First Saturday Devotions & St. Bibiana

December 02, 2017 00:05:04
First Saturday Devotions & St. Bibiana
Veritas Caritas
First Saturday Devotions & St. Bibiana

Dec 02 2017 | 00:05:04


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Maria Prisma. And the name of the father, son, the Holy spirit. Amen. It's the first Saturday a week. The reason we don't say the Mack, that massive bodies, mass and maca part of Mary's. Cause you can only say one in a parish on the first Saturday. So that, that was already said, so we say the mass of the day. So first Saturday, of course, we want to make a communion of reparation to our Lord for all injuries blasphemies and insults that are hurled against his mother. There's so many of them. I want to talk about st. Viviana, but I want to mention one in particular this last month, one month ago, uh, October 31st on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt, the Vatican issued a poster stamp. I'm at stamp. You have our Lord crucified hanging on the cross and in place st. John, the beloved, you have foot Malac Fon. Speaker 0 00:01:09 One of the revolutionaries who wrote the Augsburg confession, like the declaration of independence from the cleanup of God. Now, on the other hand, instead of the SAR for mother, you have looked or this monster, there's a past state brief. When his discussions with say the decided to not say daily mass was convicted by the arguments of the devil and that's Luther himself talking about that, call the Pope, the bishops and I cried, accused our lore of adultery three times. I mean, the guy is a monster and he's put there instead of our lady, what an insult to our lady. Speaker 0 00:02:07 It's not that we have to make reparation for say Viviana also known as Saint Vivian or Saint Vivian. Good Catholic woman with family of Catholics, the fourth century, her father's editorial class. He's a Knight. And Raul, I know Julie in the past state, he's a tormented and ends up dying of it. Her mother is martyr. She and her sister are locked up by Proteus. The, uh, the, I can't think of the, it's not prefect, but of Rome. I just can't think of his title right now, but a Proteus locks them up. Hasn't locked up for months and it hasn't brought before. And they basically been starved down. Her sister dies at his feet during the judgment, but Viviana still won't worship the idols. So she's turned over to a, an evil woman who tries to corrupt them all manners of seduction doesn't work. So she's brought back in. She still refused to sacrifice the idol. So she's tied to pillar and whipped to death with led tipped scourges, and then buried there martyr. So where she's buried, where her st PBN or her church where she and her mother and her sisters relics are, is very close to st. Mary major. If you go to Rome and if you go there, you better call quick after a postage stamp like that. It's not going to be there soon, but that's a little bit about st. Bibiana, the martyr, what are we willing to die for? Speaker 0 00:04:10 What are we willing to suffer for? What's really important in our heart. Everyone should enter into himself. If today it was to be the death penalty for being a Catholic. And I brought on trial. Would there be evidence of my Gill, besides my appearing at shirt, in my alive, my words in my work, my thought what's most important. Am I seeking first? The kingdom of God and his righteousness or something else.

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