Sins of Lust: The Consequences of These Sins Against Purity

February 22, 2004 00:25:05
Sins of Lust: The Consequences of These Sins Against Purity
Veritas Caritas
Sins of Lust: The Consequences of These Sins Against Purity

Feb 22 2004 | 00:25:05


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:06 we haven't gone through the 10 commandments and we've already taken a brief look at the first five, the last time following father Lord, we briefly considered the incredible fat that God has made man and women. Joy Custodians have an absolutely amazing power. The power of cooperating with him in bringing other man into existence, a power so great that it actually makes men and women godlike. She stay off the Austin responsibility of bringing the next generation to life, of helping God himself produce these new immortal beings. We call babies and we took them all men to consider the greatness of his power by reflecting that a career, a bridge, a book, a building, a bank account. All these will pass away. His whole world is grinding slowly to an end, but a baby, a baby is immortal. Civilizations come and grow, fall apart, crumble, blow in the dust, but a baby has an eternal destiny. Speaker 1 01:29 A baby will live forever. This universe will end, but that baby will live on. If I am considering the incredible godlike quality of this creative power, this power to bring or help bring immortal beans into existence, we can really see how God like that power is. Then we can see why God's surrounded and protected it with a special virtue, the virtue of purity, and then we can't help sing. This power is really holy. That's why God has blessed him. He's blessed him with the Sacrament of matrimony and after considering that to think about how holy this power is, then we compare that creative power that God has given to married couples to that great sanctifying power he's given to the priests. We saw that the sanctifying power of the priest when it's used correctly, pours down. Grayson to souls, opens heaven and God becomes pleased with man, but that sanctifying collar doesn't belong to a priest. Speaker 1 02:43 It's a power on loan from God and it must be used exactly as God intends it to be used. The priest performs the rituals as they're in adding nothing, leaving nothing out. If it's used deliberately San of sacrilege, which calls down death and destruction and cast priests and people headlong into the pit of hell. The attitude of the priest with respect to his sanctifying power, that to the priest at least wants to be pleasing to God, is to use this great power in the way God intends it to be used. Obviously. That's really the only common sense approach to the wonderful sanctifying power of the priesthood. And similarly, we saw why the attitude of the period of heart is to only use the creative power and way God intended to be used because it too is a power on from God. And so she'd never be misused in any way or manipulate it to steal the rewards. Speaker 1 03:49 Well, presenting the first of those children God wants to bring into the world so that he can later. So having with them, we realize that as sin against the great creative power, any act of impurity is really like a sacrilege because it's betraying something sacred. It's be trained something holy. It's really taking the act really for the pleasure, speak it, be trained God's trust by abusing his blessings. It's cheating by stealing what hasn't been her. So obviously holy purity is really the only common sense approach to great creative power. The pure of heart wants to serve God the aren't going to selflessly use others and trample over babies in their singlemode drive to have a good time. So last time we looked at the beauty and necessity and selflessness for that shining via virtue purity. And we also considered that all too often, most of the serious consequences of sins against that power fall on the babies. Speaker 1 04:56 Today we'll take a quick look at the consequences of sins, which fall upon those who actually commit sins against holy period. Sins of lots in order to understand this, there's something with that or not forget we're damaged. Good. Thanks a lot Adam. We need to keep that clearly in mind because of the fall. Our passions are not completely under the rule of right reason. And remember the $4 word for this rebellion of our passions is concupiscence can keep a sense. That's the rebellion of our passions against the word of right reason. All our sense appetites that inclines is towards sin. So we are not forget that if we let our passions get all excited and carry us away, they'll carry us right into sin. But this isn't a new idea or it shouldn't be for any of us. We're all familiar with this concept. Suppose a man goes home to see his wife and unexpectedly find someone else there, right then and there, he totally flips out and kills the intruder. Speaker 1 06:05 That's a crime of passion. Everybody knows, and a crime of passion, Nan's passions have literally overwritten his right reason. And so he's literally not in his right mind when he commits the crime. And we can all see the difference between a crime committed in the heat of passion, a murder like that, a killing and a cold blooded murder. Nicole buddy crime, the murder coolly calmly, carefully and dispassionately as possible. Plans the execution of this victim. So these examples make the point that when we look at the effect that passions have on the actions of falling men like us, not just crimes. That's the only example, but the effect they have on our actions. We have two possible extremes. On the one extreme. A man can be led away with it by his passions. Two is literally out of his mind. Now the other extreme, a man acts calmly and coolly called bloodedly just and it doesn't have to be a crime. Speaker 1 07:02 Just like when we're doing an arithmetic problem or some geometry proof that makes it easy for us to understand the effects it sins against period. The sins of lust have on a man because of the violent effect of the passions. Excited by lust, the mental state of Amanda, the influence of lust is hovering somewhere here. This extreme, the out of his mind because of his passions, extreme. Okay, that's in infect that in find it less has when it inflames the passion. As Saint Thomas says, quote, lust increases the force of concupiscence and weakens the strength of the mind. The reason and the will are most grievously disorder by lust. Close quotes and comments, lost increases in the form of concupiscence. It inflames the passions and it weakens the strength of the mind. The reason and will almost most grievously disorder by lust. Now with all that is background that the mental state of a man suffering or under the influence, the left is grievously still disordered and somewhere near the out of his mind through the passion extreme. Speaker 1 08:20 Given that let's take a few minutes to consider the short term and longterm effects on a man who sins against period. The short term effects according to Saint Thomas, the sins of lust give rise to series of four problems and the reason for problems first is intellectual blindness. The image in <inaudible> nation gets messed up because of the violent excitement that last causes and the passion, the raging passions color the image so to speak, which means that the picture of reality and his imagination is fuzzy and it blurred and exaggerated. Now because of the image and the imagination is messed up, they intellect, which relies on the imagination to stay in contact with reality just isn't getting a clear focus. In fact, if can't, all that's available is a distorted passion. Overwritten picture. Okay? That's what's going on in imagination because the man's inflamed, so this lust just wax. Speaker 1 09:32 His whole thought process is out of kilter and the more perverted or depraved the sins more the passions distort the image and sold them all out of whack and mental picture becomes, okay. Now this problem directly affects the decision making process of this man because of his blindness. The whole process of choosing the right means to get something done gets knocked out of kilter as well without going through all the details. In a nutshell, here's what happens when someone is who's committed. A sin of lust is trying to make a practical judgment. In other words, when he's trying to side, how should I do this? How should I go about this? And he's trying to decide what's the best way to get this done? He's got some real problems. Why? Because of unruly passions have distorted his imagination. Now he's got that mental blindness. That means that even though intellectually he may have a very clear understanding of how a problem ought to be solved, he can't. Speaker 1 10:30 You see how to solve this particular problem because it's precisely because he can't get the particulars in with his imagination going all over the place. He may understand the principles, he just can't completely put them into practice. We'll follow St Thomas very closely to see how this works and then we'll go back and give an example so it's not too abstract. In the process of making a practical judgment a it of how to do something, the first step is to consider what are my options, what are the different ways I could get this done? But in this case, because of his mental, Brian was less full. Man is not in complete contact with reality since he's not in complete contact with reality. Since he has this warped passion of written picture, he doesn't have the ability to carefully judge all the circumstances and so he makes rash decisions. Speaker 1 11:23 He sees it on a possible solution without carefully considering the options. This is then compounded by the next step. He has thoughtlessness. That's an inability to carefully consider and compare to determine whether this particular solution he selected is the best one. Why? Because now he's got a compounding of men of blindness and rashness and those interfere with the ability to compare the different options. Then to top that all off, he's trouble buying. He can't stick to his decision. He can't decisively command something to be done even when he knows clearly that it's the right thing to do. Since he's such a slave to his passions. Since he's out here near the attic stream, his passions are dragging him around. He's not completely out of his mind, but he's right there at that level where his passions are overriding and dragging him around. Even though he knows he's, he's somewhat reluctantly getting dragged around by St Thomas. Speaker 1 12:19 Points out that less causes a man to be carried away by his passions and this caused him to be hindered from doing what is reason order to be done. Let's take an example of see how this works. We'll consider the previous occupant of the White House. No on second thought since this is a Catholic church, we won't see how this works. Suppose a man suffering from mental blindness caused by lust, realizes that he just has to break up with a particular girl. He makes harass decision. He seizes on a possible solution without carefully considering all his options. He says, I'll just go over to her place tonight and then I'll tell her it's over. He doesn't really even consider any other options. There's the rations. Then his mental blindness and this rashness preventing from really taking stock of the situation, saying if I really want to break up with her, is going over to her place the best way to get this job done, you know, which is a no brainer if you're not under the influence. Speaker 1 13:22 So there's a problem of thoughtlessness. He just thoughtlessly goes along with the first thing that came to his mind, but he drives over. They're bound and determined to break up with her. He walks in and he tells her it's over baby, and then what does she do? Naturally she starts crying. Sure enough, he's inability to stick to decision kicks in. She's crying, he feels terrible. It's resolution, flies out the window. He rushes over the comforter and end of story. So therefore, levels of darkness inflicted on the intellect by sins of lust. First mental blindness. Imagination is carried away by the passions. Second, rashes and judgment because a man blinded by lust can't clearly see what's appropriate in this particular situation. Third, thoughtlessness because this man's blindness and rashness keep him from carefully considering and choosing the best of his options and forth in constancy. Because this man is so carried away by his passions, he's actually hindered from doing what his reason tells him ought to be done so much for the damage. Speaker 1 14:30 Cod comes to reason by the sins of lust. What about the damage to the will therefore problems here in the first place because of the disordered state of Alaska? Man, the basic setting for his will is love. Why? Because he has a distorted desire for sinful pleasures and he longs to himself. The second problem is from the will is your natural state resulting from this state of self love. It's hatred of God, a man who suffers from last, from any period of time, and he's unwilling to separate himself from the sin. He's in love with his pleasure in himself, so naturally he begins to hate God. Why? Because God absolutely forbids the pleasure. This Nan so passionately desires that there's a variation on this thing. You can make up the god that doesn't exist. Who approves that these pleasures. That's another way of getting out of it, but it's the same thing. Speaker 1 15:25 You hate the real God, so you make up a god that that laughs about whatever the less full sins are now besides self love and hatred of God, it's also the see by the man's will is said coach third problem with last. It's love of this world. Why? Because you launched the gratifies passions. He longs and love the pleasures of this world. The final and natural problem in the will of the than the man is the stay of the future life. He despairs for salvation. Why? Because the man in love with Caren pleasures realizes at least at some level that spiritual girl requires denying himself and separating stuff from sins of lust. This is why it's not uncommon to hear people in slave by sins of less utter horrifying remarks like, well, I'll just go down to hell cause that's where all my friends will be. Speaker 1 16:17 Well, God forbid his worldly friends may all indeed end up down there, God forbid, but there sure isn't any comfort and companionship or friendship down there. So the foot problems will last. Flaman ourself, love hatred of God, love of this world and despair the future life. Now we've taken a quick look at the short term problems that sins against purity caused the individual center. Let's take a quick look at the longterm problems. The longterm effects. See Thompson quote, there's no sin in which the devil takes so much to life as an impurity because the flesh is strongly inclined towards that advice and he that falls into it can be rescued from it only with difficulty call close quote Saint Thomas because the flesh is strongly inclined to that Vice. He that falls into it. You know, only be rescued with difficulty. In other words, over the longterm sins against purity, place the center into bondage. Speaker 1 17:19 There's a simple rule. The more repeated these sins and the more perverted these sins, the more terrible the bondage. Why? Because the more these sins are repeated and the more perverted they are, the more passions they're inflamed and the more they escape the rule of reason. In fact, to the very degree that they'd been repeatedly inflamed and perverted to that very degree, it's all the more difficult to get them back under control, which is a just another way of saying the more tightly hold that sooner in slavery, more repeated, more perverted. Warren slaved. Once we understand that these sins caused problems, I've met a blindness, self-love, hatred of God, love of this world. It's there in the future life and bondage. Once we realize that because of the violent effect of the passions, excited by less the mental state of a man suffering from lust is hovering somewhere near the out of his mind. Speaker 1 18:20 Do the passionate extreme. Once we consider it all that, then it's really easy to understand why people react so violently when they hear the actual honest to God. Truth teaching of the Holy Catholic Church about period. Their passions are so inflamed and God's teaching is so threatening to the pleasures that they're really living for, that they're at a point where they can scarcely help themselves. They can scarcely help themselves. How we need to pray, how desperately we need to pray and fast and sacrifice for these people so that they will receive the grace, the miracles of graves they so desperately need to deny themselves. In order to escape this terrible dehumanizing bondage, we need to pray. We need to pray, especially because of the final and by far the most serious sin resulting from sins against purity. Saint Alphonsus. Well, sins against purity are the sins which fill hell is so in other vices. Speaker 1 19:39 The devil fishes with the hook in this he fishes with the net so that if I impurity, he gains more for hell can by all other sins. Indeed, I do not hesitate to assert that all those who are damned are damned on account of this one vice of impurity, or at least not without close code Saint Alphonsus issue and Dr the church, the final and most serious problems, they'll come from sins. The purity is eternal. Damnation we need to pray is our lady of Fatima said in August, 1917 pray, pray very much and make sacrifices for sinners. For many souls go to hell. For there are none to sacrifice for themselves and to pray for them. We need to pray your view. We've taken a quick look at the short term and long term consequences of sins against purity, which fall upon the man who actually committed those sins. Speaker 1 20:57 The short term, we've seen that these sins and find the passions that there are four levels of darkness and selected honestly, intellect because imagination, mental blindness, because he's an agitation is carried away by his passions. Lashes in judgment because a man afflicted by sex blindness can't make a clear assessment of what's appropriate in a particular situation. Fabulousness because this Nan's blindness and rashness keep him from carefully considering and choosing the best of his options in constancy because this man is so carried away by his passions. He's actually hindered from doing what his reason tells him ought to be done. We've seen that there also for problems with the will of the lustful man, self-love, hatred of God, love of this world, and despair of the future life. We've seen that the reason that centers get so agitated when the church is teaching brought up is because their passions are so inflamed and God's teaching is so threatening to the pleasures they're really basically living for if they're at the point where they can scarcely help themselves. Speaker 1 22:07 We've seen that we each need to pray fast and intercede for them over the long term. We've seen it. The more of these sins are repeated and the more perverted they are, the more the passions become inflamed and escape. The rule of reason and the very degree that the passions have been repeatedly inflamed and perverted and that very degree, they're all the more difficult to quiet down and get back under control. That's just another way of saying the more repeated and perverted the sins, the more tightly that sinner is held in bondage to his own sin. We've seen it the fine on most serious results of the sins against purity stagnation. Let's close. Speaker 1 22:53 What we're doing in these sermons is to look out at the world and see what the church sees. We're trying to take a more thoughtful and realistic approach to reality. Now on a passion charged topic like this, in fact, the most passion charged topic, there's a lot of completely stupid and evil ideas flying around, but even the smallest air here has potentially huge, perhaps even eternal consequences. Here's the bottom line. Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God. Matthew five eight the pure of heart shall see God the pure of heart. So on the one hand we have the peer part shall see God. On the other hand, we have all those her dam or dam on a cone of this one vice and impurity, or at least not without it. Purity, salvation, impurity, damnation. It's cut and dry. We have to remain here. We've got to preserve our own purity. We have to protect not only our in a sense, but antiscence and periods though, is for home, more responsible and especially of the children. Shaman three on Mary's. Remove the occasions of sin from your home. Fix Your TV so it can't show in pure images. Fix it so it's not pulling Ross spiritual sewage in your living room and into your soul sticks. It say the three Hail Mary's every morning and night. Say Rosary daily. Go to confession frequently. Make fervent communions. Say you're three. Hell, Mary's purity, salvation, impurity, damnation. It's gotten dry.

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