Fatima and the Apocalypse 13: The Apocalypse 6th Trumpet; chapters 10-13

January 09, 2018 01:29:05
Fatima and the Apocalypse 13: The Apocalypse 6th Trumpet; chapters 10-13
Veritas Caritas
Fatima and the Apocalypse 13: The Apocalypse 6th Trumpet; chapters 10-13

Jan 09 2018 | 01:29:05


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Speaker 0 00:02 God bless us in the Virgin protect us name of fives and the Holy spirit. Amen. Speaker 0 00:10 In regards to sins of the whole nation was an absolutely unprecedented example. This past October, during the very month in which we commemorated a hundred anniversary of America's son, one nation and an official and publicize that committed one of the most monstrous blasphemies magicable against our lady. On October 31st commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant reformation, the Vatican, you should have postage stamp, which as the Vatican explain quote, depicts in the foreground Jesus crucified and in the background of golden and timeless view of the city of Wittenberg with a penitential. This position needed respectively on the left and right of the cross. Martin Luther holds the Bible source and destination is doctrine. Well, my black theologian friend of Martin Luther, one of the main protagonists of the reform holds in hand outs per confession. The first official public presentation of the principles of Protestantism written by him Speaker 1 01:21 close quote. Speaker 0 01:25 So we find at the foot of the cross kneeling and the place of our lady father Martin Luther holding his version of the Bible out of which he personally tore out seven old Testament books. That even changed the wording in Romans three 28 to suit his fancy as if God could get it right in the first place. And then the place Saint John, we love it. We find Phillip Malacca, author of the Augsburg confession, which is the first official public explanation, although Lutheran Harrison will take a closer look at father Luther in a moment. But first, let's quickly consider one of the so-called reforms that these two men advocated. Father Luther and lengthen both stated that Henry the eighth packed his polygamy. Henry didn't take their advice openly, but he did so privately. Henry married Anne Boleyn in January, 1533 and got divorced. Frank from queen Catherine Paragon four months later in may of 1533 he gets better in December of 1539 a German continent. Phillip of Hessa asked five of them if you could please take a second wife while retaining the first in a written opinion. Follow Lutheran blank. Don stated that the second marriage was not contrary to the love of God and that felt might enter it, but they demand it that this new marriage as well as this written document should remain secret in order to avoid scandal. The document was delivered to Philip who had six other Protestant minister signed on March 4th, 1540 in the chapel, the castle Rottenberg and the presence of witnesses including blank. Speaker 0 03:22 The so-called marriage was sodomized, truly father or Lutheran foot blank phone are the poster children and I mean the perfect poster children for the official explanation of Morris Lititz. Yeah. Now let's take a closer look at the man for whom the Vatican has removed the matrix. If all creases, the man for whom the bad acumen has removed the call, redact tricks. The man for whom the Vatican is removed. Our lady of sorrows, a closer look at the man when the Vatican is honored by placing him at the foot of the cross in place. Of our lady now, man, his father, Martin Luther. We'll just consider a tiny selection of the teachings of this Judas priests, this diabolical monster, father Martin Luther explaining his authority quote, I'm certain that I have my teaching from heaven. Whoever teaches differently from what I have taught here or condemned me for it, he condemns God and must be a child of hell. Where does not accept my teaching? Cannot be saved. There from my judgment is at the same time God's and not mine. Speaker 0 04:45 We have does not accept my teacher. He can have me say, my judgment is at the same time, God's not mine. Consider how father Luther began is absolutely extraordinary. Work against private mass and the ordination of priests. Now keep in mind I'm qualified with himself. Cool. I will begin with myself and make a little confession to you. I want some Oak at midnight and the devil began to dispute with me in my heart. After the falling man is able to make many a night of mine bitter and miserable enough to sweat, broke forth in my heart began to tremble into bead. The devil knows well how to put his argument, and he has a deep, powerful voice close called father Luther Safilo. Luther tells us he spent a night disputing with the devil. Now this is common for him, and that's extraordinary enough. But then Luther follows this with 11 pages summarizing this discussion with the devil during which the devil attacks private masses and priests, the ordinations, and that's even more extraordinary. But here's the Connie touch quote. Luther's book against private mass, maybe divided into two parts, and the first Luther gifts, the devil's reasons against mass. Speaker 2 05:58 The second he gives his own reasons against private mass. Speaker 0 06:04 This extraordinary arrangement of work containing about a hundred pages shows how fully both them agrees with the devil's teaching. Concerning mass is therefore not unfair to say that this lengthy book maybe justified it. Part one the reasons the devil against private mats, part two, the reasons of the disciple the devil against a private mass close. Cool. In other words, the book should be entitled against private mass ordination priests by the devil and father Martin Luther. Speaker 1 06:36 Okay. Speaker 0 06:37 Whoever does not accept my teaching can not be safe. My judgment is at the same time, God's not mine. We continue father Martin Luther explaining moral theology. Cool. What harm could it do if a man told her good lusty law and worthy cause for the sake of the Christian churches and quite if we allow the commandments any influence in our conscience, they become the cloak of all evil heresies and blasts. Names and quote, do not ask anything of your conscience and if it speaks, do not listen to it. If it says stifling, amuse yourself, and if necessary, commit some good big sin in order to drive it away. Conscience is the voice of Satan. There's necessarily always to do just the contrary of what Satan wishes. Speaker 2 07:25 Whoever does not accept my teaching cannot be saved. My judgment is at the same time, God's not mine. Speaker 0 07:31 Father Martin Luther explaining the role of dignity of women. Quote the word and work of God is quite clear, namely that women are made to be other either wives or prostitutes. Speaker 2 07:45 Whoever does not accept my teaching can not be Sayed. My judgment is at the same time, God's and not mine. Speaker 0 07:52 Father Martin Luther explaining marital chastity quote, if the husband is unwilling, there is another who is, if the wife is unwilling, let the maid, Speaker 2 08:02 whoever does not accept my teaching cannot be saved. My judgment is at the same time God's not mine. Speaker 0 08:10 Father Martin Luther explained exclusivity of marriage. Quote, it is not an opposition to the Holy scripture for a man to have several wives, Speaker 2 08:19 whoever does not accept my teaching cannot be safe. My judgment is at the same time God's and not mine Speaker 0 08:27 by the Martin Luther on relations with the Jews. Quote, now what are we Christian to do with this recheck damned people, the Jews, I will give my honest advice first, their synagogues, their schools are to be set on fire, whatever will not burn it to be covered. Peeped over with her so that never again she'll one find stone or center of them left and this has to be done in order to honor the Lord in Christianity so that God me see that we are Christians. Secondly, their houses Speaker 2 08:56 are likewise to be broken down and destroyed. Whoever does not accept my teaching cannot be saved. My judgment is at the same time God's without my father Martin Luther on moral beauty and perfection. Lord, I will not quote this, but merely summarize it from a Lutheran work which I have a copy now. This is from a Lutheran work published 1913 in Weimar, Germany and in which in a mixture of German and Latin father with her accuses are bored of having committed adultery three times. Any names of women absolutely satanic him, whoever does not accept my teaching cannot be safe. My judgment is at the same time, God's not mine. Speaker 2 09:55 It's easy to understand the comment that great doctrine, the church, st Theresa Allah quote, I had another most fearful vision of hell, which filled me with the very great distress, which I feel the sight of so many lost souls, especially the Lutherans, but they were once members of the church by baptism. So in all this is considered, it's clear. The Lutheran himself is a type of the destroyer and yeah, this is the precise man of the Vatican is odd, but place him at the foot of the cross, the place of our lady during the Centennial of her great miracles, we go, a diabolical mockery of our lady shoved right in our lady's face shoved right in our Lord's face. I remember the first speaker, a lady said, you've seen how the souls of poor centers go to save them. God wishes to establish the world devotion to inaccurate har. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be stayed. There will be peace. Many souls will be saved from going to hell. If it's God wishes, devotion to the Mac, that heart is established. Yeah, has gotten wishes to bullshitting the Mac that art's established. Many souls will be saved from going in Speaker 2 11:35 and instead we get blasphemous this treatment of her Mac that are, we get as it were, an act of satanic defiance, a work of art capturing itself, all the offenses which make reparation for Saturday's, father of prosecutable Luther, the priest who's rebelling, spawned all these offenses against Trimac that are, we get this propagated, this blast mistreatment by the Vatican state itself in an official capacity, in an official capacity. Remember, the words of sister would see the father went here last interview. Cool. Let us remember that Jesus Christ is a very good son. Speaker 1 12:33 <inaudible> Speaker 2 12:39 and he's not permit. Have we offended a spice and most Holy mother. We've recorded too many centuries of church history. The obvious testimony which demonstrates by the terrible chest dies, which had been fallen. Those who attacked honor was most totally mother our Lord Jesus Christ has always defended the honor of his mother. Speaker 1 13:05 <inaudible> Speaker 2 13:11 Jesus Christ is a very good son, does not permit this. Most Holy mother be offended and despised terrible chastise since he follows his attack, the honor of his most totally mother I Lord Jesus Christ. Always defend the honor of his mother. I don't think the Vatican state, somebody spared the smearing of sacrificial blood. Don't think it for a minute. I take this to be the occasion of the blowing of the sixth trumpet. We continue. That's what we've seen because of the gravity of his sin. The status is center together to turn the magnet to the phone. The phone, when is far, far worse when priests or see a die pretty sinned. Speaker 2 14:09 And of course the priest, the high priest, the old Testament foreshadow the priests, bishops in Paulo, but the new covenant. Now before we go any farther here, let's pause and remind ourselves the two fundamental truth. First, if there's one objective and two subjective aspects to any sin, the matter of the sin, what the act is in itself is objective. Well, the two subjective aspects of any center of the knowledge, that's a sufficient reflection, an act of the will and the consent given a formal sin includes all three of these songs. In other words, the act was wrong. The person who darn good and well it was wrong and had he consented anyway. Since we don't have access to the interior life, someone else, Speaker 0 14:52 we don't know with any particular acting committed who has done a sufficient reflection of what can set the wheel, which is precisely why we should give someone every benefit of the doubt in regards to concluding that he's guilty of foremost sin, but this does not mean that we can't judge acts and themselves as long as we don't conclude from the act. The interior disposition of the person committing their acts that are objectively speaking are in and of themselves sinful. For example, blasting fornication, sodomy, contraception, and whether or not the person committing an act has actually committed a sin formally whether the person is guilty of formal sin. In other words, whether he actually knew what he was doing was wrong and thought about and considered nonetheless, even though we ourselves may have absolutely no idea whether the person was doing it, knew it was wrong, had sufficient reflection of full consent of the world, even without knowing any of those things, we can still say their objective. Really speaking, that is sinful. Objectively speaking, blasphemy is always an F where sin objectory speaking. Fornication is always never a sin. Objectively speaking, contraception is always never a sin. Okay? So that's the first fundamental truth to keep in mind. We can make judgments about the objective sinfulness, the various actions without concluding to the interior dispositions for those who commit those acts. Speaker 0 16:14 The second principle is no one can judge the ball. Court is a fundamental principle based upon divine law that the Roman pontiff cannot be judged by any human person. Collegiality, clear civil close quote, the Canon law society of great print in Ireland. This means that in the case of a Pope who does or says things that are clearly immoral, each and every instance, no matter how bad a particular statement or act may appear, must always limit ourselves to judgments about objective qualities of the act or state. But this is essential. Speaker 0 16:45 So the two fundamental truths to keep in mind are, first, we can make judgements about the objective. Central is a various actions without concluding the interior dispositions of those who commit those acts. And second, since no one can judge the Pope, we must always limit ourselves to judgment about the checked of qualities of his acts or statements. All that being said, as we see when speaking of defilement by sin of the land and alter the gravity of the sin and the status, the center together determine the magnitude of defilement, which meant that that a fountain was far, far worse from the priests were in worse yet the high priests in who have seen the priests and high priest, the old Testament foreshadow priests, bishops and Pope of the new covenant. Well considering the trumpet plays, we've also seen it. Men don't. Red pen the one trumpet played with phone and an ax and propelled along in a manner of speaking and according to interpretation, we're fondly demonic locus of the last trumpet plague or the bishops, priests and religious actually embraced Speaker 2 17:50 the spirit of Vatican too. It's associated spirits and so they haven't simply polluted the land with their sins and thereby put to the sanctuary. They've actually been wreaking havoc in the sanctuaries of the world themselves. They've actually been wreaking havoc with the Holy things, with their liturgical abuses, with their abusive treatment of our Lord, the most blessed sacrament altar with their twisting scripture dog when morality and destruction in general, and all of this on a worldwide scale. And add to that reality that we currently have a high priest. Oh, was it type of a destroyer. I'll just let me myself to one observation. The official interpretation of Morris the TTA is that through some strange moral calculation, a confessor is supposed to give his approval. Two people are living in sin and committing adultery to go to communion. So how many people are going to go to hell and that if they don't repent, the priest for sure and both those people. Speaker 2 19:05 And that's the official interpretation and the ass of Lac. So the result of these locusts, the Pope, that's a type of the destroyer is the D, the filing of the whole earth by the global ravages, it forces a crowd to have it prevented, pales in significance to the utter or the desolation, the defilement on planet earth by the sins of the Claridge. So once again, given those sins and polluted both the land and alter, you meant to alternate the needs, purifying this cases action earth given it. The only way that ultra can be purified is by smearing blood on the four horns. Give it the four horns, symbolize the four corners of the earth, all parts. They're given all that. Then sacrificial blood must be smeared over all parts of their we continue. I heard a voice from the four four horns, the great author, which authors before the eyes of God saying that the sixth Angela had the trumpet loose. The four angels with bond, great river Euphrates, the four angels. Some of them is to prepare for an hour, a day and a month in a year for to kill a third part of man. As we heard the commentaries for captive angels or demons whose task is to lead a demonic army to punish the people of the world by killing a third of the population. But these four angels may also represent four nations. This Speaker 0 20:48 is salt is a divine judgment upon a corrupt civilization. We start with the profitable. The region of Euphrates was ever the country once can the enemies of God's people and that this may literally represent peoples from the region, these frailties or hostile of the church. The release of these four evil spirits may indicate a resurgence of Islam, mainly Muslims to unite with communists in a Holy war against all nations will not join them or submit to their domination. We saw the 40 of a spirits have waited a long time for the home, which they might begin their depredations. They cannot begin their murders work until the very day an hour. Their bloody task is to kill a third of the human race. The second law culminates the reign of antichrist, a period in history described by the ancient fathers as the most dreadful of all. Speaker 0 21:32 So given all that will follow a twofold interpretation. This conference on the one hand, there truly are four demons. The bottom Euphrates that will be loose by the sixth angel responsible voice crying out from altar. The angels will be released in all four corners. The earth will fill their vengeance. These angels are prepared waiting for this exact moment in history. To be released an hour, month, day and year fixed by God, our Lord will allow them to be released because it's time for justice. So that's on the one hand. And on the other hand, these 40 inches actually represent four nations, not necessarily in a political sense of nation States, although they might be, but certainly peoples from the region, the Euphrates or hospital, the church they give themselves out of the diabolical influence, these four demons as instruments for demons. These nations will be involved in some way in the murder of slaughter, precisely which nations these are will become obvious over time. Speaker 0 22:28 There are certainly plenty of candidates in that part of the world. Euphrates starts in Turkey at passes through Syria and Iraq and then after it meets the Tigris river, the confluence, which is then called the shadow labra or up on the Westbank, Arvin rudon hastened bang forms, part of the bond or between Iraq and Iran until it flows closing the Persian Gulf. So you do have four nations along in there, Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. Currently two of those nations here in Iran are aligned with Russia. And the number of the army horseman was 20,000 times 10,000 and I heard the number in there and that's, I saw the horses and the vision of me that sat on him had breastplates of fire, of hyacinth and of brimstone and the heads of the horses. Where's the heads as lions for the mouse proceeded fire and smoke and brimstone by these three plagues just then the third part of men by the fire, by the small combine, the brimstone, which issued out in the house for the power of the horses in their mouse and in their tails, their tails would like to surface and have heads within there from the commentaries quo. Speaker 0 23:31 The first wall about tournament, the second brings death. The chest Heisman sent upon the world increased with the growth of inequity and approach of anti-Christ. Unlike the locals. These beasts with lion heads is turbot. Tales are given permission to kill masses of humans both physically and spiritually. They caused the fiscal death by Dodgers compromising the persecution of the church who are all already spiritually dead. The death stroke against their bodies make certain their spiritual death for all eternity. There'll be a time of Wars developing a world revolution that will Deloge the whole world with Carnegie bloodshed. The three and a half years of the reign of the beast will be its climax. This is a divine judgment on a corrupt civilization. Those who are hustling the pockets called the dwellers on the earth significantly. This Calvary's exactly double the size of 10,000 times 10,000 the number of attended Lam is encircled the throne and apocalypse five 11 the number of God is three and man's numbers. Speaker 0 24:29 Six. The army of man is twice the size of God's loyal fall. 200 million is a symbolic and an approximate number. St John makes it especially emphatic by adding. I heard the number of them number indicates a universal revolution and overthrow governments with incessant guerrilla fighting. When every person carries weapons for self defense and pillage, plunder and murder become universal and innumerable armies advancing from the Euphrates Orshan Israel's traditional enemies as a fierce, hostile, demonic force sent by God and the answer to his people's prayers for vengeance. In short, this army is the fulfillment of all the warnings and law and the profits that avenging court sent to punish the covenant breakers by these four angels in the 200 millions of horsemen. Many understand the devils and their instruments, men incited by them and antichrist. Time to make war persecute the church of Christ who shall destroy a third part that is a greater part of men than in the world. Speaker 0 25:25 The cavalry would call have a cooks description, the Cal deans who are not led by reason nor by laws rather by their last to dominate and he placed a great burden on the peoples. They've subjected by tyrannical issuing to crease demanding what they command would be immediately done and we were to invade you to with horses swifter than leopards and fiercer than wolves. The horses have the head of lions, which are emblems of royalty, great powers of propaganda alluding to the beast who has a mouth of a lion. These monsters were preached the overthrow government so that they have a chance to subjugate into your knives. The peoples, they're related to the beast in their power propaganda and it being rulers of the world. The horses execute the judgment of God. The horses would then represent the institutions. Organizations, they're filled with satanic hatred against God and price rise direct institution forces and through them rule. Speaker 0 26:14 The direct world demands the colors, the breastplates, the calorie soldiers, the fiery red in color, a dusky, blue collars at sulfur smoke and a software like yellow are correlated with the fire smoke itself with the procedure and the miles of their mouth and they see that for both approach the empire anti-Christ, the colors reveal the character of the riders, fires a symbol of hatred, the smoke classmate and software rebellion against God and his law. The principle background to these verses is the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis 19 since the precise combination of fire, smoke and software occurs only there, the power of the force is in their mouth propagating their will and tyrannizing over peoples by promulgating laws against God's ordinances by making hatred and blasphemies against him. By incenting rebellion against him. All authorities established their miles with port for the blast was propaganda against God. Speaker 0 27:04 Calculators scare men away from belief in him and to Rob them of all revealed religion. The result will be hatred of God and of their fellow man rebellion against God's law. Refusal to keep his commandments and this matter to voluptuousness any morality. The fire smoke itself are three separate planes. The fire is persecution of war. Smoke symbolizes the obscuring of doctrine and the waking of faith software. The moral depravity which follows the fire smoke itself are issued from the mouth of the horses, which signifies not only death, but also deception. This deception is an essential aspect of the torment and it manifests itself partly through false teachers. Affirming legitimacy of some form of idolatry for Christians from the mouth should proceed. Words of wisdom. Instead there come forth heresies and segments to revolt and revolution. They kill what their moms, but with their tails, they only injured their victims. Speaker 0 27:57 The tail is a symbol of air to see hypocrisy and false doctrines. The venom of these tail serpents does not kill, is therefore of a spiritual nature. They instilled doubts, agnosticism, unbelief, rebelling against authority, possibly atheism as a serpent in paradise, advice, unbelief and rebellion against God. The heads of the serpent tales can devise means and ways of deceiving, misleading people who give ear to a new doctrines of death. These warriors breathe fire and smoke and brimstone implies that the destruction they bring is connected with a final destruction of the beast and the false prophet. The beast and the false prophet are cast and like a death or their torment is associated with fire and brimstone. It's smoke. It's like a fire is also mentioned as a destination of all the wicked at the end of the world. Close quotes. Thus the commentaries. Okay as is obvious from the commentaries, there are layers of meaning here and we're certainly not going to hit on all of them as we've seen because it's time for justice. Speaker 0 28:53 The four demons from the Euphrates have been released in all four corners of the earth. We're field of engines and as we've seen, those four angels also actually represent foreign nations. People from the region that Euphrates were hostile. The church give themselves over to the diabolical influence of these fourteens NSF instruments in the Fort demons. These nations will involve some way in the murder is slaughter. Now this passage, you're seeing how this vengeance will be poured out upon the earth and the form of an army, 200 million strong, a number which is both symbolic and approximate. It's exactly double the size of the number who tend to the lamb encircled the throne. In other words, this demonic army is twice the size of God's love. Falling in approximate terms indicates the millions of armed men in a worldwide war with incessant guerrilla fighting, which a third of Speaker 2 29:42 the men on earth are slaughter. We've seen it. This passage describing demonic cavalry sweeping over the bird on his monstrous horses. Harkins backs to have a Cook's discretion description of the Kelty ans driven by their last to dominate who swept over the land. And of course the swifter and leopards and fiercely and walls. He placed a great burden on the peoples. They subjected by tragically issuing decrees demanding what they commanded, be manly done. The horse there said, represent the institutions. Organizations are filled with satanic hatred against God and Christ. The writer said a direct institution supports and two of them rule in direct world events. These writers were blessed plates of three colors. Fire, red, dusky, blue color as a software smoke a software like yellow fire, red symbolizes hatred. The blue smoke symbolize the blast and software yellow symbolize a rebellion against God. His law, the fire smoke itself with that part of the miles with horses on three separate plagues, a fire, persecution and more smoke symbolize obscuring of doctrine and the weakening of fade selfer moral depravity, which follows the fact that these are pointing out the miles of the horses signifies deception from the mouth. Speaker 2 30:52 Proceed truth and wisdom. Instead, heresies corruption and sentenced revolt and revolution pour out the tales of like kind of serpents, symbolizing treachery, lying, false doctrines and hypocrisy they kill with their moms or with their tails. They only injure their victims. So given all that for the purposes of this conference, although we're not, obviously not saying that these monstrous forces are engaged in killing a third of mankind, yet we are going to take these monstrous courses as symbolizing the institutions or organizations that are filled with satanic, catered against God and Christ as representing such things as the mainstream media, educational establishment, the drug traffickers and other organized criminal enterprises, the entertainment industry, the organ transplant industry, terrorist organizations, the music industry, social media, the financial industry, the advertising industry, the contraceptive industry, the arms industry, the crop political routines, unbridled capitalism, communism, Islam, design, ism, and so forth. Speaker 2 31:57 And then that, regardless, speaking of the apocalypse, Pope Benedict the 16th made some enlightening remarks. We think of the great powers of the present day of anonymous financial interests, which turn men into slaves, which are no longer human things, but anonymous power, which men sir, by which men are tormented and even slaughtered, they anonymous financial interests or destructive power, a power that menaces the world in the power of the terrorist ideologies. Vice has done apparently in God's name, but it's not God. They're fostered entities. Divinities that must be an unmask that are not God men. Drug trafficking is power like a devouring beast, extends its hands over all parts of the earth and destroys it is a divinity, a false divinity which you must fall or also the way of life propagated by public opinion. Today it's done this way. Marriage doesn't matter anymore. Chess is no longer virtue and so forth. These etiologies that dominate so much that they impose themselves with force are the vanities. Close quote Benedict the 16th and he said that the book of revelation sheds light on the struggle against these false gods Speaker 2 33:18 in terms of the mouse and the tails. These monsters will take the tails is symbolizing spiritual deception by which their victims are harmed. Spiritual veins by means of lying, hypocrisy, treachery, but their moms being symbolic of the principle means by which she's institutions and organizations kill men both spiritually and physically. We'll take the fire that pours from their mouth is symbolizing the persecution toward spawned by corrupt political regimes, drug trafficking, terrorist organization, economic predation, hatred of the church, et cetera, et cetera. We'll take the smoke. Of course, my mouse is symbolizing obscure and doctor waking in. The faith promoted by these organizations and institutions. For example, the mass media attacks and Christ, his mother has doctrine, play scriptures, the sacraments, the church. Virtually every aspect of Christian morality. We'll take the software. The porcelain mouth is symbolizing the moral depravity promoted by these organizations and institutions. For example, the music and film industries, concert promotion, blast me unbridled sensuality, drunkenness, drug use, sexual morality, homosexuality, et cetera, et cetera. In other words, the principle means by which these organizations and institutions kill people both physically and spiritually. It could be summed up as a deliberate and even scientific promotion of the seven deadly sins. Speaker 2 34:45 Let's take a moment to run down the last bust. For example, fornication, porn or perversions, heavily promoted by the porn industry, the music industry, entertainment industry, educational establishment, the advertising industry, the publishing industry, the mainstream media, the social media among others. Speaker 1 35:09 <inaudible>. Speaker 2 35:11 For example, keeping up with the Jones resented some supposedly privilege of another SoCal social class or race, heavily promoted by the educational establishment, the social media, corrupt political regimes, the advertising industry among others. Speaker 1 35:27 Anger Speaker 2 35:29 for example, or violence and murder, heavily promoted by the Krupp political regimes, terrorist organizations, the abortion industry, the video game industry, entertainment industry, the mainstream media, the music industry, among others. Covetousness, for example, disordered desires for wealth, power, social status, fame, the latest catheter style, heavily promoted by the advertising industry. Entertainment industry, the publishing industry, mainstream media among others, Slav. For example, the welfare state, heavily promoted as a means of social control by crud, political regimes among others. Gluttony, for example, drug use and drug days, heavily promoted by the drug traffickers, advertising industry, entertainment industry, the mainstream, Easton media, my mother's pride, for example, atheism, feminism. Suppose its superiority is racial or otherwise. And since we're here, we're here. American shop symbolism, heavily promoted by corrupt political regimes, educational industry, the mass media and entertainment history among others. And in fact many almonds in the traditional movement where there are so many people who know every rule. But have not Sherry. Speaker 2 36:54 Now, when all of this has considered, it's easy to see that this side is true to prepare predators, Astro, we're talking about virtues and vices. Generally speaking, people don't get what they want, so they want to be virtuous. Let's say they want to grow on patients. They'll get plenty of opportunities to grow. On average, that's obvious. If they want to be fishing, I think we want to commit one or more than seven deadly sins. They'll get plenty of opportunities to grow in that place as well. People get what they ask for, so when you have a home world drenched, there's rush Oh world covered with people who really, really want to commit the seven deadly sins, then you're going to have hell honors or chess. The boss just about there. Speaker 2 37:53 When everything finally breaks those, it's going to be unreal because the scene of a demonic Calvary sweeping over the earth on his monstrous horses hearkens back to have a quick description of Kelty ans who swept so rapidly on land will tell us it take them to be symbolic of a very Swift war sweeping over the globe. We'll take those Kelly and Cal and we know driven eyes and busted, dominate place a great burden on the people that I subjected by tragically issuing decrees and use Manny what they commanded to BB elite. Done as for shadowing the riders on those monsters bounce and we'll take the riders who are driven by their to dominate, to be symbolic of the men who actually rule, who actually direct world events by means of these various institutions. Organizations will take these rulers, these riders to be symbolic of the rulers. Speaker 2 38:48 The elites would actually run to control things such as unbridled capitalism, communism, Islam, signings, mainstream media, the music industry, the drug traffickers and other organized criminal activities, the arms industry, terrorist organizations, the social media, the financial industry and the advertising industry, the contraceptive industry, various political regimes, et cetera, et cetera. And we'll take the breast plates of the riders and being symbolic of the means by which they protect and consolidate their power. As we've seen the fiery red color symbolizes hatred. So we'll take the fire red breast plate as symbolizing the bloodshed, but which these leads hold and maintain their power. The blue small color symbolizes blasphemy. This is fiddling enough. Blue is also the Supreme color of masonry. We'll take the blue smoke breastplate of symbolizing the lodges, secret societies which these elites employed, maintaining their power. The software yellow color symbolize the rebellion against God and his law, so we'll take a softer yellow breastplate as symbolizing any moral use of power by which these elites employ and maintain their position. Speaker 2 40:04 In terms of the 200 million soldiers we heard in the commentaries at that number indicates a worldwide revolution and overthrow of governments with incessant guerrilla fighting when everyone is armed and purge, punter and murder become universal. Given that we'll take that number to signify and approximate terms to men in and just such an upcoming world for to include not simply the respect of militaries, the various nations fighting but also hard. She jihadists who come from a region that Euphrates I know besides rising on there, her also currently occupying four positions scattered around the world, await a signal to rise up would also include as a commentary mentioned and a neuroma, number of armed citizens, some of whom would be defending themselves and their loved ones and given the state of society, many of them would be taken advantage of the social chaos prey on others. Sister Lucy seems to reframe this. Their comments on the third secret call. The third part of the secret first are these words, if not Russia, spinner errors throughout the world causing Wars and persecution is the church Speaker 2 41:14 causing Wars and persecution of the church. The good will be marked Holy father with much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. The third part of the secret is symbolic revelation, referring to this part of the message conditioned by whether we accept or not, what the message itself asks us. If my requests hated Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spare air throughout the world, et cetera. Since we did not hate this appeal. The message we see that has been fulfilled, Russia hasn't been in the world with her errors and if we had seen the complete fulfillment of the final part is prophecy. Know that's an important phrase. Speaker 2 41:56 Again, the final part of the prophecy reads, if not Rushville sprayers throughout the world causing Wars and persecution of the tree, the good will be monitored. The Holy father that have much to suffer various nations will be annihilated. We continue with sister Lucy if we've not yet seen the complete fulfillment of the final part of this prophecy. We are going towards it little by little with great strides if we do not reject the path of sin, hatred or revenge and justice violations of the rights of human person, immorality and violence, et cetera. Let us not say it is God who is punishing us in this way. On the contrary, it is men themselves for preparing their own punishment and it's kinds got warrantless and calls us to the right path or respecting the freedom he's given us. Hence men are responsible. Close quote, sister Lucy. Yeah. If we have not yet seen the complete full, not the final part is prophecy. Various nations being annihilated. We're going towards the little by little right strides, but as men themselves for preparing their own punishment. If we do not reject the path of sin, hatred, revenge and justice, violations of the rights of human person and morality and violence, et cetera. Speaker 2 43:15 And so when you have a whole globe cover with people really want to commit the seven daily students, you're going to have hell on earth. Speaker 1 43:22 Yeah. Speaker 2 43:24 Look at the kind of behavior we see on black Friday. That's just people fighting over toys and merchandise. We know things really break down like in a war and you have food shortages, social power outages and so forth Speaker 1 43:47 will be hell Speaker 2 43:51 on earth. Speaker 1 43:54 Murder, Ray Pileggi and burner Speaker 2 44:02 like nothing we've ever seen. Speaker 2 44:07 The blood of a third of the world's population poured out over the earth, smeared on the whole, warms the OD as a commentary student. This is a divine judgment on a crop civilization. Those who are else. When the apocalypse called the dwellers on the earth by adulterers, compromisers and persecutors of the church are already spiritually dead. Deathstroke against their bodies make certain their spiritual death. Probably eternity will be a time of Wars developing into a world revolution that will deluge the whole world with cars and bloodshed. The three and a half years in the rain of the beast will be its climax. They could all be monitored. The Holy father will have much to suffer. Various nations will be annihilated. I mean, you don't need me to tell you on the very brink of such a horrendous war war, drums were beating and everything is in play. Everything. Speaker 2 45:19 Oh, that's missing as a spark. We continue. And the rest of the men who were not slammed by these plagues did not do pendants from the works. Their hands. They should not adore devils, not as a gold, silver, and brass and stone and what? Which nother can see, or Norwalk. Neither did they picked her pennants from the murders or from their source or from their fornication. Oh, from their thefts. So in spite of the fact that a full third of mankind parishes, ms charitable congregation, the sinners to the not mad from their devil worship idolatry or sorcery and the word source, we could actually translate it as their involvement with the call and drugs. He didn't repent from their fornication or they're stealing Egypt shoes after the plagues. They're surviving sinners remain obstinate and they're evil. Speaker 2 46:20 We're not going to shift gears. So far we've been reading the scripture and inciting commentaries now on that basis, often interpretation of those passages in light of Fatima. The reason for going through this Bible study in this fashion was it demonstrate we're actually using the analogy of faith in our trade rotation. In other words, to show that we weren't just making this up out of whole cloth, but as we said earlier, because limits of time armed to look at every passage and the problem is the lack of information simply trying to condense. We do have the time that we've got. What we'll do now then is offer a brief summary of the next two chapters, chapters 10 and 11 the pockets, and then we'll spend more time in chapters 12 and 13 before we close. So chapter 10 mightily. Angel comes down from heaven. It's got a rainbow over his head, one foot on the sea, one on the land with the little scroll in his hand, his right arm raised up to square North. Rainbow reminder of that covenant with God that men have forgotten, rejected the God hung in the sky to keep us in mind, to remind us of why he destroyed the world with water. The angel thought me, one of the archangels has Speaker 0 47:29 come to mind is the covenant because of their total lack of repentance that will come upon man, a chastisement never before foresee on earth before the seventh trumpet blows and time comes to an end. The engine came to Tulsa. We know more delay. The time is running out and judgment is upon us. He lifts his hand to heaven. So we have seen before, God has God as my witness. I'm telling the truth. Time shall be no longer or lady is no longer able to hold back the judgment. Time for judgment against the obstinate centers is arrived, which means a great persecution anti-Christ. After this, the seventh trumpet will sound mr God we finished and he will come and judge st John is coupled by a voice from heaven to take the little scroll, heated the scrubbing sweetness to the mouth and bitterness to the belly. Speaker 0 48:14 The words will be sweeping them off because the Lord will bless all those preaches we're in and cherry sweet because the upcoming trial from the church but bitter to the belly because he preaches the truth. We went through a great persecution, hardships for preaching the truth there, the belly because the horrifying persecution, he's waiting mankind bitter to the belly for the Bahasa seed. Final damnation of so many weeks old and st John is told to prophesize again. That's chapter chapter 11 st John is commanded to measure the temple. Number of the people found there in here. Again, the temp was a figure of the church and those who worship there, the faithful remain steadfast and the great persecution anti-Christ st John has given a measuring rod command, quote, arise, measure the temple of God and Walter and then the door they're in, but the court, which is without the tempo cast and measure it not because it's given to the under the Gentiles and the Holy See they shall tread on a foot, two and 40 months close quote. Speaker 0 49:14 So st John is told to measure the inner court that symbolizes the true church, but he's committed not to measure outer core and scripture measuring signifies that division between the Holy and the profane. Symbolically then the outer court has no faith in a separate from the two church has given over to the Gentiles the followers of anti-Christ. In other words, the faithful Catholics will join up and be United with the followers of the antichrist and all of these are most definitely men. Without any faith, they will nonetheless appear to be within the temple. That is to say within the church. In other words, the outer court here, this congregation of non-believers is in fact a false church with no faith which is separated from the truth and which will deceive and persecute the true believers in persecution were told last 42 months now in regard to his cost church, what consider exomes from a very penetrating conference in last may in Rome by father Lynas clothing. Now father clubbing refers to the false churches an anti church cause he's reflecting on some remarks made in this regard by st John Paul two and he's a car but we just had enough time to get it all. It's really interesting. We're only like what father Clovis says quote. It is self evident that the Catholic church and the antitrust currently it coexist in the same sacramental liturgical and geritical space. Speaker 0 50:39 It is self evident that the Catholic church may anti church currently coexist in the same sacramental liturgical and juridical space. The anti church having grown stronger is now attempting to pass itself off as the two church. Paul the better to inductor course the faithful into becoming an adherence promoters and defenders of a secular ideology. Should the anti church succeed in common during all the space of the true church, the right Savannah plant, the rights of God, the desecration of the sacraments, the sacrilege, the sanctuary and the abuse of apostolic power. Thus politicians who who've for abortion, same sex marriage, we welcome the community rounds. Husbands and wives who abandoned their spouse and children and entered into adulterous relationships will be admitted to the sacraments. Priesthood theologians publicly reject Catholic doctrines and morals. We'll be at Liberty, exercise ministry and to spend a cent while faithful Catholic has been marginalized, aligned with this credited at every turn. Speaker 0 51:39 Thus the antitrust should succeed achieving at school dethroning God is creator, savior and sanctify and replacing with man the self creator, the self savior and the self sanctifier to achieve its objectives. Antitrust in collaboration with the sector. Powers use the law and they need to browbeat the true church into submission by adroit use of the media, the activist, the activist of antitrust, of managed intimidating bishops, clergy, and most of the Catholic press into silence. Equally lay faithful are terrorized by fear, the hostility, ridicule, and hate that would be visited upon them should they object to the imposition of LGBT ediology close calls. It is self-evident for the Catholic church and the false trips currently coexist in the same sacramental liturgical and vertical space. That's a John Henry Newman sets a commentary written on this chapter some 200 years ago. Cool. The church of God on earth will be greatly reduced. Speaker 0 52:45 It's apparent numbers and the times of the hand of Christ by the open desertion the powers in the world. This desertion will begin and professed indifference to any particular form of Christianity. There pretends to have universal toleration, which toleration would proceed from notes to spirit of charity for barons were from a design to undermine Christianity by multiplying and encouraging different sex. The pretend of toleration will go far beyond adjust toleration even as it regards to different sections of Christians. For governments, we'll pretend an indifference to all and will give protection and preference to none from the tolerance of the most pestilent heresies proceeded to or Mohammedanism atheism at last to pause that persecution of the truth of Christianity and these times the temple of God will be reduced almost to the Holy place. That is to the small number of real Christians who worship the father in spirit and in truth and regulate their doctrine, their worship and their whole conduct strictly by the word of God. Speaker 0 53:47 The merely nominal Christians will all desert the professional. The truth when the powers the world deserted, which is typified by the order to st John to measure the temple and alter and leave the outer court to be trodden under foot by the Gentiles. The property that clergy we pillaged public worship in self and vilified by these deserves the faith they once professed who are not called it POS States because they never were an earnest in their profession. Their professional is nothing more than a compliance with fashion and public authority. In principle, they were always what? They now appear to be Gentiles. When this gentle desertion of faith takes place, then we'll commence the sackcloth. Ministry of the witnesses close call. We continue with the themes and the chapter drain is horrific. 42 months long. Persecution, Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the hand I Christ you. Speaker 0 54:35 Knock is the great grandfather of Noah was taken up. Elijah is the prophet, the father's teacher now living together, sitting somewhere on earth. They'll come back. Rain of anti-Christ Suarez, the Jesuit theologian States. That quote is of the faith. The neither you not for lodge. You have die close quote both Suarez as well as that great doctor. The church Saint Robert Bellarmine chase showed is Harrison or proximate to heresy to deny that the two witnesses and chapter 11 of the pockets are Enoch and Elijah you not because of special mission to the Gentiles and Elijah to the twos. They will both preach and perform miracles, convincing many to reject the antichrist. And in the case of the fun way, Gentiles turn once more to the Holy Catholic faith and largely depletion of Elijah. The chews will finally embrace Christ as the Lord and God you knock and Elijah will be killed in Jerusalem, lay in the streets for three days with a force of evil party then to the horror of the enemies of God, it will be resurrected, assumed into heaven. And this ends the second one, the seventh angel, shortly after this blows his trumpet and it's judgment day. Speaker 0 55:42 After giving this overview of the work of the NOC and Elijah st John reports another vision which gives many other details not seen thus far. So here we are, he's looking at different areas. So we're going to move back in time or turn them back a little bit because we've just got a judgment day. But now we're going to go back and look at more details in the sequence of things that we've already talked about over these conferences. And a great sign appeared in heaven. A woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet on her. He had a crown of 12 stars and being with child cried, Trump travail you birth wasn't paying to be delivered. For the purpose of this conference, we'll give a twofold signification to the woman here in the first place and as we've looked at an earlier conference following a lead, a Pope's Paul the sixth st John Paul too. Speaker 0 56:24 We'll take this as our lady and specifically our lady of Fatima appearing during the first trumpet played the slaughter of her world war one response to plea of Pope Benedict the 15th in the second place when we closed the sentence. Also symbolic of the Catholic church closed and the faith and grace of Christ. The moon is symbolic of ever changing things. This world under feet, it's under her feet with symbolized her authority over them. Boy, dr Saint Gregory, the great Sandra Gustin, both quote CNS, the dominion of the church over the whole world and her contempt for the perishable goods of this lie close quote. Now, as we all know, it's the constant, uninterrupted tradition that our Lord passed out of our lady like life through a window pane or lady's delivery was totally payments. So although it's true, she didn't suffer bringing forth our Lord. Speaker 0 57:10 She suffered unspeakable trains and giving spiritual birth. The rest of us, especially at the foot of the cross when she cooperated with her son and bringing forth the church. And furthermore, the church has said if he ever labor to bring forth your children to eternal life, we continue. Now we're seeing another sign in heaven. Behold a great red dragon having seven heads and 10 horns and on his head seven diadems and is tailored through the third part of the starts of heaven and cast them to the earth. We'll also give a twofold interpretation to these lines. Firstly, in an earlier conference, we saw that during his visit to Fatima Saint John Paul toe referred to our lady of Fatima as a woman, clawed by the sun, the same image used by Paul six and then he summarized semester FATTOM as being a call to conversion warning to have nothing to do with this. Speaker 0 57:57 Great red dragon setting this very long. Another sign appeared in heaven. You hold a great red dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast in the earth and we briefly considered several scripts for common trays regarding those two lines. We saw them on other things that the red signified anger, blood especially monitors blood in communism. We saw in this passage heaven is a symbol of the church. The fact that the great red dragons there indicates that he will be present within the church most especially in the persons of pasta, bishops and priests. We can now see are actually the locusts of the fifth. Trump and plague are symbolized by the stars dragged down by his tail, which is itself assemble the lying and the cutting hypocrisy with which he succeeds in deceiving the large number of people in pastures. Speaker 0 58:45 The love of earthly things by line, the critical worldly minded clergy by false teachings and changes in doctrine, which if you now see resulting from the heroes of Russia flowing to the church to the third trumpet plague, which is Thai heart, the Fort Trumbull plague, which is new theologians and the fifth trumpet plague the locus which gives the context to sister would see as remarking Portugal the dog and the faith will always be preserved. We haven't yet addressed this phrase about the dragon having seven tenths and 10 horns and on his head seven times. So secondly, the dragon is also quite a symbol of Satan. This political aspect activity as a church, the mystical body of Christ so that you have a world powers constitute the body of Satan, which is the soul as a dragon. Satan, the evil Wolf powers of that time will enter the church perhaps by stealthy suggestions. Speaker 0 59:35 Having long for before direct the choosing of candidates for the Episcopal well now endeavor to hinder the election of the worthiest candidate for them papacy, the dragon ways of dieting on each of the seven heads, the seven heads suggest the seven deadly sins from which all other sins advices flow through which Satan towards the saving of souls. The 10 horns intimate, the principle institutions in the world inimical to the kingdom of Christ. Oh, that's cool. So we've already considered the question of a Pope that is not the most wordy Kennedy. We saw that we currently have one that is a type of the destroyer and we've just considered the seven deadly sins in the global phenomenon we saw with the whole world trench, the heirs, Russia, the whole world covered with people who really want to commit the seven deadly sins. We're going to have hell on her. Speaker 1 00:25 There Speaker 0 00:27 we continue. The dragon stood before the woman who was ready to be delivered, but when she should be delivered, he might devour her son. And she brought forth a male child who was to rule all nations with an iron rod. Her son was taken up to God and to his throne. Here again, we see twofold significance, but the first pertains more properly and interpretation were falling in the first place. Quote, the man child is a faithful and Holy people which the church brings forth for Christ. Therefore, the sense is that the church and especially at the end of the world since that is what it's most properly being spoken of here shall bring four sons, fateful and Holy with masculine, strong and unconquerable. Hearts shall perish by martyrdom under the antichrist and these Holy strong sense of God should be snatched up to heaven by their deaths. Close courts, of course, those are the ones that we see climbing the mountain inefficient of a third and a second place. It's really cool. The woman brings support. The son rule the nations with a rod of iron. These are the identical words of prophecy found in Psalm two verse nine concerning our savior Jesus Christ and quota Saint Ambrose says there's one son on the bus and Virgin brought forth and whom? The Trish principle because Christ with all this member's name, the faithful is one body and one person as Saint Paul says in first grade. Speaker 0 01:51 Yeah, the one flooding the wilderness, or she had a place prepared by God at their, they should feed her 1,260 days. Quote, the church must Accenture. It's thought to there to be guided by God himself. He knows trying days we continue and those are great. On Michael is Andrew's clot with the dragon. The dragon fought and his angels and they prevailed. Now that was their place found anymore in heaven. The great dragon was cast out. That old serpent is called the devil and Satan who produced the whole world and he's cast another. His angels were thrown down with him. Speaker 0 02:26 The battle is waged in the church, the kingdom of heaven, which the devil and his angels are cast out and rolled down to earth. They're symbolizes the nations hostile, the church, the world, which same rules, but eight of Saint Michael. The church says, purge yourself of all heretics says Maddix apostates closed. So we take this to signify the time. Which of the direct help and aid of Saint Michael is heavily homeless. There's a definite split between the false church and the true church who really need to pray to Saint Michael for that, we really need to pray for Cardinal Burke. Speaker 0 03:06 We really need to pray. We continue and I heard a loud voice in heaven say now is come salvation and strengthen the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ. Because accuser of our brethren is cast forth who accused them before our God day and night, and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, by the word of the testimony and the love, not their lives and a death. Therefore, rejoice so happens in you that while there in st Michael's in his angels give glory to God for the victory of the church, which is achieved by the power of the precious blood shed from man's redemption. Vicar was asked me possible by the invincible courage of the faithful who hesitated not to give their life in defense of the church. Those should be days of great persecution, which the church was suffering all the horrors of the early ages, but you will likewise be crowned with the glory, innumerable martyrs. Speaker 0 03:56 Woe to the earth under the sea because the devil has come down onto having great breath, knowing that he has, but a short time when the dragon study was casting the earth, he persecuted the woman who brought it forth, the male child. They were given to the woman two wings of a great angel and she might find it a desert under a place where she is nourished for time and times and halftime from the face of this cool woe to the earth and the sea. That's all mankind. Realizing that time is power. Short save will not loose upon earth. All his rage and fury and a last effort against the church has attempted to destroy from within. Having failed since now, but actually seeing Michael's heavenly hosts, there's a split between the false church. The church has attempted as trove from with having failed, who now seek to crush her by hatred and persecution from without this new danger the church shall receive. Speaker 0 04:47 It brings them an Eagle, a defender. He carried a place of refuge, which God has prepared close call. So the devil knows this is final battle and he's been unleashed, so he'd be more precious than ever before. So what in the earth, Missy? The two wings. The ego symbolize the word of God. Hold the new Testament and also the two witnesses. These will lift up and helps us stand at church trying to Savage persecution during this final battle. This battle is the battle of battles because it's a combination of all the battles throughout history from the very first battle of the heavens who had after the final battle, any box and a serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman water or river, they might cause her to be carried away by the river. Quote. A flood of water often signifies a bitter tribulation and persecution as we see in Psalm 68 verses two and three save me, Oh God. For the watershed come in even to my under my soul, I stick fast and admire the tape and there's no sheer scanning. I'm coming at depth as he attempt has overwhelmed me. This water is a river as it were, a river being cast out. The serpents mouth signifies a multitude of violent persecutors. For example, an army of antichrist who searched for purser capture or kill the faith with taking refuge in the mountains and wilderness close calls. Speaker 1 06:11 We continue Speaker 0 06:12 and the earth helped the woman and the earth open her mouth and SWAT up forever, which the dragon cast out his mouth quote. Just as we read number 16 the earth opened up and SWAT core death and appearance, so also God an angel, guardian woman. That is to say the church caused her to open again its mouth as it were and saw the persecutors sent by the antichrist, the dragons, and it's the woman who went to make war with the rest of her seat who kept keep the commandments of God, have a testimony. Jesus Christ, he went to make war with the rest of her seat. Quote, namely those who did not flee nor hide themselves in the loadings or those who because their region so distant from antichrist capital, they shot themselves out of range of his rage. We continue to be stood on the sand of the city. St John is now looking at a different aspect of this intellectual vision. So in terms of time, we're not going back to again shortly before the six trauma, Speaker 0 07:06 Satan will seek to lead the faithless Trayvon by a false Messiah and he will raise up the person anti-Christ. It's new adversaries to spring from the seed, which stands for all those nations and peoples hostile in the church. So Satan takes the stand by the shore, call forth Madison. The center position is a song moment of fear and expectation. What should come upon the whole world. I saw a piece coming up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns, 10 diadems upon his heads. Names of blasphemy basically, which I saw was like too elaborate. His feet were as it were, the feet of a bear has an office mafia line. So the base from the season and I Christ, it's about Gananoque that great truck church, st Robert bellman States, there are two most certain facts. He's principally coming for the Jews were received by them as the Messiah. Second, who had born Jewish talk and circumcise and serve the Sabbath at least for a time. And so the Lord said to the Jews, you have rejected me, and another were coming in his own name Speaker 1 08:06 and him, you'll not recheck. Speaker 0 08:08 Saint Robert also points out a fearful symmetry just as Christ first came, the Jews to whom he was promised by whom he was, and then later joined the Gentiles to himself. So also the antichrist will first go to the tunes by whom who knew is expected, and later one after another, he will check all the Gentiles to himself. Saint Robert points out the antichrist is not the devil incarnate like I can take on another nature. The devil has an angelic nature, so you can't become incarnate but only possess him. In Saint Robert, he will, he will be the most perfect instrument of the devil. So that intimacy, that bodily expression of all possible type off from mouse just as in Christ, your Lord was a bottled expression of all divine goodness. Cool has a representative Satan. Antichrist will be aided and abetted by the same Kings and rulers symbolized in both instances by the horns and dyed hymns. Speaker 0 08:57 He will fall in the footsteps of his master by point. Every form of Senate air disabuse, the faithful. The heads are branded with the names of blasphemy. Hence they symbolize the sins and errors that will affect the church. Seven number of universality indicates that in spinal steroidal to prevent the universal reign of Christ, all forms of sin in year we marshaled against the church. The number seven is also appropriate. Since all sins are included, the seven deadly sins and the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. Cool dragon gave the antichrist Kirsty's authority, majesty. Secondly, permission to every means to persecute the faith book. Thirdly, the skill powers and part of deceiving. Fourthly, the power to fake miracles through sorcery, through the revealing of hidden things and through the semblance of raising the dead, et cetera. Post-school all the fathers teach of the antichrist would be the most incredible sourcer. Speaker 0 09:50 Whoever lived, learned it in witchcraft spells and the black cards, he'll be possessed by the devil. It was very conception, or at least by his infancy, we performed all markets morals by satanic power who appeared to raise the dead and he was sick. These will be demonic illusions, but why will the antichrist perform all these marbles? St Robert Bellarmine notes that just as Christ or Lord did true miracles to demonstrate his divinity so that Christ performed all these fakes, satanic wonders so he can prove he's God. So you can convince everyone virtually everyone that he's the Christ. So he convinced virtually everyone that he's God. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ and Institute Jewish laws. He proclaimed himself to be Christ and God will demand to be. Where should he such attack all other gods, Speaker 2 10:34 even the true God Speaker 0 10:37 I sell. One of his heads is we're slaying to death and his son was healed and all the earth was an admiration after the beast and they adored the dragon which gave part of the beast. And they adored the beast, saying, who is the beast and who shall be able to fight with him? Quote, according to the venerable Bede and others, that Christ will fake a lethal and curable wound and then simulate his death as if it resulted from this. Then after three days of past, who unexpectedly present himself as having come back to life. By this means to me, imitate Christ rising from the dead on the third day, close quote, so the beach rises up from the sea. In other words, from the society wrapped by war, destruction, chaos, seven deadly sins. And then in a diabolical attempt to steal God's glory, make his own. Speaker 0 11:23 He presents himself as a savior of the people. He presents himself as one sent to save him from this chaos and darkness. And then he imitates the death and resurrection of our Lord in a way that will have every appearance of being miraculous and many will believe. And following, giving him the glory. He came to steal from God and they'll actually be adoring him as if you were the Lord who is like to the beast and by adoring him they're actually doing the devil who gave him the power to perform these wonders and that was given to a mouse speaking. Great things in glass was in power, was given to him to do two and 40 months. Cool. All Orthodox Catholics teach this mean to a rule for three and a half years and he opened his mouth and blasphemies against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell and happen seven years ago, Bishop sheen commented on the blast anti-Christ. Speaker 0 12:15 I quote, Bishop sheet I learned tells us that the antichrist will be so much like himself that he would deceive even the elect. How will he win followers to his religion? He will become disguised his great humanitarian. He will talk peace, prosperity planning not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves who write books and the new idea of God to suit the way people live. He went to his faith in astrology so as to make not the will the stars responsible for our sins who explained guilt psychologically is inhibited sexuality who makes men shrink and shame if their fellow men said they're not broad minded and liberal who identified tolerance and indifference to right and wrong. You will foster more divorces under this guise that another partner is violent, who increased love for love and decreased love for persons who invoke religion to destroy religion. Speaker 0 13:14 He wouldn't speak of Christ and say that he was the greatest man that ever lived his mission. He will say, we'll be deliberate men from the servitudes, his superstition and the midst of all his saving love for him is Glip. Talk of freedom and equality who have one great secret which you will tell no one. He will not believe in God because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God. He'll deceive even the elect. You'll set up a counter church which will be the ape of the church because the devil is the ape of God. He will have all the notes and characteristics, the church, but in reverse emptied of its divine content within mystical body. The antichrist, the one all externals resembled the church, has a mystical body of Christ and desperate need for God. He will induce modern man, his loneliness, frustration to hunger more and more for membership in his community that will give an enlargement of purpose. Speaker 0 14:09 Thought I need a personal amendment without the admission of personal guilt. Close quote Danny Christ. Also blasts is a tabernacle. Is it? Well and a heaven in this first quote, hatred, malice of sate inspiring antichrist was here at its most adventitious shafts for the church, especially for the whole Eucharist. The second mystery of the real presence of Christ is toward it. All the mouse's Satan when Spire the antichrist, exert all his efforts against that dwelling and the real presence there. The tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven stand for the whole church and all the church hold sacred. The sacraments, the priest, religious lie, the Christian family, then fallible dogmas and the moral law, the whole efforts, the antichrist from the 42 months of his reign be directed against all that God has planted in the human heart Institute in this world because Satan knows who he is. Last chance to wreck the work of Christ. Speaker 0 15:04 I was given onto him to make war with a Saint and overcome that. Cool. Just subrogate captioning. Kill them. Cool. It's antichrist will wages or against all, not a pasta size from the church except his documents submit to his dog dominion. We've already spoken to this war several times will be the most Savage persecution in history world. Nothing else. You can come this close to it and Paul has given him over every tribe and people and telling the nation of the word to rule the world and all that dwell upon the earth, the door whose names are not written in the book of life, the land which was slammed from the beginning of the world. If any man haven't here, let him here the statement. If any man have a hear, hear, let him hear. Hearkens back, for example, to apocalypse two seven where we read quote, he that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit says to the churches, to him that overcomes, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. It's a warning to hear and listen to the truth and to stand up for the truth because it was the way a man lives determines what happens to him. So the statement is a call each individual man to hear her respond to the truth, not to rely on or blame others. The shepherds not to rely on or blame others. Speaker 0 16:26 I on the shepherd to guide him during this time of chaos. He has to take responsible for the truth. He has to take personal responsibility to hear the truth. But the men who don't care about truth will end up actually the adorn anti-Christ. No matter who is seduced by as long as they're seduced cause they want to be seduced. They didn't want to hear the truth. Is it just punishing for the rejection of the non truth? Is it just punishing for the willful and stubborn blindness snare God will permit that. The men who don't love the truth, how would they be what they do love, which is the lie and so they will follow anti-Christ and adore all the dwell in the land whose names are not in the book at that point yesterday. That means almost everyone in the world. Speaker 0 17:21 He then mentioned lead in captivity. He should go into captivity that killed by this or must be killed by us or here's the patients in favor. The saints let their faith on captive. You put them to death shut themselves. We made captain and put to the sword, hence the face of my suffering. Patients will full confidence in victory and I saw another beast coming out of the earth of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon and executed all the power of the foreign basis and he caused her. Then the 12th or into the first piece who was wounded, death was healed. The second piece, the false prophet comes up from the land. Sandra Hernandez, Julie and others take this piece to be a notorious to deceiver, who shall be the precursor to the Herald of anti-Christ after the fashion of Christ at st John the Baptist as a precursor and the false prophet will preach and promote the antichrist with crates and the beast arising from the earth is a false prophet. The prophet of anti-Christ. He has his representative and the false prophet who have been dialed the pint of just tanked powers to see the nations. Speaker 4 18:32 Okay? Speaker 0 18:33 We continued coming up out of the earth, quote the earth. When it comes to second base to assemble the Gentile nations revolts against the church. What does it mean? Say the peace comes up out of her. If you look at the Greek work that Saint John used here, we see the sentence that it refers to the lamb. So it might be better translated the piece that comes from, from the land, because the land most <inaudible> the first piece. So what's the point here? When the Greek old Testament refers to someone who comes from land, someone who dwells in land obviously refers to people who live in the Holy land. They do own the land, but it's expression that actually means something. Other than that, it has a very specific meaning. We have the same sort of thing in English. When we say kick the bucket, obviously when you say kick the bucket, it could be actually doing just that. Speaker 0 19:18 But in general we mean something other than that. It means to die. So when a phrased one, the land is used in the old Testament, there's a sense of foreboding here, since it means the people of old covenant apostasizes can become pagans, robot to be destroyed and driven onto the land or refers to humans like the Canaanites who originally were living there. And it means they're about to be destroyed and driven up. So that's the old Testament sense of the phrase. And as we know, other people of old covenant foreshadow people, the new and everlasting covenant, which we belong to as we were reminded of in every Holy mass, the consecration, most precious play. So with that as background, it's preceded pretty easy to understand the sense of this phrase we hear about the priest coming up from the land false prophet who causes the land most and it to worship. Speaker 0 20:04 The first piece, it tells us the at new covenant, Catholics have a pasta sized and become pagans. They, their pagan acres are about to be destroyed, at least spiritually speaking, and it's a false prophet who is himself apostasizes from the Catholic church is by means of his preaching and his morals going to seduce the paws, take Catholics and pagan neighbors in a falling. His there is an I Christ. He had two horns like a lamb. Lord specifically warrants. We should quote, beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly a ravenous walls Speaker 0 20:41 quote. It's important to remember that false prophecy is not a pagan cultural phenomenon, but instead of heresy, it appears only within the covenant. Context is an imitation of true prophecy and operates to deceive God's covenant people and to work in opposition to his true profits. Matthew 24 24 Jesus warn that false Christ and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders so as to latest tray possible evenly. The lie. These two horns give the parents and stimulation of a meek holiness do to appear to be a land. It can form create signs, so they appear to be a miracle worker. He can unite men to draw multitude silver to the second yoke of anti-Christ. It seems therefore this false prophets shall be somewhat plastic. Bishop, hypocrite, and trader to Ecclesiastes bloggers who are this preaching will fill the people with the poison of the dragon. Speaker 0 21:32 Quote the two horns. To note a twofold authority, spiritual temper, as indicated by the Reverend resemblance to lamb. The prophet will probably set himself up in Rome, is this sort of anecdote, close quote as an imprimatur from last hundred years, and he spoke as a dragon. How does the dragon speak? Use deceptive Southern seductive speech and drama people cause people away from their faith and into a trap. Furthermore, he's alive. A slander and a blessed quote is dr Shirley cunning to sequel, poisonous and diabolical and therefore most apt for deceiving men for just as a dragon. That is the devil deceived. He's speaking to them off the serpent. So he speaks to the mouth is false prophet and he executed all the power of the former beast inside because earth and limit while they're in the door. The first piece, cause one was today, quote from a common commentary with an imprimatur almost a hundred years ago, the antichrist was established himself in Jerusalem, right? Speaker 0 22:29 Number of Jews were gathered together some through some such movement to sign this man in Christ, manifest himself to those in Jerusalem, which is lying wonders. They will immediately proclaim us their most kingdom Messiah. Then through the power of false miracle, the false prophet, assuming the Gentile, her sister Dorham as a true Messiah promised of all by the prophets, any Drake get great sign. So they made also fire to come down from heaven under the bird and he said was going to dwell on her for the signs which were giving him to doing the side of the beast. Saying to them that dwell on the earth, they should make the image of the beast which had the wound by the sword and lived. It was given him give life to the image of the beast and the image, these who'd speak and should cause whoever will not adore the image to these should be slang. Speaker 0 23:11 Cool. The false prophets will have the power to perform the wonderful works of his master among other prodigies who will bring down fire from heaven probably to offset the preachy miracles of Elijah and Enoch unless it is great numbers who also have status, the antichrist director to be adored by the along those whom he has to do. These statutes will give out Oracles, edit those of ancient paganism. In fact, the reign of the antichrist is profit, will be a variable renewal of paganism throughout the world and you should make all both great middle, rich and poor Freeman and bottom and to have a character on the right hand or in the foreheads. No man might buy or sell, but he did have the character, the name of beast or the number. I have his name. Speaker 0 23:50 Several parallels seen apocalypse indicate that the beast from the sea is demonic. Private mimics the lamb. One the lamb is worshiped by angels and saints are the basis worshiped by the wicked to the lamb was thin Rose again. Well, the base was supposedly more they wanted in recovered three lamps. It's on the throne of his father with the beast shared with phone, with the drag for the lamb redeems believers from every tribe and nation where the beast has it. Temporal authority over every tribe and nation. Five lamb is worthy of power. Glory from God or the beast receives power and authority from the dragon and six the name of lamb is stamped and four heads at the same time. The number of the beast is Brandon. That's we just saw quote again from a commentary. A was an imprimatur almost a hundred years ago. If I was in anti-Christ, we Mark with the character in imitation of the sign. Speaker 0 24:41 It's a baptism and confirmation. This indicates the antichrist is prophet. Let her do ceremonies to imitate the sacraments of the church. The fact that we see a complete organization, a church of Satan set up an opposition to the church of Christ Saint. We'll assume that part God the father and of Christ to be honored a savior and his flaws. Prophet, we assert the role of Pope. There's ceremonies with Connor for the sacraments and the works of magic be heralded as miracles close, so the false prophet who is propped up by the power and authority. First piece asked as a chief liturgist theologian, preacher for the first piece who is of course then I Christ. Now taking into consideration the false church spoken up by Bishop Shi, the commentators, and this is going to be an apostate Bishop. For the purpose of this conference, we'll take this person to be the same person as the destroyer, whereas we heard aims of the destruction of the church, the destruction of faith. It was poor victims destruction their souls forever in hell. His meetings are the leaders of heresy, sadism, and persecution. He's actually opened himself up to this spirit variously named a bad Nepalian or exterminates distraction, destroy exterminator, and he's a Bishop or priest or a father. Antichrist and do his Benny, so we'll take this person Speaker 2 26:04 to be the same person as the destroyer. We continue. Here's what he did. Half understanding about him caught the number of the beast, whereas the number of a man, a number of them is 666 and wisdom and understanding all those allowed himself to be caught up in politics in spirit of Attica too, and all this scandals and errors and chaos are going to wind up hardening. There are the result of getting caught up in all these diabolical soap operas. They lose the ability to maintain a simple, peaceful interior disposition as they keep growing faith, hope, and charity. Just consider how humble and simple our lady was. She didn't get caught up in all this scan was created by the Pharisees or the ones created by the Sadducees. She's in the high. Priests didn't get caught up in all the scandalous lives of the season and other civil war rulers, and then after Palm Sunday, that diabolical spirits swept over the nation. Speaker 2 27:05 All of those people that had hailed our Lord on Sunday on an influence that spirit turned from Christ to Robinson. Caesar, except prior lady knows he stayed close to her goal to preserve their humility and tranquility. They weren't swept away in that chaos. So by avoiding as much as possible all the scandal, chaos, and by staying very, very close to our lady, we'll be able to maintain that simple, peaceful, interior disposition, keep growing in faith, hope and charity. And just as a blood of the past lamb spent it on their door post, have protect the people of God from the destroyer of whole sauce, the precious blood of our Lord. The lamb of God will protect those who truly invoke it. He'll give them the ability to maintain that simple, peaceful, interior disposition and keep growing faith, hope and charity. And those who do these things will have the wisdom and understand and recognize the beast and his false prophet. They'll have his number so to speak, and they won't be deceived so long as they remain simple. So I want to say remain close to our lady folk, the most precious blood to wash over that. The cleanse now to protect them from the wickedness and snares, the Dell, the necessary wisdom and understanding will be given to those who remain simple and humble. Stay close to our lady and Paul with the precious blood. Just as wisdom and understanding far, far beyond the ears was given to those simple children. Speaker 2 28:47 And they're saying they're all saints, and that's what really matters. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen.

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