Jesus’s Words Have Power

January 01, 2003 00:15:33
Jesus’s Words Have Power
Veritas Caritas
Jesus’s Words Have Power

Jan 01 2003 | 00:15:33


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Speaker 0 00:00 They bust in a fairly good size crowd, the usual assortment of Herbert Pagans, which is an assorted pro-abortion radical, and they were up to their usual behavior blowing there with hills rattling or noisemakers cursing, blasting, beating that drum casting spell calling in bomb threats. It was just your typical welcome committee from hell there to create the prolife first. Who in this case happened to be gathered for the Human Life International Convention in Toronto. Several pro-lifers decided to go out and film the festivities during the course of their little documentary. They came across a pro abortion activists kneeling down and putting a handle on a son. What are you doing? They asked him on just putting this signed together. He said they looked down and read the sign and then they said, well, here, there's something we'd like to give you and held a little place and his car, thanks. He said, and as he's reaching out for it, he read what was on the car and all of a sudden he recoil, made a funny groaning noise, kind of fell backwards, then got up and ran away and left his side laying there. On the ground. He gets up to sign laying there a sign that said Christ should've been aboard and the little car, what did the little business card have on it that's so horrified. This poor devil that he fell down and ran away. He had only one word, one word printed and little red letters. What was that one word? The one word. The only thing that was printed on the card wasn't holy name, Jesus, one word. And it had the power to strike that man with fear and confusion and drive him away. Speaker 0 02:10 Work half power. Some words have incredible power, not because of some magical significance in the ordering of the letters or because it's syllables sound a certain way. They have power because God who's all mighty has attached some of that on money. Power to certain words worked that power. Yesterday, many of us saw a man and a woman stand right here and say two words, teacher. Just two words. I do. And when they sent her to her, they entered into a contract and when they made that contract with each other, God made them related to each other. Who were I do and they established a relationship that will last until death and they're related to each other than a brother is related to his own sister. Words have power. In a few minutes I'll be with spraying five or over a piece of bread, just five words, o s m corpus man, but when I whisper those five words that he said, Brad will be come on man, and that man is God. Speaker 0 03:25 Words really have power and because words have power, we shouldn't be the size bit surprised at the holy name of Jesus. Our Lord and Savior has power because it does the holy name. The name of of all other names is one powerful word. This morning we'll take a few minutes just to work at a very few of the power law, powerful aspects of this one word. When we say the holy name of our Lord with confidence, we'll receive protection from the wickedness and snares or the devil where the devil would appear and try to attack Saint Francis or Rome. She'd say the holy name of Jesus and he'd flare flea and tear and rage. At that statement. We've already mentioned how padre pio when Potter D'Agostino or one of the saints would appeared to him. The first thing he would do is say, well, let's kneel down and say the holy name of Jesus, and then when it was the devil, he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Speaker 0 04:33 Father Gabler Moore, the chief extras to Rome, a priest who is performed over 40,000 exorcisms, speaks of the power of the holy name. Quote, Christ central city tells us we can be saved only in his name. It is only in his name that we can win and free ourselves from the enemy of our salvation, say at the end of the most difficult exorcisms. When I'm confronted with total demonic possession, I pray the Christological him of Saint Paul to the flip Ian, when I speak the words that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow of those that are in heaven honor and under there, I need everyone present neos. Then always the one possessed by the demons is compelled to. Neo is a moving and powerful moment. I always feel that all the legions of angels are surrounding us. Kneeling at the name of Jesus. Close quote, Father Gabriel, and more chief exercise to wrong. Speaker 0 05:48 So the holy name has a car to protect us from the wickedness, his snares, the devil. But that's not all. When we say the Hawaii name with confidence, we can fill our guardian angels with joy. We can thank her guardian angel for wonderful things he's done for us simply by saying the holy name in his honor, Saint Francis or Rome could constantly see her guardian angel whenever she said the holy name of Jesus. Her Angel would beam with happiness and bow down and adoration. St Gemma Garganni, the great mystic Pitt died a century ago, could also see her guardian angel. And oftentimes they engage in a holy contest to see who could see our Lord's name with the most love and reverence. So holy name has the power to fill guardian angels with joy, but that's not all. When we use cards and printed with the holy name, with confidence will receive help and protection. Speaker 0 06:42 We've already seen that. The mere sight of a card with the holy name printed on it caused a member of the mystical body of Satan to flee and confusion and fear, but the patron saint of mission confessors St Leonard a Port Morris used to recommend that everyone write the holy name of Jesus on the little card and pasted on their door. Keep it on that purse. Saint Gregory of tours tells the story of how he prayed when his father was sick and dying, and he received a dream and the dream is called angel appeared to him and said, write the name of cheese on a card and slip it onto your dad's pill. It's in the morning when he woke up, he ran and told his mom about this dream. She said, well, it can hurt. You might as well say, look down the name of our Lord and accepted under his dad's pillow and not surprisingly, his dad recover very rapidly so the car could print it with the holy name will give us help and protection, but that's not when we say the holy name with confidence will receive help for our physical and our spiritual needs. Speaker 0 07:48 Our Lord himself promised us if you asked the father anything in my name, he'll give it to you. That's why even in the official prayers, the church, you see me all the time balling towards the Tabernacle and saying predominant knows to me Asian Christian. I'm praying the official prayers, the church saying to our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what I'm praying there. Why? Because he told us if we ask any the father anything in his name, he will give it to you. He also told us in the gospel of Saint Mark in my name, they shall take up deadly servants serpents and if they can, she'll drink any deadly thing. It shall not hurt them. They shall lay their hands upon the sick and they shall be cured. We saw clear example is today in the incident at St Pew, years after he's healed, the crippled man by saying in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Horizon Wah and right away the crippled man is healed. Speaker 0 08:43 And then this guy in the high priest gather Saint Peter in and ask him by what power or by what name have you done? And then we heard in days of St Peter Responding Vietnam to you all and to all the people of Israel that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this man scan it here before you hold by what power or by what name are these healings done in the name of Jesus Christ by the power of the holy name. And there's a lot of miracles. Physical miracles are miracles, but they're not as high as <inaudible>. And there's lots of more, I'll come there, miracles done. And every Catholic church in the confessional things will never get to know about till we reach heaven, but they're done in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. People that are definitely going to hell are turned around and aimed back towards him. Speaker 0 09:39 So the holy name has a part of HEDA scholars, physical and spiritual needs. But that's not all. When we say the holy name with confidence, we can free soul from purgatory. Now we know that whenever we raise our minor heart to God during the ordinary, of course for our days, if we meet the conditions that has a partial indulgence attached to it, even if it's only a thought, a little mental prayer. So as long as we meet the conditions to gain an indulgence, every time we say he under our breath, three them mentally, the holy name of Jesus, we gained a partial indulgence, which we can offer up for the poor salt. And during the course of time we'll be freeing. So from purgatory, those will be saints in Heaven. There are no ingrates in heaven. You've got them out of purgatory. Believe me, they'll be up there in heaven praying for you to make sure that you join them up there. Speaker 0 10:36 So the holy name has a power to free salts from purgatory. But that's not a, when we say the holy name with confidence, we can make reparation, father blasphemers and perjures, all those who do not love our Lord, this holy name, like these poor folks protesting in Toronto. Our Lady of Fatima told the children that many people go to hell because there's no one to pray for them. How desperately these blasts favors need our prayers by frequently and lovingly repeating the holy name. We can make reparation for their crimes and save them from hell. Here's the very important secret as saints Saint John, you'd said when we're trying to convert a center, especially dying center and he won't have anything to do with religion, we should ask him if at least he'd let us pray in his name that make us feel better anyway. Now I know from personal experience people who wouldn't say a thing about the Lord that you could repeat. Speaker 0 11:36 We'll let you do this. It's pretty amazing. They've just given you agency to pray in there and hey, he says yes. Then we can recite the holy name and the name of that center and offered up for his conversion. We have very great hope for them, the holy name and has the power to make reparation for all the class for years and encouragers and all those who do not love heart Lord and his holy name, so they don't land in hell, but that's not even all Saint Peter says it stays at Petzl. There is no other name by which we are to be say, there's no other name by which we are to be saved. The great doctor, the church Saint Francis to sales taught that those who have the costume are repeating our Lord's name. Frequently may feel certain of dying a holy and happy death. Speaker 0 12:24 Sir, if we have the habit of repeating our Lord's name frequently, we may be certain of dying a holy and happy day. Think of the power of this one word, invoking the holy name confidently can save us. Don't think for a minute that God became a baby and suffered, died on the cross. Call centers and wants us to perish. We need to tell our dying friends to pray, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, or my Jesus mercy. We need to get him. Pray that because those who have that habit can be certain of dying a holy and happy death. How desperately all US sinners need to know that by the car in the holy name. Reverently said, devils are driven away by the power of the holy name. Reverently said, angels are filtered choice by the power of the holy name. Reverently said, actual graces are married by the palm. Speaker 0 13:27 Holy Name. They see increases by the power of the holy name. Reverently said, songs are freed from purgatory by the power of the holy name. Reverently said, reparation is made for blast by the power of the holy name. Rabidly said, sinners are saved from hell by the power of the holy name. Reverend Lee said, we may feel cert of dying and holy and happy debt. The holy name of Jesus has power it because it's the name above all names we cat. Next of all, people should know about that power, acknowledged that power and the holiness of his holy name by tree. And what the greatest reverence well end by talking about how we might do that by practicing the ancient customer buying our heads at dimension of the holy name of Jesus. Those guys haven't been doing that to show, uh, the customer buying our heads at the mention of our Lord's holy name was commanded by the second concept Leone in 1274. Speaker 0 14:32 Well, those who assembling church should extol with an act of special reverence for that name, which is above every name then which no other under heaven has been given to people in which believers must be saved. They named that is of Jesus Christ who will save his people from their sins, each shit fuck, killing himself. That which is written for all that at the name of changes every nation, whenever that glorious name is recalled, especially during the sacred mysteries of the mass, everyone should bow the needs of his heart, which he can do even by a bow. His head. Cro is called the 14th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church. Those who are assembling church, she's six still with enact a special reverence that name, which is above every name, which he can do even by about of his head or Jesus Christ. Son of God have mercy on us. Hers.

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