The Kingship of Christ

October 26, 2003 00:15:19
The Kingship of Christ
Veritas Caritas
The Kingship of Christ

Oct 26 2003 | 00:15:19


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Speaker 0 00:00 <inaudible> Speaker 1 00:05 today on this great feasts. Let's take a real brief overview about the teaching at church on the King ship of Christ. Now we have to always keep in mind that Nan has fallen from grace. After the fall, heaven was slammed shut. Satan and sin ruled her man's passions are disordered and sandal act becomes dark and as well as weekend and he now has trouble struggling to do the good. As we all know, man now naturally tends towards selfishness. Does she cause on personal desires without thinking the common good and without thinking about God? And this cannot be fixed without grace? Thanks a lot Adam. On top of that, Nan had absolutely no way to redeem himself. The God loves us and he had mercy on us and so he sent down his son to save us so our Lord and savior Jesus Christ became man and vice passed death upon the cross. Speaker 1 01:16 He paid our dad in return for his infinitely pleasing sacrifice. Our Lord, his sacred humanity received gifts, including among other things, power. How much power he answers that question at the end of st Matthew's gospel when he declared all power is given to me in heaven and on earth. All power. Now let's take a moment to think about that. Since all power has been given to our Lord, that means that all power passes through Christ and it comes from Christ. In other words, every last stack of power in this society or any other, whether it be the power of kid exercise over his dog, a mother over children, a father over his wife and family, a boss over his workers, governor over state, president, Congress, Supreme court, over the nation, every last speck of that power is Christ. All that authority, all authority in every society. Speaker 1 02:23 Be it a family, city, state, or nation. All authority comes from Christ and it depends on him. Since all authority on earth comes from Christ, then he's the true King of all societies. The other 13th made this very clear quote. Christ's empire includes not only Catholic nations, not only baptized persons whose off right belonging to the church have been led astray by air, would have been cut off from her by CISM, but also all those who are outside the Christian faith. So the truly the whole of mankind is subject to the power of Jesus Christ. Close quote, the vicar of Christ, truly the whole of mankind is shoved into the power of Jesus Christ. Christ is the King and both public and private life. And since he's the King of all nations, and since he's also God, all nations O M public worship and their authority belongs to him, and we have the right to have our Lord's King ship. Speaker 1 03:35 Public acknowledged that's not right. Furthermore, there'll be serious consequences if Christ is not publicly honored as King. Pope Pius the 11th remarks on this quote with God and Jesus Christ excluded from political life with authority, not drive from God, but from man. The very basis of that authority has been taken away because of the chief region of the distinction between ruler and subject has been eliminated. The result is that human society is tottering to it's fall because it has no longer a secure and solid foundation. Close quote, the vicar of Christ with God and Jesus Christ excluded from political life. Human society is tottering to its fall because it has no longer a secure and solid foundation. Well, just look around. Speaker 1 04:39 Okay, now that we've taken a quick look at the teaching the church about the kingship of Christ, let's take a quick look at the response of the government, our beloved country, to this truth of our faith. Now, before we do that, we need to remind ourselves as Catholics, we're commanded to love our Homeland. That's an obligation, whatever, obliged to love our country, but of course we have to love church more. Now, let's consider the bold experiment here in America in the light of our faith. The first thing to notice about our bold experiment is that it's pretty bold. How bold is it? Well, the recent decision of the U S Supreme court contains an absolutely marvelous line that sums up the official position of, perhaps we should call it the official boldness of the United States of America with respect to the kingship of Christ. That line is found in planned Parenthood versus Casey. Speaker 1 05:40 Just in case you're not familiar with. This decision is written by Reagan appointee. It upheld Roe versus Wade and it was handed down on June 29th, 1992 the feast of Saint Peter and Paul, you guys, Supreme court at the heart of Liberty is the ripe to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life. Close quote at the heart of Liberty is the right, the right to define once own concept of existence of the meaning of the universe and the mystery of human life. Well, that's bulldog, right? What is the Supreme court saying? You had a shot. You have the right to define your own concept of existence. Well, to our Supreme court, we say, excuse me, you fooled. Where did we get that? Right? Where did it come from? Did you bring Liberty into existence? Did you make the universe? Speaker 1 06:51 No. No. Well, all right then why don't we check with the maker, the maker of the universe quality? No you not that you are not your own. You're bought with a great price, close quote, third person of the most blessed Trinity. Well, if we're not around, then we don't get to define our own concept of existence, a meaning of the universe and of the mystery of human life. That's God's department and only God's department. Doesn't. That Supreme court line sounds familiar, that line about defining our own concept of existence wherever we heard that before, wherever we heard that before, and the serpent said, you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and isn't that just how our leaders are acting as yesterday can decide good and evil. It shouldn't surprise to any one of us if this a very decision was used earlier this summer as a precedent for the case of Lawrence versus Texas, which decriminalized one of the most heinous crimes against nature, one of the four stints which cry out to heaven for vengeance. Speaker 1 08:11 Now we're four for four, claiming that we can determine that our own concept of existence is a mortal sin against the first commandment and the first commandment is first, because it's the most important. This is idolatry. It's putting man in the place of God. Christ is a King, not us. We're creatures, not gods, but that's not the only officially approved heinous sin against the first commandment here. These United States, besides this idolatrous position, all the following are legal and readily available throughout the States. Psychics, Carol cards, Weegee, witchcraft books. Just the other day, I saw a billboard right here in Kansas city advertising a witch and psychic fair right here and incredibly enough, Satan worship is actually legal, but this isn't just a fall to the courts. Ask yourself which political party is made the absolute destruction of all idolatry of plank and their platform, which political party stands with Christ. Speaker 1 09:23 The King R Lawrence, where it's a clear he was not with me is against me. Consider the second commandment, thou shall not take the name of the Lord and I got in. Vain. Blasts me is a commonplace on this tree in books, films, videos. They're just broadcast on the airwaves and circling our Grobe. Now ask yourself which political party is made. The absolute ending of all blasts me the plank in their platform, which political party stands with Christ the King after all he is not with me is against me. How about the third commandment? Keep Holy. The Sabbath. Consider the fact that unnecessary survival work and shopping on Sundays and Holy days of obligation is commonplace. It almost seems like people deliberately go out of their way to offend God by doing the yard work on Sundays and even Catholics dare to go shopping after mass. Speaker 1 10:30 Now ask yourself which political party is trying to resurrect the laws against this sort of behavior, which one has that as a plank in their platform? Which political party stands with Christ? The King he was not with me is against me. We've got one party that can't find any moral activity that they don't love and another party that can't find anymore well activity that they really hate. Even with God over against him, there is no middle ground. It's pretty obvious where they've all cast their lots. Look, it's so bad. We've got political action committees to defend illegal alien rights, women's rights, perfect rights, Amorites plants, right insect rights and probably fungus rights. But the three commandments that deal with God's rights are all being broken everywhere, all throughout our nation, right in God's face with the official permission and approval of the government, federal, state, and local. And there isn't a political party that gives a hoot about God's rights, not one or about the social rights and the reign of Jesus Christ the King. And you really want something to meditate on. Go ahead and spend some time thinking about the rest of the 10 commandments and the four deadly sins, the crowd having for vengeance and see exactly where our beloved country stands with respect to the rest of God's commandments. Not options, not good ideas. Commandments, small wonder. They're busy ripping down all the public displays, the 10 commandments everywhere in our nation. But why should we be surprised? Speaker 2 12:22 Okay, Speaker 1 12:22 actually, America's bold experiment has succeeded. What are you talking about, father? Our bold experiment has succeeded. We've boldly tried to do everything without reference to the kingship of Christ, and now we're very boldly pop proving the principle. The principle that man naturally tends toward selfishness. The new hand naturally tends to seek his own personal desires without thinking of the common good. Without thinking about God, we've proved the principle that these problems can't be fixed naturally. They can only be fixed with graves. We boldly proved that the pups are right because by excluding God and Jesus Christ for political life, our society is certainly tottering to it's fall because it no longer has a secure and sound foundation. So the bold experiment of probably setting off without God has succeeded. It's succeeding by humbling us and showing us there are no lasting solutions outside the social reign of Christ the King. Speaker 1 13:24 We should have been listening to the church and her Vickers all along. We need to keep one thing firmly in mind when politicians start talking, if they're not calling for the reign of Christ, the King, that exactly who's rule oddly preparing us for, it's absolutely impossible to fix our society well, ignoring Christ's kingship. And that has to start right here on our knees. What we do in here determines what goes on out there. We're living in a fantastic time to become Saint, and we have, he pushed to be thankful, profoundly thankful that we're Catholic, that we can show God that we love him. We have the sacraments, we have the channels by which grace flows down from heaven and into the souls of men. We should show God our gratitude to faithfulness to our King by staying close to him with servant communions and confession. Speaker 1 14:31 Every week or two, we should stay very close to his blessed mother or Santa rosary when our scapular st <inaudible> morning at night, and we evolve. People should strive to do our duty and our state in life and trust God. He has a plan to make us saints. If we'll just let him and a few minutes, the heavenly flood Gates will open right up there and grace will come pouring down out across the earth and for Victoria, thank God that you're Catholic. Thank God that you can assist at the Holy sacrifice the math and prepare yourself.

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