Who is She?

July 30, 2017 00:16:30
Who is She?
Veritas Caritas
Who is She?

Jul 30 2017 | 00:16:30


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Alright. Speaker 1 00:00:03 Hi Maria. Presima the name of filing this Holy spirit. Amen. Well touring his kingdom at the end of a century, Charlemagne final himself, a ton of power in the South of France. During the dedication of the church, he had one of his notaries describe the remarkable events that day in a letter, which still exists. And the letter was addressed to Pope Saint Leo Speaker 0 00:00:29 Third, Speaker 1 00:00:31 The church has been rebuilt on the side of the ancient chap besides Charlemagne and his party. There was a huge crowd of noblemen clergy and people that were present for the rededication of the church, including a 14 year old boy named John. John was a son of a local nobleman. John had been deaf, dumb and blind from birth. During the ceremonies, John got up, walked up to the Walter steps and began banging his walking stick over and over on one of the steps that altar kept making signs they should dig. They're obviously whacking a, an author step with a walking stick caused quite a disturbance during such a solemn occasion, but John could hardly be restrained. Charlemagne was amazed and impressed by the action of the young, deaf, dumb and blind man. So much so that after mass, he commanded that the step that John had been smacking on, be lifted up to see what might be Minisink. Speaker 1 00:01:32 So the workmen lifted up that alter step, as well as a huge stones, which lay underneath it to everyone's amazement as a who your stones were removed. A door was revealed when they opened the door, there was an ancient stairway there, and that stairway went down to the crypt of the ancient church in which mass had been sent centuries before, during the Roman persecution, when the door was open, John who by this time was hanging on to Charlemagne tan poles Charlemagne for almost as long as he could see where he was going. In spite of the fact that he's blind Charlemagne gave orders, that the crotch would be held back and allowed John to lead him down the stairs. John led Charlemagne Don into the Crip up to one of the walls and began smacking that over and over. So Charlemagne had to work. Men break down that section of the wall when they removed that section of the law, they uncovered along in your old passage, passageway hidden behind it. Speaker 1 00:02:33 John Lutz Charlemagne his companions done that passage. At the end of that quarter, they entered into another Crip. What's the Scottish involved present. There was a Walden recess with a vigil lamp burning in front of it. There was a burning vigilant when they got there. So matching their astonishment. You have this deaf dumb and blind boy is leading a group which has pulled up an altar step. Only done a cover an ancient door behind the doors, the staircase, which leads down into the crypt that was used for mass and underground crypt from the time of the Roman persecution. And then this same deaf don't blind boy has led them to uncover another passageway hidden behind the walls of that hundred grand church and led them to the end of that hidden passion away into a yet another crypt that have literally been hidden for centuries. Speaker 1 00:03:27 And in that trip in front of a wall and a racist is a burning vigil lamp, which fills the whole crypt with an honor flee heavenly flow. They're standing there pondering this incredible site when suddenly the lamp went out. And at that very moment, John, the boy that had been beating on the steps of this tear at altar during the consecration of the church, the boy had been deaf, dumb, and blind from birth at that very moment, John could suddenly hear, speak and seat, and he cried out his very first words. It is sheep. It is she Charlotte, mine didn't know what John meant, but he repeated the words. Anyway, the people on the corridor and the crowds and the church began repeating the words as well. And they knelt down why, what was going on, everyone was saying in a shade, but who is she? The local towns. People knew who she was. They knew that she was somewhere under that church. They knew that after the wrong persecutions, when the barbarians had begun to swarm over the region, she had been carefully hidden for safe keeping for many, many centuries. But until then they didn't know where she was. Speaker 1 00:04:51 Okay, fine. But who is she Charlemagne had to work with carefully open the wallet in recess. As soon as they began opening in a wonderful, sweet smell, like Oriental incense filled the air. And then they could see there in the recess, a casket made of Cypresswood inside the casket wrapped in precious oriented cloth or relics and closed was an inscription. It answers the question who wish 10 scripts. You read here lies the body of Saint Anne, the mother of the glorious perching there. The relics of Saint Anne had been miraculously rediscovered the relics of the mother of the mother of God. The relics of the woman in whose womb, the blessed Virgin Mary was Macklin. Like see the relics of our Lord's grandmother had been miraculously. We discover Saint Anne who was a feast who celebrated this past Wednesday Charlemagne with all those presents, spend a long time in prayer. Speaker 1 00:06:06 Then venerated the Holy relax, which had been so marvelously discovered for three days that people have, who were overwhelmed by these marvelous events and the great mercies that God has shown him, kept a reverential silence. Speaking only when necessary. And then only in whispers would that we could do that in front of our Lord. And most pleasant sacrament. You alternate our day and age Charlemagne had an exact narrative of discovery drawn up by one of his notaries and a copy sent to the Pope with a Royal letter. This letter, the Pope's answers still in existence. Okay, father, but there's a big part of the story missing here. Hard at st. Anne's relics and up inside of France in the first place after all, it's not exactly a hop, skip, and a jump from the Holy land to the South of France. How did st. Anne's Relex end up in the South of France? Speaker 1 00:07:07 They were shipped there. That's another story that we know from both tradition, as well as divine liturgy. The brief version of the story is found in the Roman martyrology and also scattered through from the Roman Breviary. And it's also scattered through their own modern biology. Here's what happened after the Ascension of our Lord and the martyrdom of Saint Stephen around the year 47 during the persecution of the Catholics, by the Jews, the Jews captured a group of Catholics, stuffed them into a boat without sales or a rudder, and pushed it out to sea and Tam, of course, that everyone on board would die. But instead, this crippled book, death bullet we're actually landed with everyone safe on board all the way on the other end of the Mediterranean sea at Marcel, which now the South of France, everyone healthy and safe on board of the rocks of Saint Anne. Speaker 1 00:08:03 That's how our relics got to Southern France. And as you can easily imagine the ride safely of a rudderless sail is, or the ship from the far stretches of the Mediterranean with a cargo of healthy people on board made quite an impression on the local population of pregnancy as a Breviary for the reading. The brief area for yesterday's date is called by means of this miracle and the preachy, the Catholics, the people are say, mr. Ronnie regions were converted to Christ close quote. Okay. So besides the rucks of st. Nan, who else was on the ship? When the death, what was Saint Maximus? Smacks means Saint Maximina was one of the 72 disciples of our Lord. Remember after Lord chose the 12 fossils, he chose 72 disciples and sent it before him two by anyway, max Manus was a Bishop and he's one of the 72 disciples. Speaker 1 00:09:00 And he was stuffed on that pole. He wound up being the first Bishop. It was now high France, along with, since the Donius Saint Sedona is the man born blind from birth. That's the guy you can read about in the ninth chapter of st. John's gospel. When our Lord gave him sight by making mud from spit and anointing his eyes after the session, since the Donius was baptized by the apostles. And he was a companion of Saint Maximina since Udonis was collapsed or fish, it was Saint Maximus. And I wound up being buried next to him there in the South of France. Well, who else was on the boat? Another Saint who's feast. We celebrate it a week ago, Saturday on the 22nd of July, a notorious center had seven devils. Do you have an Oliver who had stayed faithful at the foot of the cross trying Lord's passionate debt, who was the first public witness of our Lord's resurrection Saint Mary Magdalene. Speaker 1 00:10:00 Saint Peter had trusted st. Mary Magdalen to the care st. Max meetings. And so she wound up on board that ship as well. The father stated after reaching Southern France, um, Marsay, and this Chronicle province was converted from paganism by the force principally of Saint Mary Magdalene's preaching. She spent the rest of her life as a contemplative should live by 30 years in a cave in the mountains, uh, praying doing penance it's it's up by Avenue like Saint Catherine of Sienna and st. Gemma go Connie for only food was the most blessed sacrament, which was brought to her by the Holy angels just before she died. The Holy angels brought her to st. Maximus chap because God takes care of his for him and, uh, st. Maximin escape of the last rights and buried her there. And you're seven 10. When the Muslims invaded her relics were hidden by the monks and they remained hidden until they're rediscovering a 13th century. Speaker 1 00:10:55 That was confirmed to be the authentic relics of Saint Mary Magdalene by Pope Boniface, who else has done a death pole? Saint Mary Magdalene's brother, Saint Lazarus, Saint Lazarus became the first Bishop of Marsay. And after the conversion of people from paganism, he ruled the church in peace. His face day, the day of his death is December 17th. As the Roman martyrology says for that day. Now the Roman metrology is a liturgical book that we read that contains the list of the margin. Same through each day of the year on December 17th, Roman martyrology says quote at Marcene France, plus the Lazarus Bishop brother of Saint Mary Magdalen, and Martha of whom we'd read in the gospel of the Lord called him. His friend raised him from the dead close call, the wrong who else was on the death of fault and other same whose feast we celebrated yesterday, the sister of Saint Lazarus and Saint Mary Magdalene, the Holy Virgin st. Speaker 1 00:11:51 Martha, I forgetting from st. Maximina st. Marfa, devoted herself to a life of fasting and prayer. Eventually she gathered a large congregation of other women around her, sing the songs and fast and pray, and what we would now call a convent. And her relics are clown and terrorists gone in Southern France. So today we've learned a little bit more about Martha Mary Magdalene Lazarus, but how God brought the truth, faith and the rocks of Saint Anne to Southern France, and about how God brought about the rediscovering of the relics of his grandmother. It's a perfect example of how God uses the weak things of the world to confine this trauma. God want to deal with the bullshit, his grandmother by uncovering the relics, look how he did it right there in the presence of the Holy Roman emperor, the militarily, most powerful man in the world, the presence of all his great warrior. So Nolan, all those bishops and priests and religious and faithful men and women, and right there in the face of all his high and mighty ones who did God choose a deaf dumb and blind 14 year old boy, He can use us to, to do something good if we just let him, that's how God works. Speaker 1 00:13:10 Anyway, since that day, some 1200 years ago, that Saint Anne got her grants and it gives the gift of sight and hearing speech, John, she hasn't let up for a minute in her city for those who invoke or when the very first chapel of st Andrew's, but pray was being built in Quebec in 60 58 Louicky mom. He was a terrible crippled man. He's very crippled. I want to express his devotion to st am. And so he carried three small stones up to place in the foundation. And right before everybody's eyes, he's instantly miraculously cured. Now this is a great facility on that site, inside of the number of the miracle working relics of Saint Anne, including her four piles of crutches and bandages that have been left at the modern Basilica by pilgrims who have been cured through the incredible, uh, power session of the mother, of our lady and the grandmother of our lore. I personally, a Norman who couldn't have any more children, made a pilgrimage to st. Andrew boot, pray, praying for a miracle. And now through the intercession of good Saint, and there's three more people in the world, two boys and my cousin Speaker 0 00:14:21 Sit down. It's powerful. Speaker 1 00:14:23 That's great saints and doctors, the church st. Augusta st. John Danna, sheen st. Thomas Aquinas, Saint Teresa, our all had great devotion to st say, Theresa owl used to say, call. We know and are convinced that a good mother Saint Anne helps us in all needs, dangers and tribulations, close call among other things. Saint Anne is a Patriots of the child was help with a pregnant protector sip widows, one of the poor, and she's the patroness of laborers or lady once said about good Saint. And those who honor Sudan will obtain grade eight. And if you need, especially at the hour of death, so we should turn the same man and beggar to help us and our every need is our Lord going to turn down was grandma, is that lady going to turn down her mom, the pile of crutches? Give the answer. We'll close with the words of whole you out that a great devotion to st. Speaker 1 00:15:23 Anne. Cool to say, Nan, God has given the power to aid in every necessity because Jesus, her divine grandchild, according to the flesh, refuse her note petition and marry her glorious daughter supports her. Every request, those who venerate good Sudan shall want for nothing I've in this life or the next, believe me, if you love and venerate this same you'll experience, all highly goddess teams or he grants all she has. It would be impossible to enumerate. In many cases, she obtains daily for her servants, close to st. Anne guns. Do you have the power to aid in every necessity because Jesus will refuse or no petition. And Mary supports her, her request. Those who venerate could sit down shall want for nothing, either in this life or in the next, if you love and venerate the same you'll experience, how highly God esteemed, sir. Good Saint. Pray for us. Name of the father and the son. Holy ghost. Amen.

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