St. Josaphat

November 17, 2017 00:05:30
St. Josaphat
Veritas Caritas
St. Josaphat

Nov 17 2017 | 00:05:30


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Speaker 0 00:00:01 I'm Maria Prisma and the name of the father and the son and the Holy spirit. Amen. It's a face that st. Joseph fat Ruthenian Bishop and Maher. He was born, I think in 1580. It's where he's born, I think is now part of the Ukraine. And at the time the Ruth Tinian people were still in CISM. They were under Moscow. And, uh, and, uh, but when he is, when he's a young boy, his mother was talking to him about the passion of price and, uh, from a Holy icon of our Lord, there was a, uh, like a dark that came out of spiritual dark when it was heart. And wouldn't it, his heart and filled it with some kind of spiritual flame when he's 16, then through Tinian, uh, bishops signed the treaty of breasts. So they recognize the concept of Florence and they came under the Holy sea and that split through Athenians. Speaker 0 00:00:53 And there's one reason it's split, not just sexism. Let's be clear. CISM is a mortal sin, not against the faith. It's a mortal sin against charity because you're refusing to be in communion with other people. They're in communion with Christ and communion with the Holy father. And so it's a mortal sin against charity, but there's strong motivations after a while in CISM to not come back and union because things always start falling apart. And what happened on the Orthodox side of the world still going on. And in fact, it's going on now in our side of the world, which is just unbelievable, is that they started permitting more than one merit. So you could be a serial polygamous. You get your first marriage, uh, in the Orthodox seats up at the alter. The second one is a penitential marriage down the aisle, where in violet, I don't know what a third one is in a graveyard. Speaker 0 00:01:45 I mean, I don't know how it works, but the point is is you get to keep trading your wife in on a new model. Well, if you're in that situation, it's going to be hard to humble yourself and say, wow, this really isn't my spouse. And come back in union with Rome. And so that's part of the thing that's oftentimes left out of, like, what was the motivation for some people that come in and others not, it's always a grace to come in, but some of them can resist that even though they recognize it's the right thing. So he's 16. He does that when he's in his early twenties, he works as a tradesman for awhile. He's in his early twenties, he becomes a month order of Saint basil. Then it becomes an argument or ID, which is like an Abbott in, on the Greek side of the church. Speaker 0 00:02:28 And then he ends up kind of against his will becoming an art or an Archbishop. And so another on the Moscow side of things, there's another man appointed Archbishop of the same. See, so you have two guys one's Catholic, one's Orthodox, claiming the same area and the same people. And they're stirring up all this, uh, antagonism towards him and whatnot. He comes to visit. This is bile Russia. I can't reus. I can't think of the name of the, uh, of the town, but it's, it's not that important for, uh, for Reno. And he comes to visit him. And there's a priest. This priest it's really stirred up the people it's Orthodox priest, you know, about the, this terrible, uh, Archbishop Joseph that anyway comes out and he tells him, look, you know, what's, what's wrong. My children, I would, I'm prepared to give Don my life for union with, with st. Speaker 0 00:03:23 Peter and the Holy See, and that was prophetic because it wasn't, it wasn't very long, much later that he did, the people threw a fit. There was kind of a riot. They break into the place where he's staying and start attacking and pulling. He'd said, Matt, and he was getting prepared for the divine liturgy and they start hitting him with a stick. And then a Halberd, you know, that's one of those war axes. Like you see the Swiss guard hap and they chop him in the head and shoot him with the pistol. Then they drag him naked through the streets and all that tie rocks to him and throw him in the river. So he's in the river, but, uh, there's this glow coming up, you know, after 12 days they pulled him up. Cause his whole body is glowing and all that he's in perfect condition. Speaker 0 00:04:03 Even after being in the river for 12 days, his first miracle, by the way, is all the people, his murderers convert become Catholic. But, uh, over the years, his body was moved to head of the Soviet basically. And Atlanta at st. Peter's, he's still in corrupt. If you ever go to st. Peter's, he's at, he's in the altar of Saint basil, the great, and that is on a pistol side. And it's right. If you want to go here, they got things closed off in st. Peter's Nazi. There's a gate. You can't walk directly to it. But if you want to go to confession, you can ask to go to confession and then on your way, it's right on the left as you're going through that gate. And it be right on your right as you're coming back out. If you go to confession, he's laying there and that's him and corrupt laying right there under the alter. Speaker 0 00:04:48 They don't have a little sign saying incorrupt, that's actually him laying there in his Pontifical, vestments in corrupt. So, anyway, that's just a little bit about st. Jehosaphat's a Bishop and a Marta for union with the Holy. See, it can be hard to stand you in with the Holy See, we have to pray because it's a grace. We have to pray to stay in union. That doesn't mean we approve of everything they're doing up there. You couldn't possibly do that and be a faithful Catholic. We have to pray. He'd be a good Saint to pray to that we stay in union. And those that aren't come back in Speaker 1 00:05:27 <inaudible>.

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