a relationship. If a man and woman freely make his contract and God makes the relationship, they can send it to be man and wife. He took them at their word and made them so. We've seen it. The marriage contract and after the man and woman given except an exclusive and perpetual right for acts which are often self suitable for the generation of children. We've seen that if this contract is properly made, that is to say it validly made between a man and woman relationship known as marriage comes into being by an act of God. Speaker 1 16:01 We've seen a god created marriage with two specific purposes. The primary purpose is a procreation and education children secondary purchase purpose, neutral health and comfort of this <inaudible> and legitimate quieting of the passions. Who seen these two purposes? I'm in secondary of both. The Kitimat, which means acts between are good to the degree they conform to those two purposes. We've seen the general principle is everything in conformity with these two purposes. The primary and secondary purposes is good and permissible. Anything opposed is evil and forbidden. We've seen that each of us has rights, which means that a spouse as a corresponding duty, we've seen as a serious duty or injustice to us for a few that refuse the doubt without some very serious reasons is in mortal sin against justice and it's a modal stand against charity. We've seen that it may be refused for very serious reasons such as a tall tree or if someone's drunk. Speaker 1 17:02 We've seen that. Other questions should be referred to the confessional. It's no secret there's a crisis in marriage these days. Let's stand by everyone kneeling down and we'll play hell. Mary asking our lady to protect, strengthen, and Saastr peer and holy marriages here in our community and our beloved, but confused country and throughout the world. Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed Art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Saint Joseph, pray for us and the father and his son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

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