The End Times (part 2)

January 06, 2003 00:21:30
The End Times (part 2)
Veritas Caritas
The End Times (part 2)

Jan 06 2003 | 00:21:30


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Speaker 0 00:01 Okay. Last week we took a brief look at the six eight in the world according to the father and then the six absolutely certain signs in the world according to Saint Robert, Bellarmine, dr the church, and then we took a brief look at that. Most menacing of man van. I cry but a few points. Again, remember that the most important thing is not when in history that we live, but how we die. The most important thing, the very most important thing, it could die in a state of gray. That's the purpose of the Catholic church is to help you have a Holy death second for you, for all while any of these wraps or books, anything by Hal Lindsey, any left behind any of that kind of trash, get rid of it, put it the Woodstone third point, if some of the things we talk about seem difficult to understand, there's a reason that it is difficult to understand. Speaker 0 00:58 The church teaches that prophecy is only completely understood and its fulfillment. Therefore for safe guidance, we're sticking very close to st Robert, Bellarmine, dr the church and all that were greatly a briefing book which would run out four to a hundred pages if it was put in modern type setting and translated. So basically what I'm doing for you here is a book report. The two woven, not a quote, two paraphrases of Saint documents were Crowder bellman's work on the anti Christ and I am refraining from adding my own opinion. The one unavoidable influence that I'm having is that I can only see who act a certain amount of material to the Scott. Therefore, I selected those six points that seed Robert emphasizes. It'd be absolutely certain as the outline for these two sermons and then within those categories, in his discussions, I tried to select the explanation and comments that st Robert States are the most certain from the teaching of the fathers. Speaker 0 01:55 Again, the resource spending so much time on this is not simply because the church price is this before I two Sundays in a row, but also because there's so many crazy ideas floating around and I hear him regularly from the lips of Catholics that ought to know better. So this is sort of a let's substitute truth for lies a series. Okay, quick review. We saw the history of the world can be broken into six eight is the first day is Adam to the flood. The second day, the flood to Abraham, the third age, Abraham to King David, the fourth age King David to the Babylonian captivity, the fifth age, the Babylonian captivity until the birth of Christ, our Lord, the sixth and final age. The world lasts from the first Christmas to the last judgment and then it's the end of time. We saw that there are two basic divisions to the sixth stage of the world, the Gentiles coming into the Catholic church. Speaker 0 02:50 But you had, I was going back out of the Catholic church. We saw that there are six absolutely certain signs and then that at the end of the world to signs which proceeded in that Christ or the gospel, much be preached in the whole world of the Roman empire must be terminated. The two signs which accompany dad, I cried, the preaching of Enoch and Elias, also known as Elijah with Savage persecution at ending involve public mass. And then the two signs which fall upon the rule, the antichrist or its destruction and the end of the world. We took a brief look at the first two signs and more of a time at the meeting of the termination of the Roman empire and saw in some it means that until the end of the world and I cry, we were strained. Who? Seizing power by the power of the Roman empire. Speaker 0 03:37 In some sense, the Roman empire will last in some sense until the great apostasy, which is a rejection, the true faith by the Gentile nation. And during this time there'll be 10 Kings ruling 10 democracies. And what used to be the Roman empire. 11th Kingo rise up, subdued three of the 10 Kings and another seven will submit to him the power of the Roman empire will disappear once the West is subject to the East. The power will shift to Asia specifically. Did you ruse them? We took a quick look at Dan, I Christ, he'll be Jewish and observe the Jewish laws. At least for some time. You will not be the devil incarnate, but he will be possessed in the most perfect bodily and swear, let's say. Although the number of his name is six six six we're explicitly forbidden from guessing who he might be using this number in order to avoid wanting up as one of his followers. Speaker 0 04:28 He will rule the world from Jerusalem. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ and Institute Jewish laws. He procaine itself to be Christ in God and will demand to be worshiped as such and will attack all of the gods and even the true guy. So that's where we left off last week. I will continue by looking at one more ugly feature, the man of sin, and then we'll continue with more of the certain signs then times so they anti-Christ, continue Saint Robert points out that it's clearly taught in both scripture, the 24th chapter, st Matthew, the 13th chapter of the apocalypse, the second chapter, second test alone eons, as well as in tradition that the antichrist will present quads and Brack was powers of satanic origin. In other words, who will be able to perform many marvels which appeared to be miraculous, he will appear to be able to raise the dead and heal the sick. Speaker 0 05:25 These will be demonic illusions, not true healing. All his marvelous will have natural causes, but these causes will be hidden from them. For example, the 13th chapter that Bach lips, the dragon gives his power and throne and great authority to the beast. Then one of the heads of the beat has a mortal wound, but this wound is healed, which makes the whole earth fall the beast with wonder. So one of the heads of the beach has this mortal wound. The wounds healed, the whole earth falls. The beast with wonder. Saint Robert explains this passage about the beach head having a mortal wound, which is in Hill quot. Nearly all the ancient fathers explained this of the antichrist himself who will fake his own death and then by diabolical powers, raise himself up again. He said he might imitate the true death and resurrection of Christ, and by this means to do this many close quote, all the fuck I'll teach you. Speaker 0 06:23 The antichrist will be the most incredible magician. He'll be possessed by the devil from his very conception, or at least his infancy, and you will be able to reform all his marvelous busted antique car seats. Hero States, Danna Christ will the be the most very highly instructed magician learned in witchcraft spells and the black cards and there's marbles are called lying wonders because they're performed by the father of lines. So I've seen a few more details about anti Christ. He'll be possessed at least incident, punny, infancy, there'll be learned and all the call darts, sorcery, incantations, and so forth. Because of his incredible powers, his satanic origin, he'll be able to reform things which appear to be true miracles to men. Why will the antichrist perform these miracles? Saint Robert know that the purpose of all these wonders, but we did so that he can prove that he's God just as Christ our Lord did true miracles to demonstrate his divinity so that Christ will do these miracles so he convince everybody he's the cry so he can convince everybody that he's got okay. Speaker 0 07:29 Now let's pick up again with absolutely certain signs. First the two signs which will accompany the anti crux. First one, the preaching of Enoch and Elias and the second one, the persecution. The preaching of Enoch and Alliance is a great cramp of Noah. You can look that up, the Genesis five but he was taken up. That means all of us are descended from me. Not Elias or lie is the prophet who is oil. No was taken up in the chariot of fire. Neither of them have died yet. Saint Robert points out that scripture proves these two prophets will live and will return. They will return to preach against the anti Christ. Enoch will preach principally to the Gentiles in Elias, principally to the Jews. They'll both preach and perform miracles convincing many to reject and I cry and it turned back to the Holy thing. St Roberts States that is heresy or proximate to heresy to deny that the two witnesses and the apocalypse are Enoch and a lot thanks to lie is preaching. Speaker 0 08:35 The Jews were largely convert. Saint Robert quote, you're not going to lie, we'll come again. They're still alive. The reason they are still living is that they will oppose the anti Christ when he comes and they will conserve the elect and the faith of Christ and indeed they will convert the Jews and this is obvious from the words and he restore all things or to restore all things means to call out Jews and cakes and perhaps many Catholics who had been deceived by the antichrist and the true faith. Close quote Saint Robert diamond after their preaching, you're not going to last. We killed no lay on the streets of Jerusalem for three day while the forces of evil have what amounts to a satanic glee party then to the horror of the followers, then I Christ, they will both be resurrected and assumed into heaven. That's what st John is referring to in the 11th chapter, the apocalypse now, I'll read a short version that I've edited just for the sake of this apocalypse. Speaker 0 09:35 11 three and falling and I will give unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesize 1,260 days clothed in sackcloth. When they have finished their testimony, the beast shall make war against them and shall overcome them and shall kill them. And their body shall lie in the streets of the great city where I Lord also was crucified and the nation shall see their bodies for three days and a half and they shall not suffer their bodies to be laid and sell fuckers. And they that dwell upon the worst earth shall rejoice over them and make married and shall send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented them. That dwelled upon there. After three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet. The great fear fell upon all of them that saw him and they heard a great voice from heaven saying to them, come up hither and they went up to heaven in a cloud and an enemies saw in him. Speaker 0 10:30 Close quote the Holy spirit. Never again. Saint Robert says, it's here. So your approximate to heresy to deny these two witnesses are you knocking Alliance? So summing that up, you're not going to lie if you're still alive. Coming back during the reign of the anti Christ oppose him with preaching miracles to convert the Jews who will finally become Catholics. Also to convert heretics cakes and Catholics who have been duped but anti Christ, they'll be killed. They'll lay out in the streets of Jerusalem. After three days they'll be raised from the dead and assumed into heaven. Now the persecution Saint Robert quote, absolutely all the evil men together shall be in the army, the antichrist and show with the open authority attack. All the saints of the church are nowadays. There are many men who pretend to be in the church who can seal their mouth, but their hearts are outside the church, although their bodies are inside, but then they show all breakouts outs. Speaker 0 11:25 Saint Augustan in open persecution from their hidden hatred. Close quote, a vicious will. This persecution be Cena. Guston says that during the time the antichrist, the devil shall be loosed and therefore the persecution will be that much greater than all the proceeding persecution in history for this persecution occurring. While the final judgment is eminent shall be the last which will be endured by the Holy church throughout the world, the whole city of Christ being a sale by the whole city of the devil as H exists, honor said Hyppolite, it's and Saint Theo say that the monitor is killed by the antichrist, but we more glorious than all the proceeding martyrs because all the monitors before the time of the antichrist had to battle against human ministers of the devil. But these last monitors, she'll have to fight against the raging devil itself. Saint Robert makes three points concerning this battle. Speaker 0 12:20 It's commenting on the 20th chapter, the apocalypse, which speaks of the battle of Gog and Magog upon the state. The three points. One, the battle of Gog and Magog is actually the battle, the antichrist against the church, the very last persecution, which the antichrist will raise up against the church all over the whole world too, and it's very probable that God signified Danna Christ himself and Magog signifies his army. Three Bana. Christ's army Magog has this strange name because of the people who are in the army. This is a very interesting point. In the book of Genesis chapter 10 there's a list of the descendants of Noah after they pop, when they populate the world after the flood is, let's just also know as a table of nations are so what? What does this have to do with the army? The antichrist, everything. See the name Magog, it's found there and Saint Robert thinks that the greater part of the army, the antichrist will either be made up of barbarians, arrive if from the land of Magog or else he thinks the army will be extremely brutal and cruel because the men descended from a Gog are proverbially noted for being Savage. Speaker 0 13:35 So the army of the antichrist will be made up of Savage men from the Gog and what does that supposed to mean? But God is the father of, of people traditionally known as it sit then sit in the Homeland of Scythians is an ancient term for region of Europe and Asia, nor for the black and Caspian sea and stretching eastward from the Denewb river to China. What do we call that nowadays? Russia and its satellite nations in central Asia. In other words, st Robert, thanks at the greater part of the army. Then I cry. So either he made up Savage men from Russia and surrounding central Asian countries. In fact, even list him or of men whose cruelty will be on the same scale as for the ending of public mass quo. The persecution anti-Christ will be the most severe in the most notorious said all public religious ceremonies and sacrifices. Speaker 0 14:25 We'll see the close quote Saint Robert. He continued to quote at the time anti-Christ because the horrible persecution, the public and daily office and sacrifice the church will see it. Danny clearly teaches in chapter 12 verse 11 and from when the time the continual check by shall be taken away, thus shall be 1,290 days. The consensus of all the fathers is that in this place, Daniel is speaking of the time of the antichrist and what this passage me did, the anti crutch will prohibit all divine worship, which is not practiced in the church of Christ and most especially who prohibit the homeowner's totally sacrifice of the mass. Crows quote, Cardinal Bellarmine, anti Christ prevent, prohibit all divine worship, which is not practice in the church of Christ and most especially he will prohibit the most totally sacrifice of the mass to the persecution. anti-Christ will be the last persecution in the world and Savage be on all previous persecution. Speaker 0 15:26 I will make a parenthetical observation in case we might wonder why this is going to be so Savage. It's because purgatory ends on judgment day. What does that mean? It means that all the saints at the end of the world have to get their purgatory Don time done before debt and that is why God will allow the antichrist to be so Savage to these people. That's been in my parent that a core marks. At any rate, the army, the antichrist, we made up largely of men from Russian Astronics, central Asian countries or of men whose cruelty will be comparable to them. The tax will be so violent that all public ceremonies, the Catholic church including the Holy sacrifice, the mass. We'll see. We'll end today by looking at one of the two signs which fall in the rule and I cry is destruction. Saint Robert teaches at the length of time that Christ will rule the world. Speaker 0 16:16 It's clear from chapter seven and 12 of the book of the prophet, you know in chapters 1112 and 13 from the book of the apocalypse. Then at Christ will rule the world for three and a half years. Explains why the time of the witnesses, the two witnesses, he not going to lie us are 1,260 days over time. The antichrist is 1,290 days and I Christ rule will be a month longer cause he'll rule for that much longer after he killed you. Knock in the lie, Saint Ambrose, st Jerome, Saint Gregory, the great st Thomas Aquinas, say that at this time. Then I cried. We'll go to Mont all of it. Then in a totally blasphemous imitation of our Lord, the Ascension into heaven, the anti Christ by the power of Satan was sin into the air, but tending that he's returning to heaven. So he lifted up by the POG demons and everybody will be admiring him as he rises up and claiming him as God, but then suddenly by the order of Christ or Lord Saint Michael will knock them out of the air the fall that are, which was swallow him up just as it did. Speaker 0 17:21 The man who rebelled against Moses and he'll fall down into hell and Evana Christ. The father's changed it about a month and a half after the death of the anti Christ, our Lord will come and judgment. That's a topic for another day. Maybe next year sometime. Okay, let's review. Today we looked at one more particularly horrible feature anti-Christ, but he'll be a master of the black arts, but sourcer like none that's ever lived, consecrated, say and possessed by him from his conception or infancy raid up and tutored and skilled in all the satanic arts of magic incantations, witchcraft and such. He'll have these appear currently miraculous powers of sit down, Anik origin, which are lies, but when she include the ability to apparently heal the sick and even raise the dead, he'll even apparently raised himself from the dead. He performs all these marbles with one goal in mind to convince everyone that he's the Christ that he has got. Speaker 0 18:18 We took a look at three more of the absolutely certain signs, the end of the world, the two signs we should company. Then I Christ, which are the preaching and the two witnesses. He not going to lie. Then a Christ persecution and his destruction. We saw that he not going to lie, they're still alive, but they're coming back during the rain and anti Christ took poor is him with pre-team miracles to convert the Jews school finally become Catholic also to convert the Catholics and the heretics. Who would do buddy that Christ we saw, they'll be killed and lay out in the streets of Jerusalem after three days raised from the dead and assume that they haven't. In terms of persecution, we saw that all the evil men in the world will be enlisted together. Army Dan, I cry. But Saint Robert thinks that the greater part of the army and Christ will either be made up of barbarians arrived and who had a Magog or else, but the army was really extremely brutal and cruel because the men from Magog proverbially noted for being Savage. Speaker 0 19:11 We saw Atlanta Magog runs from the Denewb river to China. We saw a first ship ferociously persecute Catholics cause this persecution will be so VI that all public religious ceremonies, the Catholic church will totally see. That includes a public celebration of the Holy sacrifice of the mass. Finally saw that he'll rule the world for three and a half years and then we'll attempting a blast. Myths, imitation of our Lord, Ascension into heaven from out all of it we saw at st Michael was slam dunk him right down the Hill. Why did we spend too much time on this topic? I can't even drive to NASA without seeing wraps or bumper stickers. The bookstores are full of this stuff. The TV, there's movies you can't. We have to drive out this rubbish with the truth. We have to be informed by what the church teaches and not what a bunch of people that have made these things up think well. Speaker 0 19:59 There's no such thing as the rapture. This was cooked up by price and preacher for the appointment. Brethren, about 150 years ago. John Darby, no such thing. It is pure fiction. No millennium. There's no such thing as a thousand year reign. A piece of their Lord is King. It was condensed centuries ago under the name of Kilian him. You can look that up. It's spelled a C H in 1944 the Holy office and inquisition condemned this air once more doesn't exist. I don't care what you've read, okay, but aren't we to do then don't get panicky or depress the infinitely wise God. No. It's from all eternity. Exactly what he wants us to live and they give us all the graces we need at any time in history when we're living to become the saints that he was calling us to be. Where the church militant, not the church. Cry baby for soldiers to cry. Speaker 0 20:47 Here we are in the battle. It's a battle. Anytime you live in history, who cares? But we're living in the end of the world. I don't. I'm not up here telling you that. If we are though, who cares? God put us here now he knows what he's doing. So what do we do? We live a good Catholic life. Get serious about the SAC. I'm gonna get serious about holiness. Stop sinning, growing holiness. Make good confession, make perfect communion. Let's say your daily rolling, fervent prayer. Saint Alphonsus is the man who prays. It'd be saved and man who does not pray will not be safe. It's a pretty simple equation. We just do what we're supposed to do when we're supposed to do it in the best possible way, and God will reward.

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