Nero as the anti Christ

November 20, 2005 00:18:34
Nero as the anti Christ
Veritas Caritas
Nero as the anti Christ

Nov 20 2005 | 00:18:34


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible>. Speaker 1 00:05 Once again, we've come to the end of the liturgical year. Once again, the church asked us to consider the end of the world. Now, even though this is an intrinsically exciting topic, we're not supposed to have a chicken little, the sky is fine, kind of Kizzy fit every time we think about it, okay? As we said before, that great Belgian Jesuit, Saint John Birch gives us a perfect example how we ought to react when we're thinking about topics like the end of the world. One day during the time the sign from the Jesuits to be at recreation, St John Bertrand's was shooting pool and one of his fellows, Sam air, and he came up to him and said, hey, what would you do right now if you found the world is going to hand, and Saint John Virgin said to him, I'd keep right on shooting pool. Now that might sound like a strange story here. Speaker 1 00:57 What's the point? St John Bertrand was supposed to be taking recreation. That's what his rule said. That's what he's supposed to be doing and that's exactly what he was doing and he's in a state of grace. In other words, he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing at that particular moment in time, and that's what Christ, our Lord expects us to be doing our duty and our state in life. If we're in the state of graves and we're doing this, they're going to stay alive. We're doing everything that's expected of us. Okay? The important thing is not when in history we live, but how we die. If we die in a state of grace, then we've made it. Okay. This is just basic training for heaven. That's all. This is basic training for heaven. We're just trying to get to, it's a short period of time and eternity is forever and ever and all we're trying to do here is get through how by doing our duty and our state life and stand in a state of grace. Okay. Speaker 1 01:54 Now before we get started, we need to quickly review something else. What the work type names, what's the type? I type as a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing. Or actually it's a type is a person thing or action. It actually exists, but God intends to prefigure or point towards a few person thing or action or if you, a few examples to see how this works. In the book of judges, we CJL the woman who killed an enemy chanterelle by Ponying, a top 10 state to his head and saving the people of Israel. Later in the book we see a woman who saved the people of Israel when she dropped and upper millstone on the head of another enemy general, and in the book of Judith we see Judith who saved Israel when she cuts the head off another enemy general. Speaker 1 02:48 Now each and each one of those cases, there are at least three types. Obviously the people of Israel really existed in and of themselves, but Israel is house intended by God to prefigure the Catholic Church. So Israel is a type of the Catholic church. The enemy generals also really existed, but they were intended by God to represent safety and the enemies of God. So the enemy generals, types of the devil, okay. And a woman are these women who crushed ahead of these enemy generals really existed by two. But they are all intended by God to prefigure her. And if you look at the statue there, what is she doing? She's crushing the head of a serpent. That's what our is doing. So when we consider these women and what they did for Israel, we can see foreshadowings of our lady and what she does for the Catholic Church. Okay, so what's a type? Speaker 1 03:46 A type is a person a thing or an action that really exists, but it's intended by God to prefer you to foreshadow, to point towards a future person thing or action. Okay, so much for the introduction. Now let's turn to the topic at hand. Today we'll consider a ruler, which the fathers and doctrines the church have always considered it to be a very clear type of the antichrist. In fact, this man was seen as such a clear type. The antichrist, the myth actually rose, that he would personally return again as the real thing, the real Christ at the end of the world apocalypse 17 seven and the beast, which thou sawest was and is not, and she'll come up out of the bottomless pit for the cornea to lap it. Any comments, quote St Jerome's, and many of the ancient fathers think that Niro is not yet dead or he will be revived at the end of the world. Speaker 1 04:42 And that Nero himself lead the antichrist and the book the city of God's sent Augustan says that some suspect in the future, you will be resurrected as the antichrist. Other suppose if he's not even dead, but he is hidden so that he might be supposed to be killed and he now lives in concealment and he will live until he's revealed in his own time and stored his kingdom. But this opinion seems amazing to Santa Gusta close quote, Clinton Sloppy Day. It's not the teaching, it's just a lot of people thought this much of him that he was that clear a type that he might be the one to come back. It's not going to be narrow, but we get the idea of how clear type he is. Let's spend a few moments minutes this morning getting to know a little bit more about Nero now because we're dealing with such a monster. Speaker 1 05:27 This will be very, very heavily edited. Pocket's 13 too, and the dragon gave the beast his own strength and great power. Cornea sloppy. They quote nearly himself was a sourcer and therefore delight to him. Simon magazine and other such where so much so that consumed it in plenty. Writes quote, very greatest of all the soldiers that ever existed. He consulted the demons concerning whatever sort of suspicion he had. Close quote OLAP, you then continues. Therefore knew himself was the instrument of the Dragon. Close quote, so narrow is source her skilled in the black cards apocalypse, 21 eight but for the fearful and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and fornicators and sourcers and idolaters and all liars, their portion shall be in the pool of burning with fire and brimstone. Pagan offers they Tony's quote, the father of Nero was an an hateful in every walk of life. Speaker 1 06:28 He slew one of his own Friedman for free fusing to drink as much as he ordered in the village. Semi whipped up his team and purposely ran over and killed a boy right in the Roman form. He couched out the eye of a Roman Knight well receiving a congratulations of his friends at the birth of Nero. His father said that nothing that was not abominable in a harm to the public could be born of his wife himself. Close quo. How about Nero's mom? She's from a completely insane, diabolical family herself. She's the sister of the Emperor Gaius Caligula and a niece of the after Claudius and his dad was his mom's first husband. Her second husband died mysteriously that after he got done filling out a will, giving everything to her. Then in the year 48 she got married to her third husband, Dan per Claudius, who had a son of his own by another marriage. Speaker 1 07:22 She manipulated Claudius to adopt, you know, as his own and married Niro to Claudius, his daughter, Claudius conveniently died after eating a plate of poison mushrooms and you know, became emperor at the ripe old age, she'd lot 17 so Tanya's quote, although at first his acts of wantonness lust, extravagance, address, and cruelty would graduate in secret and might be condoned as follies of youth. Yet even then, their nature was such that no one doubted they were defects of his character and not due to his age and that he would range about the streets plain cranks, which however were very far from harmless for used to beat men as they came home from dinner, stabbing any who resisted them and throwing them into the sewers. The attempt his life of his stepbrother like poison. He procured the poacher from an archer poisoner and when the effect was slower than he anticipated, he called the women to him and flogged with his own hand charging it. Speaker 1 08:16 She administered a medicine instead of a poison. He forced her to make a swift and incident poison is she knew how his own room before his very eyes, he threw some of it before a pig, the beast instantly fell dead where Pawnee ordered at the poison be taken to the dining room and given to a stepbrother, the boy he dropped dead at the very first taste that your life has guessed and declared that he was seized with the falling sickness to which she would subject the next day had an hastily and unceremonious sleep area in the pouring rain. Close quote, true love in a family after awhile and they were grew tired of his mom. So Tony is quote, his mother offended. So he determined to have a life and after three times attempting to poisoner and finding that she had made herself immune Diana goats, he captured with the seating of her bedroom, contrive and mechanical device or lucine its panels. Speaker 1 09:07 And dropping them upon her when she slept. When news are this leaked out, he devised a collapsible boat escorting her to it in high spirits the rest of the night. He passed sleeplessness, tense, anxiety awaiting the outcome of his design on learning. Everything had gone wrong that she had escaped by swimming. Do you have any desperation he ordered that his mother be put to death? Oh, quote. Besides all this, let's just say that Nero was infamous for every kind of sick, disgusting perversion as a pagan off a cast. It's noted, quote Europe put himself every lawful or lost indulgence, and did that have met a single abomination which could heighten his depravity. Close quote, he had his first wife smothered in a steam bath and married another woman. He got tired of her, so he kicked her to death while she was pregnant with his child on another wife. Speaker 1 09:57 Besides these wives, he also had three other marriages of a certain kind that's currently politically correct and arising in certain places. So Tony's quote, he was so disgusting, but after the filing, almost every part of his body hit last advise to kind of came which covered with his skin of some wild animal. He was let loose from the cage attack men and women who are bound to steaks who then killed by one of his favorite Friedman, murderous pervert from a family of mothers, perfect apocalypse. They came three and all the earth was an admiration after the beast said Tony's quote. Era Throughout. There was no other way of enjoying Richie's and money than by riotous extravagance declaring it. Only stingy fellows kept it correct to kind of what they spent with fine and genuinely magnificent gentlemen. Wasted and squandered accordingly made presence and wasted money without limit. Speaker 1 10:52 He never wore the same garment twice. He played at guys for 400,000 coins a point he fished with a gold net drawn by cords woven of purple and Scott trips. It is said he never made an attorney with less than a thousand characters and his meals were shot with silver. He built a palace called the golden house until that's the bill is large enough to contain a classical class statute, the emperor 120 feet high. It was so extensive. It had a triple call aid a mile long. It was a pawn to like a see Shauna buildings to represent cities besides tracks of country, right by tilled fields, vineyards, pastures and woods with great numbers of wild and domestic animals in the rest of the house. All parts were over laid with gold in a dorm with chimps and mother of Pearl. They were dining rooms with Frederick c ceilings of ivory, whose panels could turn and shout on flowers and were fitted with pipes or sprinkling the gas perfumes. Speaker 1 11:50 The main bank would always circular and constantly revolved and night. The heavens hit pacified with seeing water and self or water. When an edit Fitz was finished and his style and he dedicated, he came to sing a few more in the way of approval. Then he was at least beginning to be housed like a human being close quote. So we have a man accustomed to living in absolutely abstained standard of luxury pockets, 13 seven and it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And Paul was giving him a very tribe and people and telling a nation Tash this quote to get rid of the report that he himself had ordered the burning of Rome near fastened guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their Obama nations called Christians by the populous Christus from whom the name had its origin suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of type at the hands if one of our procurators punches <inaudible> accordingly, an arrest was made first of all of all who pleaded guilty and upon their information and immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city as a hatred against mankind, mockery. Speaker 1 13:02 If every store was added to their desks, covered with the skins of base, they were torn by dogs and perished or nailed the crosses or doomed to the fines and burnt to serve as nightly elimination. When daylight had expired, you're offered this gardens cause the that was exhibiting is showing a circus where he mingled with the people and dress them a charity or stood loft in a car and she even for criminals to deserve extreme and exemplary punishment. There rose a feeling compassion for was not as it saved for the public good, but to go out one man's cruelty that they were being destroyed. Close quote of the circus. They're speaking about the Vatican. The silk is built there and the gardens were up there around where the Vatican is right now. So to keep the gardens lit at night, they tie Catholics up live ones, poor pitch on him and led him on fire and then he'd ride around his chair. Speaker 1 13:47 You know, this was the garden party and it's burning Catholics to keep it lit. This is now, so he's a great persecutor of the church apocalypse 13 five and Paul was given to him to act 42 months. His persecution began in November of the year 64 shortly after the breaking out of the fire and lasts until his death in June of the year 68 that's three and a half years, 42 months, pocalypse 13 five and six and it was given to him. Miles speaking, great things and blasphemies and he opened his mouth and blasphemies against God to bless him. His name and emphasis in Cyprus inscriptions have been fallen, which refer to it. You know, it's all mighty God and savior. He had, he has coins, they were coins, Roman coins, coins where he's Apollo. You know the, the god of Paul and Self-worth sees a blast near apocalypse 13 four and they adored the beast saying who is like unto the beast? Speaker 1 14:41 You don't demand it to be worshiped as a god taken off the Gile, Cassius quote, a Laskey platform had been erected on which were sent images of narrow and Armenian king and paid them reverence. Then after sacrificing to them, he publicly fell down before, narrow himself and said, master, I'm not a slave and I've come to the my God to worship these. I do Mithra that that Steve Stuffiness for me, Shelly, my clothes. Cool. So here you have this ruler who demands to be worshiped. His it guy pocalypse 1315 whosoever will not adore the image of the beast should be slaying. The Senate erected a statue of near on the temple of Mars that was as big as there. The God Mars, Cassius reports that one center was killed because he refused to wear ship narrow and to offer sacrifice to the divine voice of narrow. Speaker 1 15:31 Some man will not kill those who will out worship him. Let's sum it all up. We've taken a quick look at Niro, a very brief edit. Look at Nero, a man. The fathers and doctors have always considered to be very clear, clear type of antichrist. We've seen that he's raised up in a murderous, sinful family who seen carried on this behavior by murdering his own mother, stepbrother, wives and children. Among others. He's seen. He's a sourcer and associated himself with wizards and sourcers and consulted demons to guide him and making his decisions. You've seen his absolutely shameless murderers pervert who spent money like it's going out of style and lived in an outrageous style. Sini ordered the burning of Rome and then playing the Catholics, the persecuted church for 42 months, killing Catholics of crucifixions and horrible tortures, even using them as living torches to eliminate his garden at night trying to pathetically St Claremont, Pope Saint Clement third pope seems to indicate that Nero was actually present when Saint Paul had his head cut off, that he wanted to make sure that he could witness that. Speaker 1 16:36 We've seen that narrow demanded to be where she cause it God and killed those who refuse to do so. Let's close with a code and that great scripture seated commentator, coin and slap. Today quilt is Saint John Chris System, Saint Ambrose, St Augustan and Saint Jerome. Saint <inaudible> is a remarkable type and figure of the antichrist. The kid is unbelievably proud, incredibly perverse, incredibly powerful, absolutely wicked ruler. You know, it was a complete tyrant. Justice anti-christ, Shelby. He wished to be worshiped as a god. He supported and sponsored sign maggots, another evil sourcers. He's an enemy of Christ. And Christians. He raised up the first psalm, persecution, the same spirit which moved and operated near on similar tyrants will outbreak antichrist himself, the head and prince of totally inequity. Close quote. There's a lot to meditate on there. I'll point out a few things. The diversity besides now, there's been one other time in history when these kinds of new marriages were legal and supported by the state, the same spirit. It's spreading around the world right now in marriage. No, and then he supported Sana Nag and a sign magazine called. The first point is the father of Gnosticism, Gnosticism, new age movement. Different words, same phenomenon, witchcraft, paganism, idolatry. Two doors down. We've cut a pagan idol. I've got the blessing brother on my front steps, and they have parents. You're in Kansas. He's an enemy of Christ in the Christians. Speaker 1 18:24 The spirit of the world, the same sphere, which already mobile can operate. Nero will operate Danna Christ himself, the hidden prints for total inequity.

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