Christmas Thoughts

January 04, 2018 00:07:04
Christmas Thoughts
Veritas Caritas
Christmas Thoughts

Jan 04 2018 | 00:07:04


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I've read it in the name of the father, son. Holy spirit. Amen. Well, once again, uh, we've reached that time of the year. We're in the scripture scholars and other unbelievers us that we're not really sure that Jesus was born on December 25th. We don't really know the exact day of his birth. And the reason that we celebrate Christmas on that day is because his ancient times, this is a pagan faith. And so the church decided rather than suppressing the pig and feast, it would be easier to just set up with the feast of our board's birth. So let's just clear that up right now. Where did the church get the idea of Christmas being on December 25th, pop tells us, or is the first thing? Tell us for us. In fact, first he was pulled from around one 26 to one 36, ordered that from henceforth fish would be three masses said on the day of activity, the Lord one at midnight, one at Dawn and one after sunrise, as one commentator points out, this goes to show the Roman tradition runs right up to the time of the apostles. Speaker 0 00:01:12 There's no mention of the date on which this festival Christmas was then held, but the Roman church never knew any other date than the 25th of December. It won't be observed at a pub. It's not Institute the festival of Christmas. It existed before his time. We're not now brought fairly inside of days when Saint Peter and Paul preach Christ and him crucified to the room, there might easily have been living in the pontificate of Telus for us. Men would see and converse with st. Peter, the first factor of Christ upon her clothes. Cool. The ancient Christian author to Tilian lived from one 60 to two 2080, writes at a census of Augustus and States quote, the Roman archives contained a sense of Augustus, which is the most faithful witnesses and activity of our Lord closable. Tutelian his shoulders is the records contain the name of the most blessed Virgin Mary and I quote, and the Roman census has described Mary from home was born price close. Speaker 0 00:02:11 Cool. Santa Paula is of wrong. He was martyred run to 36 writes quote. The first advent of I've worked with flash when he was born in Bethlehem was December 25th close quote that great doctor, the church st. Augusta and only testifies the fact that the date of Christmas was it definite tradition his day, but he also used the fact of Christmas being on December 25th. But he use that fact as a proof that our lower was conceived in the month of March quote for that month of March price was conceived and die, which is shown by the most well known face day of his birth close quote. Now, besides a feeling of the traditional church, Seneca Gustin also catered to the ancient Roman records, which still existed in his day. I quote from Sandra Gustin. We have evidence in who's constantly. Now a console were, uh, they were very prominent government officials who at the time or Lord's birth were appointed by the hamper, but it told you it was a way of dating. Speaker 0 00:03:09 So st. Augusta, we have evidence of his counselorship. And on what day the Virgin Mary gave birth to Christ close quote in the East, in a sermon preached in three 86, the great doctrine church st. John Chris system says, cool. It does not get 10 years since this day, Christmas on the 25th of December, it was clearly known to us, but it's been familiar from the beginning. So those who dwell in the West, we got the date from those who dwell in Rome, who don't have accurate information on this point for they lived there. Who long before seller of the day in accordance with ancient tradition communicated the knowledge of us to us close quote st. John chris' system. Not only appeals the tradition, the church and roles. He also appeals to the ancient Roman records. And I quote them from st. The Holy doc. He has in mind to read the public records that are kept in Rome can easily learn the exact time of his Iran close. Speaker 0 00:04:05 Cool. So we know when our Lord was born, it's an, in the Morial tradition of the church in Rome. So these claims that we don't actually know that exactly. They abused for heart plain wrong. It's really a lot easier to demonstrate than what I've just done. Anyone can do it by repeating a little experiment. I've done many times yesterday, I talked to a mother in this parish and I asked her three questions. The first question was, do you remember the birthday of your oldest child? This would have been better to do on the phone because she's staring at me like a Holy man. I could ask the question that unbelievably stupid, but she wouldn't say it because I'm a priest. Be careful, don't do this at home. So she said, uh, you know, looking at me like, are you kidding? And she says, real slowly, do you think I could forget the birthday of my first child? Speaker 0 00:05:03 Yes, I remember that. So my second question was, do you remember the time that your child was born? Yes. Third question was, do you remember what the weather was like? Yes. Uh, since you're not scripture scholars, you will not be surprised to learn that so far. I haven't met a mother that couldn't answer these questions. It just said, it's essential bet. Have I asked any one of the moms here? You could each give the same answers to those questions? Of course, what mother could possibly forget the birthday of her first child, but our lady is this the perfect woman are we supposed to actually believe that she forgot when our Lord, the son of God was born? Are we really supposed to believe that? I mean, since I'm not talking to scripture scholars here, but real human beings, does anyone really think to the blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of God, does anybody? Speaker 0 00:06:06 I really think that the woman by God created by God himself to be as a mother for God, the day she gave birth to him. I mean, you have to be mental to think like that for a scripture scholar, but I repeat myself. It's a no brainer. Our lady knew when I lived Florida is porn and believe it or not. St. Peter knew our lady, the other boss, she was labeled with st. John. If our Lord hadn't already told the pastas, they could have just asked our lady. So one thing's for sure they didn't make the data. This is just a substitute for some pagan party, by the way, there wasn't one on the 25th, but that's getting a little more Roman and pay and things than it is. So even that part's wrong, but we're talking about scripture scholars, scholarship. There's absolutely no reason to doubt the data Christmas ever like born on midnight, December 25th, 202,017 years ago. Okay. This is historical religion.

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