Fatima and the Apocalypse 11: The Apocalypse 3rd, 4th, and 5th Trumpets

January 03, 2018 01:19:06
Fatima and the Apocalypse 11: The Apocalypse 3rd, 4th, and 5th Trumpets
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 11: The Apocalypse 3rd, 4th, and 5th Trumpets

Jan 03 2018 | 01:19:06


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Speaker 1 00:04 God bless us and the version protect us. Speaker 0 00:09 The third trumpet Speaker 1 00:13 and the third angel sounded the Trump, the great star for him fell from heaven burning as it were, a torch and found the third part of rivers Nippon foams or waters. The name of the star is called wormwood. The third part of the waters became wormwood and many men died in the waters because they were made better from the commentaries is passage. Parking's back a chapter nine of Jeremiah, which were warning of quota coming famine resulting from idolatry. Jeremiah firms twice because Israel's religious leaders has spiritually polluted the nation without adulterous ball worship. God quote will feed Israel with warm mode, give them poisoned water to drink, posed cold. A warm wood is a, is a bitter tasty plant. It's from the faint same families, sagebrush and the spice Terragon. The star is an unfaithful Bishop or priest who falls from the, from under the church. Speaker 1 01:14 Heaven symbolizes the church, the stars, and unfaithful Bishop or priest who falls from the frame of the church where Christ has placed him to enlight indirect world, and as we've seen before, both the fire as well as the notion of being judged by thirds or symbolic. A severe spiritual famine and burning of fire also represents burning with being consumed with air by false teaching examples. Unfaithful Bishop, a priest poisons the very sources of doctrine which should flow as pure water from the mountain torrents. The rivers and fountains symbolized sources of knowledge, the divine truth, like our divine savior, the bishops and priests. The church must be fountains of water springing up to life everlasting. He himself becomes word by his apostasy because he becomes a self appointed teacher. False prophet. The spawn star changes the sources of spiritual life into wormwood and the source of poison, bitterness, sources of spiritual death. Speaker 1 02:13 Unfortunately, many of the faithful drink from these poisoned streams of false doctrine and so perished closed quotes. Thus the commentaries start falling from heaven like a burning torch. Unfaithful Bishop or priest buys posse has become a false prophet, burning with absolutely consumed with air and who buys false teachings, poisons the very source of doctrine and turns the source of spiritual life, news sources, spiritual death, and the spiritual family results from this man the faithful suffer spiritual death for imbibing these poisonous false doctrines. Now given all that interpretation will fall in this conference, is that this star Clyde from heaven, like a burning torch signifies the past state priest whose false teachings involved cloaking the errors of Russian and deceptive language taken from Catholic doctrine and consequently spreading them to Catholic academic circles. Well, identify him in a minute, but first we'll briefly considered an edited and abridged what seems to be the most profound spiritual experience in his life. Speaker 1 03:18 A literally life changing mystical experience. And he, it's, he's written it down even though he's going to use the third per person. As I read this though, ask herself what exactly is going on here? What precise sort of spiritual experience is this priest describing? As I said, the priest describes his experience in a third person. August 8th, 1919 well, the man is walking the desert when the thing's swooped on upon him from afar and had appeared to him quite small, gliding over the sand, a pale, fleeting shadow, no bigger than the Palm of a child's hand. When suddenly the speed of an arrow came straight at him and then suddenly penetrated his soul. The man felt he was ceasing to be merely himself and irresistible rapture took possession of him at the same time, the anguish of some superhuman peril oppressed him. A confused feeling that the force which had swept up down upon him was a combined essence of all evil and all goodness. Speaker 1 04:25 And now in the very depths of the being hidden, faded the Tempest of life infinitely gentle, instantly brutal was murmuring. You called me here. Here I am, says the thing you have need of me in order to grow and I was waiting for you in order to be made Holy. I've been drawing you to me and now I'm established on you for life or for death. He was once, Simi can never forgive me. He met my stride there. Dan himself with me, we're saving, saved me within the cell. The Manor pies. Oh, you are divine and mighty. What is your name? Speak. Oh, you are divine and mighty. We continue the thing because of my violence, I sometimes slay my lovers because he touches me. Never knows what power is. Unleashing wise men fear me and curse me. I'm the essence of all that is tangible. Speaker 1 05:16 You have grasped that the whole world has even more than individuals. Assault to be redeemed. Lay your whole being wide open to my inspiration and receive the spirit of the earth, which is to be saved. Your salvation mine. Hang on this first moment. Now, this wave of bliss in which he had all of melted away was changed into a ruthless determination. He began to ballot the dark power and then the friends who battled gave place's heart to an irresistible longing to submit and he felt that henceforth nothing in the world would ever be able to alienate his heart from the greater reality, which was now itself to him. Nothing at all. And he surrendered himself. Speaker 2 06:03 Call is Speaker 1 06:06 so what precise sort of spiritual experience is this priest describing? It's pretty clear what he's describing. He's describing becoming possessed and willingly so by the evil spirit that calls itself a spirit of that earth. Spirit is one day the priest whom has happened, the priest who in 1919 surrendered himself to this dark power that wise men fear and curse. The praise to describe himself becoming willing, possessed by the spirit is money. The spirit of the earth. This priest was a French Jesuit named Pierre Teilhard. They shut down Speaker 1 06:48 now in light of the intimate relationship between tr and this spirit is money, the spirit of the world, the spirit of the earth. Consider these blasts miss comments. We're not even gonna bother comedy on them. I'm just gonna read Tay har quote the world, the value of infallibility and goodness to the world such in the final analysis is the first and only thing in which I believe is by this faith that I live and it's to this faith. I feel that the moment of dying, I shall have all doubts. Abandon myself to this confused faith in a world, one in a fallible, I bet on myself, wherever it may lead me, quote, trust in the world, animated by our Lord in the world shall save you caught. Because besides communion with the earth, is there not also communion with God and in through the earth quote, the only truly natural and real human unity is the spirit of the earth. Well, what we call inorganic matters certainly animate in its own way. Adams electrons. Elementary particles must have a spark of spirit. In 1946 after the U S nuclear tests in the Pacific, he writes quote for all their military trappings, the recent explosions that bikini proclaim, the coming of the spirit of the earth, Speaker 2 08:12 close quotes. Speaker 1 08:15 So as we've seen, this momentum builds a trumpet after trumpet. One plague flows into another certain self sense helps propel the next disaster Nat light. Then we'll consider one of the cures in Russia, but this fallen star modified and used a poisoned very source of doctrine and turn those sorts of spiritual life and a source of spiritual death. As we've seen Marxist doctrine proclaims that matters. The only reality and the blind process of evolution is produced not like plants, animals and men, but also humans. Suicide by this process matters moving towards its final state, which is the classless society. Now, Taryn was completely on with the notion of evolution called is evolution a theory, a system or hypothesis? It is much more. It is a general postulate which all theories, all hypotheses, all sisters much henceforth bow in which they must satisfy in order to be thinkable and true evolution is a light which illuminates all facts, a trajectory which all lines of thought must fall. Speaker 1 09:22 This is what evolution is close. Cool, but a lot of TRF thought very highly of commis doctrine in general. He faulted one aspect of their approach to evolution. You thought by stopping at the class, the society instead of extending an on and evolving into a spiritual realm, it missed the actual point of the whole evolutionary process in his own incoherent way. TRD made God and a central part of the evolutionary process. In other words, if you add spirituality to communism, you have the answers. One author noted just as a Marxist place is an imaginary class of society at the end of this natural process of evolution, so also <inaudible> places union with a soul called Christ as end point of a natural process of evolution. Quote, the unique business of the world is the physical incorporation of the faithful in Christ. This major task is a natural process of evolution. Speaker 1 10:21 The frightened for a moment by evolution, the Christian not perceived that what it offers him as a magnificent means if feeling more at one with God close quote, and that passage also reveals his pantheism. It's this strange belief that everything is just an expression emanation, a part of God. It's very clear that the Christ of Tiahrt is not the Christ of the gospel. He speaks of Christ as being Omega all the time, the end, but he never speaks of Christ as being the offer. The beginning and why is that? Because of evolution. His Christ is part of the evolutionary process <inaudible> and his Christ and very true through saves, but should we not immediately had that. At the same time is Christ who saved by evolution. Close quote. He does not believe in supernatural grace. Rather he States that quote, the stuff of which grace has made is strictly biological close quote and this complete rejection. Speaker 1 11:21 The supernatural is part and parcel with pantheistic approach. Quote Dietrich Von Hildebrand relates how in the course of the conversation with <inaudible> he happened to say something about st Augustine. Don't mention that unfortunate man too hard. Exclaimed. Finally he spelled everything by introducing the supernatural close quote on the base of base of his pantheistic doctor of evolution. He States that quote, the modern world is a world in evolution. Hence the static concepts of the spiritual life must be rethought in the classical teachings of Christ must be reinterpreted. A whole series of reshaping of certain representations we're seeing definitely fixed by Catholic dogma has become necessary if we sincerely wished to Christopher by evolution close quotes, that gets to the very heart of it. When he tells us the concepts of the spiritual life must be rethought. The Catholic dogma has to be reinterpreted. The evolution has to be Christopher <inaudible> and the classical teachings of Christ himself must be interpreted. Speaker 1 12:23 He is a Nazi Nazis program to poison the very source of doctrine is a Nazis program to turn the source of spiritual life and the spiritual death and he knew exactly what he's doing. He knew what he was doing. One of the most important things to realize about Tiahrt besides his diabolical inspiration, is that he's a very cunning deceiver and he's fully aware of these deliberately setting out to establish a new religion and the wrappings of Catholicism as he makes perfectly clear to a chosen few. In his private correspondence in one letter for example, Todd writes the wants to get rid of the personal God, the one true God established religion with a new God, the spirit of the world. What dominates my interest is the effort establish and to spread a new religion. You may call it a better Christianity, which the person that God sees to be the great neolithic that's donate, which the personal God seems to be the great neolithic proprietor of former times in order to become the soul of the world. Speaker 1 13:26 Close. Cool. He makes his intention of establishing this religion under the guise of Catholicism. Very clear. In a letter to an apostate priest, he's speaking to safe company there. He States quote, the church has reached a period of necessary reformation. I consider the reformation question much more profound than that of the 16th century is a matter of faith. Man now has to rethink God, a God who can be adored and attained only through the elaboration of the universe. I do not see any better means that bringing this about then to work towards this reformation from within. That is by remained sincerely attached to the Catholic church whose development I expect to see close quote and his private Congress. Corresponse. Tiahrt is suppose himself as a cunning heretic who's camouflaged himself as a faithful Christian in order to spread his hair heresies more effectively. In his own words, he admits that he's in promoting a new religion with a new God and his own words. Speaker 1 14:28 He admits these remaining with the church and staying with SA inside in order to more easily spread his radical views. Now, before we consider the significance of his so called theology, let's briefly know a few of his perfectly logical conclusions that flow from an evolutionary standpoint, and as we read this, keep in mind that I'm reading the quotes of a Jesuit priest during the Nazi regime. He says that the strong you to consider new ways to handle life's rejects in the hospital. Quote, how should we judge the efforts we lavish and all kinds of hospitals on saving? What is so often no more than one of life's rejects? To what extent should not the development of the strong take precedence over the preservation Speaker 0 15:14 other week, close quote, Speaker 1 15:17 in the same essay he asked what advanced rates they should do was so called on progressive ethnic groups. Quote, what fundamental attitude should advancing web wing of humanity take the definitely on progressive ethnical groups. The earth is a closed and limited surface. To what extent should it tolerate racially or nationally areas of lesser activity? Speaker 0 15:43 Close quote, Speaker 1 15:45 even after the war and the diabolical disaster, the Nazi eugenics programs, he States the quote so far we've certainly allowed a race to develop at random is indispensable. That a noble human form of eugenics should be discovered and developed. Eugenics applied to individuals, leads to genics, applied Speaker 0 16:03 to society, close to cool Speaker 1 16:05 after the war at one in the same time, he issues a coffee genics programs as well as for so-called population control programs. Quote, in order to continue advancing humanity must come up with effective control both in quantity and quality of reproduction in order to overt a void or population of the earth or its invasion by less satisfactory ethnic group. Speaker 0 16:28 Close. Cool. It's pretty vile stuff. Speaker 1 16:34 After considering only a few of us years, it doesn't take much reflection to see why. In 1926 he was forbidden from teaching fly while he's still alive. So many of his works were refused. Imprimatur. Why 1947 Rome for Baden trove, write or teach on philosophical subjects. Why 1950 and 86 Manny, generous, his theories were condemned, although without name Ian, why 1957 the Holy office for Bay that works at tr to be kept in libraries, forbid his books from being translated in other languages or from being sold to Catholic bookstores. Why 1962 a decree of the Holy office warned that quote in philosophical and theological matters, the said work 10 yards, a replete with serious errors which offend Catholic doctrine, close call and at furthermore instructed bishops, superiors, directors to quote protect especially the minds of the young against the dangers of the work of father TRD Chardan and his followers. Speaker 0 17:28 Close quote Speaker 1 17:30 and yeah, in spite of all that, <inaudible> is the evil genius who inspired millions with the ID of theistic evolution that completely infects Catholic academia in seminaries is dr Wolfgang Smith. Points out quote granting that we are currently plagued by more than a single heresy. These take evolution in particular a pivotal role in as much as it contradicts the biblical revelation more directly and profoundly than the rest. Close quote and amen. The question we're left with is why anyone would fall for this kind of intellectual trash, and that's to put it mildly to anyone actually trained in the empirical sciences. TA Hart's writings come across like so much Gnostic jibberish or the ravings of a lunatic is one Nobel Laureate. Put it <inaudible> cannot be read without a feeling of suffocation, a gasping and flailing around for sense. So why would anyone fall for this kind of intellectual trash? Speaker 1 18:31 We'll answer that in some detail, but paraphrasing and summarizing the brilliant commentary of Anne Roach Muggeridge as opposed to the church and common sense, both of which teach the truth subjective and immutable modernists maintain that truth is nothing of the soar rather subjective, relative, historically conditioned and evolving. And according to the modernist, as human consciousness progresses, the simpler cruder understands reality of dogma of truth that satisfied it in bygone days can no longer be accepted. Yes, yes, the positive church used to believe that, but we've moved past all that now. No one really believes in the literal six day creation weekend nowadays do they? That was a pretty tall order for the modernist to present as legitimate Catholic teaching their claims that dogmas and truths changed and evolved over time. If contraception is wrong, the time of the apostles, then it's still wrong. Now, if our Lord taught that Adam and Eve were real people and he did, then they're real people. Speaker 1 19:32 The only way to make that case is to get people believing that everything changes over time, including dogmas and truce. So in order to explain the revolutionary changes, legitimate developments, a theory of theistic evolution was absolutely essential for the modernist. So even though terrorist's theory of cosmic evolution compounds bad science with horrible theology, it fits the bill in the modernist, employed it as the vehicle for their attacks and the structures and dog use of the church. And as we've seen tr retained the traditional dogmatic language, he preserved appearances, but at the same time he emptied of it, of its original meaning. A case in point is tear treatment of the problem of evil. Catholic teaches clear sin entered the world through conscious moral choice, original sin committed by Adam, but Tara claimed that evil was rather quote, a statistically inevitable byproduct of a universe in the course of unification with God. Speaker 1 20:29 Close quote. In other words, sin is not a moral question at all, but it's a natural byproduct of evolution. So what becomes of original sin chaired, explains quote, the idea of the fall is no more than an attempt to explain evil in a fixed universe. In other words, it didn't happen cause we don't live in a fixed universe. We live in an evolving universe. What becomes of Adam and Eve try to explain what Adam and Eve are images of mankind pressing on towards God. In other words, they didn't exist. What becomes the traditional understanding of the Toma and the redemption that is as sin and death entered the world by one man Adam. So by one man Christ new Adamson and death were conquered. It's gone. We've already heard the blast myths, explanation of Tay hard that Christ is supposedly saved by evolution. Just considering this one example of <inaudible> explanations of scent and a few of the consequences, and there's a lot more, but a few of the consequences that flow from his position is a clear demonstration of how incredibly useful here's theistic evolutionary theory proved to be for the modernists under its influence. Any doctrine, any truth, any moral teaching can easily be reformed and reshaped. And so from before the first world war through the second batting console, Tay hard was the single most important figure for modernist survival. And at the same time he was revered as a persecuted prophet. Speaker 1 21:59 As we've seen, Tiara gave another important example of the revolutionaries lie dissimulate, but never, ever, ever leave the Catholic church that sandwich be your edge. So this false prophet has literally flipped everything upside down instead of the one true and absolutely immutable God, we now have a God who was involved. Instead of Christ being the alpha and Omega, we now have some sort of cosmic evolutionary Christ was only the mega, the ending point, but not the offer. The beginning. Instead of being saved by Christ, we're saved by the world, said of Christ being the savior. Evolution saves Christ instead of timeless, immutable truths. The only absolute now is change. Instead of scripture being inspired internet, word of God, we now have a collection of pre-scientific myths suitable for the more primitive, less evolved lines of bygone years. Instead of Adam and Eve, it's our actual parents. We don't have a mythological Adam and Eve instead of a fall from grace a fall from perfection. We're now faced with the idea of an evolutionary advancement towards perfection instead of the totally gratuitous gift of supernatural grace, which perfect nature. We now have grace, which is an evolutionary biological byproduct, but it's all hogwash. So do I have all blasphemous, hogwash, all of it, every last bit of it. Speaker 1 23:31 A few last thoughts here. Even though he died in 1955 his legacy lives on his writings have been translated into every major language and sold by the millions. Court is possible. Trace the tr the idea that the synthesis between Christianity and Marxism is inevitable. Tear taught that the Christian in Mark's ways must eventually come together because everything in the nature of things, everything that is faith must rise and everything that rises must converge. 1948 is a communist March to victory in China. Tara wrote to a friend who can tell within the very interest the kingdom of God. A good dose of Marxism is not the thing to save us. Close call is history. The second battery console, Roberto <inaudible>, the prominent telling the story and noted quote how strong Kar Desjardins influence was on the console and that the name the French paleontologist frequently resided in the hall closed school. One of the theological experts had Vatican do also commented on Tay heart's influence. I think this is important quote, the impetus given by TRD Chardan exerted a wide influence on the council with daring vision incorporated the historical movements of Christianity, the great cosmic process of evolution from alpha to Omega, the concerts past reconstitution, the church in the modern world, God even space took the cue to slogan Christianity means more progress, more technology. They came to stimulus in which the council fathers on a concrete hole, close quote Joseph Ratzinger, Speaker 1 25:06 we'll give two of his supporters. Last word first. Cardo Henry to Lubeck, SJ. He defended Tay heart with at least two books, made the comment that quote, we need not concern ourselves with a number of detractors of tr and whom emotion has blended intelligence. Close quote. And finally in July, 2009 the spokesman for the Vatican, father Frederico Lombardi, SJ said quote, by now no one would dream of Saint <inaudible>. It's a hetero heterodox author who shouldn't be studied post-call we need not concern ourselves with detractors to take yard. So emotion is blended intelligence. By now, no one would dream of Saint <inaudible>. So hereto docks, author who shouldn't be studying. Speaker 0 25:51 Well indeed the fourth trumpet Speaker 1 25:58 and the fourth angel sounded the trumpet. The third part of the sun was smitten and third part of the moon, the third part of the stars. So the third part of it was dark and the data not shine for third part of it, the night and like manner Speaker 1 26:13 from the commentaries. Heaven symbolizes the church. It's the darkening of the lights of heaven, the sun, the moon, and the stars is a sign that the people have violated their covenant obligations to God and are undergoing judgment, and if the leaders of the church are departed from Jefferson, holiness to wickedness and depravity, the brilliance of the church doctrine and sanctity is diminished. The day is less brilliant. The night of ignorance becomes darker. The Holts church suffers from a weekend of faith and discipline. Many rejected others abandoned it. The symbolism of being judged by third to symbolic of severe spiritual famine. Amos eight verses nine to 12 also stands in the background in which Lord God says, quote, I will make the sun go down at noon and dark from the earth and broad daylight. Close quote, this prediction of the coming judgment. Israel also occurs with the woe of spiritual famine, which people will quote, stagger, to and fro to seek the word of the Lord. Speaker 1 27:10 They shall not find it close caught because they rejected God. Here, we'll check them and we'll try his presence in his word from them. The plague of darkness symbolizes judgment and especially the woes of God's withdrawal. The plague of darkness is a symbol of divine reaction to idolatry, but this judgment could also be directed to unfaithfulness, falsehood, an error within the church, closed quotes, thus the commentaries. So heaven symbolized the church, the darkness, the sun, moon, the stars, lights to heaven, sign up judgment for the people that violate their covenantal obligations to God. They've turned away from God and haven't kept the commandments. And it's a sign of church leaders that depart from justice and holiness. In other words, that symbolize the whole church suffering through darkness of ignorance, unfaithfulness, falsehood, and air. This prediction of becoming judgment on the church also occurs with a wall of a sea of beer, spiritual famine such as it's spoken of in the prophet Amos, which Lord God says, I will send a famine on the land, not a famine and bread nor thirst for water, but of hearing the words the Lord, they shall want it from CDC and from Northeast. Speaker 1 28:16 They shall run to and fro to seek the war. Lord, Lord, they shall not find it close. Cool. Given all that interpretation that we will fall in this conference is that this dark near the heavenly bodies signifies the influence of the theological movement known as the Novell field, G in English, the new theology. Now, what are we talking about when we speak of the theological movement known as the new Novell theology, the new theology. It's also called the resource map, and that's not a, that's not being pretentious. It's actually got French names. We're talking about a theology, fun and futuristic evolutionary fantasies of Taylor. We're talking about a theology that spread the errors of Russia through Catholic religious houses, seminaries and academia. Let's take a closer look in just two sentences. One of the new theologians, the French Jesuit father Henry bur summarizes the main principles as a whole movement. Speaker 1 29:10 The first sentence is typical Ty Hardy and jibberish. It serves as a justification for the second sentence, which is actually the key principle of the whole movement will be read both sentences and briefly comment on each father. Blue yard. Since spirit evolves and unchanging, truth can only maintain itself by virtue of a simultaneous and co relative evolution of all ideas, each proportionate to the other. A theology which is not current theology, which does not keep up with the times will be a false theology close call. Okay, so let's walk back to that one sentence at a time. First sentence, since spirit evolves and unchanging, truth can only maintain itself by virtue of a simultaneous and correlative relative evolution of all ideas, each proportion to the other. So here we have the typical T Hardy in evolutionary jibberish. Unfortunately, we don't, I'm not going to take the time to really rip it apart, which will be fun. Speaker 1 30:07 There's some real dishonesty in the use of language here. Let's just no one screaming contradiction in terms if ideas couldn't do evolve as father Byard claims, then what on earth could he possibly mean when he speaks it? An unchanging truth. If it's evolving, it's changing. Period, full stop. So this phrase could be more accurately worded and unchanging. Truth can only maintain itself by changing and these word games and this deliberate perversion of language. We see one of the specific areas of Russia just who saw OTR. They play with the language. When really intelligent men like this play word games like this, be careful. Speaker 1 30:49 They're trying to sell you something and the price of the your face don't trust these people. Second sense, if you all do, which is not current, a theology we should not keep up with the times will be a false theology, but this he means in order to be true, theology must change with the times and that's the key concept. This is the key principle of the whole novel fueledG , the whole new theology, the whole resource men, the title tells you the new theology. Okay? A theology which is not current will be a false theology to be true. Theology must change with the times, so Coddington to the new theology. In order to be true, the Autry must change with the times in December, 1946 Popeyes the 12th posed a very pointed question in as very regard. I quote, there's a good deal of talk about a new theology which must be in constant transformation. Speaker 1 31:45 Find example of all other things in the world which are in a constant state of flux and movement without ever reaching their term. If we were to accept such an opinion, all become the unchangeable dogmas of the Catholic faith and what will become of the unity stability of that fee. Close quote, Pope Pius the 12th there's a good deal of talk about a new theology which must be in constant transformation. If we were to accept session opinion, what will become of the unchangeable dog was in the Catholic faith? What would become of the unity and the stability of that faith? Speaker 1 32:26 We've already discussed this problem. We talked about the modernist. Remember that the modernists maintain the truth is is not unchangeable, were rather subjective, relative, historically conditioning, and that everything changes over time, including dog was in truce. This was human consciousness. Progress's. The simpler cruder understands reality of dogma tree that satisfied at bygone days can no longer be accepted. The new theologians, in other words, are the new modernists or to use the all more academic description of one author who highly favors them. The new theology is the inheritor of modernism. We'll take a brief look at their principle characteristics, but as we do keep in mind, their actual goal is to actually establish a new theology. In other words, by adopting this T Hardy and evolutionary framework, it in steam implies everything is changing in advance, including theology, which means the old has to go so it can be replaced by their vision, their vision, not Christ vision, their vision, and keep in mind that if everything could change, then every thing can change everything. Speaker 1 33:38 Okay? We'll start with comments from an academic, from the Levine who highly favors him. Jurgen met, met, and Penn's union quote. The first essential characteristic of the Novell theology is the French language. They should not come as much of a surprise since the modernist crisis. Likewise headed, it had its roots in the French language. French also implies reaction to Latin churches, universe, language, future priests, performance seminaries where the professors still used Latin handbooks. Close quote, well, if you want to uproot somebody, you want to take away his culture and his heritage, take away his language and getting rid of Latin. Also had the added benefit of being anti Roman. Very gala can position Latin had to go. We continue quote in addition to the original embeddedness of the Nobel few LG in the French language, there are three additional characteristics. Features of the moment. First excepted Catholic theology required theologians to take dogmas and other Roman texts as their point of departure. Speaker 1 34:40 The representatives of the Nobel field, LG decided to Baton and to resist this approach. Close quote, abandoned and resist using dogmas as a part of the portrait for your theology. Dogmas are the truths of the faith in other Roman texts. They don't want to use it for basis of theology. We've got an agenda and we don't want things like darkness getting away or cutting things up. We continued. Cool. Second, they claimed that theology had lost contact with the reality of faith to such a degree that a corrective maneuver had become necessary and the only solution is what they call the resource meant a return. The sources, the faith, namely the Bible liturgy. Patristics close. Cool. Now here's a perfect demonstration of why you shouldn't trust these people, these people, because this line of argument is actually blasphemous. Are we supposed to actually believe that since the time the father's roughly a thousand years ago, Catholic theology, it's somehow lost touch with the, and if that were true, how would these people know and why should we believe him? Are we actually supposed to believe that their claims are significantly different than Luther's? The difference being, of course it Luther had been tested and intellectual honesty, integrity leave. The Catholic church when he quit belief Speaker 1 36:04 is that great American theologian, Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton pointed out, quote, there is never going to be, and there never could be any return. Any resource meant to more authentic Catholic doctrinal tradition through the abandonment of the common teaching of all the 20th century manuals of fundamental dogmatic theology, the living and infallible magisterium of the Catholic church never abandoned most authentic Catholic tradition than Banamine of the dog. Attached attacher called into question about the original modernist or by their successors. The new theologians would be an abandonment of the divine teaching within the Catholic church. Speaker 0 36:39 Oh, that's cool. Speaker 1 36:42 There never is going to be it and there never could be any return resource meant to more authentic Catholic doctrinal tradition to the banishment of the common teaching of all the 20th century manuals, fundamental dogmatic theology, the Banamine, the dog was attacked or called into question by the new theologians will be an abandonment of the divine teaching to the Catholic church. Speaker 0 37:01 We continue. Speaker 1 37:04 Third, the new theologians had a critical attitude towards newest scholasticism, the specific and preferred form of theology supported by the magisterium. The new theologians did not want to have themselves in with Neo Scholastic boundaries. Well, of course they had a bad attitude about actual Catholic theology. Who needs a magisterium? Who needs st Thomas? Truth is what we see it is. We've got an agenda contrast. Their critical approach to the astral Catholic attitude as explained by Monsignor Fenton. Quote, a practicum of commentary and authority of the Scholastic he logins is be fun and severe attitude which the church has taken with regard to those who attempt to undermine their teachings. Furthermore, the enemies of the Catholic faith have a bitch. They'd been strenuous opponents, both of the conclusions and of the methods of the Scholastic doctors. The unanimity of <inaudible> must be reckoned in the same way. Is that of the church fathers? Speaker 0 37:57 Oh, that's cool. Speaker 1 37:59 When Catholic theologian made another important observation in 1950 article, no. Do you have a new theologians make quote statements which seem it for sight to reflect the pure traditional theology, but which in fact you've nothing to kind of close quote. And they are quote, very careful to repeat all the fundamental propositions, the traditional theology, almost as if there was no intention of making any attack against it. Closed court and he notes these slippery tactics are especially true fathers de back, Daniel and Ron, all of whom are at the very center of this. So the leaders of the new for three ology with the Jesuits, father Henry de Lou back, he wrote at least two books defending two yard for the Jean Daniel for the Hanningfield yard for their hands per spawn. Bought the sock, the Karl Rahner, those are the Jesuits and the Dominican fires. We Charlene a Dominique. She knew Aedes Congo, Edward skill of eggs in 2008 one of his last public appearances before his death, but a skill that equitize when he stated quote, there is no salvation outside the world. Speaker 1 38:59 Close, close too hard was an important example in other way from the new theologians as infamous heretic hands can explain quote we have to do with the theologians did in the 50s a hundred authoritarian regime and Pius the 12th he deposed a lot of professors, Rauner, Congress, Tejada sedan were all suppressed, but they continued quietly working to prepare the future. The best thing is to stay, to fight and to work and to prepare for the future. It is the wrong method to get out close call. We don't need, I know theology. We need a truth theology. We don't need to know theology. We need a true theology. Speaker 1 39:44 After considering only a few of these years, it doesn't take much reflection to see why during the reign of Pius the 12th so many of these new theologians were forbidding to teach. Why during the reign of pies at 12 so many of their books and articles with water to be moved from circulation and some were even placed on the index of forbidden books. Why in some cases during the rain of pies at 12 they were forbidden to Polish wine. Some cases including father Dilu back during the reign of Pius the 12th fortunately everything they wrote was subject to censorship and wrong, and why 1950s during the reign of Heiser 12th there's threes were condemned and in sick, well managed trainers hold out without naming the particular individuals. What we see in an oil field in the new theology, then there's a whole school of false profits arising in the heart of the church. Speaker 1 40:29 False prophets who preach. There's a rush all gussied up and pretty Catholic language, and we see those areas begin to flow into the church yourself. You were theologians that are religious houses, especially those great religious orders, the Jesuits and Dominicans in your academic institutions into our seminaries and oppression. Publishing houses like some sort of horrific theological acid bath seeping into everything. Dissolving unchangeable dogmas dissolve in the unit instability. The fee, wiping away the distinction between nature and grace, importing erroneous and even insane modern philosophical approaches in the Catholic education, relentlessly attacking the Latin language and their hatred of wrong, relentless attacking tomism relentlessly attacking the theological manuals, claiming that the man who was an obstacle, the renewal in life, the church, when in fact the truth of that matter was they hated those very males because they're chockfull of reputations. The very modernist lies and errors that they were advancing because those most responsible the bishops who will just spirit cause they didn't sufficiently keep vigil. Speaker 1 41:32 The and faucets permeating the preachy. This false prophets weren't resisted or seriously addressed. And so these lies and errors began to enter the hearts of men and take root there, especially the hearts of priests in academics. The hearts began hard because that it diminished their ability to see clearly. Blindness began to settle over there. Sure that'd be held and heard the voice of one Eagle flying from the midst of heaven saying with a loud voice, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Two inhabitants of the earth by reason to voice the rest of the voices, the three angels, or yet to sound the trumpet from the commentaries and this passage quote, the messengers in Eagle, a heralded destruction in old Testament prophecies of judgment. The appearance of an Eagle flying in mid Midheaven for boats, climactic trials since flying and Midheaven elsewhere in apocalypse always refers to creatures whose appearance anticipates the judgment at Christ's second coming, he goes calling a loud with a loud voice to the earth as it flies. Speaker 1 42:42 What was the term used in the old new testaments? Does it designate the direst punishments of God? Our Lord spoke at both as a threat to hardened sinners and a warning to all who might be prone to grievous sin. The threefold repetition provides the greatest possible emphasis on God's holiness as well as his judgment. Indeed, his holiness demands his judgment. The Eagle announces a series of three disasters which are to fall in the world's inhabitants because it is hovering in midair. You crying aloud with a loud voice. Everyone can see and hear the warnings of judgmental. Woe to come. Heaven symbolizes the church. The Eagle find in the midst of heaven is obviously some great Saint with a direct commission from God to preach the world in pen and judgments and Eagle flies to the midst of heaven where it can be seen and heard by all who dwell on earth. Speaker 1 43:26 Those dwelling on earth is a technical term throughout that pockets, fun believing, idolaters, closed quotes. Thus the commentaries, so one ego, which in itself is a scriptural symbol of imminent destruction is flying to the midst of heaven, which is symbolic for the church. That action is also a very foreboding action. Since in the apocalypse. The phrase Frank, for the mist of heaven always refers to creatures whose appearance anticipates a judgment at Christ's second coming. It's saying with a loud voice, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Two in happen to the earth. What was the term used in scripture? Designate the most dreadful punishments of God, both as a threat to hard sinners and a warning to all who might be prone to a grievous sin. That's repeated three times in order to give the greatest possible emphasis on God's holiness as well as the judgment which has been forgotten by those toiling on the earth, unbelieving daughters, the Eagle and Nazis. Speaker 1 44:18 The next three trumpet plugs, which you're about to fall in the worlds and habits because it's fine for the midst of having a crying aloud with a loud voice. Everyone can see and hear the warnings of these three coming woes so that he goes to great Saint, the direct from God to preach to the world in pending judgments of all, in other words, is regards a second Kong. This Eagle has a role very much like that which was played by Saint John the Baptist in regards to the first coming just to Saint John. The Baptist was the voice of one crying out in the desert. So the Eagle is the voice of one crying out and it's to Pailin. Just to st John Baptist told the people to penance for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so that you go tell us the people, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, two inhabitants of the earth. Speaker 1 44:59 Given all that interpretation will fall in this conference is that this Eagle is great. Saint, a direct commission from God preached the world to trumpet plagues commenting the last judgment in regards to the second coming has a role very much like that which was played by Saint John the Baptist regards the first coming who just the Saint John the Baptist is a voice of one kind of desert. So us as the voice of one crying out in the midst of heaven who justice st John the Baptist told people do penance for the keynote. Head of heaven is at hand. Salsa tells the people Whoa, Whoa. To then happens to the earth. Whose voice with her throughout the church preparing the man, mankind for Lord to come again. This great saying is just your Lucio and yet in spite of the fact that the bus of Virgin Mary herself a clearly and trusted sister with SIA with a message of literally apocalyptic proportions from 1960 up until her death in 2005 she was forbidden to speak about Fatima without the explicit permission, the Holy sea, with exception of her family. Speaker 1 45:54 The same was true for her visits. Even a priest would serve as a confessor and spiritual director from 1926 to 1938 it had been living in Brazil for over 20 years, was not allowed to speak with her. During a vision visit to Portugal in 1960 he explained the court I have not been able to speak with sister Wistia because Archbishop could not give the permission to meet her. The conditions of isolation in which she finds herself had been imposed by the Holy sea. Consequently, no one may speak to her without a license from wrong clothes. Cool. It gets better until 1966 cactus were forbidden from publishing any material concerning apparitions without first heavy received a Bishop's imprimatur that year. Pope Paul the sixth revoke that prohibition and as one author has noted from that point forward, any Catholic was permitted to publish freely on Marian apparitions, including those fatten from that time. In fact, all the hundreds of millions of Catholics in the whole world had complete Liberty to comment on Fadiman except one. There's only one Catholic in the whole world who was not allowed to speak openly. Speaker 0 46:57 I have a sister. Let's see him. Speaker 1 47:01 Given all that, it's very enlightening to carefully consider the contents of what was to be your last public interview. You had an on December 26 1957 to father for Wednesdays, the vice postulator at that time of the cases of now state's Francisco and into Speaker 1 47:19 sister Lucia and we quote father most Holy version is very sad because no one has paid any attention to her message and either the nor the bad, the good continue on their way, but without giving you any importance to your message. The bad not seeing the punishment of God actually falling upon him. Continued life of soon without even caring about the message, but believe me, father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from heaven is imminent, but how much time is there before 1960 arrives, we already sat for everyone. Not one person will Joyce it all beforehand. The world does not pray and your pants. I'm not able to give any other details because it is still a secret. According to the Willow most Holy Virgin, only the Holy father and the Bishop of FATTOM are permitted to know the secret, but they have chosen not to know so that they would not be influenced. Speaker 1 48:13 This is the third part of the message of our lady, which will remain secret until 1960 tell them father, that many times the most Holy Virgin told my cousins Francisco and your center as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. She said that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation. Sister Lucy also told me, father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the blessing Virgin, and the devil knows what it is that offends God the most and which in a short space of time gained from the greatest number of souls. That's the devil. Does everything overcome souls consecrated God? Because in this way, the devil succeed and leaving the souls, the faithful, abandoned by leaders, thereby the more easily when he sees them, that which your flicks the macro heart of Mary in the heart of Jesus is a fall of religious and priestly souls. Speaker 1 49:09 The devil knows that religious and priests to fall away from the beautiful vocation, drag numerous souls to hell. The devil wishes to take possession, consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lower the sleep, the souls of lay people and thereby lead them to final and penitents. He employs all tricks, even go so far as to suggest delay of entrance into religious life resulting from this as this to reality of interior life and among the lay people, lack of enthusiasm or Nazi pleasures and dedicated themselves totally to God. Tell them also father that my cousins Francisco and just sent to sacrifice themselves because in all the apparitions, the most Holy Virgin, they always saw her very sad. She never smiled at us. The sadness is anguished, which we noted in her penetrator our souls. The sadness is caused by the fences against God and the punishments which meant sinners and so we children did not know what to think except invent various means of praying, making sacrifices. Speaker 1 50:06 The other things we've sacked by these children was to see the vision of hell. Father, that is why my mission is not just to indicate to the world the material punishments which are certainly come if the world does not pray, do penance beforehand. No. My mission is to indicate to everyone the imminent danger. We are in a losing our souls for all eternity if we remain obstinate in sin. Sister Lucy also said to me, father, we should not way off the wait for an appeal to the world to come from Rome and the part of the Holy father to do pennants, nor should we wait for the call to penance to come from our bishops in our diocese, nor from the religious congregations. No, our Lord is already very often used these means and the world has not paid attention. That is why now it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually. Speaker 1 50:58 Each person must not only save his own soul, but also help to save all the souls that God has placed on our path. The devil does on his part of his track us and to take away from us love for prayer. We shall all be saved together or we should be damned together. Five of the most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last time was the world, but she made me understand it for three reasons. The first reason is because she told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Virgin and a decisive battle is the final battle. One side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Huston. From now on, we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we're for the devil. There is no other possibility. Speaker 1 51:45 The second reason is because she said to my cousins as well as to myself that God is giving two last remedies to the world. These are the Holy rosary in devotion, an accurate heart of Mary. These are the two last remedies which signify that there will be no others. The third reason is because in the plans, the divine Providence, God always before he's about to chastise the world, exhausts all of the remedies. Now when he sees it, the world pays no attention whatsoever. Then as we say in our imperfect manner of speaking, you offers this with certain fear. The last means of salvation, his most Holy mother is with certain fear because if you despise and repulse this ultimate means we will not have any more forgiveness from heaven because we will have committed a sin, which is the gospel calls the sin against the Holy ghost. This sin consists of openly rejecting with full knowledge and consent to salvation, which he offers. Let us remember that Jesus Christ is a very good son and that he does not permit that we offended, despises most Holy mother. We've recorded through many centuries of church history, the obvious testimony, which demonstrates by the terrible chastisements we should be following those who attack the honor of his most Holy mother. Hard Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of his mother. Post-close, Speaker 1 53:01 the fifth trumpet and the fifth angel sounded the trumpet and I saw a star fall from heaven upon the earth. It was given to him, him the key of the bottomless pit, and he opened the bottom's pit and a smoker. The pit, a Rose is a smoke of a great furnace and the sun and air were darkened or the smoke of the pit. From the commentaries quote, the best interpretation is that this fallen star opened. The bottomless pit symbolizes the Jewish high priest. A key was given a fond star. There's but one key to the shaft of the BIS indicated by the definite article and therefore this star alone so able to open it. The priest has his key from God. The fond star opening the chef leading down into the vis and turns loose the force of evil under the earth. These evil spirits, it private and bound by the church. Speaker 1 53:51 During the proceeding ages, legions of evil spirits have been driven out of possess persons and out of the world, Oracles and dividing spirits had been sounds. The superstitions to pity of idolatry had been cleared out of Christendom. These. Those spirits may have been relegated to the bottom of the base by the church for the powers of the priesthood, the spread of truth as it administration is sacraments. They are now released, permitted to work towards the reestablishment, paganism, dubs, creation, his son and Sekai be tokens. The darkening, the authority of the church Loring man's respect for and showing you're less divine. You're no longer divine at all. It signifies the success of the heirs or heresies to such a degree as to bring darkness to men's minds. The infection of the heirs, moral and spiritual. Do you notice the errors and the morality which the angel turns loose? Speaker 1 54:39 The two definite articles in the phrase, the shaft of the hub is indicates that the notion of a shaft to the BIS as well as the BIS itself was well known to the readers. The shaft of the underworld is blocked by door to which God alone holds the key. The star has the divine afforded you to unlock the entrance to the bottomless pit. As long as the shaft is sealed, earth walls are protected from the demonic powers below. So the abyss is a place of chaos and distraction, harboring forces of darkness and death when it's open. Therefore, clouds of smoke pour out and agents of terror release the shaft to wreak havoc on the earth as a smoke, a sense from the shaft, it obscures the sun darkens the atmosphere. The scene of revelation hearkens back to the description of locus judgment and prophecy of Joel. Speaker 1 55:21 The plague of locusts. According shawl to 10 causes sun, moon and stars to be darkened. These heavily Portant portents together with blood and fire and smoke are signs of judgment and heralds. The coming day of the Lord Darcie the son and other parts of the cosmos has already been seen to connote judgment. The precise form of judgment partly involves deception, which is symbolized by the darkness caused by the smoke. Throughout the new Testament, darkness symbolizes spiritual blindness. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was described as dense smoke rising in front of land like smoke from a furnace. The dense smoke rises from the pit, obscures the heavens to signifies that the heresy ships succeed for a time. True Catholic doctors obscured and even lost to many peoples close quotes, dust commentaries. Okay, so the first commentator we said, it seems to think all these things came to pass in the destruction of the temple, which is why he thought the fallen star who opened the boss pit symbolize the Jewish high priest. Speaker 1 56:15 Now, although that's certainly one, uh, one possible prophetic fulfillment of the apocalypse. Remember the <inaudible>, obviously it's not the particular fulfillment we're considering, but since the events associated with instruction at temple actually for shadow in events in the world, that insight shed some real light on this first because the Jewish high priest prefigures the Paul, that insight brings the rest of the commentaries and a much clearer focus on that basis. Let us go back through them now and then we'll give our interpretation. The shaft of the best as well as the base itself was well known to the readers and Blackbaud DOR to which God alone holds a key. That key was given to the Pope. There's, but one key to the shaft of the BIS indicate about a definite article and therefore the Pope alone is able to open the Pope, open the shaft leading down into the BIS in terms of this, the force of evil under the earth, these evil spirits of private and bombed by the church or in the proceeding ages, they just, evil spirits have been driven out of possessed persons and out of the world. Speaker 1 57:13 The spirits may been relegated at the bottom of this by the church. Shout the powers of the priesthood, the spread truth and ministration sacraments. They're not released, permitted to work towards reestablishment, paganism, Dobbs creation. The sentence guy be tokens. The darkening of the authority of church lowering man's respect for him showing less divine, no longer divine at all. It signifies the success of the errors or heresies to such a dream is to bring darkness to men's minds. Infection airs more on special denotes airs and morality, which the angel turns loose. The Pope has the divine authority to unlock entrance to bottom's pit. As long as the shaft is sealed, earth walls are protected from the demonic powers below. For the business, a place of chaos and distraction, harboring forces of darkness and death when it's open. Therefore, clouds of smoke pour out an angel to tear her, release the shaft, wreak havoc on earth, has a smoke, a sense from the shaft obscures the sun and darkens the atmosphere. Speaker 1 58:05 The scene of revelation hearkens back in his description and locus judgment in the prophecy of Joel, the plague of locusts occluding child to 10 causes son when it starts to be darkened. And these heavenly Portant together with blood and fire and smoke are signs of judgment. Harold's the coming day of the Lord, the dark using of the sun and other parts of the cosmos has already been seen to connote judgment. The precise point of judgment, partly involved deception, which is symbolized by the darkness caused by the smoke throughout the new Testament, darkness symbolizes spiritual blindness. Destruction. Sodom and Gomorrah was described as dense smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. Dense smoke rising from the tip secures the heavens. The signifies at the heresy shall succeed for time. True Catholic doctrine is obscured and even lost too many people. Okay, so in this vision we have a star falling from heaven. Speaker 1 58:51 We have a key, we have Obama's pit, we have this smoke, a great furnace coming up out of the pit. Given all that interpretation of falling his conferences at this star, which has given the key, the bus was a Pope. So I have absolutely no idea what he did unlocked the entrance. I'm not going to even venture an opinion. The smoke pouring out as a smoke of a great furnace symbolizes smoke of Satan, which flowed into the church trying to counsel to spirit of Vatican too. And the resulting darkening of the sun and the air signifies the a Russian pointing to the church herself. Intensification of great apostasy and operation of air. The spiritual family has been drawing trumpet after trumpet. Speaker 1 59:30 Okay, so in this vision we have a star flying from heaven. We are Q Obama's pit. Let's take a closer look. Starting with the pit and the apocalypse. The word used here that BIS is used to describe the domain of the drag in a prison or the intelligence. Now there's the interesting Jewish legend about the BIS having to do with Iraq. Since ancient times, the Jews have called this particular rock, the foundation stone, and among other things, they thought of it as a capstone, which basically plug the opening of the shaft, which led to the BIS and holds back the disorder and chaos and unroll prevents it from erupting, flooding the world. And that's why the commentary noted the shaft of the best as well as the biz itself was well known to the readers and blocked by a door to which God alone holds a key. Speaker 1 00:15 When Solomon built the temple, this rock was actually part of the floor of the Holy of Holies. In fact, it was the very surface in which the arc of the covenant was placed. Nowadays, there's a huge mosque built over that rock and that's why it's called the dome of the rock. Our Lord had stated, the wise man built his house upon a rock. We all know who's the wisest man in old Testament. That's King Solomon. And just as King Solomon built the temple on the rock on a foundation stone saw, saw our Lord who said it himself, that he was credited and Saman. So also our Lord built his church on a rock, a living rock, a new foundation, stone st Peter the apostle. That's why our Lord changed Simon's named Peter, which means rock. You know, when we say something's becoming petrified, we mean it's turning into rock. Speaker 1 01:00 In other words, our Lord said, our rock, and on this rock, I'll build my church. So with the foundation stone was the temple. St Peter is tar Lord's church. In other words, the foundation stone is a type prefigurement of st Peter st Peter's the foundation stone for the church of Jesus Christ. When our Lord to the Gates of hell shall not prevail against it, meaning his church is pointing up at his new foundation stone, the foundation stone of his church. Saint Peter is a new capstone responsible for suppressing the disorder and chaos of the underworld and preventing it from erupting out and flooding the world. The point is that st Peter, the new foundation stone has a crucial role in plugging the abyss and preventing all health from breaking Moe's. Okay. When a Lord changed time named Peter made him new foundation stone, he also gave him keys. Speaker 1 01:45 Why? Like great doctor, the church Saint John Chris' system teaches that when Christ gave these keys to Peter, the Karen government of the whole world was committed to him and the image here is easy to understand. Since back in the old days, cities had walls with Kate, so being given the keys to city main men receiving a position of very great trust and honor in terms of sorrow, safeguarding the populace, the man with the keys can open and shut to whom he wills, he can lock the Gates to keep enemies out. We can be traded people and unlocked the gate and let the enemy in. That's the power of the keys. All that by way of backroom for posit. 12 was buried on October 13th, 1958 so three months later on January 25th, 1959 Saint John the 23rd announced the convocation, the second Vatican council at some time before the council, which opened on October 11th, 1962 it seems that DePaul was the only one that could possibly do this. Did something which unlocked the entrance to bottomless pit. What that might be. I have no idea, but I do suspect that the action might be contained in this third secret, which would be one reason it hasn't been revealed. That's pure speculation. Speaker 1 02:55 Second Vatican council. Well, we talk about the console. Let's keep a few things in mind. First, it's easy for God to make sure the church has separate shepherds according to his will. St Gregory, the great said quote, divine justice provides shepherds according to just desserts of the faithful, so that's sobering enough. Second, God has not abandoned us in any way whatsoever in Christ. Our Lord said, I'll be with you always. He meant it. He didn't mean I'll be with you only until the second Vatican council, so that's even more so and third, there's been a lot of useless wailing about all this, but very little pants, very little pants, virtually no pants, and we're talking about a scourging and everybody knows that we're talking about God visiting his most dreadful anger upon us. We're talking about the first wall of the apocalypse. Speaker 1 03:57 Let's consider the concert itself, starting with these lines from Pope's in John 23rd speech opening the council quote, the greatest concern of the ecumenical console is this. That sacred deposit of Christian doctrine should be guarded and taught more efficaciously to transmit that doctrine. Pure an integral without any in any way <inaudible> or distortion, which the top throughout 20th centuries, not withstanding difficulties in contrast, has become the common patrimony of men. Close quote, the greatest concern are the that committee council is this, the sacred deposit of Christian fee should be carved into more efficaciously to transmit that doctrine. Peer integral without any attenuation distortion, what's not being a bit disrespectful or bit sarcastic to note abstracting from everything else. If it were judged on that basis alone. Vatican two has been one of the greatest failures in history. Absolutely colossal and that's not just my opinion. Speaker 2 04:58 <inaudible> Speaker 1 04:59 well, it turned up PayPal analysis later, not in his conference. I'll read what the popes have said. Speaker 1 05:06 Amazingly. See John the 23rd actually allowed suspect theologians, followers to the new theology, the very theology that it spread. There's Russia, two Catholic ridges, houses, seminaries and academia that had been condemned by pies. The 12 men who had been banned from teaching whose written works were suspect in some cases had been placed on the index forbidden books and her father was a tr. These suspect theologians were actually allowed to work as theological experts at the council. Take the case for just one example of father de Lubeck. He's a French Jesuit. We've written articles in it at least two books and defense of Tay ARD, who in his own written works and wiped away the distinction between nature and grace and been prohibited from teaching from 1950 to 1958 in 1960 the Pope himself appointed father to loopback to serve on the preparatory commission for the upcoming council. Speaker 1 05:58 He was then made a theological expert for the council itself. Later, Paul Paul six appointed him as a member of the constants theological commission and two secretaries. That's just one example. There's many more, but we're not going to take any time to go through it. Another notable aspect of this council has many historians. That remark is that the most influential people in the council were not actually council fathers themselves, but the theological experts. In fact, some call that the council of the theological experts and as we've seen many of these experts, representatives as school of new theology, whole school of false prophets which had arisen and the heart of the church preaching the errors of Russia gussied up and pretty Catholic language and how they've been turned loose in the council, and these men were not only invited the in many respects, the orchestrator, the results, his father <inaudible> another one of the new theologians who had had books on index, had a book on the Knicks. Speaker 1 06:51 He served as a theological expert at the council and as he admitted quote the gospel is that the theological experts, director of the council, indeed this is not so wrong, suddenly the areas of Russia about to spread into the mainstream, the church. Another absolutely astonishing fact is that in spite of the XL imprisonment torture martyrdom of so many bishops, priests, and faithful in spite of the millions and millions murdered by these bloodthirsty regimes, the constants had absolutely nothing about communism even though there were two specific appeals to do so. The first by 213 or console Polish and a second by 435 of the council fathers. Why the silence? The Italian history, Roberta? To me it explains cool. The greatest evil of the 20th century was certainly communism, never. Nonetheless, paradoxically, communism is precisely the evil that of addict to avoid condemning what was the reason for this failure Speaker 1 07:51 and August, 1962 in the fall, a small French town of met a secret accord is main between current artists are on the Vatican representative in Orthodox Archbishop written Yara slop. Monsignor nicotine is who was an agent for the KGB as was documented after the openings, the archives and Masa, the Vatican agreed not to discuss communism at the council as a condition to remit the participation of observers from the Russian Orthodox church at the council and the secret Vatican archives. There's a note and Paul, the six on handwriting confirms the existence of this agreement. Other documents from the KGB, archives of Polish secret police SB and the German East German Stasi had been published, which confirmed the comments governments and the secret services of Eastern countries penetrated the Vatican to favor their interests and infiltrate the highest ranks of the Catholic hierarchy. Speaker 2 08:40 Oh, that's cool. Speaker 1 08:43 So that I can agree not only, not to condemn, but not even discuss this tannic plight of communism and why so three Russian Orthodox observers might attend the council. Speaker 1 08:59 Another one of the areas of Russia that we saw at tr and the more fully with the new theologians was their cutting use of words. They can sell your documents. We see the texts suffering from Hank big U M ambiguities, but Brian Harrison explains quote, it seems to me essential for leaders of the church to honestly recognize the ambiguity's we've inherited from the council. It frequently happened at the council that a traditional Orthodox proposal would be approved with modified language replacing the footnotes because of strong opposition from the liberals. Her Roberta Demartini notes that quote, the lack of precision in the texts was justified by the pastoral, non dogmatic orientation. The council. There was no definition authorized. Everything was discussed, but nothing was defined since it was a pastoral council. The pastor, the mansion itself secondary with respect the dock automation in reality turned out to be the priority. Produce the revolution style language mentality. Speaker 2 09:57 Oh, that's cool. Speaker 1 09:59 So the techs had lack of precision. Nothing was defined. There was a revolution style, language and mentality. It frequently happened in a traditional Orthodox proposal would be approved with modified language. Well, that's actually very sinister. People don't speak the same language and understand their terms in the same way it separates them. We're seeing the punishment from the tower of Babel being introduced into the Holy thing. Words matter. Unchangeable dogmas require unchangeable language. Unchangeable dogmas require unchangeable language. If someone wanted attack the dog was, the first step would be modify their expression in terms of style, language and mentality and push for the vernacular. Remember the claim of the new theologians. In order to be true, theology must change with the times. This sort of divide, conquer tactic with words makes it far easier to push. Another agenda during the council. Paul, the six actually had to write in cyclical defending the church's teaching on the real presence and you're turning the heretical positions of two of the new theologians were working as theologians at that time at the council for the call Rahner and father Edmund skill bags. Speaker 1 11:14 Although there were slight differences in their claims. The upshot was that although they would use words real presence, they didn't mean what the church meant by that. There's those word games again. In fact, they denied transubstantiation. They claimed that after the consecration, the bread and wine are made bread, wine. The only thing that happened was it the meaning or the purpose of the bread change. They claimed the substance, the bread, wine, rain. There's no change in them being bred. Why? They just merely take on a new meaning, which they call trans sacred. If you got a new meaning, you call it transit signification. Next it, new purpose. That's trans finalization. In response to this, the Pope wrote quote for, we can see that some of those who are dealing with this most Holy risk tree in speech and writing or descending opinions on the dogma transfer instantiation that are disturbing the minds of the faithful and causing the no small measure of confusion about matters of faith, justice, if it were all right for someone to take. Speaker 1 12:05 Doctrine has already been defined by the church and interpreted in such a way as to weaken the genuine meaning of the words. It is not permissible to discuss the mystery of transubstantiation without mentioning with the council of Trent had to stay about the marvelous conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body and the whole substance of the wine and the blood of Christ as if they are involved. Nothing more than translate indication or trans finalization as they call it. Everyone can see that the spread of these and similar opinions does great harm to belief in devotion to Eucharist. Close quote, Pope Paula six they both kept working as theologians by the way, and this deliberate manipulation and that language. I'm using Catholic terms but emptying them of their content. We see one of the specific errors of Russia just as we saw with tr precision words really matters. What would happen if at the consecration state of saying, this is my body, the priest said, that is my body. Speaker 0 13:11 Nothing would happen. Speaker 1 13:15 What if, what would happen if during a baptism and say, saying, I baptize you, the name of the father, son, Holy spirit, the preset, the community baptizes you the name of the father, son, Holy spirit, Speaker 0 13:28 nothing. What happened? Words matter. Speaker 1 13:36 <inaudible> also address the property use of language and this cyclical under the heading proper wording of great importance. The Pope States that quote, careless use of words can give rise to false opinions regarding faith. The rule of language which the church has established with long labor of centuries with the help Holy spirit is to be religiously preserved and no one may presume to change it and his own pleasure under the pretext of new knowledge, close quote, but that's the whole point of the new theology. The new theologians explicitly reject using dogmas, other Roman techs as a basis for theology. This is what their, their fundamental operating principle we continue pause six would ever tolerate that. The dogmatic form is used by the ecumenical councils for the mysteries of our faith be judged as no longer appropriate for men of our times and let others be rationally substituted for. Well, as we've seen the key concept, the key principle is that of the whole new theology is that in order to be true, it has to change with the times Speaker 1 14:41 we continue, Paula six the dogmas of faith express concepts that are not tied to a certain specific form of human culture to a certain level of scientific progress or to one another theological stool. Instead they set forth what the human mind grasps of reality through necessary and universal experience and what expresses an apt and exact words, whether it be an ordinary or Murphy more refined language. These formulas are adapted to all men of all times and in all places. The meaning that Holy mother church has once declared is to be re retained forever and no pretext of deeper understanding ever justifies any deviation from that meaning close quotes. Pope Paul the sixth and in all these word games and the fact that the console techs had lacks of precision, that nothing was defined as a revolution in style, language and mentality that a traditional Orthodox proposal will be expressed and modify language that the Pope actually had to point out that the dog was a fate or adaptive to all men of all times in all places. Speaker 1 15:48 Then regards to dogmas, the Pope has to remind everybody that the meaning of the Holy mother church has wants to declare it is to be retained forever. No pretext of deeper understanding ever justifies any D DVA. She for that meeting, the DePaul actually had to write an encyclical correcting heretical claims about the real presence made by theologians who are currently working in Rome at the council. In all of these word games. In the pulps responses, we see a very clear indication of some of the contents of the third secret and our fourth memoir, sister Lucy, insert of the introduction. The third secret quote in Portugal, the dog with a faith will always be preserved Speaker 2 16:35 call Speaker 1 16:39 and what we're seeing here symbolically speaking, that in regard even to the most explicit sacrum to the altar dog, no, it's not being preserved in Rome. Speaker 1 16:58 In the next conference, we'll start by considering the wake of the council spirit of Vatican to intensification to spiritual family that we've been seeing growing trumpet after trumpet. That's great. A pause to see an operation of bear. We started this section with an excerpt from Pope John st John, the 23rd speech opening the council. Let's close with an excerpt from Paul Paul's speech, which closed the council, and as we read this, keep in mind that only three months previously the Pope actually had arrived in cyclical to point out among other things that the dog was the faith or adapted amen of all times and all places the Pope had to point out in regards to the dogmas, the mini and the Holy mother church has wants to declare is to be retained forever. No pretext. The deeper understanding ever justifies any deviation from that meeting. The Pope had to crutch radical attacks against the dogma, the real presence made by theologians who were working at this very console. Keep all that, all those struggles in mind. As we close with this excerpt for Paul Paul, the sixth speech on December 7th, 1965 which caused the council quote, still fresh in our memory, are the words uttered in this Basilica by our venerated predecessor, John the 23rd who in truth called the originator of this great Senate. There's an opening address to constantly add this to say, the greatest concern of the ecumenical council is this, the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine, the Carter garden, and taught more effectively. His great purpose has now been achieved. Speaker 1 18:46 The greatest concern of the ecumenical council is yes, the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine. Should we caught it and talk more efficaciously his great purpose has not been achieved well indeed.

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