St. Andrew the Apostle

November 30, 2017 00:05:09
St. Andrew the Apostle
Veritas Caritas
St. Andrew the Apostle

Nov 30 2017 | 00:05:09


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm reappraise schema, the name of the father son, the Holy spirit. Amen. So we have a first class Relic of st. Andrew. It's actually Relic of st. Thomas the POS on Saint Andrew, the fossils after our Thanksgiving, we'll give everybody a blessing with those relics, Saint Andrew, the first call first apostle to follow our Lord. He was a fisherman, of course, like his brother, Peter. And he was a follower of Saint John and the Baptist. And with st. John, the Baptist pointed off the lamb of God, Saint Andrew spent the rest of the day with him in Santa Gustin says also that night. So he went right after him. And the next day told st. Peter, I found the Lord. And so he called his brother Peter to come fall Lord as well after, uh, the Ascension of our Lord into heaven. Saint Andrew went out and preached in Asian and European Cynthia, which the ancient ancient word for what we'd not call the Asian and European parts of Russia. Speaker 0 00:00:58 So he went up into there and the Russians it's introductions. You got as close as the borders of Poland. So he preached all over that whole part of the country. And then the areas which are not Turkey Mendota into Greece and in Patras in Greece, it's where he was hauled in before the prefect and a JS and a JS ordered him to quit preaching and sacrifice, you know, to the touch of the idols, the typical patient, big thing to make sure you're going to be loyal to the Roman empire. And Andrew says, I sacrifice every day and immaculate lamb, uh, that, uh, the people who attend my sacrifice receive, and he's living in any way, this has gotta Jesus really mad. He ordered me to do it st. Andrew wouldn't do things. He had him jailed for a while and the people were in a rage and they were going to break them by the jail. Speaker 0 00:01:46 But he actually begged him not to because he didn't want to get cheated of his martyrdom. And so they took him out and they had the st Andrew's cross what looks like a big X sitting up for these to be crucified on. So almost running with joy, towards talking about this cross, the loves and how long he's been waiting for it. And th th that it'll bring him to his master. And he got, uh, he was hung on that cross for two days, preaching Christ the whole time before he died. So he's martyred. There is relics later on. We'll move to Constantinople from, from, from that point. And then from Constantinople during the, during the, after the crusade, I can't remember which one it was the port, whichever one, where the French went to constant and Oakland sack it, instead of going to the, after the Turks and took over his Raj had taken him off in Italy. Speaker 0 00:02:38 Now I made a pilgrimage there 10 years ago to see him. And you got to go up the little steps into this town of the computer, and he's down in the basement. And there he is, there's this, uh, like a crystal bowl or I can't, I think it's crystal. Maybe it was silver. I don't remember, but it's underneath. Whereas rocks are. And the reason for that is it's several times every year, since ancient time, Israel, relics, weep this manner. A lot of times it looks like a kind of a, a powder, but, uh, it also comes out, I guess, like an oil sort of go on January 28th every year. That exception. Cause that's when his rucks were rediscovered. And then on his face state today, it generally does. And if it isn't, they say the creed and then it starts coming out. This has been going on Saint Gregory of tours, writes about it, you know, 1500 years ago. Speaker 0 00:03:29 So it's been going on everywhere. They've moved him. Uh, so it's, it's ongoing thing. And then that, that man, I, I know of one case, one miracle of it, but I'm sure there's plenty of others. I just, I only know, personally of one where a blind man was put a little on his eyes and he received sight. It wasn't one of the famous cases, but it's one of those miraculous things where this is bones. His relics will whip this stuff on certain dates. And when it doesn't happen, they say the Creek and then outcome. So it's a, it's a reminder that God is with us, that we're going to be resurrected. Why, why do we have interrupts? Why are relics important? All that? I mean, not only because of the bodies of the snake, but it's reminding we're going to get our bodies back at the end for Wheeler for Whoa, are we going to be Holy? Speaker 0 00:04:21 Or are we going to be down? It's a reminder to us to be Holy that whatever we suffer is worth it, whatever we suck. This is such a short time, even if we had to live a century. And I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy to live a hundred years ms. Meth, but even if you had to live a hundred years, what does that compare to eternity? It's really worth it. The saints, God leaves the sakes. He leaves enough miracles. He leaves things like the man of Saint Anna, not to remind us that he's really with us. They love Jessica, but he's in the bonus plus a stack from the author, but he's still working through his saints and he'll do that at the end of the world. Pretty CNN to really increase your faith and the son of God.

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