On the dual nature of Jesus

March 05, 2006 00:20:55
On the dual nature of Jesus
Veritas Caritas
On the dual nature of Jesus

Mar 05 2006 | 00:20:55


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Speaker 0 00:02 Wanted to see you still. We show all notice is that the devil knows his enemy. He knows where our Lord is. He knows that his battle is with the Catholic church. It's actually kind of obvious when the devil really wants to mock and blast feme our Lord. What does he do? Mock a synagogue service. Knock the prayers at a mosque, mock a Pentecost providable or mock the mass. Everyone knows he has a black mass, you know Sue's enemies arm and his battle. The devil made his biggest mistake when he thought he could destroy our Lord in his work by having him taken out and killed by his tools. But the day the devil thought it would be his greatest victory. We call it Good Friday, which must really drive this moron crazy on Easter Sunday. Then the devil learned to his whore that I'll law our lord was dead. Speaker 0 01:15 He had the power to resurrect himself and then on cinch and Thursday the devil watched and frustrated rage as I lower to send it into heaven and throw open the gates of heaven to mankind, the gates of heaven. They'd been slammed shut since the original sin led men in to take the Thrones. They were lost when he led the angels and their rebellion and they fell from heaven. Men are now taking their Thrones and heaven and Pentecost on rage. The devil must have been when he saw her lord send down the Holy Ghost to give the Catholic power that same indestructible life and same incredible power that he was studying in our Lord. As we see in today's Gospel. He hasn't forgotten any of this. He knows his enemy over the course of the centuries. Then he's continually trying to destroy the church. In the early days. What did he do? Speaker 0 02:16 Buddy persecution, the church weather, those storms. Then he turn to heresy spring up every possible kind of terrible error. Church weather, those storms. Now he's moved on to combination attack. He's going after the passions by providing virtually every temptation that anyone could possibly desire. Any temptation no to man. And on top of that, he's got the most unbelievable heresy the church has ever seen, full blown going full steam. And on top of that, he has the rulers of the world, all his tools and the media, education and government, the church, he's got them engaging in a harassment kind of locking persecution, which for the most part has it yet broken out into blood shed Catholic saying the rosary every day and living the message of fat. I know we'll survive this attack. No one else, but they will. In today's Gospel we see the devil who thanks to Adam had been securely ruling the world. Speaker 0 03:31 We seem testing Christ our Lord. He's probably, he's looking at it and he's trying to figure out who are you, what are you, what am I dealing with here? When this guy was born, the angels and even kings showed up and then even though I got my tool Herod to kill all the kids in the region, somehow he slipped my grass and then hit out. Who would have thought it and my own kingdom of Egypt. I haven't seen him commit the slightest sin yet. Who is this guy? What am I dealing with here? This is what the devil is trying to figure out. What is it that I am up against? Huh? See, he's been doing all that. Teach you one of us since we've been born, taking the measure of us. That's why Lentz important. We have to start working on our particular problems cause believe me, he knows us better than we do. Where's there weak point? He's tests and he throws a little thing up here. Having an idea there, noticed that, so forth. That's how he works. He's studying because he has a plan. He doesn't want us to take one of those Thrones in heaven. And that's what he's doing with their lower cause. So far, nothing <inaudible>. Lord's been slipping through his grasp all the way. All right? The Devil at that time couldn't answer. Who are you and what are you? Speaker 0 04:47 But each one of us ought to be able to, our whole religion is about a loving relationship with our lord and his frank. She'd used to say it'd be a mighty strange God who could love more by knowing less about him. Okay, so spend some time this morning taking a closer look at our lord who are, what are, we'll look at his knowledge too. It'll be sort of a mini course in Christology. Okay? Sell it. It'll be a review. With that, I will rely mostly on St Thomas and frank sheet to get through this. Okay. Let's start by asking ourselves two questions about our Lord. Who are you and what are I am okay. Who is the first thing to know is Christ is not a human person. That's right. You heard me correctly. Christ is not a human person. What are you saying, father, that doesn't sound right. Speaker 0 05:44 Well, in order to understand this, let's review. We have to make sure we understand mania. Two words, person and nature. Okay, let's start with nature. Suppose we're out camping in the woods and we hear crashing noise in the of the night. I say, what was that set a tree falling in Elko into timber? Is it a crazy there to mountain lion? What was that? We're asking a question. What was that? We're asked a question about nature. A tree and a Grizz and a mountain lion. They all have totally different natures. How the want, what is that? What's the whiteness of that thing? Okay. Nature's the answer to the question. What a tree has a different oneness than a bear life. And the nature determines what something can do, kind of its performance characteristics. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen hot. They can live on sunlight. Speaker 0 06:35 How they make food from Semite that goes with tree nature. A fish swims through the water, has kills breathe water, you know, get stocks shot of that birds, bird nature. They have feathers, they lay eggs and all this. So a nature's, it's whiteness and it also determines what it can do. Fish, you know, they're not out. They don't grow on the forest. Trees don't swim through rivers. All right? It's proper to the nature. It answers what the cancer nature answers. What is it and what can it do? What is it and what can it do? That's the question. When we ask what is or what can you do? We're asking about nature's person answers the question, who suppose we're sitting there, we're in our little cabin for us and we hear a knock at the door. We don't sit there and look at each and go, what was that? Speaker 0 07:21 You know? We know what that is. We know that someone knocking after you don't go into, I wonder if that's a tree. I wonder if that's a crazy bro. And if we know it, someone knocking on effect to be very creepy. If you open the door and there was nobody there and he said, who did that? You know there's other kinds of persons besides us. We the devil was, is was one of them. Anyway, so who is that? Okay. We don't wonder who, what's there? We say who's there and who is a person we already know the nature of dealing with the human nature that okay, nature gives an ability but natures don't do anything. A person knocks at the door in nature doesn't knock you. I'm a perk. We all have human nature here, Huh? Well, I said we each can potentially talk. Hopefully I'm the only one talking right now. Speaker 0 08:04 We can listen. You're supposed to be listening and so forth, but I'm talking my natures and talking. You're listening. Your nature isn't listening. You're sitting. Your nature isn't sitting. The nature determines what we can do, but who does it? A person. A person. As the principle of action, a person does things. All right, so person goes for a walk is nature doesn't go for a walk. A person cries, a person lift. The person dies, okay? Person answers a question. Who? All right, so nature, that's the question. What is it? What can it do? Presents the question. Who is it? Who's doing it? Now let's apply that to Christ, our Lord with Christ our Lord. There's one who and to what? There's one who into what's it's one person, but he's not a human person. Our Lord is a divine person. The second person of the most blessed trinity, God the Son. Remember the person asked the question, who? God, who's doing it? God, what does this mean? It means that everything, the Christ circle or does is done by whom? By God. Second Person. Bless the truth. Okay, so what is he? Speaker 0 09:18 He's got two natures. He's got two watts. He's God. That means he has a defined nature so he can do all things possible to God. What can he do? He can raise people from the dead to America's hold the whole universe in being read men's hearts and so forth, okay? And he's man, that means he has a human. Nature is he's got a body in his soul. He can laugh, he can cry, he can bleed when he's cut, he can eat, he can die. How can God die? This is God eating, laughing, crying. I remember cause who does it? The person. So everything the Lord does is done by God. So if he's cut and bleeds, that's God bleeding. If he dies, he dies. How can cod die? God can die the same way we can die. He has a body in his soul. Death means the soul leaves the body and on Good Friday or Lord soul left the body on Easter Sunday, he put his soul back in his body. Speaker 0 10:07 He could do that. We can't do that part. He does that at the resurrection of the dead. But he could do it. He's got, who is he? He's got, okay, so who is he? He's God, son, second person. Bus Tree. What is he? He's God. So he can do all the things properly. God. And he's man. So you can do all the things proper to man. Okay, now that's who and what? Let's take a look at our Lord's knowledge. We've just seen that our lord is one person with two divine natures in his divine nature. He knows everything. He's God. He fits the job description, isn't going to learn anything. He isn't gonna forget anything. He knows it all from all eternity and his divine nature. He knows everything. Okay, so that's in a divine nature. We've covered it. What does he know? Everything. What about his human nature? Speaker 0 10:52 Okay. Oh, remember who knows it though? Second Person. Blessed attorney. God, let me say something right here too though. Sometimes we'll hear people say things like, our Lord didn't always know that he was the messiah. You'll hear things like this by the times, guys with callers on, we'll say things like this, okay? It's easy to correct this strange idea. We'd say something like this to him. Who are we talking about here when he said, Lord doesn't know who he is. What are we talking about here? Who we're talking about the second person or the most plus attorney, God, the son. Now, if you know who you are and I know who I am, why would it be surprised that God knows who he is? But you're saying is blasphemy. Okay. We don't want to make him laugh, but we can point out that what you're saying is God forgot who he was. Speaker 0 11:37 He has amnesia. He doesn't know or something like this. It's complete. Blast me. Of course he knows who he is. Of course he knows he's in the side. He wasn't sitting around one day under some Banyan Tree and have enlightenment, you know? That's for the Pagans. This is God we're talking about here. Okay, so that's how we can gently confuse these kinds of confused or correct these kind of confused characters if they'll take the correction. Okay. What about his human nature? Let's talk about the human knowledge. Yes. He has three kinds of knowledge or Lord has three kinds of knowledge. He has beautify like knowledge and fused knowledge and acquired knowledge, beatific knowledge and knowledge and acquired knowledge. Okay. What's beatific knowledge? It has to do with the beatific vision. Okay, father, so what's the beatific vision? Beatific vision is how the saints in Heaven Seek God and they don't see them with the eyes of their body because most of them don't have their eyes. Speaker 0 12:30 Of course our lady does. Okay? How did they see God without eyes? Their intellect is in direct contact with the essence of God. Okay. See, in this life, we know things by means, the ideas we have of him, that's how we know God right now, by the amines of the ideas we have of him, okay, but in heaven instead and on God, by the means to it we have of him, we'll know him directly. We'll see as we are seeing, so our intellect, please God, everyone here will get to heaven. Our intellect will be in direct contact with the divine essence, which means our mind is in direct contact with this infinite, inexhaustible, ineffable truth, direct contact with the intellect. But unlike the saints and like every human being human person, it has to wait to get to heaven to get the beatific vision. Christ our Lord possessed the beatific vision from the very first moment of his conception. Speaker 0 13:28 At the annunciation that means is man, from the very first moment of his conception, usually we as human intellect, he could see the very essence of God. Now, there were limits on his knowledge. Why would there be limits on his knowledge? Because our lord is human nature as a human intellect, which is not infinite. He can't know everything that can be known about the infinite God. Y A finite mind can't comprehend cat's round and infinite. B is human. Soul is still a creature. A creature cannot comprehend, put its arms around the infinite being of God. Okay, so what can he see in his vision besides being able to see the very essence of God? He can see everything there is to be known about all creatures, past, present, future, everything. That's his beatific knowledge. He knows he sees the essence of God, although he can't get it all in and he sees everything that can be known about all creatures. Speaker 0 14:22 Past, present, future, the secrets of your heart, what you're thinking right now. Everything. Everything. Okay. Infused knowledge. Infuse knowledge. What's that? This is knowledge that's poured directly into the intellect by God. Sometimes this happens to men miraculously in the case, the Saint Catherine of Sienna. God had a mission for her to go and correct the Holy Father. So what did he do? She, she wasn't a letter woman. He poured into miraculously infused knowledge, so she had a perfect knowledge of a lot and I don't know what else. Read right and so forth. Speak fluently in Latin. Okay. And instant infuse knowledge. Adam. Adam was created as an adult. He didn't have time to learn anything. God infused all the knowledge Adam needed for as for his role as the head of the human race at the very moment that he was being created. Every Angel at the very moment its creation received other ideas poured directly in from God. Speaker 0 15:17 This is infused knowledge. Christ, our Lord is the king of angels and men in his human intellect. He also possessed infused knowledge. In fact, by his infused knowledge, our Lord knew everything except the essence of God. Everything that can be known about creatures, everything except the essence of God. That's what he knew. Three, that's infused notes. So we looked at beatific knowledge, infuse knowledge. Third, as acquired knowledge to understand this, let's take a moment to talk about what's our natural way of learning is men like, how do we get to know what an apple is when you're a little kid? Maybe the first time you see an apple, he said, this is an apple. What do we do? We, we look at it, we hold it, we bite it, we smell, we taste. We can hear the way it crunches when we're chewing on so forth. Speaker 0 16:02 So all these things, all this sensory information about how it smells and tastes and feels and so forth. All those information flows into our senses, into our mind, and makes an image in our imagination. Okay? And then our intellect goes, oh, that's an apple. Now over time, we store that in our memory. Then we see all the first time we see a red apple that we see, maybe a yellow apple, a green apple. We learn more about apples and it just keeps modifying this image and so forth and, and you're like, keeps working on it. But so the point is we learned by experience of different apples and memory and pondering, and we get to know more and more about the nature of apples to this kind of experiential knowledge that we acquired. The knowledge. I didn't know what an apple was when I was born. Speaker 0 16:38 I had to be taught, all right, acquired knowledge is the only way in was Christ or Lord can be said to have grown and knowledge. Let's take the example of the apple and his divine nature. Christ's heart, Lord knows everything. He created apples. There's nothing he can learn there about apples and his human nature. In terms of his beautiful knowledge, he knows everything there is to know about apples and his beatific knowledge in terms of his infused knowledge. He knows everything there is to know about apples. Okay. The knowledge of all creatures was poured in his intellect. Alright, so out of three, out of four. So unlike his beatific and infused knowledge, which are both perfect from the moment of his conception, our Lord acquired knowledge of apples. How even though he already knew everything that could be known about apples the first time he held an apple and smelled it and bit into it and so forth, he had those sensations for the very first time he acquired the sensory experience of what an apple is and we formed an image in his imagination from that sense, information flowing in from his eyes, from his mouth and so forth, and then it's perfect intellect recognized it as an apple even though his intellect knew what it was. Speaker 0 17:46 We know that Annapolis, when we eat it too, I mean, after we note Annapolis, we don't know it like he does, but you know, it's not like, oh it's that every time he goes supermarket something new. You know what an Apolis you remember? Well, he already knew perfectly, but it's the first time I experienced it. Okay. He used his senses and his imagination and like just like us only perfectly. The whole point is to use all his human powers perfectly. He's not going to learn new truths. He doesn't have anything to learn. It's already there is beautiful knowledge is fused knowledge. It's certainly in his divine knowledge. Okay. The first time he heard our lady talk, he knew what he choose going to sound like. He knew what she was gonna say. He even knew how she was going to say it, but this is the first time he actually heard her. Speaker 0 18:28 Okay. He experienced it all right? He didn't learn any new trues here. That's what scripture means when it talks about our lord crawling in wisdom. This is what they're referring to. Okay, so let's review. We've seen that our lord has one who and two, what's he's one person? A divine person. The second person, the most blessed at Trinity. That's who he is. God the son, okay, so everything he does has done by that person. God The son, okay? He's a divine person, not a human person. What is he? We've seen, he has two natures, divine and human. He's God, which means he has a divine nature, so he can do all things possible to God and he isn't going to learn anything. He knows everything to what kind of knowledge, everything in his divine nature. You can learn anything. He's going to forget anything. So he knows everything and he's mad. Speaker 0 19:15 That means he has a human nature of body and a soul. So you can do all the things possible, man, eat, sleep, drink, bleed, die. And in his human nature we've seen he has three kinds of knowledge, beatific knowledge, infused knowledge and acquired knowledge. We've seen from the very moment of his conception. He had to be a terrific vision so he could see the essence of God and all things, all things about creatures, past, present, future, everything in the beatific vision. He could see that in that knowledge and his fused knowledge from the very first moment as conception poured into his mind was the knowledge of all creatures. He could know all things about creatures right there, everything he couldn't know about the essence of God. We've seen yet acquired knowledge, which means experienced this use of his human powers, his sense, his imagination, so forth. Speaker 0 20:00 So he experienced the sound of our lady's voice, your experience, the look on Saint Joseph's face with the smell of the air after spring rain or whatever. He didn't learn any new truths, but it was we see that's what scripture means when he's talking about he's growing in wisdom. Now let's close. There's a lot of consequences from this, but that's all we have time for today. I know this is a kind of heavy dose. We shouldn't be disappointed if certain aspects of our Lord seemed mysterious and we just don't get it all. As any attentive person knows from their own fan friendships, another human person, another friend, his, if very create a mystery. And in this case we're talking about a divine person, but we don't have to worry because God willing, and unlike the devil, we'll all have the opportunity to spend all eternity with our lore. Can He, you know him better and better and working out all the details? God bless.

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