Outside of the Church There Is No Salvation

May 19, 2013 00:30:49
Outside of the Church There Is No Salvation
Veritas Caritas
Outside of the Church There Is No Salvation

May 19 2013 | 00:30:49


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 Well, speaking of worldly concerns, our Lord caution us not to be anxious, wondering, quote, what should we eat? Or what should we drink or wherewithal, shall we be clothed for after all these things to the Heath and seek for your father, knows that you have need of all these things seek you. Therefore, first, the kingdom of God and his justice in all these things shall be added unto you close quote, God, the son do not be anxious saying, what shall we eat? What should we drink? What should we wear? But seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his justice and all these things shall be added unto you. That's God. The son commanding us to seek his kingdom and his justice before all else. But how many people, how many people actually call themselves Christian? How many of us are actually seeking first? The kingdom of God and his justice? How many people that you know, actually put God first in everything. Sure. Most people have them in the stack somewhere. But how many people that you know, how many Christians do you know that actually put the kingdom of God in his justice first, before they're worldly concerns? Speaker 1 00:01:33 It's not very many, is it? Speaker 0 00:01:38 No. That is a context for the topic we're going to tackle today as usual I'll cut paste and edit quotes. Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton was one of the most outstanding to mystic theologians of the last century. The Vatican to Monsignor Fenton was a member of the preparatory theological envision, the doctrinal commission, the commission on faith and morals. And he also served as a prejudice. That's a $3 word. That means that a theological expertise, a theologian for Carl auto Viani, who is the head of Holy office pulley office is now called the congregation for the doctrine of the faith. Some 50 years ago, Monsignor Fenton wrote quote. It is a dogma of the Catholic faith that the Roman Catholic church, the religious organization of which the Bishop of Rome presides is actually the one and only supernatural kingdom of God on earth. The one and only institution outside of which no one at all is saved and outside of which there is no remission of sins. Speaker 0 00:02:43 The great mystery of the dispensation of the new Testament is outstanding truth that this visible society, this organization in which bad members are mingled with, the good is actually the one and only supernatural kingdom of God earth. There are people that flinch at this truth and some of them unfortunately are within the folds of the Catholic church itself is obviously one of the truest most frequently attacked in our own time is the truth, which we are most tempted to overlook or to pass over in order that we may make the teaching of the Catholic church. More acceptable to those who are not of the Catholic faith. Speaker 0 00:03:28 Some have tried to explain away the Catholic dogma that there is no salvation outside of the Catholic church, but the instruction of the whole Yaga office of August 8th, 1949, made it very clear to the men of our own time that the church had by no means abandoned or modified the age old dogma to the fact, there is no salvation outside of the Catholic church. Close quotes. Son is great feast of Pentecost the birthday as it were of the Catholic church. Let's try to get a deeper understanding of the dog that there's no salvation outside the church. We'll start by turning that document, which was issued on August 8th, 1949 by the Holy office can, the Holy office is now called the congregation for the doctrine of faith. I quote, we are bound by Devonne and Catholic faith to believe all those things true contained in the word of God, whether it be scripture or tradition and are proposed by the church to be believed as divinely revealed, not only through som judgment, but also through the ordinary and universal teaching office. Speaker 0 00:04:36 Now among those things with the church has always preached and will never cease to preach is contained also that infallible statement by which we are taught that there is no salvation outside the church. However, this dogma must be understood in that sense, in which the church herself understands it in the first place. The church teaches that in this matter, there's question of a most strict commandment of Jesus Christ among the commandments of Christ. We are commanded to be incorporated by baptism into the mystical body of Christ, which is the church and to remain United to Christ and his vicar, the pulp through whom Christ himself in a visible manner governs the church on earth. Therefore no one will be saved who knowing the church to have been divinely established by Christ, nevertheless, refuses to submit to the church or withholds obedience from enrollment pontiff, the vicar of Christ on earth that's worth repeating. Speaker 0 00:05:43 No one will be saved who knowing the church had been divinely established by Christ. Nevertheless, refuses to submit to the church or withholds obedience from the Roman pontiff, the vicar of Christ on earth to continue, not only do the saver command that all nations should enter the church, but he also decreed the church to be a means of salvation without which no one can enter the kingdom of eternal glory and its infinite mercy, God has welded the effects necessary for one to be saved, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing this, we see clearly stated in the sacred concert of Trent, both the reference to sacrament of regeneration that's baptism in reference to the sacrament of penance that's of course confession. The same in its own degree must be asserted of the church in as far as she is the general help to salvation. Therefore that one may obtain eternal salvation. It is not always required that he be incorporated the church actually as a member, but it is necessary that it leaves to be United tour by desire and longing. However, this desire need not always be explicit as it is in catechumens, but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance, God accepts also an implicit desire so-called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God. Speaker 0 00:07:12 Things are clearly taught in the 1943 and cyclical of Pope pots, the 12th on the mystical body of Jesus Christ. In this letter, the sovereign pontiff clearly distinguishes between those who are actually incorporated in the churches members and those who are United the church only by desire. But it must not be thought that any kind of desire of entering the church, suffices that one may be saved. It is necessary that the desire by which one is related to the church, be animated by perfect charity, nor can an implicit desire produce its effect unless a person has supernatural faith, close quotes. Okay. Quick review. What have we seen? We've seen it's a dogma of the Catholic faith that the Roman Catholic church is actually the one and only supernatural kingdom of God on earth. The one and only institution outside of which don't all is saved and outside of which there's no remission of sins. Speaker 0 00:08:10 We've seen. It's a great mystery. There's visible society. It's organization, which so many bad members are mingled with. The good is actually the one and only supernatural kingdom of God on earth. We've seen this as one of the truths most frequently attacked in our time, we've seen this a truth in which we may be gravely tempted to overlook or to pass over in the order that we may make the teaching of the Catholic church. More acceptable to those who are not of the faith. We've seen it. It's infallible truth must be understood in a sense in which the church herself understands it. We've seen that Christ commands us to be incorporated by baptism into his mystical body, which is the church. We've also seen Christ commands us to remain United him into the pulp, through whom Christ himself governs the church here on earth. We've seen that as a consequence, no one will be saved who knowing full well the church was divinely established by Christ. Speaker 0 00:09:09 Still refuses to submit to the church or withdraws obedience, withholds of obedience from the Pope, the Victor of Christ on earth. We've seen it Christ our Lord decree the church to be a means of salvation without which no one can enter the kingdom of eternal glory. We've seen an order to be saved. It is not always necessary that a man be actually incorporated the church as a member, but it is necessary that he at least be not a tour by desire and longing. And we've seen this desire to belong. The church need not always be explicit. It isn't as it isn't catechumens, but that when a church is invincible ignorant, God accepts an implicit desire, which is called implicit because it's included in a good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God. Okay. Now let's try to come to a deeper understanding this dogma. I knew that we'll rely largely on work written in 1865 by father Michael Mueller. Redemptorist priest. Speaker 0 00:10:12 Is it not all the same to God, whatever religion, a person professes. If we're all the same, the God, whatever religion, the person professes God would not have forbidden in the first commandment to worship him in any other than the true religion nor would cry som declared. He will not hear the church. Let him be to the, as the heathen and the publican who then will be saved. Christ is solemnly declared that only those who will be saved, who have done God's will on earth as explained, not by private interpretation, by the infallible teach you the Roman Catholic church. Not everyone says Christ who say to me, Lord, Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven. But he that death, the will of my father, who is in heaven, he shall enter the kingdom of heaven, the will of the heavenly father's at all men here and believe his son, Jesus Christ. Speaker 0 00:11:05 This is my beloved son. Hear him now Christ said to his apostles and to all their lawful sub-sectors he, that here with you here with me. And he even despised with you despite this, me and even despises me, despises him, the heavenly father that sent me, hence all those who do not listen to Christ. Speaking to them through st. Peter and the apostles in their lawful successors, despise God, the father, they do not do as well. And therefore heaven will never be theirs. Must then all who wish to be saved, die United the Catholic church. All those who wish to be saved must die United to the Catholic church for out of her. There is no salvation because only she teaches what Christ requires of everyone to be saved because only to her to Christ leave the means to obtain all the graces necessary for salvation. Speaker 0 00:11:59 Hence Christ said to his apostles and to all their lawful successors go and teach all nations, teach them to observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you. He, that believe is not all these things shall be condemned. Our divine savior says no one can come to the father except through me. If then we wish to enter heaven. We must be United to Christ, to his mystical body, which is the church is st. Paul says, therefore, outside the church, there is no salvation. Again. Christ says, whoever not here, the church look upon him as a heathen and a publican, a great center. Therefore outside the church, there is no salvation. Holy scripture says in acts two 47 Lord at a daily, the church such as should be saved. Therefore the POS is believed in the Holy scriptures, teach that there's no salvation out of the church who are out of the pail of the Roman Catholic church, out of the pail of the Roman Catholic church, all unbaptized and all ex-communicated persons, all apostates, unbelievers, and heretics. Speaker 0 00:13:01 How many kinds of infidels or unbelievers are there? There are three kinds of infidels or unbelievers. Number one, those who are guilty of the sin of infidelity. Number two, those who are not guilty of the sin of infidelity, but commit other mortal sins. Number three, those who are not guilty of the sin of infidelity and who live up to the dictates of their conscience. So those are the three categories, those guilty of the sin of infidelity, those not guilty of this infidelity, but guilty of other grave sins and those not guilt of the sin of infidelity and who live according to the dictates of their conscience. What kind of infidels are guilty of the sin of infidelity? All those unbaptized persons are guilty who do not embrace the true religion. Although the truth thereof have been sufficiently made note to them like many of the Jews of old of whom our Lord said that they had no excuse for their sins because he had spoken to them. Speaker 0 00:13:58 All those unbaptized persons are guilty who have received sufficient light to know the truth, or at least to understand the danger of their position and the obligation of making serious inquiries to ascertain and embrace the truth, but neglect to do so. And all those are guilty of the sin of infidelity who willfully deny the truth and obstinately resist it. Why is it that positive infidels? Those are infidels guilty of the sin. Infidel. Why is it positive? Infidels are not saved. Positive. Infidels are infidels guilty of the sin of infidelity are not say because at st. Thomas Aquinas says positive infidelity being willful obstinacy palpable contradiction and public contempt. A divine revelation of the precepts of the gospel is one of the most grievous sins in the sight of God and his Holy church, st. Thomas says that if such men Dinah's disposition of mine, they are infallibly lost because without faith, it is impossible to please God, which kind of infidels are not guilty of the sin of infidelity, but commit other grievous sins. Speaker 0 00:15:07 Those who are not guilty of the sin of infidelity, but commit other grievous sins or all those unbaptized persons who never had an opportunity of knowing the true religion or becoming aware of the obligation of seeking, embracing it, but who do not live up to the dictates of their conscience, will this class of infidels be lost? This class of infidels will be lost, not on account of their infidelity, which was no sin for them, but on a kind of other grievous sins, which they committed against their conscience. Saint Paul says for whoever have sinned without the law shall perish without the law, will those infidels be lost who are not guilty of the sin infidelity and live up to their conscience? Well, those infidels who are not guilty of the sin infidelity and are faithful in obeying the voice, their conscience st. Thomas Aquinas says, if anyone was brought up in the wilderness or among brute beasts, and if he followed the law of nature to desire, what is good and avoid what is wicked? Speaker 0 00:16:01 We should certainly believe that God by an inward inspiration would reveal to him what he should believe would send someone to him to preach the faith. As he sent Saint Peter to Cornelius, that's important. If a man falls a lighter reason in pursuing good and avoiding evil, God will either show him by an inward inspiration, what he needs to believe. Send him an angel or cinema preacher of faith. To instruct him take a concrete example of a pagan who grew up in the forest of Montana of a chief name, walking bear father to Smith. The great mission, Jesuit missionary to the Northwest he's writing. This happened in 1840 or 1841. So have a chief named walking by her father to Smet wrote quote among the chiefs. There was one who had always been a brave warrior and an upright man. He was in upwards of 80 years of age, but still healthy and vigorous. Speaker 0 00:16:54 He was anxious to receive baptism. As soon as he was sufficiently instructed. I asked him to make an act of contrition for all the sins and offenses. He might've committed against his maker. No doubt said he I've done many things that have offended the great spirit, but it was unknowingly. I never in my life did anything, which I knew to be evil from my childhood has been my constant endeavor to avoid sin. And I never did a second time. Any action. When I was told it was wrong, is baptized under the name of Peter close quote, father to Smith. I never in my life did anything, which I knew to be evil from my child. It's been my constant endeavor to avoid sin on it. Never did a second time. Any action. When I was told it was wrong in his journal, father to Smet asked are there in our Europe, many Christians who could give this testimony of themselves. Speaker 0 00:17:56 Chief Peter walking bear is a perfect example of what st. Thomas said. If a person has been reared in the forest, he had falls the guides of natural reason in a pursuit of a goodness and flight from evil ways. It is to be rigorously held as a certainty that God will either show him by an interior inspiration, whatever he needs to believe, or he will send him some preacher, the faith. So we've considered the three types of infidels. Those who are guilty of the sin of infidelity. And if they die in that state, there'll be downed. Those are guilty, not guilty of the sin, infidel, Sinema, infidelity, but commit other mortal sins. If they die in that state, there'll be down. And those who are not guilty of the sin of infidelity and lift up to the dictates of their conscience. And if they follow the light of reason, pursuing good and avoiding evil, God will either show him by an interior inspiration, what they need to believe or send them a preacher, the faith to instruct them. Now let's consider the situation of heretics. Speaker 0 00:19:00 What is a heretic? Heretic is any baptized person, professing Christianity, and choosing for himself what to believe and what not to believe as he pleases and obstinate opposition to any particular truth, which he knows is taught by the Catholic church as a truth revealed by God. How many things in are required to make a person guilty of the sin of heresy to make a person guilty of the sin of heresy. Three things are required. One, he must be baptized and profess Christianity. This distinguishes him from an infidel or an unbeliever two. He must refuse to believe a truth revealed by God and taught by the church is so revealed. And three, he must obstinately. And that's an important point. He must obviously adhere to air preferring his own private judgment in matters of faith and morals to infallible teaching of the Catholic church. So how many types of heretics are there? Speaker 0 00:19:51 There are three kinds of heretics, sound familiar. Number one, those who are guilty of the sin of heresy. Number two, those who are not guilty of the sin of heresy, but commit other grievous sins. And number three, those are not guilty. The sin of heresy and live up to the dictates of their conscience, who are guilty of the sin of heresy of the sin of Harris here. Guilty one, all those baptized persons, profess Christianity and obstinately rejected truth revealed by God and top of the church as so revealed. We think of people like our vice president. Number two, those who embrace an opinion, contrary faith, maintain it obstinately and refuse to submit to the authority of the Catholic church. We think of people like Nancy Pelosi, number three, those who willfully doubt the truth of an article of faith provides such willful doubt. They actually questioned God's knowledge and truth and do this is to be guilty of heresy. Speaker 0 00:20:44 Number four, those who have know the Catholic church to be the one true church, but do not embrace her faith. Number five, those who could know the church, if they would candidly search, but who their indifference and ultra culpable motives neglect to do. So. Number six, those who like the Anglicans think that they approach very near the Catholic church because their prayers and ceremonies are like many prayers and ceremonies, the Catholic church, because their creeds apostles creed, these are heretics and principle for is st. Thomas. Aquinas's the real character of rank heresy, consistent wound of submission to the vine teaching authority and the head of the church. Why aren't you? Heretics lost true heretics are lost because by rejecting the divine teacher, the Catholic church, they reject all divine teaching to do, which is one of the most grievous sins for this reason, the Holy scripture condemns heresy in the strongest terms, a man says Saint Paul, that is a heretic after the first and second admonition avoid knowing that who is such a one is subverted and sins being condemned by his own judgment. Speaker 0 00:21:43 And again, he says the, we are an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that, which we've preached to you, let him be anathema. That is to say a cursed Saint Paul's a class sexer Harris. He's among the works of flesh and says that those who do such things shall not obtain the kingdom of God hair takes her loss because they have no divine faith st. Thomas Aquinas says to reject, but one article of faith taught by the church is enough to destroy the faith. As one mortal sin is enough to destroy charity for the virtue of fate does not consist merely in adhering to this Holy scriptures and are very Nim as the word of God. It consists principally in submitting our intellect and will to the vine authority of the true church charged by Christ. Expound them. Santa Gustin says I would not believe the Holy scriptures were not for the divine authority of the church. Speaker 0 00:22:30 He therefore despises and rejects. This authority cannot have true faith. If he admit some supernatural truth there about simple opinions, as he makes those truths depend on his own judgment. And his divine faith is the beginning of salvation. The foundation and source of justification and is found only in the true church. It is clear. There's no salvation for one, as long as he's a true heritage, have heretics faith in Jesus Christ. Saint Thomas Aquinas says it is absurd for her tick to say he believes in Christ to believe in a person is to give our full consent to his word and all that he teaches truthfully, therefore is absolutely in Christ and all he taught. Hence you does not adhere to all that Christ has prescribed for our salvation has no the doctrine of Christ and his church from the pagans Jews. And Turkcell, he is his Christ, but a heathen, a publican, and therefore will be condemned to hell. Speaker 0 00:23:20 Can a Christian be saved, was left to church of Christ, the Holy Catholic church. No, because the church of Christ is the kingdom of God on earth. And he leaves that kingdom shuts himself off from the kingdom of Christ and heaven, which heretics are not guilty of the sin of heresy, but commit other great sins. Those who are heretics without their fault, I've never had an opportunity of knowing better or not guilty of the sin of heresy. But if they do not live up to the dictates of their conscience, they will be lost, not an account of their heresy, which for them was no sin. But an account of other grievous sins would say committed with those heritage, be saved, were not guilty of the sin of heresy and are faithful living up to the dictates, their conscience and culpable ignorance of the true religion excuses, a heathen from the sin of infidelity in a hair from the sin of heresy. Speaker 0 00:24:07 But it's important not to the ignorance itself is not a means of salvation from the fact that a person who lives up to dictates of his conscience and it cannot sin against a true religion on account of being ignorant of it. Many of drawn, the false conclusion that such a person is saved, or in other words, is in the state of sanctifying grace, thus making ignorance a means of salvation or justification. If we want to make sincerely not make great mistakes and explaining the revealed truth out of the church, there's no salvation. We must remember. There are four great truths of salvation, which everyone with the use of reason must known believers in order to be saved. These four truths are first there's one God, second, God rewards the good and punish the guilty. Third. There are three persons in one God and forth. The second person, our Lord Jesus Christ became man had died for our sins. Speaker 0 00:24:56 It's a teaching of scripture and tradition. We can read death nation, creed, for example, as well as those great docs, the church st. Augustan st. Thomas Aquinas in Saint Alphonsus over the past three centuries. This teaching has been reaffirmed by Rome on at least three separate occasions. Okay? So in order to avoid mistakes and explaining the great reveal truth of the church, there's no salvation. We must remember in the first place, there are four truths that everyone at the use of region must be believed to be saved. We must also clearly understand that no one can go to heaven unless he's in the state of sanctifying grace and its sanctifying. Grace is not caused by an culpable ignorance and Caldwell ignorance also insults called invincible ignorance. It just means that a man could not remove this ignorance by using reasonable diligence to find out the truth. Speaker 0 00:25:41 That's what it means. So invincible ignorance is not as sacrament. Invincible ignorance can not even dispose the soul for receiving sanctifying. Grace, much less. Give this grace to the soul. Invincible ignorance has never been a means of grace or salvation. Not even for invincible ignorant people live up to their conscience. We've already talked about invisibly ignorant, heathens that live up to the consciousness. We're talking about these here, but the principle is the same. Don't think that invincible ignorance is what moves a person to this state of grace, Saint Thomas Aquinas points out. And just to remind herself that God in his mercy will lead these souls to the knowledge of the necessary truths of salvation. Even send them an angel if necessary, to instruct them, rather than let them perish without their fault. If they accept that grace they'll be saved as Catholics. So it's not the invincible ignorance that puts him in a state of grace. Speaker 0 00:26:28 That's an important part. If they're invincible ignorant and they're following the light of good and the falling light of reason to do what's good and avoid what's evil, then they will get what they need. Whether it be a private revelation, whether it be an angel, whether it be a missionary, they will get what they need to make sure they're saved. But then I just go through this paranthetically to make sure, cause a lot of times you hear people explain it as if invincible ignorance is what disposes him. No. Is it not a very uncharitable doctrine to say no one can be saved out of the church. On the contrary, it is a very great act of charity to assert most emphatically that outside of the Catholic church, there's no salvation possible for Christ. His apostles had taught this doctrine in very plain language. He used sincerely seeks. Speaker 0 00:27:09 The truth is glad to hear it and embrace it in order to be saved, but are there not many would lose the affection of their friends or comfortable homes or temporal goods, prospects, and business where they become Catholics would not Christ excused them under sex circumstances from becoming Catholic as the affection of friends, crisis only declared who loveth with father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. And he didn't love his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. As, as to the loss of temporal gain. He has answered what shall it profit a man if he gained the whole world and suffered the loss of his soul, but would it not be enough for such one to be Catholic and hard only without professing his religion publicly, nor for Christ is so many declared that he should be ashamed of me. Speaker 0 00:27:51 And my words of him, the son of man shall be Shane was when he should come in his majesty and that of his father and of the Holy angels, but not such a one safely put off being put received in the church to the hour of death to put off being received in the church. Dollar death is to abuse the mercy of God and exposed himself to the danger of losing the light and grace of faith and direct probate. What else keeps me from becoming Catholics many know very well that if they became Catholic, they must lead honest and sober lives. Be pure, check their sinful passions in this they're unwilling to do. Our Lord says men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. There are none so Def as those that will not hear what falls from the fact that salvation can only be found in the Roman Catholic church. Speaker 0 00:28:37 It falls that it's a very imperious for anyone to think and say, it matters very little. What a man believes provided me. An honest man has exterior. Honesty may be sufficient to keep him out of prison, but that's not sufficient to keep him out of hell. What conclusion therefore should every non-Catholic draw from this conviction and this conviction, every non-Catholic should draw the practical conclusion to become a Catholic. When there's a question about eternal salvation and eternal damnation, a sensible man would take no chances just a few weeks ago in his sermon on the feast of st. George Pope Francis reminded us all of his dog. When he said, quote, the church is a mother who gives us the faith mother who gives us an identity. Christian identity is belonging to the church because it is not possible to find Jesus outside the church. The great Paul, the sixth said wanting to live with Jesus without the church, following Jesus outside the church, loving Jesus without the church is an absurd contradiction close quote, Pope. Speaker 0 00:29:43 Let's close today on this great feast to Pentecost. Let us thank God for this gift, this price, this gift and belonging to the one true church, the one church outside of which there is no salvation we've been giving the priceless gift of belong to the one true church. And we can never be thankful enough, but as great as that gift is, it is not enough to keep us from being damned. We started by asking how many people that we each know actually put God first in everything. Let us make absolutely sure that it can't be said of us. That God is not first. Let us renew our devotion to our lady and beg her to give us the grace to strive with singleness of purpose, to seek first to kingdom of God and his justice right onto our dying breath.

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