Why can the Muslims take over Europe?

September 11, 2011 00:25:51
Why can the Muslims take over Europe?
Veritas Caritas
Why can the Muslims take over Europe?

Sep 11 2011 | 00:25:51


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Speaker 0 00:00:00 Food harnesses, a Dale <inaudible> there's a man sent from God, whose name was John name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. Well, there were a great number of sources used in preparing this sermon far too many to cite the bulk of the credit is due to the brilliant work of Dunn. Mozart. As the past few decades have made clear to anyone with eyes to see there's been an alarming Islamic expansion into Europe last month in Budapest, on the feast of st. Stephen of Hungary. There, they celebrate his feast day on August 20th. There's a massive procession and his sermon, which is broadcast on state radio and the state television network, Bishop of Dior spoke of the current situation and asked his faithful, why do the Muslims come to Europe? Speaker 0 00:01:02 And why can they take over a year? Why do they now do what they could not do 500 years ago? Why? Because the Catholic people have lost their faith. How can we defend Europe without the faith? It was not always this way. On August 6th, 1682, the Ottoman empire declared war on the Holy Roman empire. Carra Mustapha. The grand vision of the Turks bragged that after the fall of Vienna, he would stable his horses and st. Peter's Basilica Salton memo. The Ford sent notice of his decision to Leopold. The first, the Holy Roman emperor quote, we will destroy your little country with our army above all. We order you to wait us in your residence, city of Vienna so we can decapitate you. We will exterminate you and all your followers, children and grownups will be exposed to the most atrocious tortures people before being put to end in the most vicious way imaginable your little empire, I will take from you and its entire population. Speaker 0 00:02:32 I will sweep off the earth, close, quote, the salt, and followed with another cheery note in February of 1683 rating in part quote for, I declare unto you, I will make myself your master pursue you from East to West and trample under feet with my horses. All that is acceptable and pleasant in your eyes for resolved, ruin both you and your people. And to leave the empire a commemoration of my most dreadful soar. It will be a pleasure to me to publicly establish my religion and to pursue your crucified. God whose wrath I fear not nor do I fear his coming to your assistance to deliver you out of my hands. I will. According to my pleasure, put your sacred priest to the plow and do some things to Catholic women, which I will not repeat here for sake, your religion or else. I'll get ordered to consume you with fire close quote salt. Speaker 0 00:03:36 Memud the fourth 20 February, 1683, and the face of the Muslim peril. Emperor Leopold turned for council to apostolate, nuncio and papal. Legate a caption priest and a miracle worker named blessed. Marco Davino busted. Marco told the emperor quote, God is armed with scourges because he has been provoked by our sins. We should appease him by humiliations, repentance and self denial. Then when our hearts are turned back to God and went in reparation for the public offenses that are committed against him, we shall have rendered to him the public homage, which is do I am certain that God though he send affliction will not will our desolation close quote, then blessed Marco turned to the Viennese and warned them. Quote, Vianna, Vianna. Your love of lax living has prepared for you, a grave, an eminent chastisement convert and consider, well, what you're doing a wretched Vienna close quote, the emperor heated, the warnings commanded public penances and the Vietnamese responded with penance, prayer and public devotions to our lady help of Christians from Rome, bless it. Speaker 0 00:05:05 Pope innocent 11th called on all Catholic rulers to unite against the Turk began saying I'll papal nuncio is throughout Europe to promote the Catholic cause and join the Holy Roman empire in the war effort. He splint lent and prayer and penance for the cause in order to devoted prayer against the infidels, be set at every mass King Louis the 14th for his part, worked very hard to undermine the PayPal efforts. Louis the 14th, the very same King who refuse to consecrate France, the sacred heart in spite of the specific requests delivered to him by st. Margaret Mary from our Lord Louis, the 14th declined to obey the pulp. And in fact had already assured the Turks of his neutrality. In the case of war John Sobieski, the King of Poland and grand Duke of Lithuania was prepared to answer the Pope's call. But in order to go to war Polish law required him to get a unanimous approval of the Polish Dee at the Polish legislature, the French ambassador used all the slippery depo diplomacy possible to induce the members to vote against the war. Speaker 0 00:06:15 And only at the last minute after the Turks were already on the March to Diaz, finally support the pulps requests. Meanwhile, the Turks had begun to move it may of 1683. They paused to wait reinforcements in Belgrade estimates. The total number of men of Turkish forces range from 160,000 to 300,000. That's the only the number of soldiers. It doesn't include the enormous supply train for the army and all the men associated with that. On July 14th, they began pulling up before the walls of Vienna pausing briefly to completely massacre the 4,000 inhabitants of a town, six miles away as the Turks near the city, Louis, the 14th took advantage of the dire situation to attack the Netherlands, which at that time were part of the Holy Roman empire. It was this kind of behavior that earned in the contemporary title of quote, the most Christian Turk, the most Christian Ravager of Christendom. Speaker 0 00:07:18 The most Christian barbarian would perpetrate on Christians, outrageous of which his infidel allies would have been a shame close quote in the meanwhile emperor Leopold had retreated from Vienna taking 8,000 of the residents to Len's leaving only 5,000 citizens in a Garrison of 11,000 soldiers. The city's defenses were still incomplete as it Turks began to leisurely surround the city and set up camp. The traditional arrow bearing a message demanding surrender and conversion to Islam was shot into the city, but the defenders didn't bother the reply. So the siege began, the Turks shot poisoned arrows at the defenders and trained what Canon they had at the walls with artillery was inadequate for the task. So on the 20th of July, the tricks began mining under the walls, filling the tunnels with gunpowder and setting off the charges. The Viennese by this time were suffering from severe dysentery, managed to bar the resulting gaps and keep the Turks up. Speaker 0 00:08:20 But it was only a question of time until the Turks succeeded and completely breaching the walls outside the walls life for the procedures was pleasant and comfortable. Car Mustaf was immense tents had gardens with fountains, baths bathrooms with Senate bads and soaps sumptuous beds, rich carpets in a menagerie, including rabbits, birds, and even an ostrich. It also included his hair on the scores of black units to keep them in order back in Poland, John Sobieski was gathering his troops before leaving his kingdom. Sobieski wrote to the Calvinist leader of hungry, who had aligned himself with the Sultan and informed the Hungarian leader, that if he tried to take advantage of the situation and burnt so much as one straw, either in the territory of his allies or anywhere in the territory, the Poland Lithuanian Commonwealth, that he yawned Sobieski would go and burn him. And all his family in his house, the warning was sufficient to keep his unguarded kingdom safe and his absence on the face of the assumption, August 15th, 1683, John Sobieski at the head of some 2000 winged hustlers and leading some 23,000 other troops began to force marches to Vienna from the shrine of our lady of schisto. Speaker 0 00:09:41 At that time, the Polish Lithuanian wing hustlers were the most elite cavalryman in the world. They were called wing because they wore wings. They were attached to their backs. They're made out of wood frame. They had Eagle feathers attached to them. The wings gave a fearful appearance and made a frightening sound. Both of which terrified the enemy and spooked their horses as the wing hustlers descended upon them. Besides that over their armor, they wore the skin of a leopard, a tiger, a Wolf or other animal over one shoulder, which had also spooked the enemy horses and men. They carried a 17 to 20 foot long, hot out Lance. It was designed to shatter on impact with anything solid attached to the tip of Lance was a long pennant. Besides the Lance, they carry two kinds of swords, one under each leg, one for piercing, one for chopping a Warhammer and a pair of pistols that were holstered over the horse, Withers their mounts, which remarkable colas breed of Calvary horse were capable of traveling 70 miles a day over a period of several days. Speaker 0 00:10:47 And this is with guys bearing arms and in armor, if you're a horseman, you know how remarkable that is typically in battle, the hustlers were used as shock troops. They were held back until a decisive moment was at hand when they were called up the customarily saying Polish him to the mother of God, the most ancient national him in the world at national handsome in the world, the Vogel Rositsa, here's the English translation of it. Mother of God, version by God, glorified Mary from nice son. The Lord chosen Mary obtained for us sent to us curiae song for the sake of I Baptist or son of God, hear the voice is fulfill man's thoughts. Hear the prayer which we offer. Danny gave us what we asked for on earth. Uh, stay with God after the life a soldier and in paradise, Curia less. Speaker 0 00:11:42 So to be seeing the him in line themselves up needed a knee at about a hundred yards from the enemy and begin their charge moving on to flat out Gallop at about 50 or 60 yards with their Lord alongside their horses heads. The whole effect of this line of winged warrior. Seeing this him then descending upon the enemy at full tilt, all these six to eight foot long pennants swirling, fluttering flapping in the breeze at the end of those 20 foot lances, all these leopard of Wolf skins flapping around the whole effect is absolutely terrifying. So on August 15th, Sobieski with the hottest cars and the Polish troops left shed store on September 4th, the church exploded a huge mine and a part of the wall of Vienna, but the defenders managed to stop up the gap with boards and sandbags. On September 5th, the Polish Lee force reached the Danny who had been on the eighth September, the whole relieving army assembled together and the Danny of about 30 miles from Vienna, besides the Polish troops, there were Austrian troops as well as Germans that had come from Saxony Swabian Francona and Bavaria. Speaker 0 00:12:52 Some 60,000 soldiers all told before they had a great concert of war. Blessed it Marco said mass and their server was King John Sobieski. The commander of the Imperial forces placed himself under the command is Sobieski bless it. Marco participated in the bore councils as the emperor's representative. He assisted that it was necessary first to repent of the offense has given to God and to implore his mercy and asked for his help and then attack the Turks gathered around Vienna and he prophesied quote, the Turk will be vanquished and he will leave us all his bags in baggage close quote. It was the last possible moment on the evening of September 11th to John Sobieski. They news force of Catholic soldiers arrived at a Hill called the Kahlenberg. It looked over, looks Vienna from the North, surveying the situation. He was unimpressed with the enemy fortifications, as he wrote to his wife that night quote, the general of an army was neither thought of entrenched himself, North concentrating his forces. Speaker 0 00:13:57 The lies in camp as if we were hundreds of miles away from him is predestined to be beaten, close quote in town. The defenders were on their last legs, starving sick, broken walls. The situation was very grim. And then in the early hours of the morning, September 12th, some bakers in Vienna making bread with what very little flowers still remained, heard noise underground. The Turks had placed a massive charge of gunpowder to be set off right under the walls, a charge that would have thrown the city wide open. The bakers alerted the defenders who after searching for hours finally found the tunnel when Austrian mall crawled in and pulled the fuses out. The burning fuses literally burning up to the charges and he's crawling around in there, pulling the fuses out at the last possible moment. September 12th was a Sunday up on the Komberg Hill in the wee hours of the morning. Speaker 0 00:14:52 Bless Mark was celebrated art mass for the army, the Holy league with Yon Sobieski as a server aftermath, plus it, Marco gave a short and passionate speech, the army implored the divine assistance and bless the troops with his crucifix Sobieski address. The troops were the bulwark of Christianity against the arms of the Ottomans. It is necessary to defend the cause of God and to preserve the Western empire. We must either conquer or die notably in this, just because your King fights at the head of you to have a share both in your glory and your danger, be confident that the God of battles has caused. We defend will undoubtedly fight for us. The troops began the four hour descent on the mountain side at 4:00 AM. The Ottomans attacked the Austrians move forward on the left. The Germans pressed ahead in the center with the Polish on the right. Speaker 0 00:15:51 Suddenly my staff was no longer the attacker, but the defender and on two fronts, one from the relieving force coming down the Kahlenberg and the other from the Vienna defenders, we stopped less some of his elite troops facing Vienna, and he gapped off to fight Sobieski's troops. As they came down the mountain during the battle bus at Marco gala, fiercely from one sidelines to other crucifix in his hand, blessing, encouraging the fighters. Every time that church attack, he would hold up his crucifix to them and say, ha, crush him. Domani Fuji tea parties OD mercy from the exorcism. And it means behold, the cross, the Lord flee all you opponents at about five o'clock in the afternoon after watching ongoing battle from the Hills for all day. So VSQ stood in the stirrups, drew his sword and charged on the Hill, leading the largest cavalry charge in history. Speaker 0 00:16:47 So be asking you, is that the head of a spearhead of 2000 wing hustlers with four other cavalry groups behind three Polish, one Austrian German, a toll of over 20,000 horsemen, the remaining Vianna Garrison sallied out of the defenses and joined in this salt from the other direction, the church broke and fled in a stampede. They head towards hungry, leaving everything behind them, all the booty seasoned their campaign, as well as entire camp tents, weapons, Babel standards, provisions, herds, and slaves. After the battle, Sobieski prostrated himself with outstretched arms and declared. It was God's cause that he was fighting for and attributed the victory to God alone. The Turks lost at least 15,000 men dead and wounded in the fighting in all their cannon. And at least 5,000 men were captured. The Holy league lost approximately 4,500 dead and wounded. The day after the battle, Sobieski wrote to his wife, quote, praise be our Lord, God forever for granting our nations, such a victory and such glorious was never heard of in all times past the whole camp of the enemy with their artillery and untold treasure has fallen into our hands. Speaker 0 00:18:03 They are now retreating great confusion and the approaches to the town, the camp and the open fields are covered with their corpses, the camels and other beasts of burden, the cattle and the sheep belonging to the enemy were also captured. Paranthetically note. This in itself was an absolutely immense fortune. There was some 20,000 Anatolian Buffalo. They used as draft draft animals, uh, 20,000 head of cattle, 20,000 camels, 20,000 meals and 10,000 sheep and goats capture. Sobieski what they left behind in powder and ammunition alone is worth a million. The grand vision lost ostrich treasure and barely escaped on horseback with nothing but the coat on his back. His tent is so large. It might've contained within its circumference. The city of Warsaw, the standard that the grand vision always had carried before him with great ceremony fell into my hands. Along with the Mohammad and banner presented him by the salt and for this campaign, which I sent to the Holy father in Rome, along with the green battle flag of Mohammed, Sophie sq sent him the Pope a message. Speaker 0 00:19:09 He's paraphrasing Julius Caesar. He said, Vinny, Vinny Dave's fidget. I came, I saw God conquered. Sobieski they're quite the quantities of the most beautiful gold mountain sabers and other rare Turkish accoutrements to be seen in our army. The coming on of night prevented us from continuing the pursuit. I estimate the number of the besieging army at 300,000, not counting the Tartars there must've been at least 100,000 tents from these. Each of the Congress takes away what he likes. The tans people too, are rushing out to get their share. I believe it will take them eight days to gather in all the booty, among other riches, there were a hundred thousand sacks of grain and 10,000 sex at church Turkish coffee. They cut down with their savers number of Austrian people. Women focus, specially whom they had taken capita, but they could not carry away with them, their hasty flight, but many of them can be healed of their wounds elsewhere reread. Speaker 0 00:20:08 There were 30,000 Christian prisoners liberated of whom 500 were children were to be sent as slaves to the salt. And Sobieski earlier this morning, I went into town and found that it could not have held out five days longer. Never have the eyes of men be held so great damaged, done, and so brief a time. Great, massive stone and rock had been broken up and tossed about. And he used by the enemies minds. And then period cast is riddled with holes and ruined by their cannonballs this morning, the governor of Vienna company by a great crowd of people came out to greet me all kissing and petting me and calling me their savior. Later. I visited two churches where again, I found crowds of people try to kiss my hands and even my feet and clothing, most of them had to content themselves with touching my coat all around one, heard them crying, let us do the kiss. Speaker 0 00:20:56 The value in hand together lifted up a shout of joy. I begged the German officers to forbid this, but in spite of them, a great crowd shot allowed long live the King apparent theoretical note, the emperor Leopold displeased that John Sobieski should have all the glory condescended to visit and thank the Polish King, but treated Sobieski son and the Polish commanders with extreme and Hottie coldness, and an outright insult refuse to review the hustlers who had so gallantly destroyed the Turkish battle line. Sobieski there's a huge pile of captured flags and tents. In short, the enemy has departed with nothing, whatever, but his life let Chris numbery Joyce. And thank the Lord, our God, that is not permitted to Heath. And to hold us up to scorn and derision and drop braid us with their blasphemous Muhammad and proverb Christians. Whereas your God close quote, in order to commemorate this great victory over the Muslims, bless it innocent. Speaker 0 00:21:54 The 11th ordered that the face to the Holy name of Mary. We celebrate every year on the 12th of September, besides the feast of the Holy name of Mary. There are a few other things to try to remind us of this glorious victory. As one story goes after the battle one enterprising man opened the first coffee house in Vienna. He's in the 10,000 bags of Turkey Turkey's coffee. That's certainly true, but because the coffee was so bitter, the story goes at blessed Marco added milk and honey to sweeten it, which is where it got the name cappuccino. After the brownish color of the habit of the Capitan. What is far more certain is the development of another common article of food connoisseur. Even Martin sees a prefect for the congregation for the cause of saints explains quote. It seems historically clear that the invention of the Cornetto is more related to the liberation of Vienna than the cappuccino. Speaker 0 00:22:44 It said that during the siege, as some Vinnies bakers were praying roles during the night, from the little flower they had left, they heard the noise of Turkish sappers tunneling to set minds. They immediately raised the alarm and the threat was averted, and they were there for giving the Imperial privilege of molding their Kornetti in the shape of the half moon. The cappuccino was then combined with the coordinator, perhaps referenced to bless it. Marco deovon close quote. So Cornetta was first made a commemoration, this great victory here in the States. Of course we don't usually call this role a Cornetto. We usually refer to it by the French word, which is a croissant, which is of course baked in the shape of a Crescent. The symbol of the Turk. We got the French name cause Marie Antoinette brought it from Vienna. The Polish bakers didn't want to be out done by the Austrian bakers. Speaker 0 00:23:31 So they commemorate the victory with the roll in the shape of Sobieski stirrup. The Polish word for stirrup is Google. And this is the birth of the bagel celebrating the great victory of Christian victory. Although nowadays this is hotly contested Polish Jews in 1690, the us astronomer you honest have alias created a constellation, scoot them so best Fiona that's Sebaski shield. It's not commonly known as scoot them and commemoration with great Sobieski who was still alive. When the constellation was named the great King and faithful Catholic warrior died in 1696 and is entered in a magnificent tomb, the cathedral and Cracker. What became a car Mustapha, having fled from Vienna to Belgrade. You are the execution of many senior officers, including one who was the brother of the favorite wife of the assault. And on Christmas day in 1683, messaged from assault and ordered him to hand over his seals of office of grand vision. Speaker 0 00:24:30 Having handed over the seals of his authority, he asked am I to die when being informed that it was the case, he said, as all a pleases, he then placed the silken bowstring around his own neck. Several men pulled it tight till he was duly strangled. His head was struck off putting a velvet bag, carried to his 10 bull and presented to the Saltan. The Ottomans fought on for another 16 years, losing control of Hungary and Transylvania in the process before finally giving up on their designs for European expansion. The battle of Vienna marks the end of the Ottoman expansion into Europe, but it hasn't marked the end of the Islamic expansion into Europe. Why couldn't the Muslims take over Europe? Why can they not do what they could not do hundreds of years ago? Why? Because the Catholic people have lost the faith without the faith. Europe cannot be defended without the faith. There can be no Yon. Sobieski's.

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