Sounding the Trumpet Against Pornography

March 18, 2007 00:22:42
Sounding the Trumpet Against Pornography
Veritas Caritas
Sounding the Trumpet Against Pornography

Mar 18 2007 | 00:22:42


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Speaker 0 00:01 Okay Speaker 1 00:02 is the 33rd chapter of the book of the Prophet, He Zq we read a man, speak to your people and say to them, if I bring the sword upon the land and the people and take a man from lung them and they can their watchman, and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the People, then if anyone who hears the sound of the Trump but does not take warning and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood should be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet and he did not take warning. His blood shall be upon himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming does not blow the trumpet. So the people are not warmed and the sword comes and takes. Oh, any one of them. That man is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand. Speaker 0 00:53 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:56 Well the good Lord has appointed me to be the watchman, at least over this community. So I'm going to sound the Trump for a minute. I'll use some quotes. I've cut and spliced out of Bishop Finn's recent pastor letter as of three years ago. So in a certain sense, this is actually ancient history. These, these are three years old, quote u s porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC. Six point $2 billion. Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball, and basketball franchises. The pornography industry according to conservative estimates, brings in $57 billion per year, of which the U S is responsible for 12 billion. They were 800 million rentals each year of adult videos and DVDs. Current estimates are that 20 billion is spent annually on adult video sales and rentals. Half of all hotel guests or pornographic movies. These films comprise 80% of interim entertainment revenue and 70% 70% of total interim revenue cable pay per view, a moderate 2.5 billion magazines. Speaker 1 02:15 ICANN for 7.5 billion in 2004 there were 4.2 million pornographic websites, 372 million pornographic pages. Now, keep in mind, this is three years ago in 2003 four years ago, four years ago, daily, there were 68 million pornographic search engine requests. That's 25% of the requests as if three years ago daily, there were 2.5 billion pornographic emails. The most common ways people have accidentally reach a point of graphic content on the web. Our popup windows, 55% misrepresented links, 52% misbilled URL URLs, 48% in auto links within emails, 23% 70% of 18 to 24 year old men visit pornographic sites in a typical month, 66% of men in their twenties and thirties also report being regular users of pornography. There are 40 million US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites. Children Use Internet. 96% of kids have gone online. 74% having access at home and 61% use the internet on a typical day. 90% of eight to 16 year olds using the Internet have viewed pornography online. Speaker 1 03:51 Most well doing homework. 11 years old is the average age of first internet exposure to pornography. A survey of 600 households conducted by the National Center for Missing and exploited children. Found that 20% of parents do not know any of their children's Internet passwords, instant messaging, nicknames, or email addresses. Only 5% of parents recognize acronym pos, parent over shoulder, and only 1% could identify w t g p want to go private, both of which are frequently used by teens when instant messaging incidents of child sexual exploitation have risen from 4,573 and 1998 to 112,083 in 2004 according to National Center for missing exploited children. Close quotes from Bishop Finn as if three years ago 96% of kids had gone online. 11 years old was the average age of first exposure to Internet porn and 90% of eight teach 16 year olds using the Internet had viewed porn online most while doing homework. That was three years ago. Does anyone here think the numbers have gone down since? Stop and consider what these numbers represent. Speaker 0 05:30 Okay. Speaker 1 05:31 They represent the loss of innocence. No, not the loss of innocence. They actually represent the violent destruction of innocence and the violent awakening of passions. They're are difficult to control and adults, they mean countless numbers of children locked into bondage and slave or their passion to bonded. It's so terrible for great numbers. It will last their entire life. These numbers represent a loss of baptismal innocence in staggering numbers of our children. They mean bondage. They mean moral degradation. For many, they mean a life, an entire life without sanctifying grace and a death without saying to find grace. Speaker 2 06:20 Okay? Speaker 1 06:21 We don't have to hunt around in Iraq for weapons of mass destruction. They're sitting right in our living rooms. Speaker 1 06:30 Our kids would have unbelievably better odds if we just had the bubonic plague sweeping across her nation, or if we were in an all out nuclear war, they'd have better odds in all out nuclear war. Are you kidding? Father, are you saying our kids would be better off than really cooler? Yeah, I'm not kidding. That's exactly what I'm saying, and it's not just the kids I'm speaking of. I'm speaking adults to see a plague or nuclear war only kills you physically. It only removes your physical death. Life causes physical death. Pornography causes spiritual death. As long as our children preserve the baptismal innocence, even if we get nuked, they're going to make it to heaven, but if they die and varnish to pornography, they can't get there. Speaker 1 07:21 It isn't just the children I'm worried about either. We're all week, we're all sooners besides the obvious, before I even go in on that point, besides the obvious problems with the porn, okay? There's another aspect that you should be aware of. It needs to be addressed. If someone in your house has been playing with Internet porn, it's not uncommon to find in that house that the people there have a hard time getting along theses more difficult than normal. There's more fighting. They start having bad dreams. Should they have malaise or people are angry or edgy or grouchy. They have a feeling of oppression or worse. Why? Because if someone in your house has been messing with Internet porn, there's a good chance that you have other guests in your home, guests from hell. That's not an exaggeration. A lot of porn is made for explicitly a cult purposes and they don't say this show brought to you by Satan anywhere on it. Okay. Porn is an open door. It's a wide open door and the devil's move in. I had a nice long talk with a couple excersice about this from different parts of the country and they are very concerned. They're doing land office business. Let me tell you, land office business, it goes from Hoss blessings on up cause all this stuff going on and it's because of the Internet. Speaker 2 08:43 Okay, Speaker 1 08:46 the devil's moving. We're at war and our enemy never sleeps. The Devil never sleeps. We're at war. Okay, now Sean, the trumpet. Now let's take a few minutes reviewing the ways to protect ourselves from this demonic daily OSHA of filth. We'll take a quick look at the obvious natural defenses and then a quick look at some good supernatural defenses. First, the natural defenses, take your TV, set it in the backyard, 10 gauge, full choke, 10 yards. That'll fix it. If you're not willing to do that, at least fix it so you can only see videos on it. What good is it helping you get to heaven if it's not helping you get to hell. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with the television. What's wrong? It's the stuff that's being played on TV. Television should be a fantastic instrument for culture and arts and stuff. Instead, what is it? Speaker 1 09:44 What is it? It's a raw sewer for the most part. Pouring out in your home and your mind, would you let somebody come into your house and sit there and tell us kind of stories to you and your family on your couch that's on TV all the time and you just kind of, no way you'd throw them out the door. Maybe you'd leave the door closed and run into a couple of times before you opened it up and threw him up. You wouldn't let somebody like that in your house and there it sits in your front room like an altar pouring out filth. Get rid of the thing. How bout the Internet? Don't have it at home unless it's absolutely necessary. If you have to have for your work to try to keep it at work, if it is necessary to have it at home, get the FAA filter the family link one. Speaker 1 10:21 And even though they're updated daily, daily, they're still not 100% bomb proof. Father had some fantastic advice during the mission. If your kids have to be online, you sit there with them the whole time. Don't let them wander through that dirty bookstore without you sitting there with them. You're sitting there with them. You're doing your responsibility, you're protecting them. You're not putting them in this occasion where something jumps up one thing and it's over. Their innocence is gone. They're your kids. Take care of him. Okay? Never let a child online unless a parent is sitting right there with him. Okay? That's natural defense. It's supernatural offenses. Most important is that obviously a serious sacramental life. This and this from the sacraments where we get the sanctifying grace. We need to fight these battles and get to the world. So it means making good frequent confessions and fervent communions ask you for the grace as you need to be holy, to be pure, to do your duty, your state, and your life. Speaker 1 11:26 If you're a parent, you have rights to ask for. Dude, you could special graces from God. It's called the grace of state to raise your kids to be holy, no matter what's going on in society. You got to ask for those graces and then you got to correspond, which means making tough decisions. It doesn't mean look at whatever your boss is doing. Look at what you do if you're going to become a sane. Now that doesn't mean being completely extreme and ridiculous. We're not monks, but it means was stuff like this where it's an occasional sin. You just have to make it the right thing easy and the wrong thing. Difficult. Okay, so serious sacramental life. Second, where your bronze scapular with a St Benedict's metal blessing Benedict's metal all the time. It's like armor. Don't take it off. Or lady know what she's talking about. Speaker 1 12:09 When she came to Fatima, she wasn't bored wondering what they were doing in Portugal today. She came down to tell us what we need to know where your scapular and say your rosary every day. Daily free. That means every day. So your daily Rosary, get everybody in the family. Fathers, you lead it. Okay. Daily Rosary three hail Mary's every morning, every night without fail. Say 300 Merrick's for holiness and purity. Everyone here every night, every day. If you don't want to take my word for it, <inaudible> take St Matilda's, Saint Gertrude, the Great Saint Phillip Neary, St Anthea Pattawa, he's a doctor of the church. Saint Anthony, Mary Claire at St. Letter Port Morris. Sit Down Francis the glory. He's a doctor of the church, okay? They all give the same advice. Say the three hummers in the morning for holiness and purity during the day. Three calories at night for holiness and purity at night. It's miraculous for blessing, mother, we'll take care of you and your family, okay? Speaker 1 13:04 Fathers, you can lead that every night. Get everybody saying the prayers. Have the little kids to all prayed up long before this becomes an issue. If you're having problems yourself, you can do this. Don't do it in front. Everybody else, you take your hands like this, you put them on the floor and kneel on the fingers. Yeah, it hurts. That's object. You can do it for three hail Marys. You do it for three homers cause you're seeing the bus. Mother, I'm having problems in this area. I'm going to do this little pendants you helped me out, so kneel on your fingers for three hail Marys. Okay? That's for people that are struggling. If you're not struggling to help keep you out of it. Okay, so a serious Sacramento life, Brown scapular daily Rosary, the three hail Mary's all that's fine where everything's calm, father, but what do we do when we're being tempted? Speaker 1 13:44 You're in the heat of the battle. All these terrible temptations. What do we do then? Five things. First thing is get moving. Get out of this situation, get up and go. Have a drink. Go outside, throw some water in your face. Physically remove yourself from the situation. If you're sitting in a chair, get up and we'll go somewhere. You just move. That's the first thing. It's a, it's a battle move. So that's the first thing you'll see. Number two, use a binding prayer. What's the binding prayer, for example, and the name of Jesus, I bind you, Spirit of Lust and sandy to the foot of the cross here, that and the name of Jesus. I bind you spirit of lust and send it to her, the cross. How's that go? Father, in the name of Jesus, I bind you, Spirit of lust and sand you to the foot of the cross. Speaker 1 14:28 Okay? If it's a demon, it's out of there. The spirit of fornication is the only one in the litany. You look at the litany of the saints. There's only one they name and ask not to. Why? It's not because of that, that particularly powerful. It's because we're weak in that department. Takes us out. Saint Alphonsus says with other sins, the devil fishes with a Hook with lust, he fishes with a net. Let's not get caught in that net. So the name of I bind the spirit of lust and Sandra, what are the cross? Okay, third thing. So we've got for W we're in trouble. We physically move ourselves. Get Out of situation, do a bind pair. Third thing, calling the precious blood precious by Washoe or me and protect me from the wickedness and snares, the devil. You don't have to get all the lines. You could just say, precious blood washed over me. Speaker 1 15:11 Precious, but wash her, me, our Lord shed his precious blood for sinners. If you're not in a state of grace, this will still protect you at that moment. Okay? Precious about Wash Sherman. If you're not in a state of grace, you get to the confessional though. Don't waste any time. Okay, precious. But wash over me and protect me from the wickedness in snares. Adel fourth, you calling the heavy artillery from heaven. Okay, now we've got the devil out of the picture. We've moved ourselves. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Saint Maria Goretti, Guardian Angel help me. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie <inaudible>, Guardian Angel helped me. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Maria, Goretti, Guardian Angel. Help me. I'm repeating it. So the stick in your mind, these are powerful prayers. The protect your very powerful. We were fighting as hard as we can. Then we get heaven and on, okay, if we're praying like that, we won't Speaker 3 15:58 fall. We won't fall. If we pray like this, we won't fall. Speaker 1 16:06 I only take the image in your mind, what's happening is their appetites start moving towards something good, but it's sinful. Well, it's too much to try to beat that back directly. So what a person does is you deflect it instead of trying to pose it directly. You deflect the image by imagining something that's good but not sinful. Okay? So your appetites and moving towards a good, but you just deflect him to a non sinful good. We imagined something really good and attractive that isn't sinful or something really fantastic like canoeing and Montana. What could be better than that? Okay, so you're, you're struggling with this. You have this and you just think normally think about canoeing in Montana. Then you have a really fantastic image in your head. It's going that way. So you're, you're moving, your appetites are moving towards something good, but you've deflected them towards a good that you can't get in trouble with. Speaker 1 16:50 Okay? So the five techniques for fending off disaster when you find yourself right and appoint a temptation is first, as you get moving physically get out of the situation. Second, use of binding prayer named Jesus. I bind the spirit of lust. Incentives for the cross. We chaired by Lord 30 calling the precious blood precious blood wash over me. Protect me from the wicked sin snares, the devil forth you call on heaven. Jesus, Mary Joseph, Saint Marie Karate Cardin Angel helped me and fit start imagining something that's really good and attractive that isn't sinful like Montana. Anything about Montana. Okay, finally, where St Joseph's chord. Okay, it's a chord. Blessed in honor of Saint Joseph. You tie around your waist. Now, thanks to the junior legion of Mary who made these will be given out after mass and also courtesy of junior legion and Mary each household, the beginning of the picture. Speaker 1 17:40 St Joseph One proseal. If we run out of these items and looking out here, we might. That's okay. We'll get more, you know, but we can them. I blessed him yesterday. This quarter. St Joseph is a powerful Sacramento. I'm gonna read you the English translation. The blessing I blessed him with. It's really something so it starts off a dominance of is can make cool spirit to organism or Lord Jesus Christ. Excuse me. Who did inculcate the council of Virginity and precept of chastity? We beseeched that goodness, though it's vouched. Safe to bless and sanctify this sanctuary as a symbol of purity, but all who gird themselves there with to preserve their chassis for the intercession St Joseph's spouse. So they holy mother preserve the desired virtue and obedience to the law. Maybe obtained pardon of their sins, bodily and spiritual health and eternal life. Thou who live as to readiness with God, the father and unity of the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity. Speaker 1 18:36 Amen. Doesn't stop there. Let us pray. Grant would beseech the Almighty eternal God that they who revere the inviolate chastity, the Holy Virgin Mary and Joseph, her spouse may through their intersession attained purity of body and soul through Christ our Lord. Amen. Doesn't stop there. Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God who did commit the Christ child and it's in this mother to the care of the chase. Joseph, we humbly pray that they who are girly with the sanctuary in honor of Saint Joseph and under his protection made by the goodness and his intercession, persevere and chesty for all time through the same Jesus Christ. I sent our Lord who live as who reigns with the in the you, the Holy Spirit, God forevermore. Amen. It doesn't stop there. Oh God. The restore and lover of innocence. We beseech thee through the intercession of blessing Joseph's spouse or the fairest mother that all who where the sanction may be Gert in their loins and holding burning lamps in their hands and be like two men who wait for the Lord when he should return from a wedding, that when he come to knock it, they may open unto him and be found worthy to be taken into everlasting Julie's who listen rain eternally. Speaker 1 19:34 Amen. Then there's the asparagus on it. It gets incensed. It doesn't stop there. It preserved. They servants who trusted the my God, send them aide Lord, from on high, from sign. Watch over them. Oh Lord, hear my prayer. Let my cry come onto the Lord. Be with me and with thy spirit. Let us pray. Oh God have mercy, God of goodness, the all good things pleased and without the no good is finished to Regan. Here the are lowly and treaties and Gar. They faithfully who wear this Blessitt sanction honor of Saint Joseph from contagion of the world and its desires. Granted, moreover, to persist in their holy resolution and to be freed from sin that they may merit to be numbered among dialect through Jesus Christ. I send our Lord who lives and reigns with the in the unity, the Holy Spirit, God eternally. Amen. This is a powerful blessing. Speaker 1 20:20 It's a powerful blessing. The prayers, the church effect what they signify. If you're wearing a scapular and you've taught a St Joseph's court, you got the blessed mother looking over you 24 seven and Saint Joseph and listen to the prayers on that to keep chastity and purity in your state and life. This is serious armor. The devils hate the sacramentals. They absolutely hate him. And on that note, I'll just here want to start every month having people will, we'll, I'll just put one Sunday a month with less oil for olive oil for people with bless salt. Everybody can bring it in and we'll make that holy water of the blessed Virgin Mary in St Terelli professor. So every month we'll just say it'll be one particular Sunday every month and I'll just start posting that. We'll announce that cause you need to have Sacramento. So you need to learn and to carry me to have them in your home. Speaker 1 21:12 The war we're in, these things are the weapons God's put our hands to fend ourselves not only against our own weaknesses, but all the wickedness and snares of the devil. Okay, get rid. Let's close with a review. Get rid of the TV, get rid of the Internet. It's absolutely necessary. He make darn tree has an AFL filter, family, WIC, and you don't let the kids on unless you're going to spend the time sitting right there with him. Daddy techniques for protection are serious. Stack metal life, wearing your brown scapular, praying your daily Rosary, praying three Hail Mary's and wearing your St Joseph's core. The five techniques for defending from disaster when we find ourselves being tempted are first, get moving physically remove yourself from a situation. Second, use a binding prayer. In the name of Jesus, I bind you. Spirit of Lust and Sandy. Two for the cross. Speaker 1 22:04 30 call on the precious blood, precious blood wash over me and protect me from the wickedness and snares. The devil. 40 Colon heaven, Jesus, Mary and Joseph Saint Marie Credit Guardian Angel helped me. Five, you start imagining something really good and attractive that isn't sinful, and I suggest of course, Montana. The sword is coming on the land. I've blown the trumpet and warned my people. If the sword comes and takes anyone away here, his blood, she'll be on his own head. If you'd taken warning, he would've saved his own life if it'd taken warning. He just saved his own life, his eternal life.

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