
November 28, 2004 00:25:01
Veritas Caritas

Nov 28 2004 | 00:25:01


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the first Sunday of advent church or places before us and as a world. We've been considering it last week and we'll continue this week. Let's quickly review what we saw last week. First, we saw there's no point in having some kind of chicken, little, the sky's falling connection fair. When we started thinking about this topic, no matter what happens during the course of our life, if we're in a state of grace and we're doing our duty, we'll be all right. We're all going to die. We're all going to be judged. It's important thing. It's not so much when we live, but how we die. Important thing is to stay in a state of grace. Then whenever we die, we'll be saved. Finally, that's what matters. Second, we also learned what the word type means. A type is a person, a thing or an action that actually exists, but it's also intended by God to prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing. Speaker 0 01:12 Your action, and we took several examples. For example, jail. The woman in the book of judges. Remember she's the woman that saved Israel by tonning, a Ted tent stake to the head of an enemy chin. We saw that there's at least three types in that story. Obviously Israel really exists of itself, but Israel is also a type intended by God to prefigure the Catholic Church. Gender meet general really existed, but he is also a type intended by God to prefigure the devil and the enemies as a Catholic Church in JL. The woman who crush the head of this enemy channel really existed too, but she's always intended to be a type of the blessed Virgin Mary. And we noted too, when we look at her statue right here, what do we see our lady doing standing on the head of the serpent? Crushing the head of the serpent. Okay. Speaker 0 02:11 In other words, we can look at a type like jail and by looking at what she forced sad is we can learn certain things about our lady. So what's a type of time cause a person figured action that actually exists. But you also can have like a prefigure or foreshadow a future person thing or action. Okay. Then we saw in second Thessalonians two three Saint Paul explicitly teaches that the end of the world can't come unless first there'll be an apostasy. She's a great falling away from the Catholic faith and then the antichrist, her, the man, his sin be revealed. Then we took a quick look at a historical example, which the father, son doctors have always considered to be a very clear type of the great apostasy, the pasta scenes rose in which occurred around 170 BC. We saw, among other things, the Jewish people prefigure, the Catholic people, the Jewish priests, prefigure, the Catholic priests did Jewish Campbell prefigures, the Catholic church in parishes and the city of Jerusalem prefigures the world. Speaker 0 03:23 Then based on the indications we saw in our quick look at the prefigurement of the apostasy, we realized that during the greater cost itself, we would expect to see such things as the behavior inside Catholic churches becoming increasingly on becoming disruptive and irreverent Catholics abandoning the truth face and the traditions of their fathers. I turned into PSI to false religions, paganism and worldliness, and amongst both the lady and the crease would expect to see a dramatic rise in the modest behavior dress. It perversities most notably certain politically correct sins and those associated with Boston. Finally, we saw that for the last century, DePaul had been explicitly warning us about the great apostasy so much for the view. Now that we've taken a brief look at the great apostasy as prefigured by the posture in Jerusalem around hundred 70 BC. Let's take a quick look at the ruler who prefigures Stan and Christ. Speaker 0 04:31 After Alexander the Great died in three 23 BC, his kingdom was broken apart in four parts at the time of the Maccabees, some hundred and 50 years after Alexander's death, the part of his kingdom, which included the Holy Land, was ruled by the Greek King of Syria, a man named and Titus Epiphanes anti kiss, epiphanys, prefigures anti Christ today will consider certain features of his rule. Why? Again, because they clearly see the foreshadowings and clear an idea, it'll give us of the actual future events they point towards. So we'll do this by first reading from the holy scriptures selections out of first and second book of Maccabees. For the sake of time, I've cut and splice things together. There's a lot more here than we can possibly cover, such as like it's something we'll select first from the scriptures and then after we read the scripture, we'll turn to the great scriptural commentary prepared some 400 years ago by that saintly Belgian Jesuit Father Conan is to laugh at it, who at the order of the call spent 40 years assembling the works that the church fathers, you know, massive 21 volume line by line commentary on the scriptures. Speaker 0 05:51 So let's get started. Inspired word of God, quote in some of the Jewish people determined to make a covenant with the, he ends and went to the king and ty kissed epiphany's and he authorized them to follow the ordinances of the heathens because code cornea is still happening. Quote, the leaders did this so that they might introduce gentile rituals and customs and especially false religions and idolatry and the attending unrestrained, unbridled, open lusts, do GTM. There's that link between false religions. Idolatry and lost. Who went to Antiochus Epiphanes with this request. Koininia <inaudible> quote, the leader of the wicked man was Jason, who treacherously managed to seize the hide priesthood for himself. Close quote, what's going on? We she ambitious upstate priests paving the way for the tyrannical rule of the a kiss. Epiphanes last week we saw the state that the people fell into. We saw the resolving apostasy. Speaker 0 07:01 It bears repeating as he can. Priest I know likes to point out whenever you see the church go down, it's always an inside shot. So what happened after the process? We had ground full bloom inspired word of God quote, and it came to pass through the whole city of Jerusalem for the space of 40 days. There were seen horseman running in the air, in gilded rain and armed with spears like bands of soldiers and horses said an order by ranks running one against another with the shakings of shields and a multitude of Nan with helmets drawn swords, casting of darts and glittering of golden armor and of harnesses of all sorts. Wherefore all men prayed that these prostitutes might turn to good close crow. Courtney, and so after they called indeed, this part tent was done by the angels at the command of God. That through these things, God might warn the Jews beforehand about the tap soon to be made upon him by Antiochus Epiphanes close quote or the corniest. Speaker 0 08:09 The labadie then describes a whole series of other examples of similar angelic signs and core tents that happened in the skies before battles, including one seen by Saint Gregory, the Craig, and even one that he himself had witnessed as a youth before. A great though the time doesn't permit us into getting into all that. Okay. So now that the Lord has warned us, every one of the upcoming attack Antiochus Epiphanes arrived on the scene in Jerusalem, inspired word of God, quote and Antiochus went up to Jerusalem with a great multitude and he cook the Shitty by force of arms and he can add soldiers to kill and not to spare any that came in their way and to go up into the house to slay that there was a slaughter of young and old, a destruction of lemon and children and killing of virgins and infants. And there were slain in the space of three whole days, eighty thousand forty thousand and made prisoners and as many sold as slaves closed quote, those numbers might not seem so remarkable given modern weaponry, but we think that's up close and personal with his sword to kill 80,000 he's incredible. Speaker 0 09:21 That's still not all inspired word of God. Quote like this was not enough. Antiochus Epiphanes presumed all so to enter into the temple, the most holy and all the world and taking and it's wicked hands, the holy vessels and where do we handled it? Profaned them and he proudly entered into the sanctuary and took away the Golden Altar and the candle stick of light and all the vessels and that the ale and the crowns and the gold Nord and that that was before the temple and he broke him on pieces. He took the silver and gold and the precious vessels. He took the hidden treasures, which he found and what he taken it all. He departed in his own country. Close quote, what's going on? Well, I just allow this Erik and pagan to strip and ponder. The temple inspired word of God gives a she answered called God was angry for a while because of the sins of inhabitants of the city, and therefore this contempt had happened to the place in the holy place itself. Speaker 0 10:27 Shared in the evils of the people. Close quote comments from HEDA called tempos and sacrifices are for our own advantage. God has often suffered sacred places to be profane when piety has been disregarded. Close quote, what's the point? How last week we saw what had happened instead of being piles instead of clinging to the true faith in large part that you wish people in the priests had turned away become a positive comments from Haydock quote, all religious rights are designed for God's glory and Man's welfare. Hence, when they seek to serve God, the holy things are destroyed or taken away. Close quote, all religious rights are designed for God's glory and Man's welfare. When she's to serve God, the holy things are destroyed or taken away. The holy things are destroyed or taken away when they're no longer used for God's glory. Man's welfare. There's a very important, a very serious message here for each of us. Speaker 0 11:43 This beautiful face, this beautiful ledger, they're all ours to lose. If we're not pious for that series of avoiding sacrilegious communions, every kind of irreverent behavior, trading off families in the same way, God will take this all away, all of it he's done before, he'll do it again. That's not a prophecy. That's a certainty. God means what he says, and he won't be mocked or trifled with this for very long. So far we've seen death in Prophet nation and this tripping of the temple, but it gets worse than started. Word of God, quote and King on Thai Kiss Road call his kingdom that all the people should be one and everyone should leave his own law and many events. Rail consented to a service and they sacrificed to idols and profane the sabbath. Whosoever would not do this, she'd be put to death close quote Corny, so half a day and anti caucus commanded. Speaker 0 12:53 There should be uniformity and faith. Your religion said all the people would be United and the same superstitions and idolatry just to say we're all United in the same kingdom and therefore the Jews should have banned in the laws and the worship of God handed down to Moses and to file themselves with sacrilegious sacrifices. The superstitions in idols and the gentiles and many of Israel consented here we see the exclusive claims, that true religion being put to the test and we see many of the Jews actually coming Pagan, I call it, but it gets worse inspired. Word of God, quote, can tie, kiss set up the abominable idle of desolation upon the altar of God. And it built altars throughout all the cities and chewed around roundabout. They cut in pieces and Burt with fire the books of the laws of God and everyone with whom the books and the testament of the Lord was found. Speaker 0 13:53 And whosoever observed the law of the Lord they put to death according to the edict of the king and they sacrificed upon the altar, the idol that was over against the altar of God. Close quote, Koininia slap today. Fantastic. His wish to abolish the worship of the true God and to forced to choose to go or his idle <inaudible> wish to be worshiped as one with the God showed himself. Not only give, you want to force the Jews tissue away from the worship of God to the worship of chills. At the same time, he wanted to force them to commit impurities, which is plainly the work of the devil. Therefore, Antiochus ordered that the eyelid show be placed in a temple dedicated by solemn right and adored, and that the temple from that point, because the temple of chill on this alter, they sacrifice now only to jove, but to antichrist himself as if he were God. Speaker 0 14:55 For he himself wish to be worshiped as a god, just as it was predicted by the Prophet Daniel. Therefore, anti kiss does it tie because the anti Christ behold this is indeed the abomination of desolation predicted more than 300 years before by the Prophet Daniel. So there we see the abomination of desolation in a temple, a Pagan Isler, a demon worship is the paid by the Pagans. It's set up the temple, the true God and false worship is offered to it. Inspired word of God quote, and when the Feast of back this was killed, kept the Jews were compelled to go about crown with Ivy and honor attackers and whoever would not concern themselves to the ways of the gentiles should be put to death. Because quote Cornelius to laugh at and quote when the Bacchanalia that is the face to back. As for celebrate with drinking, dancing, public spectacles, impurities and all of the sins of the flesh, the Jews were forced to wear couns advisory on her back, his Nicole around the temple where the city, the city of God, that great work written by the Great Bishop and Dr. Church. Speaker 0 16:07 Saint Augustan has a chapter entitled concerning the shamefulness of the rights which are celebrating and honor back Backus. The rights are so foul and even Saint Augustin's restrained descriptions cannot be read from the pulpit. There's plenty more, but we can all get the general picture. I remember what the type is. It's a person, a finger, an action that actually exists, which is also 10 about guide to 0.4 to prefigure foreshadow a future person thing or action. Keep in mind that Antiochus Epiphanes is it tied to the Anti Christ? So he prefigures anti Christ to Jewish people prefigure the Catholic people, but you as your priest prefigure the Catholic creeks, the Jewish temple, a particulars of Catholic Church and Catholic parishes and the city of Jerusalem prefigures the world based on indications we've seen in the prefigurement of both look great across C and anti Christ. And because the Lord has specifically commanded us to read the signs of the Times, watch he therefore, and bless me, see that. Speaker 0 17:19 Watch her. Here are a few signs. The Catholics, I want to be on the lookout for signs. As we saw last week, behavior inside Catholic churches becoming increased, the unbecoming disruptive near efferent sign. Catholics abandoned the true faith and traditions to their fathers and turning to false religions, paganism and worldliness sign amongst both the lady increase the dramatic rise in a modest dress, perversities and behavior, most notably certain politically correct sins and all that's associated with Boston Schein. Catholic priests neglecting that priestly duties and especially the holy sacrifice, the mass and the application of the ones for all sin offering to sinners in the confessional shine, shines and poured pants in the sky. He today's Gospel when the Lord speaks of signs in the sun, it's hard not to think of Fatima Schein wholesale slaughter martyred done with Catholics shine puff nation and stripping of the beauty sacred vessels and treasures find in Catholic churches sign persecution and punishment for keeping laws of God. Speaker 0 18:36 On that note the remarks made by Cardo Ratzinger last week. That worth noting, he pointed out that the development of a secular ideological aggression in Europe cause it cause for concern and then said quote in Sweden, a Protestant minister to preached about a certainly politically correct sin on the basis of an extrovert from scriptures was put in jail for a month. Secularism is no longer that element of neutrality, which opens up space for free him for all. He's beginning to change into an ideology which through politics is being imposed. It can see no public space to the Catholic education. Close quote, shine a push towards the United oneworld religion, which of course is not the true religion on that, nor do you are I. The United Religions Initiative founded in 1995 also deserves a closer look. The goal of the United Religion Religions initiative is to create a spiritual equivalent of the United Nations, which encompasses all religions and all types of spirituality. Speaker 0 19:47 Well, nearly all religions and all types of spirituality. Keep in mind there are more than one type of spirit. The stated goals of the Uri include peace and unity among religions, so suggest is and of course preservation or the environment. At the 1997 year I summit conference of Public Worship Service included a procession of 15 banners with symbols. The symbols represented the world's religions could either banner for wicked. That's the neo pagan witchcraft movement. The 15th Banner I had on at an empty silver circle representing the religions which are to come. We shouldn't be particularly alarmed at this, but we should pay attention. Signed the abomination of desolation, who acting vitals and Catholic churches and false idolatrous worship being given to them and ultimately to the headlight Christ himself on this. No, it's worth considering an advance which took place in May, may very well be a preview of coming attractions. Speaker 0 20:55 On May 5th of this year, Portuguese television broadcast, a quote, uncommon ecumenical experience close called this uncommon ecumenical experience took place in the chapel, built on a very site where a lady appeared to the children at Fatima Hindus, led by their priest, actually committed an act of like Autry at the altar by offering our lady something called Pooja, which is for them divine worship is vague, explained. They regard Mary has a manifestation of God, not as an actual historical woman, distinct from the creator, but it's one of their avatars or divine manifestations. Not every lady, but an Avatar. The Hindus made just so clear that even the television commentator understood it and repeated it as a broadcast said, quote, this is the day dedicated to the greatest of all female deities. She's called the most holy mother, the Goddess Debbie, the Deity of nature, who many Portuguese Hindus also find in Fatima, a Hindu lady in the broadcast explained called as a Hindu who believes the whole world. Rather, all human beings are members of a global family and we natural for me to see any manifests station of God including our lady of Fatima as a manifestation of the same God. Close quote the newscast and shows the Hindus bring flowers to the statue of our lady and side of the Catalina, which is the little chapel bill, a spot where a lady appeared. The Hindu priest stands at the alter and recites a Hindu prayer. The Hindu priest scans at a catholic alter and recites a Hindu prayer. Speaker 0 22:44 The TV announcer states coat. This is a unique moment in history of the sanctuary and the devotion itself. Well, as a parent's critical comment, that's an understatement. The Hindu priests, the Shastri recites it to all to the shanty Paul, the prayer for peace. Close quote, the broadcast added with the image of the Hindu priest wrapping the bishop and rector of the shrine and Hindu prayer shawls decorated with verses from the God <inaudible> and most popular of Hindu religious books. What do we think of all this? Well, let's consult God. Psalm 95 five coke, all the gods to the cant tiles are devils coats quote. That's the holy ghost shine. The wholesale rise in the worship of Backus. Remember the Pagan Feast of backups? The Bacchanalia was celebrated with drinking, dancing, public spectacles, impurities, and all the sins of the flesh. These events still exist back in Dalian still exists. Speaker 0 23:46 Drinking, dancing, public spectacles in <inaudible> in the flesh. It's just been electrified. Smarter and rock concert is David always says, and he ought to know quo. Rock and roll has always been the devil music close. Cool. So if we were heating our Lord's command to watch, he said a few of the shines we might want to watch for the popes have already given us a pretty fair notion of where in history we're living now. What are we supposed to do with God? Remember it. God's in charge. He loves this. He knows exactly when in history he wanted each one of us to live. We don't need to imitate chicken. Little, we need to do our duty and our state in life. We need to get serious about keeping the commandments get serious about our faith. Get serious about curling and holiness every day. Sarah Rosary three hail Marys and other prayers. What the bronze, Catherine, stop standing. Go to confession about every two weeks. Make seven communions. Put God first and become home. Do your duty. It's pretty busy doing your duty.

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