Our Lord’s Last Prophecy Before His Death: Griswold vs CT 1965

January 22, 2006 00:13:06
Our Lord’s Last Prophecy Before His Death: Griswold vs CT 1965
Veritas Caritas
Our Lord’s Last Prophecy Before His Death: Griswold vs CT 1965

Jan 22 2006 | 00:13:06


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> the last prophecy or Lord Ne 40 Guy, he's finally come true. Prophecy made at a station of the cross, returned or within a truce limit said, weep not over me. The way for yourselves and for your children for behold, the day shall come when they will say blessing are the parent, the Wilms that have not born, and the press, if not, can suck. That prophecy has finally come true. Breasts are barren now for the first time in history, in a history of the world, but an absolutely inconceivable scale. Women and the men that consort with them want to be barren. Whether they want to be there, you want to be sterile, they want to be childfree something. It only used to be true about ladies of the night. Blessed are the bear something that only is to be a true about ladies of the night. There's no longer the exception. Speaker 0 01:27 That's in the majority. How long? Oh Lord, how long this year marks the 41st anniversary of the satanic decision of the u s Supreme Court, Griswold versus Connecticut decision that made so many parable. What was possible? The decision which decriminalized so-called birth control, decriminalized contraception, contraception, a crime against the laws of nature and the law of God. Contraception turns the marital act into a lie and body language can drag so many souls down into hell. Contraception, which makes bear in the wounds of 62% of American women of child bearing age is anyone knows who bothers to read the fine print package insert or in the physicians dex reference, many so called contraceptives are actually border stations. They actually work by causing early term abortions. For example, the pill Norplant, the IUD taper there. They all cause early term abortion by making the womb a hostile environment so that the little baby cannot attach himself. Speaker 0 03:01 He has no place to attach himself and grow. In fact, according to calculations done by the pharmacist for life over a decade ago, the annual infant homicide rate due to so called contraceptives, the border station tide in this country alone in one year, in one year, ranges from a low estimate around 8 million babies to high estimate of about 13 million babies, eight to 13 million chemically aborted babies in a u s in one year alone. How long? Oh Lord, how long the contraception isn't the only method used to produce the paring wounds. Direct sterilization is also you to loose fruitless schools. Every year, 540,000 Americans. Women have to build <inaudible>. Speaker 0 04:12 As of 11 years ago, 11 years ago, it was 41% of marriage. American women from 15 to 44 years of age, 41% were surgically terrifying and sterilized. The men are no better every year about 500,000 American men. Give a sec to me. One out of every five American men over the age of 35 has had of a sec to me. How long? A little hard. How long this year marks the 40th anniversary of the American bishops prophetic response to Griswold versus Connecticut. Their response to the decriminalization of contraception, which they stated quote history, has shown that is a people lose a positive and generous attitude towards new life. They moved faithfully to end him and infanticide, abortion, sterilization and euthanasia. We fear that history is in fact repeating itself on this point within our own land. At the moment. Close quote the American bishops in November of 1966 our bishops warned us that as a people lose a positive and generous attitude towards new life, they move failing to infanticide, abortion, sterilization, and they moved fatally to euthanasia five days ago. This past Tuesday was very weak. The last part of their proxies fulfilled to the letter this past Tuesday and gunshots versus to Oregon. The US Supreme Court affirmed the ride or states to legalize euthanasia. Speaker 0 06:22 How long have you lord? How long? We find ourselves awash in a tidal wave of Rossville sewage and impurity flooding over us. Clothing styles, speech, music, classrooms, radio, TV, films, magazines, newspapers, Raphael fondant, right out of the pit of hell. In the year 2000 Hollywood released 400 movies. That same year, the porno industry released 11,000 movies and there were 700 million porn video rentals that year when movies, networks, websites, phone numbers and magazines and so forth. Our total that the pornography industry cross in between 10 and $14 billion every year. That's far more than they combined take a professional football, basketball, and baseball. How long Lord, how long today marks the 33rd anniversary of Roe versus Wade until versus Bolton. Today. Today as we survey the carnage, the oceans of blood clotted with the shreds limbs and mangled bodies of the roughly 46 million babies mowed down in the name of choice. Brodo rooted installed here. Out of our carefully laid priorities, the torn bodies of 46 million of our innocent brothers and sisters sacrificed to lust on the federally protected alters of Satan, their little torn bodies bobbing and floating in the bloody tied to the culture, death. What can we do, but ask how long ago or how long? Speaker 0 08:35 This year marks the 90th anniversary of a sawn warming solid morning given to America. By the vicar of Christ himself. Quote America. Your deepest identity and truce character as a nation is revealed. The position you take towards the human person, the ultimate test of your greatness is the way you treat every human being, but especially the weakest and most defenseless ones. The best traditions of your land, presumed respect for those who cannot defend themselves. If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace than America, defend life, all the great causes of that are yours today will have meaning only to the extent that you guarantee the right to life and protect the human person, every human person and their health vulnerable or help us. No matter how young or how old, no matter how healthy, handicapped, or sick, no matter how useful or productive for society is that being of an estimable worth created in the image and likeness of God. Speaker 0 09:55 This is the take of the of America, the reason she exists, the condition for her survival. Yes, the ultimate test of a greatness to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones. Those is yet unborn. Close quote John Paul, the second, the victory of Christ Detroit, 1987 America, your deepest identity and truest characters and nation is revealed and the position you take towards the human person, your deepest identity and your truest character as a nation is revealed in the position you take towards the human person. 10 to $14 billion of corn every year, 46 million surgical abortions, 62% of women of childbearing age on contraceptives, 20% of men over 35 and 41% of married women sterilized euthanasia to show brain death. America's your deepest identity and truest character is nation is revealed in the position you take towards a human person. This isn't a condition for your survival to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn. The condition for our survival as a nation, the condition for nation's survival is true respect. Every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those is yet unborn. How long are the lower? How long we're called to be salt and light to the world. Speaker 0 12:15 If we're really salty with the world, they still rock. If we're really liked her neighbors with so many enemies staggering around, it's such utter darkness. Speaker 1 12:30 Okay, Speaker 0 12:30 it's time to repent. Stop standing in a pant. Live the message of Fatima. Stay close to the confessional. Very close. Make forbid. Communions say rosary. Stop sending and repent. Say Rosary. Say Your rose. Raymond. Say Rosary. Speaker 1 13:06 Okay.

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