The 2nd and 3rd Commandments Our Lady of La Sallette

January 04, 2004 00:15:28
The 2nd and 3rd Commandments Our Lady of La Sallette
Veritas Caritas
The 2nd and 3rd Commandments Our Lady of La Sallette

Jan 04 2004 | 00:15:28


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:07 On a sunny Saturday afternoon, Saturday afternoon. It's September of 1846, two little shepherd children, Melanie age 14, and the ax man, age 11, we're herding cattle on the mountain side of loss. Let, when they came across blessed mother of God, our lady was sitting there bathed in brilliant light, seated on a rock, holding her face in her hands. And they realized at once that she was weeping, there sat the blessed Virgin Mary weeping, tears streaming down her face. Why was there a lady crying she's weeping over Catholic people pouring out bitter tears and prophesied that a judgement of destruction was going to the fall. Then what did she say? Well, if my people do not wish to submit themselves, I'm forced to let go. Of the hand of my son is so heavy in waist me down so much that I can no longer keep holding it. Speaker 1 00:01:18 How long a time do I suffer for you? If I would not have my son abandon you, I'm compelled to pray to him without ceasing and S to you. You take no heat of it. However much you pray, however much you do, you will never make up for the pain I have taken for you. Close quote, our lady weeping, bitter tears, because Catholics would not submit themselves. But what were they refusing to submit themselves to? They're refusing to submit themselves to two of the commandments of God. She's weeping over Catholic people wouldn't stop blasting. It wouldn't keep the Lord's day. Holy and she was prophesied that a judgment of destruction was going to fall upon them. What judgment fell upon mankind? Well, at 1917, our lady came back this time to Fatima and told those Shepard children that the war world war one was a punishment for sin, which sins it's saintly Carta. Mercier said world war one was a punishment for not having heated the message of our lady of loss, select world war one, a war in which millions upon millions of men were killed a punishment for blasts me and not keeping Holy it's. The Lord's day, a punishment for breaking the second and third commandments. God hates sin and his commandments are commandments, not suggestions. So this ought to give us all pause, to stop and consider it breaking. The second and third commandments can bring down such judgment on nations. What might it do to us? Speaker 1 00:03:23 Let's take a closer look at both those commandments. This morning. We'll start with a second. Commandment. Thou shall not take the Lord like God in the name of the Lord that God in vain for God will not hold him. Guiltless. That shall take the name of the Lord. Thy God in vain. God commands that his name be honored and treated with reverence the catechism of the constant Trent list of variety of ways by which God's name is honored. God's name is honored first when we publicly proclaiming to be our Lord and our God. Second, when we reverently study, read, listen to, or think about his Holy scriptures. Third, when we praise and thank him for all things for when we pray to him and fifth, when for serious unjust reasons, we take a solemn oath. We are also honoring his Holy name. Let's take a moment on that. Speaker 1 00:04:31 What exactly is an oath? That's easy. An oath is something we swear to the truth of and call upon God is our witness. We're testifying to the truth of the statement. And we swear it with words like, so help me God, by God, with God is my witness. They're similar expressions. According to Saint Alphonsus, there are three necessary conditions which must be present for us in order to lawfully call upon God as our witness. In other words, in order for us to lawfully take an oath, the first condition is it must be true. What we're swearing to has to be true. We're asking God to witness to the truth of that. Second. We have to use judgment an oath isn't to be taken lightly, but only after due deliberation and reflection, it's not a spur of the moment thing. And third, there has to be justice in the oath and all of his sinful. Speaker 1 00:05:28 If someone swears to do something unjust or unlawful, like Herod with his silly oath, about the half of the kingdom, and he winds up lopping off st. John the Baptist head to police out. That's certainly not just so for off to honor God's name, it must be true sworn after sufficient judgment and concerned with matters that are just so let's review. How do we honor God's name, but publicly proclaiming as our loader in God, by reverently reading, studying, thinking, listening to his Holy scriptures by praising and thanking him for all things. You're praying to him for rush squaring just, Oh, it's just owes. It must be true. It must have happened after sufficient judgment. Be concerned with matters that are just now what is the second commandment prohibit first perjury swearing, a false oath, calling God as a witness to a lie. It's an extremely heinous crime. Speaker 1 00:06:28 It's all of our so-called leaders might think it's all fun and games to perjure themselves, but unless they repent, they're not going to die. Laughing. Second unjust homeless, like in an event, DETA would a man swears to kill another man. That's taking the name of the Lord and vain third irrational, which is just wearing an oath for a frivolous silly or stupid reason. Fourth irreverence speech about Holy things. Now this is increasingly commonplace. Unbelievably enough. What was once the specialty of Freemasons heretics and atheists is now her from the lips of many practical Catholics. As they make fun of incidents in Holy scripture, they make fun of the saints. They make fun of our religious, especially beloved nuns and a few generations ago, or they mock pious practices of other Catholics. Speaker 1 00:07:27 Last minute, as the catechism, the constant trance States quote, still mourning enormous is the guilt of those who was impaired defiled lips dare to curse or blasting the Holy name of God, that name, which has to be blessed in praise above all measures by all creatures close called catechism to the couch. That trip is God himself warns us. And it's very commandment. The Lord will not hold him guiltless that she'll take the name of the Lord, his God in vain. So second commandment commands us to honor God's name by publicly proclaiming to be our loader God, but reverently reading or thinking about scripture by praising, you're thanking him by praying to him or swearing, just owes and forbid size for including perjury, making unjust or rash Hodes making Nakia Reverend speech about Holy things or blast Phoebe. How about the third commandment? Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath day, six days, shout out labor and do all that works. Speaker 1 00:08:32 But on the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord. Thy God, Val shall do no work on it. Now, as we know, the apostles moved the Jewish Sabbath to Sunday and this commandment God commands us, actually reached the age of reason to hear mass on Sunday and Holy days of obligation. This means without a chest cause would commit a mortal sin. If we miss mass on any Sunday or Holy day of obligation, what is it just costs such things as taking care of a sick child, stopping to help someone in trouble being a good Samaritan impossibility. Because if work, for example, a nurse that would have to work Christmas Eve and Christmas day, she certainly not guilty of missing mass on Christmas. If possibility because of location, if you live in the Alaskan Bush, you're not missing mass. So the third commandment commands us to your mass on Sundays and Holy days obligation. Speaker 1 00:09:33 Okay, what is his commandment for bed? Two things, unnecessary survival work and most farms of public commerce. Unnecessary survival work is forbid. So what survival work, it's the sort of work traditionally done by manual labors and includes such things as piling, digging, drilling, seed gardening, lawnmowing mechanic King, welding, loading, plastering, house painting, folding laundry, ironing, sewing. It's very important for us to realize that survival work is determined by an objective standard. God's that means that what we like or don't like has no part to play in the equation. As the moral theologian Davis writes, quote, survival work may not be done without necessity for pleasure or recreation. It remains survival. Whatever the motives may be, even if no wages are taken for close quote or a Saint Alphonsus says, quote, the intention of the worker is not able to change one form of work into another close quote st. Speaker 1 00:10:51 Francis points out that if someone does more than two to two and a half hours of unnecessary survival work on a Sunday, the whole idea of obligation he's guilty of a mortal sin. Why does God forbid survival work on all Sundays and Holy days of obligation simply so that we will relax, read good spiritual books, recuperate, body, and soul so that he might better serve both him and our neighbor. Okay. Now what about commerce? What's forbidden here, generally speaking, public trading markets, public buying and selling like going out grocery shopping or to the mall or forbid there are certain exceptions, for example, it's on a particular occasion and not as a general practice, there's a real business opportunity that would be lost. Public business can be done. Like in the case of the vendor during a stair that would over August 15th or the case of vendor at the race track on three or four Sundays a year. Speaker 1 00:11:52 Those would examples of that. It's also important to know that going to a restaurant or a cafe has always been permitted. We don't need to have any scoop was about that. And also buying fuel is all right. So we shoot an unnecessary sir, a lot of work in most forms of public commerce, us forbid non Sundays and Holy days obligation what's permitted. Other kinds of work such as what used to be called the liberal works. Those are things that were traditionally done by those in the leisurely class. Things like singing, reading, studying, writing oil painting, also common work that's calmed. All class had been traveling, preparing a meal, necessarily share vital work necessarily of work like feeding livestock, changing a flat tire, set up the altars for Corpus Christi procession so forth. And of course, permitted as are the type of people using or working for necessarily public services like the police, fire, medical personnel taxis, or the travel industries, drug stores, gas stations, the restaurants also playing or attending sporting events or going hunting are fine. Speaker 1 00:13:05 As long as they're kept in the proper perspective as a legitimate recreation for the Lord's day. And now just being more important than God himself. Obviously we don't live in a Catholic state so many times. It's impossible for us to escape working on some of these times, especially when a Holy day of obligation falls during a work week as faithful Catholics. We want to show God that we love him. As we saw last week, God expects us to show that love for him by our acts of adoration and especially by our interior life, but Doring and praising him. Why? Because he's all good and worthy of all our love. God expects us to show that love for him, by our words, like carefully honoring his name and keep it. Holy God expects us to show him that we love him. Not simply with our interior disposition and not simply with our words, but also by what we do with our bodies at the Dawn of the third millennium. Speaker 1 00:14:05 We find ourselves a lot in this sewage as a degenerates culture of death, perhaps we've been floating in the current rather than moving against it. We may indeed need to carefully reset some of our priorities in order to safely observe the first, second and third commandments are we willing to give God is to our thoughts where it's Indeed's, let's stand with some reflections from our lady of lost select. If my people do not wish to submit themselves, I'm forced to let go of the hand of my son is so heavy and weighs me down so much that I can no longer keep hold of it. How long a time do I suffer for you? If I would not have my son abandon you, I'm compelled to pray to him without ceasing an S to you. You take no heat of it, however much you pray, however much you do, you will never make up for the pains I have taken for you. Each one of us needs to ask himself, would she say this to me? Is she crying over me?

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