Prefiguring the Great Apostasy

November 21, 2004 00:24:52
Prefiguring the Great Apostasy
Veritas Caritas
Prefiguring the Great Apostasy

Nov 21 2004 | 00:24:52


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:06 once again with come to the end of another liturgical year and once again, the church asks us to consider the end of the world. Now before we get into it is I remind everybody every year there's a whole ocean and to the world, garbage cross, there's floating around and we don't want to fall for any of it. Do you got any of this stuff is hell Lindsay stuff to slept behind stuff. Here's what you do. Pick it up, open the door, the wood stove, chuck it in, close the door. Don't have that stuff around your place. Okay. The teaching of the Catholic church is very clear. There is no such thing as the rapture. There is no such thing as this millennium. The so called thousand year reign of Christ our Lord. He came to us visibly the first time I said Davey on his mission of mercy and they'll come to us visibly and finally the second time at the end of the world as our judge, there's not an inbetween or two and a half time or whatever. Speaker 1 01:14 He comes twice Christmas, the first Christmas, then everybody out of the pool. That's it. There is no rapture. There's no millennium that is yet. Keep that stuff out of your mind. It's not the kitchen in the church, okay. A few more introductory points. Today's Gospel and elsewhere. Our Lord has commanded us to read the signs of the Times. Watch you. Therefore, because you know not at what hour your Lord will come. Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watch us. That's our Lord speaking to us. Blessed is he that watches. So we're supposed to watch but we know not the hour. So if we hear anyone setting days when all these future things they come to past, we need to remember the teaching of the Fifth Lateran Council. Quote, preachers are in no way to presume to preach or declare a fixed time for future evils. Speaker 1 02:19 That coming of antichrist or the Precise Day of judgment for truth says, it is not for us to know times or seasons which the father has fixed by his own authority. Let it be. Know that those who have hitherto dared to declare sex things are liars and that because of them not a little authority has been taken away from those it please the truth. Closed quo ladder five creatures. There are no way to presume to preach. You declare a fixed time for future evils that coming in. I cry through the Precise Day of judgment. Those who have hitherto dare to declare things are liars. That's the teaching of the church. So on the one hand, we're commanded to watch the signs. Now, on another hand, we're reminded we can't be completely precise since no one knows the day nor the hour, okay? Now obviously this is an exciting topic, but we're not supposed to have a chicken little, the sky is falling reaction to this stuff. Speaker 1 03:27 We don't want to fall into a panic, okay? That great Belgian Jesuit Saint John <inaudible> gives us a perfect example of how we ought to react when we think about this top one day during the time that was assigned for recreation, St John Bertrand's and his fellow seminarians were shooting pool and one of the guys turned to saint John and said, hey, if you found out the world was just about tanned right now, but when you do, without even looking up from his shop, St John Bertrand said, I would keep right on playing pool. Now that's not a flipping answer. What's the point? St John Bertrand's was supposed to be taking recreation right then and he was, he's supposed to be the state of grace and he was, in other words, he was doing chest. What are you supposed to be doing at that moment? And that's what her Lord expects of every one of us to do our duty in our state of life and to stay in the state of grace because then we're ready whenever we made him, whether it be at the end of the world or the end of our particular world, which may happen today. Speaker 1 04:36 We know not today, nor the hour, okay? The most important thing is not when in history we live, but how we die. If we die in a state of grace, we're saved. That's the critical thing. It's not big set point on the calendar of time where it is. It's what's my kid's position when I paid my last? All right, we've got a guy in the state of grace and we're safe. Okay? Now for the next two weeks, the church places to end the world before and this year we'll ribeye mainly on the grape scriptural commentary prepared some 400 years ago by another saint we Belgian, Jesuit, father, Cornelia. So happy day with the order. The coke spent some 40 years assembling a line by line commentary on the scriptures from the works of the church fathers. He died before he finished chill in the songs. St Rather Belamine finish the songs and other Chadwick finished the book. Speaker 1 05:41 Coachella. It's line by line. It's 21 huge volumes line by line. Now, in order to appreciate this commentary, we have to understand what the word type means. What's the type a chi is a or a thing or an action that actually exists, but besides its existence, it's also intended by God to 0.4 to prefigure to foreshadow a future person, a future thing or future action. Okay, so a type is a person pin or action that actually exists, which is also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Let's consider a few examples to see how this works. In the book of judges, we see JL, she's a woman which saves the people of Israel. How? By Pawnee a stake to the head of a sleeping enemy general. Later in the same book, we see the woman who saved Israel by dropping him up, her millstone on the head of another interview channel and the book computers. Speaker 1 06:49 We see Judith who saves the people of Israel. How by cutting the head off get another enemy general. Now in each one of these cases, there are at least three types. Obviously Israel exists of itself, but Israel is intended by God to prefigure for shadow of the Catholic Church. So Israel is a type of the Catholic Church, okay? Now the general, it's because enemy generals really existed of themselves, but they were also intended by God to represent the devil and the enemies of the Catholic Church. Okay? So the enemy generals are all types of the devil and the enemies of the church. And JL, a woman who dropped the stone and shoot it actually exists to themselves, but they are intended like a to prefigure and we can look right there and notice what our lady's doing. She's standing on the head of a serpent. When we consider these women and what they did for Israel, we get a pretty clear foreshadowing of our lady and what she does for the Catholic Church. Speaker 1 08:01 Okay? Same kind of idea. Now those are examples of types. So what's a type a type? There's a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but w which is intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Alright, so much for an introduction. Let's turn to the topic at hand in Second Tessalon eons, two, three. Saint Paul explicitly warns and teaches that the day of the Lord, the judgement day, the end of the world can't come unless first there'd be an apostasy, a great falling away from the faith. I could hate rebellion from the true faith and then in the wake of that apostasy, the great apostasy, the madness and the Senate perdition and I tryst he revealed the fathers and doctors have explained what this apostasy means. For example, Saint Thomas explains that this apostasy will be separation from the face and from obedience to the Co help Saint Leo, the great teachers that indeed the great apostasy will mean abandoning of faith and obedience to the pope. Speaker 1 09:13 Saint Augustan adds it. This event must proceed the coming the anti Christ and Saint Augustan adds that not all will band in the face, but few were retained in the next two weeks. We'll consider a historical period and a ruler that the fathers and doctors, the church have always considered to be very clear types of the great apostasy and anti-christ. Okay. Now why would we want to study this man in his times? Because the clearer we see the foreshadowings and clear and idea will give us of the actual future realities that they point towards. Okay? So today what we want to do is consider some of the more prominent features of the apostasy in Jerusalem, which happened around 170 BC. We'll do this first I realized from the holy scriptures found and inspired books, the first and second Maccabees, and then we'll turn to that great scriptural commentary. I find a cone into this Olafur Day. Speaker 1 10:11 Let's get started inspired word of God. In those days they went out of Israel, wicked men, and they persuaded many saying, but let's go and make a covenant with the heathens that around about us. And some of the people determined to do this close cornea. So affidavit, the leader of the wicked then was chasing who treacherously managed to seize the high priest it for himself. Why so that into Judea he might introduce gentile rituals and customs and especially false regions and I tall tree and the attending unrestrained, unbridled, open, lasts close quote. What's happening here? We see that those are the true faith. Instead of carefully and scrupulously remaining faithful to God and avoiding pagan practices and trying to convert their pagan neighbors by example and word are actually turning away from their holy religion and allowing themselves to become pagan. ISED notice also, there's the leaders were priests as a good priest, I know likes to point out, whenever you see the church go down, it's always an inside Shah. Speaker 1 11:26 Notice also, there's a length between false religions, idolatry, heresy and lest inspired word of God, and they built a gymnasium in Jerusalem according to the laws and the nations, they built the gymnasium in the holy city. So what father? Every school has a gymnasium these days. Yes, the what we mean by gymnasium. That is not what they meant. Gymnasium, it's a different meaning. Kim knows is the Greek word for naked. There's a place for naked exercises among other things, so much for modesty. Now think of where they're at. Not only are they in the holy land, but they're in the holy city. More details from sacred scripture. This is slightly edited and paraphrased quote. The high crease chasten began to bring over and his country man to the fashion of the heathens and he abolished to lawful ordinances of the citizens and brought in fashions that were perverse for he had the boldness to set up but gymnasium and to put all the choices, youth and certain types of houses. Speaker 1 12:37 Close quote. Now this will be a very highly paraphrased version of the commentary. Now he did this, the youth learn the Greek games such as the discus and so forth, but they were also conquered by being taught all kinds of perversities. They were certain types of clothing as a sign of the types of immodest behavior. They were consecrated to pagan gods, which is to say demons such as the star here. Venus, the houses they lived in were connected to tablets. Actually this whole commentary, this point is so bad, I don't even like reading it. And it's written in Latin quote here with Todd in the commentary quote here, we're taught to just as a true religion is associated with purity and chastity. So impurities in last are associated with falsely kids inheritance close quote. So as this apostasy progress's, we see a modesty nakedness and perverse behavior. Speaker 1 13:34 It might bring San Francisco and Boston to mind another slightly edited in paraphrase, pull it from inspired would have got. Now this was not the beginning, but an increase and progress of heatedness practices through the abdominal and unheard of wickedness of Jason that impious rash and no priest. It grew so bad that the priests were now not occupied about the offices of the altar, but despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices they hasten to be partakers of the game. And that was the unlawful allowances thereof. And just standing the honors of their fathers. They esteemed Grecian glories for the best. They followed earnestly the heath and customs and all things they coveted to be like them. Who are their enemies and murderers? Close quote it crews. So bad that the priests were now not occupied about the offices of the altar, despise the temple and neglecting the sacrifice as hasten to be partakers of the unlawful law. Speaker 1 14:36 Courtney's still happening. Quote, the allowances were called unlawful because these were young shameless, lewd women. Close quote, so the priests abandoned the spies. The crazy duties. Remember that a vast number, the sacrifices they were to offer up near there and neglecting their sin offerings, they began to act like heathens and they started running around. They were running to the most foul kind of entertainment and with companions that have loose morals, inspired. Word of God called the Campo was full of the riots and revelations of the Chan tiles close, close. She had parties and Pagan rights going on in the holiest place in the universe. Conspired would've got cold and women's trust themselves or their accord into the holy places. Close quote. Of course, it's the beginning since the time of Adam that you wish the God when was forbid from this kind of behavior and the camp was if a woman were to go into any of the holy places proper to the priests, the strict duty of the Levi wants to kill her. Speaker 1 15:41 There's plenty more, but we can all get the general picture. Now remember what a type is. A tie is any person thing or action that actually exists, but which is also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Keep in mind that this apostasy is a type of the greater processing. In other words, it gives us a prefigurement among other things that you wish people prefigure the Catholic people to tuition, priests, prefigure, the Catholic priests, the Jewish Temple prefigures, the Catholic Church and Catholic parishes, the city of Jerusalem prefigures the world. So based on the indications we've seen in the prefigurement of the apostasy, in the fulfillment in the great apostasy itself, here's a few of the things we might anticipate seeing a dramatic rise in immodest behavior and dress and perverse behaviors, most notably, certainly politically correct, certain politically correct sins and those things associated with pasta, Catholics abandoning the true faith and the traditions of their fathers and turning to false religions, paganism and worldliness. Speaker 1 16:59 Catholic priests neglecting their priestly duties, especially the holy sacrifice of the mass and the application of the ones for Austin offering to senators and the confessional Catholic priests engaged in worldly entertainments and spending their time, the company of those with loose morals when I'm invading the sanctuaries of the holy religion, but behavior inside Catholic churches becoming increasingly unbecoming, disruptive and irreverent. So if we were hitting our Lord's command to watch, those would be some of the indicators that we should watch for. We also need to keep in mind that our lord has appointed official watchman to keep us posted. Let's hear from them for the sake of time. The first two quotes have been edited, quote, who can fail to see that society is in the present time more than any past age, suffering from the terrible and deep-rooted malady which developing every day and eating into its inmost dean is dragging it to destruction. Speaker 1 18:07 You understand ventral rather than what this disease is apostasy from God. There's a sacked religious war which is now almost everywhere stirred up and fomented against God and we find extinguished among the majority of men all respect for the eternal God and no regard, painting public or private life to God's holy will. Instead, every effort is used to destroy utterly the memory and the knowledge of God. When all of this is considered, there's good reason to fear less. This great diversity maybe as it were a foretaste and perhaps the beginning of those evils, whichever is there for the last days. Then they already in the world the Santa Petition of whom the Apostle speaks in second Thessalonians two three section truth is dot. To asking, Ras employed everywhere persecuting religion in comm, batting the dogmas of faith in parades and effort to uproot and destroy all relations between man and God. Speaker 1 19:07 Well, on the one hand, on the other hand, and this according to the same apostle, it's distinguishing mark man Christ man has with infinite arrogance, put himself in a place of God, raising himself. Above all that is called God. It's such a way that he has mocked God's majesty and as it were made of the universe of temple wherein he himself is to be adored. He sits in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God. Second test, colonial close quote from the first and cyclical, a pope saint posh the 10th on the restoration of all things in Christ fourth October, 1903 everyone should examine the world seated in wickedness with his eyes and with his mind young people or induced or announce Christ to blasting and attempt the worst crimes of the last. The whole Christian people are continually in danger of falling away from the faith. Speaker 1 20:08 These things in truth are so sad that you might say that such events for Shadow and portend the beginning of sorrows, that is to say of those things that should be brought on by the Nana's sin who is lifted up above all that is called God or his worshiped second tessalon means two four but he's yet more to be amended general that attorney that among the faithful themselves there are found so many men are laboring under an incredible ignorance of divine things and who are infected. The false doctrines who lead a life of vice without the light of the true faith so that they seem truly to sit in darkness and the shadow of death. There's a greatly increasing carelessness concerning church rules and discipline. Now those ancient traditions by which family life has governed and by which the sanctity of marriage is safeguarding the education of children is all together neglected or else it is be prayed. Speaker 1 21:06 There's a sad forgetfulness of Christian modesty, especially in the life and dress of women. There's an unbridled desire for material goods and lastly a contempt for the word of God whereby faith itself is injured or in danger, but all these evils as it were, culminate and the evil of those who fall in the example of the trader tutors either receive holy communion rationally and sack religiously or else go over to the camp of the enemy and that's even against her own will. The thought rises in the mind that now those days drawn here of whichever prophesied and because an equity asset bounded the charity of many shell girl cold clothes quilt, Popeyes the 11th on reparation to sacred heart, May 5th, 1928 so on cyclical is written roughly hundred and 75 years ago. The pope's explicitly warn Catholics that it may be the beginning of the end and since then, cool. Speaker 1 22:14 We're overwhelmed. The sadness and anguish seeing it, the wickedness of perverse man has reached a degree of impiety that is unbelievable and absolutely unknown and other times, Pope Pius 12 1949 I sung quote, I sometimes read the Gospel passage of end times and I attest that at this time sometimes signs of this and are emerging. Pope Pius the sick or pope politics 1977 quote, we are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society, wide circles in the Christian community realize this fully. We're now facing the final confrontation between the church and the Antique Church as a Gospel Versus Anti Gospel. Carol Cardinal, Ikea, 1976 shortly before he became the Holy Father, John Paul. The second and of course his last year we had the Holy Father speaking explicitly about the silent apostasy, which is totally afflicting Europe. He made these remarks on several different occasions, okay. Speaker 1 23:27 Except for a century. The pulks had been reading the signs of the times and wanting us. If things are grinding to a close, we've got a pretty fair notion of approximately where in history we are living now, what it was supposed to do. That's your member. God's in charge. He loves. Yes. He knows everything. He knows exactly when in history he wanted each one of us to be born, to live and to die. He's in charge. Let's not imitate chicken. Little let's imitate Saint John Persons. We each need to do our duty and our state in life, our duty in our state, in life. I have a particular state in life, and you do too, and what will we be judged principally on how well we did the duties for our state in life. We need to get serious about our faith. If we haven't been, we need to get serious about holiness. Sheroes three hail Mary's every day. Say Your prayers while you're brown. Scapular. Stop Sinning. We're center. Identify where your problems are and knock it off. Go to confession about every two weeks. Make further communions put God first and become holy. Do your duty. It's pretty basic. Do your activity.

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