St. Peter Chrysologus & St. Barbara

December 04, 2017 00:04:47
St. Peter Chrysologus & St. Barbara
Veritas Caritas
St. Peter Chrysologus & St. Barbara

Dec 04 2017 | 00:04:47


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Speaker 0 00:00:02 I'm Maria. Chrisman the name of the father and the son, the Holy spirit. Amen. Faced of st. Peter cassavas in st. Barbara st. Peter was a from Imola in Italy and, uh, was the deacon of the Bishop there when this at Ravenna, the Bishop died. So in those days, when, uh, when a Bishop died in the early church, the clergy and the people would actually elect another Bishop. There were a lot of holier than we are, and they elected him and they, they, they took a trip to Rome to present him to the pulp and, and having consecrated by the Pope Saint, uh, six is the third. And so the Bishop of Mullen and his deacon, Peter went along with him. Well, in the meanwhile, st. CIC is this head has had a vision at night. We're st. Peter and Santa Paula, and Arice appeared to him, not Saint Paul. Speaker 0 00:00:53 And Arice was st. Peter's companion and Antioch for seven years before st. Peter went to Rome and then Saint Peter sent him. So he was the first Bishop of Ravenna, and they appeared to them. And in between them, they had this man and said, this is the one year to consecrate, no other to be the Bishop. And it was, it was, it was the Saint Peter Cassavetes. So when they presented themselves before the Pope, he didn't see this guy. And he said, I'm sorry, there's somebody else in your party. There's gotta be somebody else. And they're kind of confused. They leave, uh, the next day, he has the same vision the next night, and they come back and he says, there's gotta be somebody else. And, uh, and Cornelius brings his deacon. He says, that's the one I'm going to consecrate. Well, that caused a great big uproar. Speaker 0 00:01:34 Just saying six. Just told him no, I've actually had a vision in st. Peter, Tina Panera says, PIP, pick this man. So then they were good to go. So he consecrated in the Bishop of Ravenna and he went, there is Greek. It was, that was the capital of that. That was like the capital there's sea of the Western part of the empire in those days. And so you had a lot of Greek speaking people there as well. And the Greek Catholics there named Nuka sagas, which is golden words cause of his preaching. One of the, one of his sayings, that's recording the V in the Breviary doesn't work as well in English, but it's, he wants to joke with the devil will not rejoice with the Lord. And you can see plenty of applications to that. And what passes for entertainment in our day and age. Speaker 0 00:02:17 He died, I think at about four 33. So that's a little bit about st. Peter. So I guess dr. The church and st. Barbara, she's the patroness of artillery, men of architects, minor builders and st. Barbara she's from Nica media, third century, Saint Oscar. This is her dad. He's a, uh, one of these evil pagans. And he wants to meet. He actually basically has his daughter locked up in a tower. That's why that when you see assemble what that tower that's, that's her, her son, he has her locked up in a tower and doesn't really want her to have contact with anybody, especially on the Christians. And, uh, but somehow through servants or whatever, she gets word that there's the about, about Christianity and origins teaching. So she has a, a reliable servant go and talk to him about it. And he sends somebody basically camouflage has positioned it to catechize her. Speaker 0 00:03:17 So she becomes a Catholic. And at one point in time, they're doing work on the tar. And she, they put in a couple of winters. She says, I want three. I want her dad comes in and visiting, why are they, why are there three windows in this room instead of just two like order? And she says, well, because the soul there's, there's three ways that the soul receives light from the father, son, the Holy ghost. And these three are one. And he went through the roof and pulled out his sword, but she went running up to the top of the tower. So he gets up there and beats the stuffings out of her, dragged her by her hair out hazard kind of locked up, tries to start her out. She won't give up. So he drags her off to the prefect and denounces his own daughter as a Christian. Speaker 0 00:03:57 And so the prefect has her scourged and tortured with the father standing right there. You can imagine what kind of a guy this must've been. And, uh, and then she's thrown into a dungeon. Well, the Lord appeared to her that night and healed her. So then they dragged her up the next day there she's Neal. And they just said, well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna cut off orders. That'd be beheaded. And so the father claimed the right to be header. And this is the kind of guy he is. So he he'd be headed her. She instantly became a Saint, but both the prefect and he were killed by lightning. That's why she's a patroness of lightning strikes. Uh, you can pray for protection from lightning, fire and sudden death. That's what, she's a Patriot this up. She's one of the 14, Holy helpers. So that's a little bit on st. Barbara.

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