St. Margaret of Cortona

February 26, 2018 00:04:44
St. Margaret of Cortona
Veritas Caritas
St. Margaret of Cortona

Feb 26 2018 | 00:04:44


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Maria. Chrisman the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Today, the prayer for the people is attend our supplications all mighty God. And grace is the grant was the effect of, they wanted mercy to whom now grants, competence to ho to hope. Can I goodness. So that's the prayer over the people at the end today, it's also the face of st. Margaret of Cortana. She's an incorrupt Saint died in 1297 at the age of 50, and she's a Marvel of pennant. When she's seven years old, she was born to a poor farmer in Tuscany. And when she was seven years old, her mom died. And then a few years later, her dad remarried and it was one of those stepmothers that doesn't want the other kids around kind of a situation. So she was not loved. She had a very challenging childhood and then one day she's beautiful in her late teens. Speaker 0 00:00:57 I think 18 years old here comes a night riding by and, and, and, uh, Caesar and, you know, and chatting with her it's guys can do tells that she's insecure, whatever did from that. And so he says, well, what he asked her to live with him. He probably keeps promising her Marion, but he didn't mean it. And so she shacked up with him publicly for nine years. This isn't the 12 hundreds, the 13th century, the most Catholic of all century. So public center and she'd ride around and some high part horse with all their fancy jewels and all that. And she's a concubine. She had a son by him and nine years in a relationship, he went off to check some other of his properties or whatever, and she didn't see him for a while and his dog showed up and kept tugging on her and tugging on him. Speaker 0 00:01:44 So she followed the dog and she gets up there in the woods. And here he is, Lynn murdered, mangled up murdered. Okay. You know, covered up with brush and leaves in a hole. Well that caused her to enter into herself, realized what kind of life she'd been leading and what she was it's really all about at that point. Yeah. So she took, she gave everything. She had back to his family and took her son, her young son and, and took off. And she ended up in Cortana and she'd been a public center. So she did public penance. She, she went around and apologize for the bad example that she had done. You can think of what kind of humility that would take. And she's lit ma made a living then by nursing a women in the town. And ultimately her son entered the Franciscans. Ultimately, uh, she ends up just living on all. Speaker 0 00:02:38 And after three years, the Franciscans that had been directing her saw that she was really serious. She'd made a true conversion. And so they allowed her to become a member of the third order. So that's she's so she's one of the marvels of st. Francis in that sense, but what other kinds of things, her holiness guts are great. It was only because her confess wouldn't let her, she wanted to later features cause she was still gorgeous, but she wanted to, you know, do that. Nope. They wouldn't let her do that to herself, but she'd sleep on the ground with just a stone or, or aura or piece of wood for a pillow. And she grew up and grew to sets Heights and holiness by her penance, repents and prayer and love of the Lord that she'd read souls. People would come to her. She raised a child from the dead she'd drive away, devils and all that, but she never quit serving the poor. Speaker 0 00:03:26 She got a hospital together and got other members of the third order to take care of it so they could take care of the poor. So she spent her life pouring out her, her love for our Lord in deeds of charity. And she died at the age of 50. She knew she had a premonition. She was told when she was going to die in the date, she was going to die and die. She's in corrupt, even right now in, in the, in the cathedral, in Cortana. But at st like that, it's not, the miracles are a sign of love of God, but it's not the miracles. It's the charity it's dependent and charity. She entered into herself and then have got that relationship with the Lord. So does it, it reminds us, it doesn't matter where you been. It matters where you're going. Our Lord came per center and here we have an example of a Mary Magdalene, a spectacular public center and a scandal. Then those years is gigantic. Let, she's one of the great saints in heaven. Everyone here can join her. It doesn't matter what you've done matters, what you become. And he's the way.

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