Love & Alms Giving

February 16, 2018 00:04:26
Love & Alms Giving
Veritas Caritas
Love & Alms Giving

Feb 16 2018 | 00:04:26


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Bobby Maria Prisma and the name of the father, the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. But at the end of mass, the prayer over the people today, I'll read it to you is protect. I people, Lord, and an eye mercy cleanse them from every sin for no harm shall hurt them if no wickedness be found in them. So that's the prayer we'll say over the people, when we're all bowed down before the Lord today, just a note from the Roman martyrology for today, it says in Rome, bless you and dismiss. And that's who st. Paul wrote to Philemon about who also after Saint Timothy was ordained the Bishop of Ephesus. And then he was brought in chains to Rome and stone there. So you wouldn't know that from the scriptures that an Islamist who was the slave that ran away is actually a Catholic Saint. And he was a second. Speaker 0 00:00:52 They ship of emphasis and this is peace day to day. So it's another thing we know because we have tradition that poor Protestants who got to pray. They, they get on board and get the whole package deal and come into the church because they wouldn't know that it's a very short letter and you wouldn't get that from a letter, from the readings themselves all through lent. They're very beautiful and rich readings. I'll just make a couple of comments on each of them in terms of the pistol from Isaiah, the Lord pointing out that the most important thing is not so much our acts, but the spirit we're doing. And he's saying the extra important, but it isn't a, it isn't something like we do our own well, we have to do do his will. So it's fun if everybody's fascinated, but then if they're nasty to their neighbor and all that, what good does that do? Speaker 0 00:01:36 That's the essence of what he's saying. It has to be from our heart. We need to reach up and do the corporal and spiritual works of mercy from a good heart in terms of the gospel of Saint Matthew. There's two wonderful things to talk about. One is the amazing thing that our Lord points out and it's unique to us is that we're supposed to love our enemy. He doesn't say we're supposed to like our enemies, because that has to do with our emotions. And those are not completely on our command. There's easy to tell the difference between loving and liking. Everybody loves their teenagers, but they don't always necessarily like them. Loving is willing to good it's in the will. We can always love our enemies, but we don't have to, like, we don't have to produce some kind of warm, fuzzy feeling. That is not what the Lord's command is. Speaker 0 00:02:22 That's impossible. Whilst he's being nailed to the cross, he didn't wait for them to say, Oh, we're so sorry. Make yourself comfortable. Let's get some pliers for polos nails up. We'll heal. He's praying for them. Well, they're it didn't feel good. We can pray for enemies in that his love of our enemy. And one of the quickest easiest things to do is just pray a blessing. When they come before our mind's eye or we see them, we just say, God, make him happy in this life for next. Or God, make her happy in this life. The next, what could possibly be more loving than playing for somebody's happiness here. You're after it's a greatest act of love. So that's what it means to love our enemies. Don't worry about your feelings. You could still feel like throwing them out or off of rough. That's just a feeling as long as you're praying for him, no sin at all. Speaker 0 00:03:10 In fact, you're growing in virtue and believe me, if Christ commands us to love our enemies, that means we're going to need that virtue because they're going to be in our lives. And if you don't have any, just wait, you will. Okay. So that in the first place, in the second place, he talks about the importance of arms, which is another thing the church brings before us in lamp, which is taking, taking care of people. Spiritual works of mercy. Pray. We need to pray, especially right now for our brothers and sisters and underground church in China, or getting beaten like unbelievably right now, we should pray for them, but almost we should give of our surplus and a little bit more people ask, how much should we give in the old covenant? It was a tie that doesn't pertain exactly to us. The principle is you give until it hurts, it should hurt a little bit. And if it's not, then you should look at yourself before God and say, you've given me everything. How have I shown my gratitude to you and make sure you only give to worthy causes cause you're responsible where your arm go. But almost there a very, very important thing in the church brings up before our mind again today.

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