Where are you going? Heaven or Hell?

January 02, 2003 00:12:56
Where are you going? Heaven or Hell?
Veritas Caritas
Where are you going? Heaven or Hell?

Jan 02 2003 | 00:12:56


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Speaker 0 00:00 Yeah. Years ago, my buddy bill was working at auto parts store in Helena, Montana this Sunday afternoon and he was just locking up. They turned out the ride. The manager was ringing out the tail when a car with California plate pulled up and two girls came down. They pushed up and the door and said, can I help you and the girls together. The guy down at the gas station said, he might be able to help. He said, why? What's wrong? I said, well, there's a funny noise coming from underneath the car. It's a bill bend down and look in the mouth. Who was dragged and he said, well, yeah, I can. I'll fix that for you to spree. He went and got a creeper. It's go out into mechanics wire and he was under the car wiring, the LaFleur up to the frame and one of the girls said, Oh, we're so thankful that you could do this. Speaker 0 00:43 We had another six hours to go and we didn't take it, make it. He said, no, it wouldn't have made it six hours, that's for sure. Where are you headed? LA LA. You mean Las Angeles? They said, yeah, well how do you stay your Montana? How do you figure, well, look, yes, so excuse me. He said, how do you figure it six hours here in Helena, Montana and this girl looks him kind of silly. Puts your hand on his hip. He said, look, we left on Friday. We left LA. It took us 16 hours to get to salt Lake. We left salt Lake 10 hours ago, I guess that leaves six hours. She said, ladies come with it, and he brought him into the store and got up an hour and he said, okay, here's LA, there's salt Lake, there's Montana, and the girl looked at him with surprise, look at the other girl and then color kind of drank from their face. Oh, I guess we're going to be late for work tomorrow morning I guess. So he gave him an outlet. He told them to take <inaudible> to get back home. Now what's the point? These two nights and women just assumed that the road they were on was going to take them to LA. Speaker 0 01:59 They didn't really know where they were going. They just assume that I 15 North LA, but they never stopped. They never had never checked the map. Evidently he never gave it a thought. They were certainly concerned their belief they were heading to LA and they were sincere, but they were sincerely wrong. Instance here isn't enough to get us to our destination. We can't even make a trip successfully unless we know where we're headed and we know how to get there. How about you? Where are you going? Do you know? Are you bumbling too? I like those two. Girl. Where are you going? Speaker 0 02:51 Finally, there's only two answers. That question, huh? Heaven or hell? Well, no one really needs any instructions on how to go to hell. We can just act naturally. Do whatever comes naturally and it's how to get to heaven, which means acting supernatural. We need supernatural guidance. We need directions, a trip that we can get to our supernatural destination. And as it turns out, God has given us the three special supernatural powers. They're directly concerned with guidance to happen. There are three theological virtues, faith, hope, and charity. It's virtue is pay tonic Tamela conscious. But it's my faith is a supernatural power. It gives us a base to believe what God says, whether we understand it or not, just because he said so. He can either to C or B to C and what is it that we believe, but everything that God's revealed, every last bit, every spec, all the truth proposed for I believe by the Catholic church. Speaker 0 04:09 The virtue of faith is the foundation of all the supernatural virtues. Without faith is the foundation. We can't have the virtual hope without the virtues of faith and hoe. We can't have the virtue of chair. Hey tells us how to live so that we can get to heaven and charity gives us the supernatural power to live in heaven. State tells us how to live to get to heaven and charity. Cause this is supernatural power to live in heaven. So what do we believe by faith? Everything God has revealed. And why do we believe it? Because he can neither deceive nor be the seed. Okay father, but what if somebody refuses to believe something in revelation? Well if he actually believes that this truth was revealed by God and yet he still had that attitude, what is he actually saying when he refuses to believe that it's true? Speaker 0 05:06 He's saying that God candidacy, he's saying, Hey, God's a liar. In effect, he's saying that he's smarter than God. If a man willfully and deliberately denies one or more truths with Jay, that's heresy and if he willfully and deliberately dies off truce, the Fe, that's apostasy and those are both mortal sins and if someone, God forbid, commits a mortal sin, again, the Fe like Harris here apostasy, he loses it. He loses the faith and his faith is a free gift of God that he gave to most of us when we were baptized and we didn't do anything and we can do nothing to earn it. It's a free gift to God that someone is proud enough and stupid enough to throw it all away. God's under no obligation to give it back. That means if that man dies in that condition, he can't be saved. He can't be saved. Speaker 0 06:10 We have to have the faith to be saved. Absolutely. We can't find heaven without the faith to understand that. Just think about those. California drove. They couldn't find LA without directions and everybody can ask yourself if I ever been lost or had a tough time trying to find a particular address or location. Look, we need directions just to keep from getting lost and turned around right here on earth and our own country to get to places that we can reach my own natural powers. We need directions if we need directions to find natural destinations. How much more do we need directions to find a soups nation by Kevin. We can't get there from here without God's help. We need the fake. It's completely impossible to be say without the virtue of faith. Remember that without faith, we can't have charity. The charity gets us the supernatural power to live life to heaven. Speaker 0 07:06 We don't have paid. We don't have charity. We can't live in heaven. Here's what the girth that be consultated on that very point quo. No one can ever achieve justification without say neither can anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres it to the end. Close quote, the first God I can count so no one can attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in the face to the end. Okay. Father. So if we commit a mortal sin against the pay, like willfully and deliberately refusing to believe something God has revealed, we lose the thing. What other sins might cause us to lose? To say there's three ways we can get in trouble with our faith. All the dangers from the faith come from three different areas. Yes, from denying the faith, from carelessness and protecting or preserving our faith or from deliberately entering indications as sin that may cause our faith to be destroyed. Speaker 0 08:10 Here's just a short list of some of those type of the type of sins that cannot cause us to lose the faith. John, even creamy, worshiping false God, attending a service in a moth Gioia non-Catholic denomination. Last thing with Weegee board going to a, on going to the site of a condemned apparition, black snake breeding, heretical book keeping company with people who mock or try to destroy our faith, living in sin or giving in regularly and not persisting, serious and against period. We have to be careful. We do not. In HFA, we live in an age of apostasy. We have to be careful. We have to avoid worldly or heretical movie, TV, radio and literature. We shouldn't ever listen to radical preachers ever. I don't care whether at ever, even if we have thought ever temptation against the Fe, we have to pray and shift our mind to other topics. Speaker 0 09:22 Saint Alphonsus points up. There are two types of sins and temptations that the only one who wins are the ones who flee cause their temptations against Holy purity and temptations against the faith. We have to plea anytime we're in a situation that endangers us in either of those categories. Okay, so those are the sins. How can we strengthen our faith? We can strengthen our Fe by saying the CRE, saying that to Fe and most especially saying, Holy rosary, we need to pray. We need to pray every day. We need to fill our mind imaginations with good images, by reading good spiritual writing, the Holy Bible, five to saints, or let's see the good spiritual case. And these will help inoculate us against all the secularism. And the worldly images that we're immersed in, we can increase our faith like good imagery, cause remember that God increases our face every time we assist at mass or receive the sacraments Wordly during Holy mass, during the creed, we can renew our act of faith. Speaker 0 10:25 Tell God we believe everything he teach you because he said so. The sacred hall, we can see that beautiful prayer, my Lord and my God and God will increase our faith. When we say that at the elevation of precious blood, we can say, Oh my God, am I off in God? <inaudible> increase our faith by saying that we can make a good Thanksgiving after our communion, begging for our faith to be preserved and those around us and we can make communions specifically with intention to grow in faith and confession, especially important. Why? Because sin clouds or judgment and confuses us. Sin always darkens to handle that and the intellect is where the virtue of faith is rooted. It's the more sin we piled up, we ponder more likely we're going to have problems if we ended up in a jackpot, we need to make frequent confession. Speaker 0 11:19 Okay, let's review. We can't even make a trip successfully and last. We know where we're headed and how to get there, and being sincere isn't enough to get us to our destination. Stay gives us the supernatural light so that we can see where we're going and how to get there. It's a supernatural virtue. It gives us the power to believe everything that got H is simply because he says so on his authority to take an either to save or B to C, it helps us keep it on heavily. Go. Without the Fe, we can't get to heaven. We can't forget that we're going to spend her life by a miracle and an age of apostasy. So we need to protect our faith by avoiding danger, denying, denying, NFA, but not being careless about preserving or nurturing our fine. Be careful to avoid occasion of sin that might destroy the faith. We can increase our faith by prayer. We increase our faith, especially by the Rhodri spiritual reading. Frequent confession and frequent communion today during the CRE, renew your act of faith at the elevation of the sacred house. Show your gratitude <inaudible> Thanksgiving to God for giving you the Holy thing. Thank God at the elevation of the sacred host and the precious blood. Thank him for giving you the roadmap to eternal life, for giving you the wonderful gift to Fe without, which is impossible to please God.

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