Q&A pt. 2: Loyalty to the Church

December 23, 2020 00:13:10
Q&A pt. 2: Loyalty to the Church
Veritas Caritas
Q&A pt. 2: Loyalty to the Church

Dec 23 2020 | 00:13:10


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Speaker 0 00:00:05 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:00:16 Yeah. An answer to your question. Yeah. It's okay to record this conversation, obviously it's not a sermon, but I should probably still, yeah, I think it'd be a good idea to just say that I can't give permission to, to promulgated, but published this, uh, just cause those are the kind of restrictions I'm living under, but, and I'll just presume it for a conversation too. Anyway. Yeah. What talking about loyalty to the church, given the clergy in the hierarchy? Well, our loyalty is to Christ because the church is his mystical body, but we don't want to be confused by any of the particular members in the church militant because when we're loyal to the church, that includes all the souls in purgatory and all the saints in heaven. Uh, that's really what it is. And well, when we see this kind of a, well, this apostasy that we have, and that is it behavior, misbehavior, the clergy, it shouldn't really, it should, in a certain sense, it should sadness on behalf of Christ, you know, make it, fill us with the desire to make reparation, but our faith isn't in the priest. Speaker 1 00:01:28 Thanks be to God, you know, I may be a priest, but, uh, uh, your priest, the Bishop of hope, those are all means to an end, but it's not the end. Uh, you know, we're not going to be gazing on our parish priest or, or the Bishop or the Pope for all eternity. The end is the union with Christ and this is a means he set up for it. And when we see this, so there's, there's certain things historically that we can think about. It's good to meditate on. The first thing I got, I usually when people do this and they come in with the latest, you know, catastrophe from Rome, uh, uh, the, the idolatry last year or the commemoration of the idolatry this year, we can talk about that later. But, uh, I tell them, well, you know, go to the stations of the cross and when you're done, come back and get me and bring me to the station of the cross. Speaker 1 00:02:18 It has the Pope and most of the bishops. And they usually look at you for a minute and start laughing. I said, well, you know, cause they weren't there. And that tells us a lot and it's something worth meditating on it. Doesn't say that Saint Peter wasn't the Pope, doesn't say the other parcels. Weren't bishops. They ran away. Who's the only one there St. John he's the only Bishop, every other Bishop, all the other clergy in the Catholic church were missing. And he was the one at the crucifixion. And why was he the one there? Because he stayed close to our lady and that's the key. We have to stay close to our lady or we won't be there either. And really to pay much attention to what they're doing. I mean, if they have something legitimate, of course we w w w we need to be obey that. Speaker 1 00:03:09 But for the most part, I think it's really a danger to your spiritual life to pay much attention to what they're doing. If they say something, okay, whatever it doesn't mean. They're not the Bishop doesn't mean they're not the priest doesn't mean they're not the pulp. It's just like, um, why worry? We got to stay close to our lady so we can keep our focus on our Lord, stay there. And I rather doubt, and I'm not speaking for St. John it's, but I rather doubt he was concerning himself with what St. Peter and his brother changed. And everybody else was doing he's right there with our lady and our Lord. And could he explain everything going on? No. Cause after the fact you can, and after the send the Holy ghost, right then, I mean, what is going on here? Cause it looks like our Lord, our Lord is dying. Speaker 1 00:03:57 How can he die? How can this be happening? This is what we were going through in the church. How can a church fall apart like this? How can the church apparently die? How can everything be so unbelievably catastrophic? Because it's the passion of the mystical body. And it's going to get worse. I mean, let's not be, let's not have any illusions. It's only going to get worse. Uh, there's going to be so, uh, that's the time we're in right now. Uh, it's gonna get worse. Uh, so I th that's one thing I think we can come back to that. Another thing I would think about too is, uh, is England under Henry the eighth. I think that's a good meditation. We're English speakers. And we can say what happened. Like here's all these people that were Catholic one day and then they worked the next here. Speaker 1 00:04:48 Here's th that was my that's my Bishop. That's my parish priests. That's my parish church. These are the people. And then one day that's the same Bishop. That's the same priest. That's the same people and they're not Catholic anymore. What do they do? And when we stop and say, what did they do? They broke their union with Christ. And we want to be very careful not to do that ourselves. Those people follow their priests when they shouldn't have, they followed their bishops when they shouldn't have. So when the pulp does idolatry and let's be clear, that's exactly what was going on in St. Peter's we don't fall. That, that doesn't mean that doesn't mean we launch off and start our own church, but we can't follow him there when our Bishop does some odd ball thing. We can't follow him there the same with our priests. Speaker 1 00:05:43 And we've had a bumper crop of this nonsense, so there's no end to it. And, but we're in the church to have union with Christ. And so we want to preserve that union with Christ, even if it means not going along with our priest. Well, it's more preserving with them at the time. So yeah, it is like that, but you just have to have sort of a sense of humor about it, even like a grim sense of humor, because it's not really funny, like in a ha but I think a grim sense of humor. Yeah. That's I would say that, you know, he just, maybe it may be kind of a chuckle through gritted teeth at the latest and sanity from this Chancery or that, you know, it really is amazing. You know, I want to return to a point they're all continuous what you've, what you've asked. Speaker 1 00:06:31 But, uh, another good thing to, to meditate on is the condition of the church. WellStar Lord was visibly present on earth because remember at the time the church at that time consists of the high priest, you know, the priest, the Sanhedrin, you know, the faithful and they were, it was like gangster Kerrville. You had, uh, Caiaphas nanas, and they had all this racket going on. You had the money changers in the temple. They're scamming off that the, the most of the hierarchy are Sadducees, which means they didn't bleed anything. They're the old Testament equivalent of modernist. Then you have the Pharisees who are all about rules, but no charity would share kind of an old Testament equivalent of a lot of the traditionalist. So the people are asking the Lord, what do we do? You know, I said, and what does he say? He doesn't say, start your own church. Speaker 1 00:07:20 He doesn't say break communion with them. Cause they're obviously gangsters. And he says, well, they sit on the chair, Moses, so you have to do what they say, but now what they do in other words, not anything they said, if they said something wrong and we'll get like, for example, which is very, very serious here in a minute. But, uh, but anything legitimate, but we don't want to imitate them. And then what do you see those guys do? They actually denounce and then say, we, we have no King, but Caesar. So they actually denounced God and chose a pig and ruler. Uh, you don't call. Speaker 2 00:07:57 So, so, uh, we, we're seeing similar kind of thing. Speaker 1 00:08:01 And when we have this spectacle in, in, in Rome last year with, with the, uh, with the Amazon sent it, but we had a preview, I'd have to look it up. I don't know, but I'm going to say it was about, it was about five years ago, about 2015, I think on December 8th, significant data on a macro conception, they used the facade of St. Peter's like an outdoor movie theater. And that was this projection of all these kind of movies and images and scenes, you know, like a rising sun in the darkness, all these animals and growls and weird jungle noises and all this weird peg and stuff, and very, very significant spiritually from an account point of view. And I do not recommend going to check that out. I think it would be dangerous for your spiritually, but it was a preview coming attractions. Speaker 1 00:08:52 And it was on the facade of St. Peter's. Now the guy that had done it, it practiced on the empire state building, uh, a month or so before he projected image of this Hindu goddess that they offer human sacrifice too. She rides a horse. The saddle is made out of a flayed skin of a man. She hasn't a necklace made out of skulls and drinks, human blood from a kind of a, a beer Stein where it's made out of skulls. And so this is the kind of person we have projecting a thing on St. Peter's gee, I wonder why. So that was previous coming attraction. Then we see the Amazon center where you have the utter astonishment of, of watching all face people bowing down, literally to this piece of wood that symbolizes a devil and Inca devil, not an Amazon devil. It's an ink Adele, it's from a devil from the Andes and then processed in by the hierarchy and just St. Speaker 1 00:09:47 Peter's it's very spiritually significant. And then during a papal mass, the Pope puts a plant that symbolizes this thing on the altar. And by the way, that particular, uh, I don't, I don't say the name of that thing because I don't want to give it to any kind of credit, but that particular devil is placated by offering blood sacrifice to like one of these Inca Kings was, uh, was, was coronated. There was like 200 some baby sacrificed, and they said, they'd sacrifice llamas and humans to this thing. So it's placated with blood. So they put a plant in honor this thing on altar. So in other words, the Pope, the Pope, the Pope made an equivalent between the sacrifice of the son of God, offer to God, the father and the sacrifice of a doubt. Speaker 1 00:10:45 You know, we can't make enough reparation that can only, only be undone by the poll. So we can't make enough reparation. So unlike what happened at Mount Sinai, which is when Aaron built the golden calf, but Moses called and, and the high priest built a golden calf and the leave lights Rose up and, and defended the honor of God, we've had nothing but crickets in the church. It's silence in the heavens. You hear almost nothing. And I think that's very significant spiritually, too. It's worth meditating on, and you're asking how to get through this, but I think we can see right there that we're in time, that we're really going to have to be grounded in Christ in our lady, because the kind of leadership that you're looking for, uh, we don't narrow it. Speaker 1 00:11:49 It is silence. They're silent. Some have been silenced in effect, and there's going to be silence. So we're going to have to really rely on our Lord as we enter into this. But you were asking more about how we stay loyal in all this. I can't emphasize strongly enough, uh, staying close to our lady and praying, keep on placing these things when they're troubling, place them in our lady's hands and ask her to take care of it. And a lot of it, we have to have the humility say, I don't completely understand what's going on, but I don't need to. I do understand if I stay close to you, I'll be all right. St. John couldn't have given us a theological explanation. I'm pretty sure I don't want to speak for him, but of what was going on during the crucifixion. But he stayed close to our lady, the women that stayed the, you know, St. Mary Magdalen, they stayed close. They stood there and they went through the passion right there at the foot of the cross. And that's where we want to be spiritually. And so even if there is silence from the hierarchy and silence from so much of the clergy, w that in no way should just mass it, shouldn't dismiss it all. We may be sad that, but, uh, we shouldn't even indulge ourselves in that. Uh, we should stay close to our lady and see that's the times that we're in. Okay.

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