The Importance of a Timely Baptism

December 12, 2004 00:25:43
The Importance of a Timely Baptism
Veritas Caritas
The Importance of a Timely Baptism

Dec 12 2004 | 00:25:43


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Speaker 1 00:00:07 Let's start this morning with a quote taken from the journals of the pioneer praise working in the 1880s mile city Montana quote, I would relate one more genuine full blooded baptism, Robert Cobb nappies, born of Robert Matthews and his wife, Mary Jane McCann baptized, July 31st, 1881 residents. Matthew's ranch, 20 miles below the junction of the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers in North Dakota. They traveled 10 days and a half force back carried their provisions and oats for the horses and a tent for the night. They said it would take as long to go home as it did to come. Speaker 0 00:00:57 Wow. Speaker 1 00:00:58 It took 21 days of travel to get that baby baptized. This was during the Sioux war. They were constantly in danger to be met by Indians to be robbed of all they had to be murdered and their bodies left for the wolves to devour clothes. It took 21 days of travel to get that baby baptized. This was during the PSU, or they're constantly in danger to be met by Indians to be robbed of all they had to be murdered. And their bodies left for the wolves to devour. That's about 200 miles of horseback with an infant traveling through absolute wilderness. And that's pretty rough country just to get to the priest, just to get their baby baptized Speaker 1 00:01:52 Since has got 80 Sunday, we're supposed to choice. And for stars, we can rejoice that we don't have to ride 10 and a half days to wilderness just to get to a priest, a wilderness calling with war parties. But we also had to stop the pause to consider the incredible value the Catholics have traditionally placed on having their babies baptized in a timely fashion. And we can see this clearly in an example like that as a catechist in the constant trance States quote, since infant children have no other means of salvation except baptism, we may easily understand how grievously those persons sin, who permits him to remain without the grace. The sack when longer than necessity may require close quote catechism, but accounts that trend, this hasn't changed since that time as instruction on infant baptism approved by the Holy father, Pope John Paul, the second on October 20th, 1980, makes clear quote, for instance, baptism is entry into the church and the gateway to personal salvation. Speaker 1 00:03:06 The church knows no other way. Apart from that prism for ensuring children's entrance and eternal happiness. Accordingly is important to recall that the baptism of infants must be considered a serious duty as for the time of the actual celebration. The first consideration is the welfare of the child, that it may not be deprived of the benefit of the sacrament. As a rule, an infant should be baptized within the first weeks after birth close quote, the baptism of infants must be considered a serious duty. First consideration is the child may not be deprived because the benefit of the sacrament as a rule, the infant should be baptized within first weeks after birth, the church knows no other way. Apart from baptism for ensuring children's entrance and returnal happiness. Infants should receive baptism as soon as reasonably possible. Those who delayed it bat cause infants, gravely sin. Speaker 1 00:04:21 In other words, what is the church telling us? Don't delay baptizing, babies don't delay. Even if everyone can't get there, get the baby baptized and have the party sometime later on when everyone can be there. The first consideration has to be the welfare of the infant, that it isn't deprived of the benefits of this sacrament. The catechism, the concentrator points out that we pre should make a point of making baptism a frequent topic of instruction. It's been a year since we last talked about this. So let's review. We reviewed the merciful effects of baptism and also how to baptize in emergencies today. We're only going to cover the stack when the baptism, we won't talk about baptism. The desire doctors have a blood, but what happens to babies that die without baptism? And he went here. This last unbaptized child, he can be at peace. Speaker 1 00:05:24 The child is perfectly and totally happy. That's the teaching of the church. We'll talk about that at another day, baptism let's review, there are six merciful effects of baptism. First merciful effect is the remission of sin is baptism, remits, original and all actual sin. Here's the in faith infallible teaching of the council of Trent quote. If anyone denies it by the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, which conferred in baptism, the guilt of original sin is remitted, or that Allston is not taken away. Let him be anathema close quote, let him be anathema means let him be excommunicated. That's what that means. So baptism, remits, all the guilt of original sin and all the guilt, actual sin, all of it. Every last, it does not matter what a man did. If an adult gets about ties, it doesn't matter if he's an incredible monster of a criminal baptism wife's way, all of a sudden, just like that. Speaker 1 00:06:29 It's gone original and actual sin. Second verse full effect because it remits all punishment due to sin. All of it, even if this guy was a terrible criminal, all the Pretoria's time has gone just like that. We do pennants after we've gone to confession, but nobody does penance after they've been baptized. Okay? It's all gone. Third Merce full effect of a newly baptized man is flooded with sanctifying grace. Now that's another way of saying that the soul of a newly baptized man is now supernaturally alive. He's got supernatural life. And as we've seen before, in order to live the life of heaven, we have to be supernaturally alive. If we die with sanctifying grace, which is the same as saying, if we die supernaturally alive, we can live the it. If we die without sanctifying grace, we can't live the life in heaven, pure and simple. Speaker 1 00:07:31 That's how it is. We're all born dead. Supernaturally speaking. Thanks to add the baptism makes us supernaturally alive. It floods our souls with sanctifying grace, fourth merciful effect the soul. The newly baptized man is United to Christ. He's divine. And that cousin makes that newly baptized. Nan. One of the branches, baptism unites a soul to Christ. That's what it's all about. That's what he established the church for. We can have a living contact with the living Christ so that in contact with him, everything not religion is about contact with our Lord. It's about living with his life. It's Adam fluid. We, his life in order to live eternally. And that's why he became that. And that is him unites us to him. So the soul of the newly baptized man is United with Christ. And so through that union was Christ. Supernatural virtues are poured into the soul for choose like Fe and hope and shared it's supernatural prudence and fortitude and temporary, and suggested these virtues. Speaker 1 00:08:45 These are poured in, okay. Sanctifying, grace changes the way we all it changes. Our bead supernatural virtues changed the way we act sanctifying. Grace brings this alive supernaturally. It makes us alive, SU supernatural virtues naked, able to act in a supernatural way. For example, take the virtue of faith goes and only those with the supernatural virtue, if they can believe that our Lord is really present body blood soul in divinity and the most blessed sacrament of the altar people with the virtue of faith and believe that no one else can, that's a gift from God. We can't do that. Naturally speaking. It's not obvious. It takes faith. It takes a lot of things and it only comes through union with Christ. Only those with this gift, this supernatural gift of faith can believe that no one else can. Now we can lose him, but we can believe it. Speaker 1 00:09:46 Only by the power we got from Christ. No one else has ability. It's supernatural. It's above our nature. Fifth split fact, baptism impresses the soul with an indelible Mark. It's a Mark called the character. It's a spiritual Mark and his soul that can never be blotted out. The character of baptism. That's impressed. The soul then makes us all capable of receiving other staff myths, which explains that why, even though our lady was concede free from original sin, and of course has been her whole life absolutely free from all actual sin. Even though she's completely free from original and actual sin, she was baptized Cornelius. The laugh today says that. According to the ancient fathers Christ himself, baptized our lady, this character makes a baptize soul different from those who have not been baptized. It's sort of like a brand in the spiritual realm, showing that a person belongs to Christ showing that person is a Christian baptism impresses his indelible character. And since it does that, it can never be repeated again. It's st. Paul says in Ephesians four, five, one Lord Speaker 0 00:11:01 One faith, one baptism, one baptism Speaker 1 00:11:07 Six months full effect because baptism removes original and actual sin and the punishment due to sin. It opens the Gates of heaven. So the six months full effects of baptism are first through remission, original and actual sin. Second, the release from all punishment due to sin. Third, the soul becomes supernatural alive. It's filled with sanctifying grace. The fact Saint Catherine, or Sianna had a vision or Lord allowed her to see a soul in the state of grace. And she said, had she not known that was a creature. She would have fallen down and worshiped him. The beauty was so incredible. So soul was filled with sanctifying grace forth. The soul is United to Christ. And because that union with Christ, the virtues Christ virtues pour into the soul of the supernatural virtues like faith hope and charity. So fifth, the soul is marked with a permanent character that makes it capable of receiving the other sacraments and six, the Gates of heaven on owl open for that baptized man. Speaker 1 00:12:13 Now that we've seen the merciful effects of that cousin, it's easy to understand why it's such an absolutely central sacrament. How necessary is it in Salba teaching? The Catholic church is expressed in one of the cannons from the council of Trent. If anyone said that that kissing is optional, that is not necessary for salvation. Let him be an ass. If anything, Wednesday, I said, baptism is optional, not necessary for salvation. Let him be an ass. And now we'll cover desire and blood on a later day, why is baptism so necessary? Because thank you, Adam were born without supernatural life, but in origin lifts the life of heaven in order to be saved, we have to be supernaturally alive. It's cut and dry to be supernaturally alive. We must be baptized. Now let's take a look at the basic apps aspects of baptism. What's your the matter form, the minister and the intention, the outward sign of a sacrament has two parts. Speaker 1 00:13:23 They're determined by Christ our Lord, our Lord cinema. We don't invent them crisis determines this one. Part's called the matter. That's the stuff in the sacrament thought we're part of the sign is called the form. What study part what's the form. It's the words. For example, the most busted sacrament of the officer, the matter is wheat bread, not rice bread and not, I don't know what bread. It's gotta be wheat bread and it's gotta be grape wine. You make Apple wine. That's not proper matter. Watermelon wine doesn't matter. It has to be grape. Wine has to be wheat bread, the form for the bonus plus exactness, Oh, casting him Corpus ma'am and hick and pick S Cox sound good. He's made, which is nice. This is a child. So this is my body. Instead of the Charleston, my blood that's the necessary form. The matter for the sacrament, for example, another staff might have, Holy orders is a baptized man. Speaker 1 00:14:18 So no matter what the host nations or the feminists are, it's a baptized man and nothing else, but the sacrament of Holy orders so matters. The stuff and form is the words. Now, what is the matter in the form of baptism and that are the stuff of that. Cause him his water, natural water. It can be Holy water. It can be baptismal water, which we'll use here. Of course can be river water. It could be pool. Water can be distilled water, not beer, not snow, not wine, not amniotic fluid, not spit, not for the Jews, whatever man, commonly regards is water. That's what we can use for bad twists. It doesn't matter if it's clean or dirty. If it's water popper matter, okay, father now water. Get these absolutely incredible, totally miraculous powers. How is it that water can be used for this? Our Lord himself gave these pars to why or what he is baptized by Saint John as that great fish doctor, the church Santa Gustin says his quote is the Lord is baptized. Speaker 1 00:15:19 Not because he had needed to be cleansed, but in order that by with the contact, with his peer flesh, he might purify the waters and impart to them. The power of cleansing, those quotes water, got this power by contact with our Lord, our whole religion in some ways about contact with our Lord. I'm a priest because of contact with our Lord. How'd I get that Bishop, Fabian bus glitz. How did he get that? You can try it. He said that he didn't go on the internet. It's in there. And the bishops have what's it called? Apple stock told her you can check their, their spiritual generation in OCO right back in this case to Saint Peter. You know, if you're a priest, the seal Malibu, right in India, you can go back to Saint Thompson. So forth. It goes back to an apostle, an apostle at the laying on hands of our Lord at the last supper. Speaker 1 00:16:08 And it's passed right down like that. And an unbroken chain, everything in our religion is about contact with our Lord, okay? Water got that power by contact with our Lord. He gave wireless power in order to bring us and didn't have any contact with him. Okay? So that we can live with his life. That life starts in his soul with water, which is a matter of baptism. The form is I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the Holy ghost or in the name of the fondness on the Holy spirit. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter which language you use to say that. And if you spoke Spanish, I don't know what it is, but it worked the same way. What you say for the sign of the cross. And I baptized you doesn't matter which language is, as long as you're staying in the name, not the names. Speaker 1 00:16:53 It's only one God. And the name of the father, the son, the Holy See spirit. I baptize you. Okay. There are two other things that we have to keep in mind. We're talking about a sacrament. That's the minister and the intention for every sacrament. There's a minister. For example, for the most busted exact with the minister, is it Lee ordained priest for marriage, the ministers or the man and the wife for baptism. It's anyone whatsoever that has the use of reasoning. Anyone two pagans could make each other Catholics. They could minister. You can't baptize yourself. It has to be someone else. But anyone with the use of reason can baptize could be the ministry. It's such an important sacrament that God allowed anybody but positive will to be able to be the minister of this sacrament. And there are cases, plenty of cases where pagans have baptized another in order that he might become a Catholic, okay. Speaker 1 00:17:52 Intention, attention to the minister minister just tasked, intend to do with the church. Does that's where the intention is, correct. I'm going to do whatever the church does. I might not understand it, but I'm going to do it. That's the intention needed. Okay. The minister. Okay. Okay. Is it could be anyone. The intention is to do what the church does. So that's the matter is water. The form aside baptize you in the name of father, son, the Holy ghost ministers, anyone having used, the reason attention is to baptize to do what the church does. So how do we baptize in the case of an emergence? Let's see, for example, in the case case of someone that's dying first off and that sort of emergency don't even think about waiting for the priest. Don't wait. The whole purpose of this sermon is, you know, that don't wait anyone over the age of reason can do this. Speaker 1 00:18:42 You little kids can do this. If needs be, he needs to intend to do what the church does. In other words, you need, tend to baptize his person. If he already hasn't been baptized, we'll take three cases. First, the unconscious dying adult. And you're not sure if he's been baptized, you take water and while you're pouring the water and I'll get to where in a minute you say the words, well, you're pouring the water. It's running over the skin. You say the words I baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy ghost, or in the name of the father, the son and the Holy spirit. I baptize you if possible the water should be poured on the forehead. Not on the hair has to be on the skin. So on the forehead, it's gotta move on the skin. So if all you have is a drop and it just stops, then you take your finger and drag it along. Speaker 1 00:19:26 That'll do it. When you have to baptize a premium, you do. If it's moving across the skin, that's, what's required. You know, the little drops you're moving, it cast to move. So anyway, the water has to move over to the skin. Well, the water's flowing. You say the words I baptize you and the name of the father and the son and Holy spirit or the Holocaust. Okay? The forehead isn't there. It's a bad wreck somewhere else. That is a net. You know, if they're still NACA, hand and arm bare skin, the shoulder, any place where the skin is exposed as the water's flowing. Now, what you mean by this is if you're capable, I baptize you. Cause you don't know if the person's baptized or not. Don't worry. If you can't think, what am I supposed to say in the beginning? Because your intention is to baptize this person. Speaker 1 00:20:12 If they're not baptized, that's what your intention is. And it'll count. I baptize you in the name of the father, son, Holy ghost. If you're capable of baptized, see the name of the father sent Holy ghost. What's the first couple of words. Aren't critical. The, I baptize you in the name of the father, son, the Holy ghost. Okay. Second a case, the case of a miscarriage. There's a handout and we have some here and we'll have more. And if you haven't got one, get him to call it. How to baptize. In the case of miscarriage, everybody, every parent and young adult or anybody of, and age ought to have these handouts. It's a good thing to make copies of these and distribute them to people, given to people. When you give them a wedding present and so forth, here's the basic idea. You fill a bowl with lukewarm water. Speaker 1 00:20:58 We're talking about a young miscarriage. Cause obviously if it's a late term that you don't need this instruction, you know, already. So you break off from the SAC that surrounds a little baby. If it's not broken, if the sack isn't broken, there's no baptism because the water isn't flowing. So you break up that little sack and you take and put it on the ball and swirl it around and say, I baptize you and it's cable. If you don't see a baby, you do it. It's conditional again. Cause you don't know if you can't see one, you're still doing it in case there's a baby there that you don't see. But I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the Holy ghost as you're swirling in the bowl. Okay? So bowl lukewarm water, open little sack, gently swirling around in the water was saying the words, if you're capable, I baptize you in the name of falling this down to the Holy spirit. Speaker 1 00:21:45 That's what has to happen if you don't see one there, you don't know if it's there. You're still doing it conditionally. Hey, if there's a baby, there, that's the sake. That's it. Okay. Third, third scenario, the newborn baby in the hospital. We're not talking about a premium respirator here. If it's your newborn and he's having problems or dying, take a cotton ball, get it wet with lukewarm water. And depending on how he's lying there, put the cotton ball right up on his forehead or on his temple, depending on which ways line and then gently squeeze it to a drop or two comes out of the cotton ball. You're not trying to sell them. That's what you do it just, just so there's a drop, moving out, sliding down his temple or his forehead and say, I baptize you in the name of the father and the son, the Holy ghost. Speaker 1 00:22:25 As that water's dribbling. Some people there's a little baby here where the parents saw this happened and he was hurting. And immediately after that happened, he got, well, I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Okay? You say it while the water's dribbling down his skin. Okay? If is a dying newborn of anyone else, like a non-Catholic if he's dying, but only if he's giant do not do this. If they're not dying or the parents aren't practical Catholics, if they're dying, this is only for people that are dying. If he's dying baptizing, he'll be a Saint. If needs be, it can give some lines about wiping the forehead and a little baby or whatever, come up with an excuse and then say the word so quietly that only you can hear, but you get that little guy baptized of a priest in another place. Speaker 1 00:23:14 A friend of mine, he said, he'd do a naming ceremony. There was this little, they realized pagans. They didn't want the kid baptized, but they want a naming ceremony. So he did a naming ceremony, baptized the baby right before it died. He's a Saint and the parents don't know about it, which is fine because they got a Saint and he'll be praying for the parents. And you can bet Doug and end up in the right place unless they really sit their wills to evil. He'll get them turned around, okay. That ties him. Get him baptized. Don't let him die without he can get to heaven without it's a salvation issue for children. Okay? Obviously, depending on where you work, nurses, physicians, any emergency personnel, you have a great responsibility here. You have a great opportunity to, it's a great opportunity to get the saints for the kingdom of heaven. Speaker 1 00:24:02 Finally, how long after death is it okay to conditionally baptize? Well, death means li when the soul leaves the body, we can't see a soul leaving the body. So how do we know when we see decompositions setting in, then we know the soul has left. The body starts to decompose. Don't worry if they're blue, the soul may still be there. The late great father harden tells this story of a woman in Chicago who showed up. She was blue and frozen saw for eight hours when she was brought into hospital. And she walked out the next day or something. I can't remember how long later, but she ended up walking out of that hospital. If they're not decomposing conditionally baptized, you don't know if the soul is there. So if they're capable, you're baptizing that way. You're not abusing the sacrament, but you're making sure that person gets what they need. Speaker 1 00:24:52 Let's close. We've seen at the council of Trent teachers, that if anyone says that baptism is optional, that is not necessary for salvation. Let him be an ass. And we've seen how to baptize in an emergency. Well, pouring the water over the skin, the same person says, I baptize you in the name of the father and the son. The Holy ghost has to be the person pouring is the person speaking. It's not a team effort. One point of water over the skin, same person says, I baptize you in the name of the father and the son and Holy ghost while squeezing water out of a cotton ball and said water travel was, the person says, I baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy ghost. I pap ties. You named the father and the son and the Holy ghost. Amen.

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